Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 278: Long way to go!

"Very good, with these three spiritual places of practice, not only will the low-level monks of the family have another way to improve their cultivation, but they can also recover some family contribution points and reduce the financial deficit!"

In the past, the Zhou family only had the "Yuyang Cave" as a spiritual place for practice, so naturally it could only be used to train a small number of elite clansmen.

But now, the "Huoling Cave" and "Yellowstone Valley" are two sacred places of practice that can be opened all year round for people to enter and practice. Using the "Yuyang Cave" is obviously difficult to convince the public.

In this way, we can only use the method that Zhou Yang just said, to collect usage fees by collecting family contribution points, so that all family monks have the opportunity to enter and practice in it.

For the next period of time, Zhou Yang was practicing the four kinds of magical powers in the "Qianyang Xianjing" in the first-class cave on the main peak of Chihu Mountain, while waiting for the migrants from the Zhou family to come.

The original name of this cave was not mentioned, but since he moved in, it was changed to "Qianyang Cave".

"Qianyang Cave" used to be the Zifu monk's cave where Huang Shamen was stationed in Chihu Mountain. The space inside was very spacious. After Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying moved into it, they only opened up another practice room and bedroom.

At this time, in a training room in the cave mansion, Zhou Yang practiced the "Treasure Sacrifice Technique" formula in his forehand on a fiery red feather fan magic weapon.

This fiery red feather fan is called "True Sun Fan", and it was originally Luo Yunqing's magic weapon. Later, Zhou Yang beheaded Luo Yunqing, and this treasure fell into his hands.

Speaking of it, Luo Yunqing was also unlucky. His "True Sun Fan" was a fourth-order top-grade magic weapon, and its power was naturally not low. If he was not facing Zhou Yang at that time, but other monks, this magic weapon could definitely be used. Useful.

But who told him to be unlucky to meet Zhou Yang who just refined the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" not long ago!

The "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" was once used as a refining furnace by a Jindan ninth-level monk. Of course, it is not an ordinary fourth-level high-grade magic weapon, but a psychic magic weapon with an "artifact soul".

The material of this magic weapon itself is refined from the fourth-order spiritual object "Lihuo Fine Gold", which is as precious and hard to find as "Taiyi Fine Gold". The beast soul of the fourth-order demon bird "flame sparrow" of the blood of the Suzaku divine bird formed a tool soul.

Suzaku is a divine bird of fire, born with the ability to control all kinds of fire. After the beast soul of "Flame Bird" is integrated into the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace", its fire-controlling supernatural powers are combined with magic weapons, which can not only be used by craftsmen When the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" is refining, it releases the "Lihuo Jingyan" to assist the refining, and it also has the ability to collect and devour other flames.

Although the red flame released by the "True Sun Fan" is not low in power, it certainly does not exceed the collection range of the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace".

So Luo Yunqing is a tragedy!

However, although the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" is good, it is still an auxiliary magic weapon for refining, not suitable for use as an attack magic weapon.

Therefore, Zhou Yang now needs to sacrifice the "True Sun Fan", a fourth-tier top-grade attack weapon, to enrich his means of fighting the enemy and make his attack methods more comprehensive.

It took nearly a month to refine the "True Sun Fan" before he began to practice the magical power of "Lihuo Golden Eyes".

Among the four magical powers, Zhou Yang decided to practice this pupil magic power first after careful study.

The reason for this choice is, of course, that this supernatural power is easier to learn than the other three supernatural powers.

To practice this supernatural power, one needs to use the secret method to collect the Lihuo Qi between the heavens and the earth to cleanse the pupils.

However, the "Lihuo Qi" is fierce and violent. If it floods into the eyes without restraint, it will easily burn people's eyes. In addition, a special secret medicine should be prepared to wipe the eyes to suppress the "Qi of Lihuo".

The configuration of the secret medicine was not very complicated. Zhou Yang had already asked the Zhou family members to collect relevant materials for him through missions, and configured many finished products.

And after he practiced for two or three years, the supernatural power of "Lihuo Golden Eyes" gradually had a tendency to start, and it was estimated that he would be able to start after practicing for half a year at most.

Speaking of which, Zhou Yang had a lot of things to do after his cultivation had reached the purple mansion stage.

Regardless of the migration of the Zhou family, he not only has to practice the four kinds of exercises with supernatural powers, but also to improve the level of refining techniques. In addition, after the "Da Yan Jian Jue" reaches the purple mansion stage, he must learn the second level of sword as soon as possible The advanced sword array recorded in the tactic.

These are the most important things.

In addition, there are some secondary things that he needs to finish slowly.

For example, after reaching the Zifu stage, the two secret methods he had learned before, "Mie Shen Needle" and "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique", had to be deepened and upgraded to the Zifu level.

In addition, the secret technique of fire control "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue" given to him by Master Qingyang at the beginning, after he reaches the Zifu stage, he can also try to comprehend and practice it.

If this "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue" is learned, it will not only make his most powerful supernatural power "Qianyang True Fire" exert greater power, but also improve his ability to control fire when refining weapons, and indirectly improve his refining skills. device success rate.

Finally, if there is still time to spare after learning the above-mentioned various mystic arts and supernatural powers, Zhou Yang is also going to learn another art of cultivating immortals.

Of course, these are just his plans. Whether this plan can be successfully completed is still unknown.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, a year had passed since Zhou Yang moved to Chihu Mountain.

For a cultivator in the Zifu period, it might be exaggerated to blink a year, but Zhou Yang really didn't feel the passage of time at all.

If it wasn't for the busy figures of Zhou family monks gradually appearing on Chihu Mountain, he might not even be aware of the passage of time.

Over the past year, he has devoted himself to cultivating supernatural powers, and has not cared much about the family affairs. It is only now that his supernatural powers have first been developed, so he has time to learn about the family's migration situation.

I saw him standing on the top of Chihu Mountain, with a little use of mana, his eyes instantly changed from black and white to golden red, and then in his eyes, the world became completely different.

First of all, the viewing distance has been extended by more than ten times, and the eyesight is so strong that even a flying mosquito flapping its wings more than ten miles away can be seen clearly, and a person's face can be clearly seen tens of miles away.

Secondly, in his eyes, the flow and distribution of spiritual energy between heaven and earth can be seen at a glance. Just like a weather cloud map, one can easily see which places are rich in spiritual energy and which places are poor in spiritual energy within tens of miles.

When he looked at a certain monk, as long as the monk did not use the extremely powerful secret technique or magic weapon, his cultivation level would be directly exposed to his eyes, and even some monks in the Qi training period Huai's spiritual root attribute will also be seen through by him at a glance!

This is the power of "Lihuo Golden Eyes"!

Even though Zhou Yang was just barely getting started in this supernatural power, the power of this supernatural power was already in his eyes.

This made him look forward to the remaining three supernatural powers even more!

Zhou Yang took a look and found that on a flat wasteland tens of miles away from Chihu Mountain, a small mortal city had been built with the help of monk Zhou's magic. Now live in that small town.

The architectural style of this small city is somewhat different from the common mortal cities in this world. Although they also have tall city walls and the same "Tian"-shaped exterior, the houses in which mortals live are no longer the one- or two-story bungalows. , but the five-story stone building built by the immortal cultivators with the help of earth magic.

There are dozens of rooms in such a five-story stone building, which can accommodate at least a hundred people. It even has a complete sewer system and kitchen ventilation system. Because it is all stone structures, even if there is a fire, there is no need to worry about the house being burned down.

Obviously, this kind of building, which is very different from the original architectural style of this world, can only be the masterpiece of Zhou Yang, a visitor from another world.

He has long been displeased with the practice of those mortals of the Zhou family who obviously don't have enough land to cultivate, but wantonly build houses and yards.

So when he moved to the new oasis this time, he specifically explained that unless the declaration family allows, no mortal can occupy land in the city and build a house privately. Everyone, no matter how high or low, must live in the "resettlement house" specially built for them by the immortal cultivators. among.

From the looks of it now, his orders were carried out pretty well, at least for now in that small city, he hasn't seen any "illegal buildings" that are an eyesore.

"Very good. From now on, all the mortal residences of the Zhou family will be built according to this format. For the sake of beauty, let them go to hell for now!"

Zhou Yang withdrew his gaze from looking at Xiaocheng, nodded in satisfaction, and was very pleased that his order was successfully implemented.

He has no intention of developing any technology in this world, but he doesn't mind copying and using some "advanced" means that are conducive to improving the family's population, economy, and education.

For example, this kind of five-story building that can accommodate many mortals does not have any technical content in the world of cultivating immortals. Which square city and sect do not have buildings of this height?

But the cultivators never thought of letting mortals live in such tall buildings.

Of course, this is caused by their desire to be superior to ordinary people, but it is more because no immortal cultivator feels the need to do this for ordinary people.

Anyway, mortals can survive even if they live in a one-story bungalow or a thatched house. Why do noble cultivators like them waste their time and energy doing this kind of thing?

But Zhou Yang is different. Although he knows that immortals are different, he never thinks that he is equal to a mortal, but as the patriarch of the Zhou family, while he knows this, he must also know that those humble mortals are The most basic foundation of a cultivating family.

If this foundation is not laid well and is not stable, the cultivating family will definitely not go far.

So this time to build a new city, he didn't care whether the monks in the clan understood his decision or not. He issued a strict order to let Zhou Guangxiang and Huang Yi, two earth-type kung fu foundation-building monks, lead a group of soil-type kung fu monks to work together. Complete the task of building a new type of city.

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