Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 287 Please Patriarch Think Again! 【Subscription for the third watch】

"Patriarch Hui said that the Zhou family currently has a total of 195 monks, including 1 monk in the Zifu stage, 3 monks in the foundation stage, 24 monks in the ninth level of Qi training, 34 monks in the late stage of Qi training, and 57 monks in the middle stage of Qi training. There are 67 monks in the early stage of Qi training, and there are 9 children below the Qi training stage."

"In addition, our Zhou family currently has 34 foreign relative monks, including 2 monks at the foundation stage, 3 monks at the ninth level of Qi training, 8 monks at the late stage of Qi training, 15 monks at the middle stage of Qi training, and 6 monks at the early stage of Qi training. "

"As for the number of mortals in my Zhou family, the number of secular mortals with the blood of my Zhou family should be about 320,000, and the number of other mortals with other surnames should be 110,000. Among them, the number of mortals in the Zhou family on the Chihu Mountain Oasis is about There are about 160,000, and the number of mortals with foreign surnames is about 40,000."

Zhou Yuanchang held an account book in his hand, and in a low voice, he brought out the information of the Zhou family personnel one by one.

From the data reported in his words, we can know that even though it is already a real Zifu family, the Zhou family is far from the Zifu family like the Chen family in terms of the number of monks and mortals.

In this regard, it will take at least a hundred years or even longer for the Zhou family to be compared with the Chen family.

Zhou Yang frowned after listening to Zhou Yuanchang's words, and lowered his head slightly as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he looked at Zhou Yuanchang and continued to ask: "Then eleventh brother, can you tell me that the monks born in the family over the years How many percent of the population are descendants of monks in the family? What percent are descendants of mortals in the family? And what percent are from Fengyue Tower?"

Zhou Yuanchang's face turned bitter when he heard this, and then he said bravely: "I need to check the information before I can answer this matter, patriarch, please wait."

After speaking, he quickly opened the storage bag, took out a large stack of materials and spread them out in front of him. His consciousness quickly scanned the various materials and information recorded on it, silently counting the number of people involved.

After nearly a quarter of an hour passed like this, he wiped the sweat that had emerged from his forehead, and without caring about putting away the documents on the ground, he quickly looked up at Zhou Yang and said, "Patriarch Mingjian, just now I checked the family history of the past fifty years. From the identity information of all the monks, it was found that 40% of the monks born in the family within the past fifty years came from the descendants of the family monks, 40% came from the Fengyue Tower, and 20% came from the descendants of the mortals in the family!"

"The number of mortal monks only accounts for 20%?"

Zhou Yang frowned, as if he couldn't believe the authenticity of this data.

"Yang'er, this matter is indeed true. The chance of the offspring born from the union of two simple mortals to have spiritual roots is said to be one in ten thousand, but in fact it may be lower than this!"

"So don't look at us monks who always say that mortals are the foundation of the world of cultivating immortals, but in fact, even those casual cultivators, there are many people who are descendants of immortal cultivators and mortal women, not real pure ones born of mortals. !"

Seeing that his son seemed to understand the truth, Zhou Xuanhao had no choice but to speak out to explain his confusion.

The news he mentioned is not someone who has been in contact with this situation all year round, and they really don't necessarily know about it.

Although Zhou Yang had gone with his elders to test the spiritual roots for the descendants of mortals on the oasis several times before, he really didn't know that much about this aspect in detail.

After all, his cultivation base has improved very quickly, and he really doesn't understand the grassroots matters as well as those grassroots monks.

Zhou Xuanhao also knew this clearly because he happened to encounter the decline of the Zhou family when he was young, and he had experienced at the grassroots level for a long time.

"Well, I was indeed negligent in this regard."

Zhou Yang nodded, admitting this point quite simply.

Then he frowned, looked at the people in the hall with a straight face and asked: "You have heard what the elder of the housekeeper said just now, so what do you have to say about the shortage of manpower facing the family and the acceleration of the increase in the number of monks?" Any good advice?"

"To the patriarch, I have a suggestion."

Zhou Guangxiang responded quickly after Zhou Yang's voice fell.

"Oh, Guangxiang, tell me, what is your suggestion?"

Zhou Yang looked at the successor he had chosen, with a look of encouragement on his face.

With his encouragement, Zhou Guangxiang's face became more confident, and he couldn't help saying loudly: "My suggestion is divided into two parts, one part is that we rebuild Fengyue Tower outside Fangshi as soon as possible, and increase investment in Fengyue Tower .”

"In the second part, we want to increase the amount of the family's fertility subsidy fund, and at the same time encourage those clansmen with poor spiritual roots to give birth to offspring early to contribute to the family, and even give special rewards to monks who have given birth to multiple offspring!"

"Guangxiang's suggestion, I personally think it is good, what do you all think?" Zhou Yang looked at the other monks in the hall while talking, asking everyone's opinion.

"The benefits of Fengyue Tower have been seen by everyone over the years. If our Zhou family wants to increase the number of monks, this must be opened. As for the increase in the amount of the maternity subsidy fund, I think it is no problem. Now our Zhou family The family has a rich family, and if a small part of it is invested in it, it will be enough to last for a long time."

Zhou Xuanhao immediately nodded and agreed to Zhou Guangxiang's suggestion, and also explained his reasons for agreeing.

And Zhou Guangxiang, as Zhou Guangxiang's younger sister, of course would not object to her brother's suggestion.

In this way, the senior monks of the Zhou family have reached a consensus.

However, Zhou Yang did not immediately announce the adoption of Zhou Guangxiang's suggestion. Instead, he looked at the elder Zhou Yuanpeng and other seven elder deacons and asked, "What do the elder deacons think?"

His inconspicuous little action immediately moved Zhou Yuanpeng and the seven deacons and elders very much.

The status of the elder deacon in the family is equivalent to that of the monk who established the foundation. This is what Zhou Yang said himself, and what he is doing now is to practice this point.

This kind of respect is especially important to the seven deacons and elders.

The Zhou family's new elder system has just been established and implemented, and the authority of the seven deacons and elders has not been so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this time, if Zhou Yang, the patriarch, did not support and respect the seven deacons and elders he had chosen, how could the other tribe respect these seven deacons and elders, and really treat them as monks in the foundation building period?

Toss it with a peach and return it with a plum.

This is the basic principle of life.

When the seven deacons and elders heard Zhou Yang's words at this time, while being moved in their hearts, they all nodded in agreement with Zhou Guangxiang's suggestion.

Those who wink at the Zhou family now know that Zhou Yang is training Zhou Guangxiang to be his successor.

In view of the Zhou family's newly established deacon elder system, whether the new patriarch can obtain the approval of the seven deacon elders is obviously an extremely important matter.

Zhou Yang could clearly decide whether to approve Zhou Guangxiang's suggestion with a single word, but he still wanted to seek everyone's opinions. The meaning was already obvious, that is, to pave the way for Zhou Guangxiang to establish prestige.

If the seven deacons and elders can't see this point, then they really are not worthy of this position.

Among them, Tan Qiu, the elder of the Zhou family's foreign affairs, that is, the husband of the late Zhou family elder Zhou Yuanchun, after he agreed with Zhou Guangxiang's suggestion, he said again: "To the patriarch, I also have a suggestion, I want to share with the patriarch and everyone. The elders and clansmen discuss together."

"Oh, Elder Tan, please say so."

A strange look flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, he smiled and waved his hand in response.

Tan Qiu got his consent, and immediately said loudly: "When the patriarch talked about the duties of the elders of foreign affairs, one of them said that it was to introduce excellent talents for the family. Then I would like to ask the patriarch, whether the introduction of excellent talents is not only about recruiting people, but also Can we use the method of recruiting guest ministers to enshrine and recruit some outstanding casual cultivators for training and motivation?"

"Elder Tan means that we can recruit monks with foreign surnames as guest officials of the family, and then let them work for our Zhou family by distributing fixed welfare offerings and rewarding them with missions every year. Am I understanding this correctly?" Zhou Yang Looking at Tan Qiu with piercing eyes, he asked in a slightly surprised tone.

"Patriarch, you are right, but I would like to add that for some casual cultivators who have outstanding talents in cultivating immortals, we can not only recruit them as family guest ministers, but also provide relevant inheritance and resources to support them. It is cultivated so that it can serve the family after it has completed its studies."

"Even, for those who are particularly talented, we can use the Foundation Establishment Pill and the third-order inheritance as a lure to make them promise to sign the [Nether Blood Pact] and serve the family for life after successful foundation establishment!"


As soon as Tan Qiu finished speaking, there was an uproar in the conference hall.

"Absurd, simply absurd!"

"Elder Tan, do you know what you are talking about? How precious is the Foundation Establishment Pill, and our Zhou family's children still need to earn contribution points to exchange!"

"But it's good for you, just open your mouth, and this Foundation Establishment Pill will become a Bigu Pill, anyone can take it!"

"Tell me, what is your intention? Do you want our Zhou family to perish?"

Angry shouts sounded from the meeting hall, but it was Zhou Yuanpeng, the elder who taught the practice sitting in the same row with Tan Qiu, who couldn't help but stood up and pointed at Tan Qiu and cursed angrily.

As soon as Zhou Yuanpeng's scolding fell, Zhou Yuanliang, who is also the elder of the Zhou family's general affairs, immediately agreed loudly: "Brother Ten is right, and I also firmly disagree with giving the Foundation Establishment Pill to outsiders for use, let alone without Zhou Yuanliang. Outsiders of the family blood, even relatives who are married to our Zhou family, are not qualified to use this kind of treasure!"

After General Affairs Elder Zhou Yuanliang finished speaking, Internal Affairs Elder Zhou Yuanchang also shouted loudly: "Patriarch, I have no objection to absorbing outsiders into the family, but if we only talk about talent and talent, as long as they are talented outsiders, we will absorb them into the family, Given special preferential treatment, if things go on like this, will the Zhou family still be the Zhou family's Zhou family?"

"If the senior members of the Zhou family become monks with foreign surnames one day, can the blood of our Zhou family still be passed on? Will the countless low-level monks of our Zhou family have a bright future?"

"Patriarch, please think twice!"

At the end of Zhou Yuanchang's speech, he fell to his knees on the ground.

When he knelt down, those Zhou family members who were also excited by Tan Qiu's suggestion also knelt down facing Zhou Yang, kowtowed and shouted: "Patriarch, please think twice!"

The third watch may be late, but I will never forget to hit your heads! Please subscribe! Ask for a reward!

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