Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 289 The Background of the Great Family

"I just talked about income, now I will talk about expenditure."

"Currently, the family's largest expenditure comes from the purchase of various materials and supplies. This part of the expenditure is increasing year by year. Now it has reached tens of thousands of spirit stones per year, half of which is used to purchase third-order elixir."

"The family's second largest expenditure is the expenditure on the Fengyue Building and the maternity subsidy fund. This part also exceeds four thousand spirit stones per year."

"Another thing to explain is that the family contribution points issued by the family have reached more than 17,000 points every year, and the total contribution points accumulated by the monks of the whole family have exceeded 150,000 points!"

In the meeting hall, Zhou Guangyun, the elder of finance, held the account book and told the Zhou family's financial income and expenditure item by item.

She speaks in a very detailed and understandable way, without technical jargon that is difficult to understand.

Zhou Yang calculated according to what she said, and found that after deducting the expenses, the current annual income of the Zhou family has reached the level of 45,000 low-grade spirit stones!

As soon as the result came out, he himself was frightened.

"Is this the power of the collective? Forty-five thousand low-grade spirit stones a year, let alone the Jindan stage monks, only talk about the words of the Zifu stage monks, even those fourth-level top-grade alchemists and weapon refiners will not talk about it." It may be guaranteed to earn so many spirit stones every year!"

He muttered to himself in his heart, his eyes sparkled with joy.

Undoubtedly, if the income of the Zhou family can continue like this, when his cultivation base reaches the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, he can definitely easily collect the "Jade Liquid Golden Pill" and other spirit stones that assist the alchemy. !

"What about the remaining spirit stones in the family treasure house? How many remaining spirit stones are there?"

Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Guangxiang with eyes full of surprise and expectation, and asked another question that he was more concerned about.

Zhou’s treasury is divided into inner and outer parts. The outer treasury stores spirit objects below the third rank, and also stores 10,000 low-grade spirit stones for the family’s daily expenses. The keys are in the hands of Zhou Yang and the financial elder Zhou Guangyun respectively.

Only Zhou Yang and Zhou Guangxiang have the keys to the third-order spirit objects and the reserve spirit stones of the family heritage in the Neibao warehouse, and Zhou Guangxiang will also check the accounts.

So Zhou Yang now needs to know the number of family balance spirit stones, he needs to ask Zhou Guangxiang, not the financial elder Zhou Guangyun.

"Because the patriarch's purple mansion celebration cost some spirit stones, and the spirit veins and other ranks in the promotion square city consumed another 70,000 spirit stones. Currently, there are still 214,600 remaining spirit stones in the family treasure house."

Zhou Guangxiang said a number in a calm voice that shocked all Zhou family monks except Zhou Yang.

214600 spirit stones!

This number really shocked everyone except Zhou Yang, even the financial elder Zhou Guangyun was no exception.

Although she was in charge of the family's finances, she hadn't entered the inner treasure house a few times. Every year, the spirit stones that the family earned from various places would be taken away by Zhou Guangxiang and deposited in the inner treasure house after reconciliation with her.

Over the years, except for Zhou Yang, the patriarch, and Zhou Guangxiang, who is in charge of the inner treasure house, no one knows how many treasures are inside.

But Zhou Yang either retreats all year round, or goes out, the number of times he has entered the family treasure house is really very few.

After all, at his level of cultivation, there is basically nothing he can use in the family treasure house except for spirit stones.

"good, very good, excellent!"

While other people in the meeting hall were still shocked by the number Zhou Guangxiang reported, Zhou Yang had already started to applaud loudly.

He looked at everyone with a ruddy face, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone has heard that the family has no shortage of spirit stones and treasures, so you don't have to worry about the family not being able to support enough monks in the future. You just have to rest assured to have children, how many families you have, and you will never let your children live a hard life again!"

"Also, in these years, in order to move the family foundation to the Chihushan Oasis, and to develop the various spiritual mountains in the Chihushan Oasis, all the clansmen have put in a lot of sweat and lost a lot of practice time."

"Since the family's finances are good now, I propose to distribute a spirit stone dividend reward to all clan members according to their cultivation level. Children at the first level of Qi training and below the Qi training period can each get 20 low-grade spirit stone rewards. On the first floor, you can get 10 more low-grade spirit stones, and each monk in the foundation-building period will be rewarded with 1,000 low-grade spirit stones!"

According to the income of the collective, it was a normal situation in Zhou Yang's previous life to distribute welfare and dividends to the members of the collective on a per-capita basis.

But in this world, I don't know how it is in other places. Anyway, in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, this is the first time I have heard of a family doing this.

So the monks of the Zhou family were stunned for a moment when they heard Zhou Yang's words.

There is such a good thing?

There was a hint of disbelief in everyone's eyes, it felt very unreal, and they almost suspected that they had heard it wrong.

Ordinary people know that there is no pie in the sky, let alone a cultivator.

If these words hadn't come from Zhou Yang, the patriarch, other Zhou family monks would have suspected that he was planning some kind of conspiracy by doing so.

"This, isn't it appropriate? You don't get paid for nothing, Yang'er, the things you said are all things that everyone should do as a member of the Zhou family, not to mention that the family doesn't distribute family contributions to everyone according to their cultivation level every year." order?"

It seems a little wrong to say these words from Zhou Xuanhao's mouth, after all, he has always supported Zhou Yang.

However, considering that he is currently the oldest monk in the Zhou family, it seems normal for him to say such words.

"Father, what you said is wrong!"

"The family now has so many spirit stones in surplus, and every member of the clan has a share of credit for it, so how can it be said that there is no reward for no merit?"

"Besides, the family distributes contribution points as welfare offerings. That is the most basic treatment a family gives to family members. It does not conflict with my proposal to distribute spirit stones to the whole clan as dividend rewards. This dividend reward is not Every year, isn't it?"

Zhou Yang shook his head and refuted Zhou Xuanhao's words with a smile.

And hearing him say this, Zhou Xuanhao also knew that he had made up his mind, so it was hard to talk anymore.

As for other people, as the beneficiaries, who would object to this proposal of taking Lingshi for nothing?

They all happily shouted "Patriarch Shengming" loudly, and Zhou Yang's proposal was unanimously approved.

"Okay, now let me talk about what I want to tell you at this family meeting."

"First, I plan to set up a special hall in the family, called Baiyitang. As the name suggests, it is specially set up for those who have mastered the hundred arts of cultivating immortals."

"Friars from the Zhou family or the guest monks recruited to join Baiyitang, as long as they have a little qualifications, they can receive materials from Baiyitang for free to practice cultivating immortals, and they can receive a fixed share of free materials for practicing hands every year. The finished product can be handed over to the family at half price and exchanged for contribution points."

"However, once the family monks who join Baiyitang have completed their studies and reached the second level, they must complete a certain amount of tasks for refining weapons, alchemy, talismans, and formations every year. The tasks can be completed in advance for the next year or even the next five years. A ten-year task, but it must not be delayed."

"Those who complete the task under the limited material supply of the task can get a certain family contribution point as the task reward. If all the materials allocated for the task are exhausted and the task is not completed, you need to purchase the materials at your own expense with spirit stones and contribution points to complete the task. "

"Of course, if you are able to complete the task and still have materials left, then the remaining materials will belong to you, and the family will not take them back."

"Second point, Guangxiang has done a good job over the years, and he has lived up to my expectations of him. I want to appoint him as the deputy patriarch of the family to handle family affairs on my behalf. If within the next ten years, he can still do the job If you do well, I will pass on the position of patriarch of the family to him."

"The third point is that Ying'er is now a third-tier middle-grade alchemist, and the family has already obtained the alchemy formula of the Foundation Establishment Pill. In the future, the family's Foundation Establishment Pill can be produced by itself, so everyone, don't worry about building foundation pills. As for the problem of not enough Kidan to exchange, I will leave it here, as long as you get all the contribution points required for exchange, I can manage enough Jidan for you!"

Zhou Yang looked at the Zhou family monks in the hall with serious eyes, and said his decision in a deep voice.

These three decisions were all made in his mind before the meeting, and after the previous discussion, he slightly modified them.

Now when it is thrown all of a sudden, it is like an iron ball smashing into the lake, causing huge waves.

Those Zhou family monks quickly skipped the first point he said, and only paid a little attention to the second point, and most of their attention was focused on the third point.

The news that Xiao Ying was promoted to a third-tier mid-tier alchemist was not new. Almost 90% of the Zhou family monks present knew the news beforehand.

But before that, no one thought that she could refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Because of the preciousness of the Foundation Establishment Pill, when many monks think of these three words, they will subconsciously ignore the fact that it is a third-order low-grade panacea, and only think of its preciousness and its rarity.

Furthermore, even if they clearly know that this is just a kind of pill that any third-level alchemist can try to refine, the main materials for alchemy are so precious that they will choose the third-level alchemist to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. Sex was crossed from my mind.

To refine a furnace of foundation building pills, if the fourth-order demon pills are used as the main material, the cost price of all the materials will be close to 100,000 low-grade spirit stones.

With such a huge cost, of course it is only worthwhile to hand it over to a fourth-tier alchemist who can 100% succeed in alchemy.

Otherwise, even if it is a third-tier high-grade alchemist with a 90% success rate, if he is unlucky and encounters a 10% failure rate, it will be a waste of nearly 100,000 low-grade spirit stone materials.

And it also contains the fourth-order demon pill, a precious treasure that is priceless in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea!

But now, when Zhou Yang said such words on such an important occasion as the family meeting, he was undoubtedly telling all the monks of the Zhou family.

Even at the risk of failure, he will let the Zhou family's Foundation Establishment Pill be self-produced!

Thinking about his record of beheading Luo Yunqing, a late-stage cultivator in the Zifu in a one-on-one battle just after he succeeded in opening up the Zifu, the Zhou family monks suddenly discovered that it was not Zhou Yang who had produced the Foundation Establishment Pill by himself. Talk about it.

The fourth-order demon pills for refining the foundation building pills are priceless and cannot be bought in the market, but with Zhou Yang's strength, he can organize people to hunt fourth-order monsters like the old ancestor of the Chen family did.

In this way, as long as the couple Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying live for a day, the Zhou family really doesn't have to worry about cutting off the source of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Thinking of this, the Zhou family monks in the entire meeting hall became excited.

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