Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 279 Passing on the Torch

"Over the past year, we have successively collected more than 24,600 mortals scattered in various places on the oasis. These people have been resettled in the western part of the small city. Later, we will continue to look for other mortals who are scattered and move them here. live."

"At the same time, the various Lingshan mines have also completed the handover with the garrison monks of Huangshamen. According to your instructions, the patriarch, we have presented each garrison monk with a hundred spirit stones as hard work expenses."

"The only exception now is the three small and medium-sized oases. Since they are occupied by a few foundation-building casual cultivators, we just sent them the news according to your instructions, and asked them to discuss it. We will arrive in three years. Chihushan came to see you, and now they still have two years to think about it."

"In the end, the main monks of the family have all moved to the Chihu Mountain Oasis, and started to clean up the monsters on the oasis."

In "Qianyang Cave", Zhou Yang sat cross-legged on the jade bed, quietly listening to Zhou Guangxiang's report on various aspects of the Chihushan Oasis.

Because Zhou Xuanhao needs to sit in the Yuquan Lake Oasis to direct and handle various family migration affairs, Zhou Yang entrusts Zhou Guangxiang to handle all family affairs on the Chihushan Oasis.

He did this not only because he didn't want to waste time and energy on these things, but also because he wanted to exercise Zhou Guangxiang's overall management ability and prepare for him to take over the position of patriarch in the future.

That's right, Zhou Yang is already thinking about training his successors.

With the increase of his cultivation base, as the various things he needs to be busy with increase, as the size of the Zhou family becomes larger and larger, he will definitely not be able to spare a lot of time to deal with family affairs in the future.

In this way, of course he can no longer do nothing in the name of the patriarch.

Of course, with his cultivation and influence, even if he stepped down as the patriarch and encountered some major events, he would definitely still have to make decisions when he was in the family.

This is also a common management method among the major forces in the world of cultivating immortals.

Like the sect of Xuanyang Xianzong, although the monks of the Yuanying period usually do not show up and do not intervene in the daily management affairs of the sect, but the real major events involving the inheritance of the sect and the rise and fall of the sect must be handled by the Yuanying period. The final decision can only be made after the monks have discussed it.

Therefore, after listening to Zhou Guangxiang's report at this time, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and he couldn't help nodding his head and boasting slightly: "Not bad, not bad, I also saw that small town, Guangxiang, you did a really good job this time, and you did not disappoint me. your expectations."

"Thank you Uncle Jiu for the compliment."

Zhou Guangxiang's face brightened, and he accepted Zhou Yang's compliment with a smile on his face.

"Next, you have to work harder, follow the pattern of the small town at the foot of the mountain, and then lead people to build three similar small towns here, here, and here, and then rely on the small town as the center, and build every hundred miles on all four sides. For a small town that can accommodate ten thousand people, a small town must have at least eight subsidiary towns, and each small town must send a monk with a cultivation level above the middle stage of Qi training to garrison."

"These garrison monks can be provided with spiritual stones by the family to supply their daily practice needs, and they can receive 20 more family contribution points every year. Their task is to protect the land reclaimed by mortals from monsters."

"Our goal is to wipe out all the monsters on Chihu Mountain within five years, to make the food produced here supply the daily consumption needs of 300,000 people within ten years, and to triple the population of mortals on the oasis within twenty years. Times!"

Zhou Yang took out a map of Chihushan Oasis, and circled the construction sites one by one, and told Zhou Guangxiang his plans and requirements in a deep voice.

If you look carefully, you can find that the points he circled are all close to the third-order Lingshan, and there are relatively large independent water source areas nearby.

The importance of water to people in the desert is beyond doubt.

The climate of a large oasis like the Chihushan Oasis is affected by a large number of green plants. It is no longer a complete desert and arid climate, and it is difficult to see a few drops of rain a year.

Although the annual precipitation on the oasis is not as high as that of Liuyun Island, the Immortal Cultivation World, it still reaches about one foot, which is enough to form small lakes and rivers in many places on the oasis.

Moreover, because it is less than 10,000 miles away from the Duanyun Mountain Range, there are many underground rivers formed by the snow-capped mountains of the Duanyun Mountain Range. The underground water resources are much richer than other large oases.

To sum up, Zhou Yang said that it is not difficult to increase the number of mortals on the Chihushan oasis by more than three times within twenty years.

Zhou Guangxiang was also aware of these situations, so after listening to Zhou Yang's request, he immediately nodded and said, "No problem, please rest assured, Uncle Jiu, my nephew will definitely complete the task you gave me."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Work hard and make some achievements, so that other clansmen can really agree with you and believe in you. Only when you are in charge will you be able to convince everyone."

"Nephew understands that I will not disappoint Uncle Jiu." Zhou Guangxiang nodded vigorously, with a smile on his face.

Zhou Yang looked at him with an energetic face, his eyes were slightly in a daze, as if he saw himself back then.

Back then, in front of the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, he was also full of energy, determined to lead the family to prosperity through his own efforts.

Now that the old patriarch Zhou Minghan has passed away, he has replaced the role of the elder and continued to pass on this spirit to the next generation of Zhou family monks.

"This is what the book says about passing the torch from generation to generation!"

"The inheritance of the torch from generation to generation is all moving towards the same goal. As long as the torch continues, the goal will be realized one day!"

In the cave mansion, Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Guangxiang's leaving back, and as if realizing something in his heart, he couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

For the next two years, Zhou Yang sat on the Chihu Mountain, while silently cultivating mana, while trying to cultivate the second supernatural power "Rainbow Golden Escape", and rarely left the cave.

"Rainbow Golden Escape" belongs to the supernatural power of escapism, an advanced variant of "Golden Escape" escapism. After this magical power is practiced, it only needs one formula to escape hundreds of miles in the form of golden rainbow light.

However, this kind of evasion technique can only allow the cultivator to escape by himself, and cannot lead people to escape like flying with a sword or riding clouds and fog.

Zhou Yang has practiced this escapism for two years, and he has only scratched the surface. He managed to succeed three or four times out of ten times, and there is still a long way to go before he can truly learn supernatural powers.

And in the past two years, with the help of the 300 Shatuo Beasts that the Chen family rented for free, all the mortals that the Zhou family wanted to migrate to the Chihu Mountain Oasis finally migrated here.

Of course, this kind of large-scale and long-distance migration cannot guarantee that every mortal is alive. On the contrary, there are quite a few mortals who died, accounting for at least one percent of the total number.

Of course Zhou Yang knew about this situation, but he knew it, but it was impossible for him to stop migrating because of this.

Although it is a bit cruel and impersonal to say this, the fact is that to a cultivator, mortals are just cattle and horses domesticated by herdsmen!

If all the cattle and horses domesticated by a herdsman die, it will be difficult for the herdsman's family to survive without the support of the cattle and horses. However, it is acceptable for the herdsmen to lose some cattle and horses during the migration to change pastures.

Although this metaphor is not completely accurate, it is very similar to the current situation of the Zhou family.

Those mortals who died during the migration were innocent, but if they were not relocated and the development of the Zhou family was slowed down, it would be them, or their descendants, who would suffer later.

The completion of the migration and resettlement of mortals basically means that the foundation transfer of the Zhou family has been successfully completed. The next plan of the Zhou family is to develop extensively.

Immortal cultivators need to develop various spiritual mountains, and develop and build resource points such as spiritual fields, spiritual medicine gardens, spiritual fruit gardens, and spiritual animal gardens to maximize income for the family.

Ordinary mortals should also work hard to develop the wasteland, turning the wasteland full of weeds and shrubs into fertile land full of food and vegetables.

Of course, this kind of large-scale development is mainly carried out by those monks in the qi training period, monks in the Zifu period like Zhou Yang, and even a few foundation-building monks. They don't need to waste time doing such "small things".

It is more important for them to advance to a higher level in cultivation, or to make progress in some kind of immortal cultivation skills, than to reclaim a hundred acres of spiritual fields.

What made Zhou Yang happy was that after several attempts in the past few years, Xiao Ying finally succeeded in refining a batch of third-tier middle-grade spirit pills, and was promoted to a third-tier middle-grade alchemist.

The success rate of the third-tier mid-tier alchemists refining the third-tier lower-tier spirit pills has reached more than 60%, which means that even Xiao Ying has a success rate of more than half of refining the foundation-building pills.

And in Zhou Yang's hand, there are still four fourth-order demon pills obtained from the storage rings of two Jindan stage monks!

In other words, even if the two Foundation Establishment Pills stored by the Zhou family were exchanged by the family monks, Zhou Yang could let Xiao Ying refine the Foundation Establishment Pills to ensure the supply of Foundation Establishment Pills.

The meaning here is self-evident.

Of course, in order to maximize the use of the four fourth-order demon pills in his hand, it is not a last resort, Zhou Yang will definitely not let Xiao Ying refine the foundation building pill now.

At least he will have to wait for Xiao Ying to improve alchemy to the third-rank top-rank and raise the success rate of refining the third-rank low-rank elixir to more than 90% before he will consider this matter.

"Uncle Nine, those casual builder cultivators are already waiting outside, do you think you want to let them in now?"

In "Qianyang Cave", Zhou Guangxiang quickly walked into the cave, and when he saw Zhou Yang sitting cross-legged on the jade bed, he hurriedly stated his purpose of coming.

"I see, let them in."

Zhou Yang glanced at this nephew, nodded slightly in agreement.

"Then Uncle Jiu, wait a moment, my nephew will call them in."

Zhou Guangxiang got permission, and quickly played a sound transmission talisman to explain the situation to the people waiting outside.

After a while, four men, one woman, and five Foundation Establishment cultivators of different ages walked into the cave together and came to Zhou Yang.

The five people walked up to three feet away from Zhou Yang and stood still. First, they took a peek at Zhou Yang who was sitting cross-legged on the jade bed. Everyone was startled, and hurriedly lowered their heads, bowed their waists, and paid respects to Zhou Yang: "Juniors Guo Shaoyang, Ma Xingrui, He Lin, Yu Ping, Wang Hailiang, pay my respects to Senior Zhou!"

These five people were obviously the actual occupants of the three medium-sized oases around Chihu Mountain before the Zhou family migrated here.

ps: I have something to do today, I only have time to finish writing one chapter, and the remaining chapter can only be posted in the evening, sorry! In a few days, I will thank you for your support of genuine book subscribers! Finally, let me say it again, please subscribe, please come to "Starting Reading" to subscribe and support the author!

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