Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 283 Establish a Family Tradition!

The small one is the home, the big one is the country.

The principles of governing a country and governing a family are actually interlinked.

It may not be the best way to run a family by the way of running a country, but it must be a very useful method.

He designated the deacons and elders of the Zhou family as seven, and they dealt with different things in seven aspects. This not only clarified the rights and responsibilities, but also improved the efficiency of work. The benefits of this, as long as a smart person can see it.

Under this mechanism, the one who suffers the most is actually the patriarch of the family.

It used to be that in the Zhou family, the patriarch could decide all major and minor matters with one word. In all aspects, the patriarch wanted anyone to do it, as long as that person had the status of an elder.

But now, it is the situation where the seventh elder and the patriarch jointly rule the family.

Because the status of the deacons and elders in the family is equivalent to that of the monks who established the foundation, even the patriarchs do not have the power to appoint or dismiss them at will. They also need to give convincing reasons to refute their decision to govern.

According to the rules formulated by Zhou Yang, deacons and elders must first be recommended and self-recommended by their clansmen, and before taking office, their cultivation level must not be lower than the ninth level of Qi training, and their age must not be higher than one hundred and ten years old, and not lower than sixty years old.

Then every Zhou family monk who wants to run for the relevant deacon elders has a three-year probationary period after being tested by the patriarch and other foundation elders and elders.

After such layers of screening, it is almost guaranteed that the selected deacons and elders will not be mediocre in professional business.

In order to be exempted from the status of deacon elder, except for the Supreme Elder who can be exempted, the patriarch can only suspend a certain deacon elder for one month at most.

Then either ask the Supreme Elder to directly remove the deacon elder from his position, or call other deacon elders and foundation monks to explain the mistakes made by the deacon elder in front of these people, and initiate a vote to decide whether to remove the offending deacon Elder duties.

It can be said that as long as Zhou Yang, the Supreme Elder, can guard himself, this system can be called "perfect".

As for if he can't keep doesn't need to be considered at all.

To sum up, the appearance of the deacon elders has weakened the power of the patriarch and enhanced the power of the original elders. This is a mixed blessing for all the elders of the Zhou family who now have the ninth level of Qi training. matter.

Regardless of seniority, if only in terms of ability, who would admit that they are inferior to others?

What's more, even if they don't become deacon elders, they can continue to receive job subsidies if they enter one of the seven governing institutions and serve as a deputy head and deacon with their cultivation base?

So after Zhou Yang finished his opinion, the original Zhou parents and elders quickly agreed with this opinion after some discussions, and the matter was completely settled in this way.

After finalizing this matter, Zhou Yang just looked at the Zhou family monks in the meeting hall and said in a deep voice: "Finally, let's talk about the family tradition!"

"I also heard recently that as our Zhou family occupies more and more territory, there are more and more monks in the family, especially after I was promoted to the Zifu period, some monks in the family have begun to borrow the family's reputation , to do some detrimental activities! It’s a bastard!”

"Generations of our Zhou family have given their lives, youth, and everything!"

"Only in exchange for the current take-off and prosperity of the family!"

"Now, before the bones of those elders are cold, there are some people who are willing to ruin the foundation and reputation established by the elders for their own self-interest!"

"I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing!"

"I'm putting my words here today. As long as I'm still alive, as long as I'm still in charge of the Zhou family, I will absolutely not tolerate any of the Zhou family members doing things that commit crimes and ruin the family tradition!"


A colossal aura, following Zhou Yang's stern words, suddenly rose from his body, overwhelming all the monks of the Zhou family in the meeting hall, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

This is the first time that Zhou Yang has used power to overwhelm others within the family since he succeeded Zhou as the head of the family.

In the past, no matter how angry he was, he would never do this, because when the family meeting was held at that time, there would always be a group of family elders here. If he relied on his cultivation and status to overwhelm others, it would be disrespectful to the elders.

But now that the old patriarch Zhou Minghan has passed away, Zhou Xuanzhen can't get away from Chihuling. The monks in the meeting hall today are all Zhou Yang's peers and descendants.

In this case, using power to suppress people can make these people truly understand his determination, and really leave a very deep impression on these people, so that they will remember the reason why Zhou Yang used power to suppress people today for decades. .

At this moment, Zhou Yang overwhelmed all the members of the Zhou family in the palace, looked at everyone with a serious face and shouted loudly:

"I'm here to tell you today that, as the patriarch, I have no objection to you using the name of the family and me to make friends with people for convenience when you go out and travel."

"However, if anyone dares to rely on this to plunder and ask for spiritual stone treasures from outsiders, or even bully men and women to kill and seize treasures as evil, I, Zhou Yang, will deal with one person if I find one person, and deal with one person if I find a hundred people." Hundreds of people, we will never tolerate rape and let go of one person!"

"I don't ask you to take the initiative to do good deeds to enhance the reputation of the Zhou family, but if anyone dares to commit crimes and ruin the family's reputation, don't blame me, Zhou Yang, for disregarding family ties and personal feelings, and personally taking your heads for the victims Make amends and warn the clansmen!"

The sound of drinking roared like thunder, rolling in the meeting hall, shaking people's eardrums.

All the members of the Zhou family in the meeting hall heard the irreversible and unquestionable determination from his shout.

So after he finished speaking, no one dared to question him like before, but they all shut their mouths tightly and dared not say a word.

Zhou Yang is usually very kind and has a good temper, and he doesn't put on airs in front of the clansmen as a cultivator.

But when he released the aura and coercion of the cultivator of the Zifu period, no one could ignore it, and no one dared to ignore the fact that he was a cultivator of the Zifu period.

The fact is that once the cultivators of the Zifu stage make a decision, it is definitely not something that they, the foundation-building cultivators and the Qi-training stage cultivators, can influence and change.

So Zhou Yang's decision was of course unanimously passed.

Once this matter is passed, Zhou Yang's purpose of convening this clan meeting will be achieved.

Therefore, he quickly regained his composure, waved his hand lightly and said, "Okay, that's all for today's family meeting. Regarding the selection of deacon elders, after you go back, you should think about which elder you are suitable for and then find Sign up for Guangxiang, after the one-month registration period has passed, we will have news for you on how to proceed in the future!"

"One more thing, after you go out, remember to convey the content of today's clan discussion to all clan members as soon as possible, especially the establishment of integrity, kindness, diligence, thrift and honesty, and more emphasis on publicity, so that all clan members must know, This is an iron law that cannot be violated!"

After speaking, he moved, and he was the first to leave the meeting hall.

The content of this meeting quickly spread throughout the Zhou family.

After hearing the content of the meeting, some Zhou Family cultivators were happy, some were frightened, and some showed firm expressions as if they had made some important decision.

Zhou Yang also suspended his practice afterwards, and was busy with Zhou Guangxiang to select the deacon elders.

According to Zhou Yang's thinking, the position of deacon elder is very important. Once selected, it is best not to change it for at least ten or twenty years.

Therefore, when choosing deacons and elders, his priority is still those younger people.

Of course, in order to take care of the emotions of those of his peers, it must not be possible to appoint all young people as deacons and elders.

After half a year of busy work, the candidates for the first generation of deacon elders were finally decided.

They are Zhou Yuanpeng, elder of Chuan Gong, Zhou Yuanchang, elder of internal affairs, Zhou Yuanliang, elder of common affairs, Zhou Guangyun, elder of finance, Zhou Guangkun, elder of law enforcement, Zhou Guangtai, elder of public security, and Tan Qiu, elder of external affairs.

It happened to be three monks of the "Yuan" generation and three monks of the "Guang" generation, plus a monk with a foreign relative, and there was also a female elder, Zhou Guangyun.

After these deacons and elders were elected, the establishment of seven governing bodies soon followed.

According to the results of discussions between Zhou Yang and these elders, the total number of people in the seven governing bodies should not exceed half of the total number of monks in the family.

In this way, the current number of monks in the Zhou family is close to 200. The final result is that the number of people in Chuangong Hall, Internal Affairs Hall, and External Affairs Hall is tentatively set at 5 people, and the number of people in the Criminal Hall, General Affairs Hall, and Finance Hall is 7 people. The hall has the largest number of people, with 10 people.

People in these governing bodies, the minimum cultivation base requirement is the middle stage of Qi training, and then they can receive an extra 50 contribution points subsidy every year as a deacon, and 100 extra contribution points subsidy every year as a deputy hall master.

Of course, if there is a reward, there will be a punishment. Of course, you can get a job subsidy if you work in the seven halls. For welfare.

There is no need for Zhou Yang to ask about the specific recruitment of personnel at each hall, and he has handed it over to the hall masters of each hall to recruit, and he only needs to check and sign at the end.

And after the seven halls started to operate, not only he, the patriarch, could save a lot of things, Zhou Guangxiang, who had been arrested by him to deal with family affairs, could finally go back to the cave to retreat and attack the third-order formation mage.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Yang to be really idle. Even if he doesn't deal with family affairs, he can arrange his time well even if he does not deal with the affairs of the family.

For example, after he was promoted to the Purple Mansion, the practice task he set for himself could not be completed in less than ten or twenty years.

However, he enjoys the busyness of completing the task of cultivation, and he enjoys it endlessly.

Because every time he completes a task of cultivation, he can unlock and master new supernatural powers, directly greatly improving his strength.

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