Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 288: Zhou Yang's Decision

Please patriarch think twice!

Zhou Yang looked at a large group of people kneeling on the ground in the conference hall, his complexion also changed slightly, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

Public anger is hard to offend!

Even if he is the patriarch of the Zhou family, even if he is a cultivator in the Zifu period, he cannot completely disregard the emotions of all the clansmen and do things that are completely unacceptable to the clansmen.

He can change the ancestral law and the ancestral system, because the cultivators say they care about these, but they don't really care that much, at least they don't care about their own fundamental interests.

What's more, the final beneficiaries of his reforms are all the monks of the Zhou family, so naturally not many people would object.

But when it comes to the fundamental interests of "Building Foundation Pill", even if he is a cultivator in the Zifu period, even if he is the patriarch, those Zhou family monks who have not yet established their foundation will fight to the end.

Because this is not only fighting for their own interests, but also fighting for the interests of their descendants.

Just like what Zhou Yuanliang said, if outsiders can obtain Foundation Establishment Pills from the Zhou family as long as they have outstanding aptitude and talent, then what's the point of the family contribution points they have accumulated through hard work?

If their offspring cannot obtain Foundation Establishment Pill as long as their spiritual root aptitude is not as good as that of outsiders, then why are they still having offspring?

This is of course because these people don't know that Zhou Yang still has four demon pills in his hand that can be used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.

But Zhou Yang knew better that even if he said the matter at this time, none of these tribesmen who are now agitated will compromise because of this.

Because compared to the Zhou family's population, more than a dozen Foundation Establishment Pills are also far from enough!

So, after pondering for a while, he waved his hand and said, "All clansmen, get up first. The clan meeting is to gather everyone to discuss family affairs. Since all clansmen feel that this matter is not feasible for the time being, let's put it down first." Let's do this!"

Hearing Zhou Yang's words, Tan Qiu's face changed slightly, and then his eyes darkened, feeling extremely disappointed in his heart.

He thought that the patriarch, who was always open-minded, could understand his painstaking efforts, but now it seems that he really thought too much.

That's right, a monk who was born in a family and grew up enjoying the benefits of the family, how could he be willing to betray his family and speak for outsiders because of this!

"This time my proposal has annoyed so many people, probably my position as the foreign affairs elder will be revoked in the future!"

"But if you cancel it, you can cancel it! Anyway, I don't have a few years to live. Hong'er and the others have the inheritance left by Yuan Chun and me, which is enough for them to use in this lifetime!"

He was dejected thinking about this, with a look of loneliness and frustration on his face.

Of course, no one noticed this except Zhou Yang at this time.

Those members of the Zhou family who were kneeling to petition heard Zhou Yang's words, they all breathed a sigh of relief and shouted "Patriarch Shengming" loudly, got up and sat back to their original positions.

None of these people, including Tan Qiu himself, noticed the words "temporarily not feasible" in Zhou Yang's mouth.

Only Zhou Xuanhao and Zhou Guangxiang looked at Zhou Yang with strange lights in their eyes and did not speak.

The two of them and Zhou Yang are of course of one mind. Whatever decision Zhou Yang makes, as his father and loyal admirer, both of them will choose to support it.

But they are also Zhou family's children, even though they have successfully established the foundation, they still have their own children in their hearts, and they don't want to see Zhou Yang confronting the whole family's monks because of the foundation establishment pill.

So after hearing the deep meaning of Zhou Yang's words at this time, although they didn't say anything on the surface, they thought in their hearts that they would discuss this matter with Zhou Yang after the meeting was over.

But at this moment, Zhou Yang spoke again.

"However, although we can't hand over the Foundation Establishment Pill to outsiders, we still have to persevere in bringing in outstanding talents from outside. I agree with what Elder Tan said earlier. The family can indeed use part of their savings to set up A special subsidy fund will support those truly gifted guest priests, and when the female monks in the family are recruiting husbands, these people can also be given priority!"

When Tan Qiu heard Zhou Yang's words, he couldn't help but lift his head, and there was a hint of surprise in his gloomy eyes.

He thought that after Zhou Yang said what he said before, his suggestion would be completely rejected, but he didn't expect that part of it was retained, and finally he didn't let his painstaking efforts go to waste.

As for those monks from the Zhou family who opposed it earlier, such as Zhou Yuanpeng, Zhou Yuanchang, Zhou Yuanliang and other deacon elders, although they frowned slightly after hearing Zhou Yang's words, no one came out to object again.

From the bottom of my heart, the part proposed by Tan Qiu is indeed a good thing for the Zhou family. If they object, the reasons will be untenable.

Furthermore, being a human being is the most taboo to push an inch.

Zhou Yang has already made a concession just now, if they don't know what is good and evil at this time and oppose for the sake of opposition, then they really don't pay attention to the majesty of the patriarch or the majesty of the monks of the Zifu period.

"Okay, since everyone has no opinion, then the matter is settled like this."

Zhou Yang nodded, and decided on the matter on the spot.

Then he turned his eyes, looked at the financial elder Zhou Guangyun and said:

"Guang Yun, make a record now. Starting tomorrow, if a disciple of the Zhou family gives birth to a low-grade spiritual root cultivator, counting from the day of his birth, he will receive 20 low-grade spiritual stone subsidies every year until he is thirty years old; A monk with a middle-rank spirit root can increase the number of subsidized spirit stones to 40 low-rank spirit stones every year; if a monk with a high-rank spirit root is born, the number of subsidized spirit stones per year is 100 spirit stones!"

"Also, for all Zhou family monks, as long as they have more than three descendants of monks with spiritual roots, the family can reward 1,000 special contribution points, and for every three more, an additional 1,000 special contribution points will be rewarded. There is no cap!"

10,000 special contribution points can be exchanged for a Foundation Establishment Pill, which was what Zhou Yang said back then.

Now, if you have three offspring with spiritual roots, you can get one thousand special contribution points. This reward is not unreasonable.

It can be seen that when Zhou Yang said these words, the eyes of many Zhou family's younger monks showed incomparably fiery colors.

These young monks, compared to the old monks, are undoubtedly far inferior in terms of wealth. Some tasks and errands in the family that can earn contribution points are mostly occupied by those monks with higher cultivation and seniority. .

This is true for ordinary contribution points, not to mention special contribution points.

Although Zhou Yang said a lot of ways to earn special contribution points, which one of those ways doesn't require at least a late stage of Qi training to fight for it?

And even for middle-grade spiritual root monks, if they want to practice to the late stage of Qi training, they must be at least thirty or forty years old. For some young monks, this is really unacceptable.

But now it is different, now with the rules set by Zhou Yangxin, they can earn special contribution points by giving birth to offspring, and at the same time get a generous subsidy of spirit stones, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In this regard, their young bodies are much more expensive than those old monks!

Seeing the fiery light in the eyes of these young monks, Zhou Yang knew in his heart that the Zhou family would soon have a large number of newborns.

"Why does it feel like I have become the director of the birth office?"

He smiled wryly in his heart, shook his head and didn't think about it any more. He just looked at Zhou Guangyun, the financial elder who had recorded the speech just now, and said, "Okay, this is the end of the discussion on population development for the time being, Guangyun, now you will report. Let’s talk about the family’s financial income and expenditure, um, it’s best to clearly explain the sources of income and expenditures, so that everyone in the clan can have an idea.”

The financial situation of the family has always been the focus of all monks. Hearing Zhou Yang mention this, all the Zhou family monks raised their ears and opened their eyes to the financial elder Zhou Guangyun.

This family meeting was the first time that the Zhou family held a family meeting with the participation of the whole family after the Zhou family was promoted to become the Zifu family.

Many people want to know how much better the family has been after being promoted to become the Zifu family, and what is so good about it.

"From the words of the patriarch Hui, the family's current sources of financial income mainly include the following aspects."

"The first aspect is the output from the spiritual fields on the various spiritual mountains. The family now owns one fourth-level spiritual mountain, seven third-level spiritual mountains, fourteen second-level high-grade spiritual mountains, seven second-level middle-grade spiritual mountains, and second-level There are five low-grade spirit mountains, and the total number of spirit fields on these spirit mountains has reached 2,486 mu!"

"The spiritual grains produced by these two thousand four hundred and eighty-six acres of spiritual fields, after deducting the daily consumption of the family monks, can make a profit of 15,000 low-grade spiritual stones every year just by selling the spiritual grains!"

"The second aspect comes from the output of the mine. At present, the family has a large-scale red flame iron ore vein, a medium-sized fine iron ore, a medium-sized black iron ore, a medium-sized red bright stone mine, a small-scale fine iron ore, and a small-scale iron ore mine. A red copper mine, a small red gold mine, a small Huangyan jade mine, a small light jade mine, a small spiritual jade mine, and a miniature enzymatic jade mine!"

"The mining of these mines has already begun. Although the output of some mines has not yet come up due to the fact that people have just started to mine, but even so, the profits that these mines bring to the family every year should be at least 23,000 lower-grade spirits. above the stone!"

"The third aspect is the output from the Spiritual Beast Garden, Spiritual Medicine Garden, and Spiritual Fruit Garden. The family now has 10 second-grade top-grade spirit beasts flying fire bats, 8 second-grade top-grade monster golden wool sheep, and second-grade top-grade monsters. There are 26 flame-devouring spiders, 142 Shatuo beasts, 46 velvet rabbits, and 476 red turkeys."

"In addition, the family now has a total of more than 530 acres of spiritual medicine garden and more than 710 acres of spiritual fruit garden. Although most of the output of the spiritual animal garden, spiritual medicine garden, and spiritual fruit garden are consumed within the family, they are sold every year. The number of profitable spirit stones also exceeds 5,000 low-grade spirit stones!"

"The fourth aspect comes from the shops in Fangshi. This aspect is not easy to calculate for the time being, because Liuyunfang has only been opened for less than a year, and the shops in Ping'anfang City have long been closed. If we have to say a number, I think five years from now, the number of spirit stones that our Zhou family will profit from the shops in Fangshi will be at least 20,000 spirit stones!"

"The fifth aspect comes from the tribute from the vassal family. Now there are five foundation cultivators who are vassals to our Zhou family, as well as Huang Yi's Huang family and the Dong family from Chihuling. According to the conditions given by the patriarch to Ma Shaoyang and other vassal monks , 30% of their Lingshan output will be paid to our Zhou family, and this part of the income is expected to reach 5,000 spirit stones every year!"

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