Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 280 Precepts and deeds! (Second more for subscription)

"At the beginning, I sent someone to pass the news to you. How did you think about it?"

"Should I accept my conditions and become a vassal of my Zhou family, or give up the oasis and find another place!"

In the cave, the golden red in Zhou Yang's eyes faded away, and his pupils returned to black and white. Looking at the five foundation-building monks, he asked the five of them directly in a deep voice.

When he learned that the three medium-sized oases attached to Chihu Mountain were occupied by casual practitioners, he gave these people two choices.

Either submit to the Zhou family, pay 30% of Lingshan's output to the Zhou family every year, and obey the Zhou family's orders to do things.

Or pack up everything within three years, pack up and leave.

Now that three years have passed, it is time for these five people to give him a letter of approval.

Hearing Zhou Yang's question, Guo Shaoyang and the other five people looked at each other, then Guo Shaoyang, who had reached the eighth floor of foundation building, cupped his hands and replied: "Thank you for your tolerance, senior, for giving me three years to think about it. After careful consideration and deliberation in the past three years, I have decided to submit to the Zhou family, and I am willing to be a vassal of the Zhou family!"

"However, this junior dares to ask the senior to agree to a small request from the junior and others."

The joy that had just risen in Zhou Yang's eyes immediately subsided because of Guo Shaoyang's last words, and he looked at the few people with no expression of joy or anger on his face and said lightly: "Oh, you still have requests? What requests? First tell me the story!"

When Ma Shaoyang heard that he didn't directly refuse, he was overjoyed. After hearing the words, he quickly responded respectfully: "Senior Mingjian, the request of the junior and others is very simple, that is, the junior and others heard that the senior is good at refining weapons, and the senior His wife and father are also good at alchemy, and they want to exchange spiritual stones and spiritual objects from seniors for some magic tools and pills that are suitable for us to practice."

"My Tao is such an important matter, it turns out to be such a matter!"

"It's easy to talk about. In the future, as long as you can't be half-hearted and serve the Zhou family loyally, my Zhou family can sell you a copy of the third-order magical artifacts, magic pills, and talismans."

Zhou Yang's face softened, and he smiled and agreed to the request of Ma Shaoyang and the others on the spot.

After he finished speaking, he paused again, and said in a loud voice: "In addition, you might as well spread the news to your former casual cultivator friends, saying that my Zhou family will establish a cultivator on the Chihu Mountain Oasis in a few years. In Zhefang City, there will be a variety of rare treasures for sale at that time, and friends from all over the world are welcome to join us!"

The establishment of Fangshi was a plan Zhou Yang had in his mind for a long time.

There is no doubt about the importance of Fangshi to a faction.

The establishment of a square city can not only collect taxes on the ground to collect "poll tax" and sell and rent shops for profit, but also sell excess spiritual objects in the power to maximize profits, and give priority to purchasing spiritual objects obtained from loose cultivators.

In short, there are so many benefits of establishing a square market, so many that as long as it is a cultivating family, they all want to establish a square market to increase the family's income.

However, Fangshi is obviously not something everyone can build.

A square city, in addition to having the power to protect the square city, can make people feel at ease to do transactions in the square city.

The most important thing is that there should be enough attractive treasures to flow out of Fangshi.

If in a market, you can use spirit stones to buy all kinds of treasures such as panacea, magic weapon, and talisman that are commonly used by immortal cultivators, then the popularity of this market will definitely not be too bad.

On the other hand, if there are very few treasures available for purchase in Fangshi, and they are all mediocre, then few immortal cultivators are willing to travel thousands of miles to come to Fangshi to trade.

It is precisely because of these requirements that only the Zifu family is qualified to establish a square city in the entire world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

The Zhou family has now been promoted to become the Zifu family, and has a third-level existence in all the arts of cultivating immortals such as pills, utensils, and talismans. Naturally, it also has the qualifications and conditions to establish a square city.

According to Zhou Yang's plan, as long as Zhou Guangxiang is promoted to the third-tier formation master and has the ability to arrange third-tier formations, he will find a suitable place on the Chihushan Oasis to build a square city, and then spread invitations The monks from all walks of life came to participate in their own Zifu celebrations, and by the way, created momentum for the opening of Fangshi.

"Great! If you can build a city on the Chihushan oasis, senior, there will definitely be many casual cultivators willing to come here to attach themselves to!"

Ma Shaoyang and the others were overjoyed, and agreed to Zhou Yang's request without even thinking about it.

If a Cultivator Square City can be opened up on the Chihu Mountain Oasis, the Zhou family will certainly be the biggest beneficiary, followed by those who have decided to attach themselves to the Zhou family. Of course, they have no reason not to support it.

In order for these people to work hard to help publicize this matter, Zhou Yangdang even took out some third-order magical artifacts, panacea, and talismans to make a deal with the three of them.

Anyway, besides the panacea, he has so many of these things that he can't use them up. Who is he not selling them to?

After Ma Shaoyang and the other five left satisfied with their gratitude, Zhou Guangxiang, who had been watching from the side, finally spoke.

"Uncle Jiu, would you be nicer to these five casual practitioners?"

"Those oases and Lingshan were assigned to our Zhou family by the Huangshamen. Even if we drove them away, they would not dare not leave, and outsiders could find no reason to criticize our Zhou family."

"You want them to be used by my Zhou family, my nephew understands, but we only take 30% of their income, isn't it too cheap for them? Not to mention that you have produced so many third-tier treasures that are not common on the market Sell ​​them!"

While expressing the doubt in his heart, he looked at Zhou Yang with the eyes of asking for advice, wanting Zhou Yang to explain his doubts for him.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help laughing and said, "Hehehe, so Guangxiang still needs to practice!"

"That's right, I can indeed drive Ma Shaoyang and the others away, but you have to know that they have lived around the Chihu Mountain Oasis for tens of hundreds of years, and have already accumulated a deep reputation among the casual cultivators in the surrounding world of cultivating immortals. Well, if our Zhou family drove these people away as soon as they moved to Chihushan Oasis, how would those loose cultivators think of us?"

"I know, you will say that it doesn't matter what they think of us. Anyway, our Zhou family is a family of cultivators, and we are naturally not in the same camp as casual cultivators."

"But if you think about it, if we want to establish a square city, who will be the main source of customers? Is it those monks from various cultivating families who are thousands of miles away from Chihu Mountain, or those casual cultivators hunting monsters nearby to find spiritual things? "

"Now, instead of driving away Ma Shaoyang and the others, I will generously reward them with those oases and spiritual mountains, and support them in recruiting disciples and establishing a family. If they are smart, they will take advantage of their fame in casual cultivators Help us talk and attract people.”

"After hearing the news, those low-level casual cultivators will also understand that our Zhou family is different from those families that discriminate against and suppress casual cultivators, and they are more willing to do business with our Zhou family."

Zhou Yang taught the successor he had chosen, with a deep and long voice, which was impressive and unforgettable.

After he finished explaining the reason, he said with earnestness and earnestness, and said to the thoughtful Zhou Guangxiang in a deep voice: "Guangxiang, you have to remember that our Zhou family is different from before. There are few villains, so for the rapid growth of the family, you can only focus on the benefits and not the reputation."

"But now our Zhou family is already a big family and has become a well-known big family in the boundless sand sea and immortal cultivation world. Therefore, when you people act in the future, you must pay attention to maintaining the family's reputation, and the continuous benefits brought by a good reputation It's not that those few oases with little potential can compare with Lingshan!"

"This matter, when the family meeting is held, I will emphatically emphasize it to all the monks of the family, so that everyone will remember this point!"

When Zhou Guangxiang heard his words, his expression turned serious, and he quickly bowed and said: "Thank you for the teaching of Uncle Jiu, my nephew must remember Uncle Jiu's teaching today, and in the future, he must put the family's reputation as the most important thing in his actions, and it will not damage our Zhou. The name of the family!"

"It's good that you understand, but Uncle Jiu has one more thing to teach you. Fame is important, but you must not let the family monks be wronged when they have conflicts and disputes with outsiders for the sake of mere fame!"

"We must maintain the family's reputation, but what we need to maintain is the unity and cohesion of the family!"

"Outsiders are always outsiders, they can only share wealth, not adversity!"

"Only those who have the same blood as us, and only those who are tied to the interests of our entire Zhou family and share weal and woe, can truly be worthy of our trust and trust."

"As the rulers of the family, we can't treat anyone badly to our own clansmen. We must not let those clansmen who have shed blood and sweat for the family feel chilled by the family!"

Zhou Yang got up and walked in front of Zhou Guangxiang, reached out and patted the nephew's shoulder lightly, with a serious expression on his face, he told the nephew his ideas.

Be kind to family heroes, this is what Zhou Yang has always insisted on doing. The various incentive measures he formulated are all to reward those clan members who have made contributions to the family.

Because of these, he was able to accumulate such a high prestige in the clan, and so many clansmen loved and worshiped him.

Those who benefited from his measures are all his staunchest supporters in the family. These people all believe that following him, the patriarch, will have meat to eat, wine to drink, and money to take.

It is precisely because these people believe that he will not harm them or the family, that every time he proposes some unprecedented reform proposals, everyone is willing to follow what he said, whether they understand it or not.

Although Zhou Guangxiang still doesn't quite understand the reason behind this, out of admiration for Zhou Yang, he still nodded vigorously and said: "My nephew understands, I must keep in mind Uncle Jiu's teaching today, or dare not forget it!"

"It's good that you understand, but don't worry, you are still young, and you still have a lot of time to learn how to be a qualified patriarch. Uncle Ninth, I was also taught by the old patriarch to take the next step!"

Zhou Yang nodded, and also smiled and comforted his nephew with his previous experience.

ps: I will definitely not be able to catch up with the two chapters tonight, so I will not update it in the early morning tonight. I will update the two chapters together tomorrow after writing the two chapters during the day, and the three updates the day after tomorrow!

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