Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 286 An instant hit 【Second update for subscription】

At the beginning, Zhou Yang's foundation-building celebrations were held for three days, but today's Purple Mansion celebrations will naturally last longer.

ten days!

Ten full days!

For ten days, the lights on Chihu Mountain went off and on, and on and off.

The voices of a group of monks preaching the Dharma on the mountain can be heard all the time, which is thought-provoking.

Zhou Yang taught the Tao for three days by himself. He was well-prepared, and he talked about the key points and tricks of many aspects such as the way of cultivation, the way of refining weapons, the way of controlling the sword, and fighting methods. There is a lot of help, full of dry goods.

After him, the remaining monks of the Zhou family, such as Xiao Ying, Zhou Xuanhao, Zhou Guangxiang, Zhou Guangxiang, Huang Yi, and even Zhou Yuanchen, each showed their strengths and explained to the monks present their cultivation experience and alchemy, array formation, and talisman making. experience.

This kind of preaching and teaching does not involve fundamental inheritance, and it will not let people learn their own housekeeping skills, but it is not something that everyone is willing to share with outsiders.

Zhou Yang and the monks of the Zhou family are willing to tell outsiders what they say, whether it is to win people's hearts or not, it is a good thing for the benefit of the public and deserves respect.

Therefore, in the next few days after the sermon, although the food and wine were gone, even though the spiritual fruit was gone, no one cared about these. They were all excited and listened attentively to other monks explaining their practice experience.

Many monks realized that this opportunity to preach and teach the Dharma is likely to be a once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity. If you miss it, it may be difficult to meet again in this life.

Ten days passed like this, until Zhou Yang got up and said the end of the celebration, many people couldn't help sighing with regret on their faces, unwilling to end it.

"Thank you again for coming all the way to attend Zhou's Zifu celebration. Zhou and the Zhou family are very grateful!"

Zhou Yang got up and cupped his hands in all directions, and said the conclusion of the ceremony with a smile on his face, then he paused, and then smiled slightly: "Also, if you fellow Taoists are not in a hurry to go back, you might as well go to our newly opened Zhou Family If you take a walk in Liuyunfang, you may be able to gain something else."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huangshamen who was present, frowned, as if he was a little displeased.

But after he frowned and thought about it, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face quickly calmed down, looked at Zhou Yang and smiled slightly: "What a Liuyunfang? Zhou Daoyou really has a heart!"

He thought about it just now, Zhou Yang only went to the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou once, and he was still at the foundation building stage when he went there, even if he brought back some good products from the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou at that time, he should be almost used now .

Therefore, the function of this name can only be the head of a blogger's eyes, and it will not really affect Huang Shamen's monopoly position on the treasures of Liuyunzhou's world of cultivating immortals.

When Zhou Yang heard his words, he nodded lightly with a smile and said: "It's rare for Master Zhang to come out, why don't you take a walk in Fangshi and help Fangshi attract popularity?"

"Hahaha, since Fellow Daoist Zhou has spoken, how can Zhang not show face?"

Zhang Yunpeng laughed, but he was very talkative and immediately agreed.

Regardless of whether Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huangsha sect, took the lead to visit Fangshi, or it was the hint of the word "Liuyunfang", or it was simply to repay Zhou Yang's kindness in preaching and teaching the Dharma. The monks followed the crowd and went to Fangshi.

Many people have the same idea, they have come anyway, it’s nothing to take a stroll around Fangshi, even if there is no gain, it won’t waste much time.

But after they entered Fangshi, their mentality changed again.

In the face of all kinds of high-quality and cheap things carefully prepared by the Zhou family, besides Zhang Yunpeng and other Zifu stage monks, there are several Can the monk not be tempted?

You must know that in order to realize the plan of becoming a hit, Zhou Yang not only used his free time to refine some magic weapons and put them in the square market, but also sold nearly half of the treasures accumulated in the Zhou family's treasure house.

The price of these things is generally only 90% of the normal price, and as soon as they appear in other markets, they will definitely be snapped up quickly.

Now that a large number of such high-quality and cheap treasures appear here, how many monks who have spare money and really need such treasures can resist the desire to buy them?

Ever since, in less than half a day, most of the various treasures prepared by the Zhou family were sold.

Many monks who bought or failed to buy treasures regretted why they didn't bring more spirit stones with them, so that they could buy more or buy the treasures they wanted.

At this point, the name of "Liuyunfang" quickly spread with the return of these monks, attracting many people who heard the news to come to Taobao.

Because of this, some casual cultivators decided on the spot to stay in Chihushan Oasis for future development.

And the number of families seeking to cooperate with the Zhou family to open stores in Fang City also increased to dozens at once.

Zhou Yang's "one hit" plan has achieved complete success.

Afterwards, after the other people who came to the celebration had dispersed, the monks of the Zhou family gathered in the conference hall for a meeting after packing up their things.

"Guangyun, you are the financial elder. First, tell me about the gifts received from the Zifu celebration, the income in the city during this period, and how much spiritual stones the family spent to hold the Zifu celebration."

In the meeting hall, after Zhou Yang and all the monks of the Zhou family attending the meeting were seated, they were the first to call the financial elder Zhou Guangyun and talked about the financial situation.

"The head of the Hui clan said that the estimated value of the gifts received in the Zifu celebration was about 180,000 low-grade spirit stones, and the income from Fangshi in the past few days has also reached more than 80,000 low-grade spirit stones! "

"The family consumed a total of 257,400 catties of spiritual rice, 74,800 catties of spiritual meat, 1,760 catties of spiritual wine, and 9,200 catties of spirit wine in order to hold the Zifu celebration. There are more than a hundred elixir plants, more than 4,780 elixir fruits, and the total value of these things is nearly 90,000 low-grade spirit stones!"

Zhou Guangyun has been working with the elders of the Zhou family who are in charge of finance very early on. After learning the experience and lessons of the previous generations of elders in finance, she can't find a few people who can match her ability in this area after searching the Zhou family. Compete.

And she obviously came prepared, as soon as Zhou Yang asked about this matter, she answered the question out of script, obviously she had memorized the relevant data by heart.

Zhou Yang was taken aback for a moment when he heard her blunt answer, and then nodded in satisfaction with a smile on his face: "Very good, the answer is very detailed, it seems that it is true that I chose you as the financial elder Right choice!"

This was the first time he had praised an elder in a family meeting like this. After hearing this, Zhou Guangyun immediately showed a relaxed and happy smile on his face.

And those monks who have participated in several family meetings also cast envious and admiring eyes on Zhou Guangyun.

Some monks of the Zhou family who had previously complained about Zhou Guangyun's background in "Fengyue Tower" and the fact that a woman held such an important position changed their prejudices at this time and respected her more.

"Then my opinion is that except for those fourth-order spiritual objects, all the gifts received at the celebrations will be owned by the family to enrich the family's treasure house!"

Zhou Yang glanced at everyone in the hall, and said in a deep voice how he would deal with the gifts received at this celebration.

With his current wealth, these spiritual objects below the fourth level are of little use to him. If they are sold as raw materials, they will be harvested for nothing, so it is better to donate them to the family to strengthen the family heritage.

However, he seemed to be afraid that his decision would cause misunderstanding, and he immediately emphasized: "Of course, this is just my personal decision, and I am not asking everyone to do the same in the future!"

It's just that at this moment, few people obviously care about his words.

All the monks of the Zhou family in the meeting hall were shocked by what he said just now.

That is a gift worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones!

Even if according to the rules, the gifts from the celebration had to be shared equally with the family, the total value of Zhou Yang’s gifts was 70,000 to 80,000 spirit stones, and the value of a few fourth-order spiritual objects was removed, and it would not be less than 50,000 spirit stones.

Now, as soon as he opened his mouth, he donated this treasure worth 50,000 to 60,000 spirit stones to the family. Such a penmanship, such a heart, such a sincerity... How can it not be shocking! I am very impressed! Very moved!

"Patriarch Gao Yi, my nephew admires him!"

Zhou Guangxiang looked at Zhou Yang in admiration, stood up with admiration, bowed deeply to him, and praised him loudly.

As soon as his words fell, the others, as if waking up from a dream, hurriedly got up and bowed and saluted and said in unison: "Patriarch Gao Yi, I admire you!"

"Okay, I just did what I should do. You don't need to be so polite. Sit down and let's move on to the next topic."

Zhou Yang waved his hand and signaled everyone to sit down, without any complacent look on his face.

He really didn't have any sense of complacency in his heart, because he knew very well that without the help of his family, he would not have been able to hold such a grand celebration, let alone invite so many people to the celebration.

Therefore, in the case of ability, it is really not something to be proud of and complacent about giving back to the family a little bit.

He turned his gaze, looked at Zhou Yuanchang, the house elder of the Zhou family who was sitting in the first row, and asked: "Eleventh brother, you are the house elder, now tell me about the number of monks and cultivators in the family. For the state of the realm, and the number of mortals."

Zhou Yuanchang is only three years younger than Zhou Yang, and now he is a white-haired old man in his 110s. With his nine-level qi training, this age can't be compared with only his 60s in terms of memory. Compared with Zhou Guangyun.

So even if he had done enough homework before the meeting, after hearing Zhou Yang's words now, he had to take out the prepared materials from the storage bag and look through them before answering Zhou Yang's question in detail.

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