Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 284 Business Wizard Zhou Yang!

Time flies, and it is four years in a blink of an eye.

In the past four years, Zhou Yang has not only achieved a complete entry into the "Rainbow Golden Escape", he even completed the "Golden Body of Qianyang" in just two years.

Speaking of which, he was able to cultivate the "Golden Body of Qianyang" so quickly, thanks to the help of the treasure "Qianyang Orb".

It was only when he was practicing the "Golden Body of Qianyang" that he discovered that after being tempered by the "Immortal Light of Qianyang", his body became extremely suitable for the physical defense of the "True Body of Qianyang".

After he casts "Qianyang True Body" now, his supernatural power is much stronger than what was recorded, which is a complete surprise.

Now he has begun to comprehend the method of using the "Qianyang Shenlei", and at the same time start to improve the level of refining skills.

While Zhou Yang was making progress, the rest of the Zhou family did not stand still.

First of all, after Xiao Ying became a third-tier mid-tier alchemist, she raised her cultivation to the sixth level of foundation building.

Then, after several years of retreat, Zhou Guangxiang successfully raised the rank of formation mage to the lower rank of the third rank, and possessed the ability to arrange third rank formations.

At the same time, Zhou Guangxiang's younger sister, Zhou Guangxiang, also followed Zhou Yang's suggestion. Over the years, she has devoted her energy to studying animal taming skills. She has become a second-level high-level taming husband when she is already a second-level high-level spirit plant husband. beast master.

In addition, with the Zhou family's in-depth development of the Chihushan oasis, and the help of the "golden-eyed spirit mouse" tamed by Zhou Yang at the beginning, the Zhou family has successively built land on the oasis and the sand sea around the oasis in recent years. And on the small oasis, as many as three ore veins were discovered.

These three veins are a small fine iron ore, a small Lingyu mine, and a medium-sized red bright stone mine.

Although the types of these three ore veins are not rare spiritual mines, for the Zhou family who are engaged in development and construction, these things are just the basic raw materials that can be used, saving a lot of spiritual stones for purchasing materials .

Today's Zhou family is not the previous Zhou family.

In the past, the Zhou family didn't pay much attention to the materials used in many places. Now, whether it's for decorating the family's facade, or for practical safety, when constructing some important buildings, all kinds of spiritual objects are used.

Take the two most important family buildings, the Sutra Cave and the Family Treasure House, for example. Zhou Jiaguang built these two buildings on Chihu Mountain, and it is estimated that they would consume millions of catties of refined iron!

However, fine iron is only a basic building material. In order to improve the safety of the scripture cave and the treasure house, other precious materials need to be incorporated into it, and special formations must be arranged to protect it.

In addition, in the construction of some other important places, such as the ancestral ancestral hall and the Yingxian Tower where important banquets and celebrations are held, they are also built and decorated with spiritual objects such as spiritual wood and spiritual gold.

It takes a lot of spirit stones to build all these places.

Although Zhou Yang hasn't managed the family affairs much these years, every appropriation involving thousands of spirit stones has to be reviewed and approved by him in person.

So he actually knew in his heart how much spirit stones the Zhou family had spent over the years, and he had also seen the changes on Chihu Mountain with his own eyes.

Now four years have passed, and it has been less than half a year since his Zifu celebration was held. He also temporarily stopped his practice and began to take care of it himself.

This celebration is very important to the Zhou family, very important!

Previously, the Zhou family could also be said to be a real Zifu family, but their names had not yet been rectified.

Only after the Purple Mansion celebration is over and it is announced to the world, the status of the Zhou family's Zifu family will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and recognized by others.

At the same time, this Zifu celebration is also a good time to receive gifts and make a fortune.

When Zhou Yang held the Foundation Establishment Ceremony back then, those families who came to attend had to prepare Tier 3 spirit objects when they gave gifts, let alone this time.

According to the unwritten rules of each family, when the monks of the family hold the Foundation Establishment Ceremony or the Purple Mansion Ceremony, all the expenses should be borne by the family, but the gifts received only need to be shared equally with the family.

This rule does not have any benefits in ordinary foundation building families, but in a big family like the Zhou family, it has great benefits.

Taking Zhou Yang as an example, after the celebration of the Purple Mansion, the value of gifts he received could exceed 100,000 spirit stones at least!

After splitting it equally with the family, at least 50,000 spirit stones are still in his hands.

If these 50,000 spirit stones are used to buy magical artifacts, it is enough to buy two fourth-tier low-grade magical artifacts or one high-quality fourth-tier middle-grade magical artifact!

As for those casual cultivators, even if they were lucky enough to open up the Purple Mansion successfully, even if they also held the Purple Mansion celebration like him, the value of the gift received in the end, after deducting the spirit stones consumed by the celebration, there would be 10,000 to 20,000 spirit stones left. I'm going to snicker.

This is the benefit of family monks, which is incomparable to many sect monks.

For a sect like Huang Shamen, even if someone opened up the Purple Mansion, the sect would not spend the spirit stones to hold the Purple Mansion celebration with great fanfare. At most, they would hold a celebration banquet by themselves, and invite their acquainted brothers and close friends. Just celebrate.

Only when the cultivators of the Zifu period successfully condense the golden elixir, the Huang Shamen will use the resources of the sect to help him hold a grand golden elixir celebration. Jindan monk.

Finally, for Zhou Yang and the Zhou family, this Zifu celebration also serves as a promotion for the newly built Fangshi. Whether the Zhou family's newly built Fangshi on Chihu Mountain can become a hit depends entirely on this celebration!

At this time, Zhou Yang suspends all cultivation, and he also specially handles this matter.

He first went to the location of Fangshi.

This square city was built by Zhou Guangxiang himself, and it was built in a valley less than three hundred miles away from Chihu Mountain.

Originally, there was only one high-grade second-grade spiritual vein in that valley, but Zhou Yang invested 70,000 low-grade spiritual stones to upgrade the spirit vein to a middle-grade third-grade.

The reason why he wanted to do this was because Zhou Guangxiang said that the energy of the earth veins around the valley gathered, which was extremely suitable for arranging a large formation, especially for the power of the earth formation.

The Zhou family can't come up with a fourth-order formation now, and they can't even come up with a third-order high-grade formation. The best formation that can be used to protect Fangshi is the third-order middle-grade soil that was removed from the Lingmai of Haoyang Mountain. It is the formation method "Earth Spirit Profound Handle Formation".

Generally speaking, an important place like Fangshi needs to be guarded by at least a Tier 3 high-grade formation to make people feel at ease.

Therefore, for the sake of the safety of Fangshi, Zhou Yang can only shorten the distance between Fangshi and Chihu Mountain on the one hand, so that he can go to support Fangshi when Fangshi is attacked.

On the one hand, it is to use the geographical advantage as much as possible to enhance the power of the formation by amplifying the geographical advantage.

The 70,000 spirit stones used to upgrade the spirit veins are considered to be the spirit stones for purchasing a third-order high-grade formation.

"Look, Uncle Jiu, according to your requirements, only 49 shops were built in Fangshi. In addition, I also found the place where the ground fire was opened. It's over there. You just need to open up the fire and lead the fire up That's it."

"By the way, the name of Fangshi has not been decided yet. You see that Fangshi will open for business in two months. Would you like to decide on the name first?"

Among the square cities that have been built, when Zhou Yang came, Zhou Guangxiang, who was in charge of building the square city here, stepped forward to introduce him to the construction of the square city.

In terms of scale, this square city must not be able to catch up with the square city on the Baisha River oasis. After all, that square city has existed for hundreds of years, and there are many oases developed around it, and the number of immortal cultivators is large enough.

Therefore, Zhou Yang didn't want to become fat all at once, and built hundreds of shops at the beginning, trying to make a lot of money by selling the shops.

He even made a ten-year rent-free plan to attract other powerful families and monks to set up shop and do business in order to attract investment.

So after listening to Zhou Guangxiang's words at this time, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, Guangxiang, you have done a good job. I am here this time to catch the ground fire."

"As for the name of Shuofang City, I've already thought about it, it's called [Liuyunfang]!"

The name of the square market is "Liuyunfang", which is obviously a hint.

It hints that other cultivators coming to Fangshi are like entering the legendary Liuyunzhou cultivating world, where they can buy any treasures they need.

The world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou has always been the place that monks in the boundless sand sea yearn for. Zhou Yang was full of fantasies and expectations for it before he went there.

So he understands the fantasies and expectations of those monks who have heard of the existence of the Immortal Cultivation World in Liuyunzhou.

Now he named the place where the Zhou family will open "Liuyunfang", no doubt he wanted to capture the mentality of those monks and attract people to come here to "realize their dreams".

As long as it can attract people to come over, his purpose of taking this name will be achieved.

"Liuyunfang, Liuyunfang..."

Zhou Guangxiang is also a smart person. After muttering to himself and repeating the words "Liuyunfang" a few times, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but clapped his hands and shouted: Wonderful! Why didn't I think of using this name? Uncle Jiu deserves to be Uncle Jiu, you are not only the number one member of our Zhou family in terms of cultivation, but also unparalleled in wisdom, which is amazing! "

He looked at Zhou Yang with admiration, and admired Zhou Yang's wisdom extremely.

Zhou Yang looked at him like this, and there was a faint smile on his face.

If it is said that the system of deacons and elders and the birth subsidy fund that the Zhou family has always implemented, he just copied his homework from the same cases in his previous life, then it is really his own wisdom to name Fangshi.

So Zhou Guangxiang's praise, he can still accept it openly.

I saw a reserved smile on his face and said: "Okay, stop flattering you kid, it's important, now come with me to catch the fire."

The ground fire room is a must-have building in the city of cultivators. With this building, it is possible to attract those refiners and alchemists to use the ground fire to make alchemy. Generally, the refiners and alchemists are rich people. Ability far exceeds that of ordinary monks of the same rank.

Although Zhou Yang's cultivation is at the first level of the Purple Mansion, he cannot rely on his excellent magic weapon and powerful strength!

Generally, early stage cultivators in the Zi Mansion are very careful when receiving ground fires, for fear that they will burn themselves if they are not careful.

However, he didn't have too many scruples in this regard, so he directly ordered the Qianrenpan magic weapon to attack along the place selected by Zhou Guangxiang.

In this way, after he attacked downwards and opened a channel as deep as more than three thousand feet, he finally broke through the magma layer on the ground.

"Quick, it's now!"

With a low shout and a wave of his sleeve, he sacrificed the fourth-order top-grade magic weapon "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" and fell on the entrance of the passage to suppress the erupting ground fire. Zhou Guangxiang, who had been waiting for several days, quickly activated the suppressing formation Help suppress the outbreak of ground fire.

In this way, half a day later, the erupting ground fire weakened to a level that the formation could bear.

At this time, Zhou Yang placed a dragon head magic weapon made of high-temperature-resistant materials on the ground crater, and fired a series of activation formulas at the magic weapon. The dark golden dragon head opened its mouth and sprayed out A purple ground fire as thick as a baby's arm fell to the bottom of the "Li Huo Suzaku Furnace" in front of it.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction and said to Zhou Guangxiang: "Okay, the ground fire has been brought out, and then the ground fire will be diverted to each fire room. Guangxiang, you can handle it by yourself. Don't meddle in these things."

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