"Elder Tan will come to my cave at night."

Outside the main meeting hall of the Zhou family, Tan Qiu walked out of the meeting hall with complicated emotions, and was about to return to the cave where he lived, when Zhou Yang's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

He was slightly startled when he heard the voice, and then quickly responded in his heart: "I would like to obey the patriarch's order."

After replying, he suddenly felt much better.

Originally, he thought that at the family meeting, someone would propose to abolish the matter of his foreign affairs elder, and then Zhou Yang would agree to the matter in accordance with public opinion.

Unexpectedly, after the meeting, because of Zhou Yang's three decisions, everyone was immersed in great joy, so that they all forgot about it.

Of course, although no one mentioned the dismissal of his foreign affairs elder, but because of his previous proposal, since he walked out of the meeting hall, no Zhou family monk is willing to say hello to him.

Even many Zhou family monks looked at him with vigilance and disgust, and regarded him as a treacherous villain who intended to subvert the Zhou family's inheritance.

Even some monks from the Zhou family who had been on good terms with him before came out together, gave him a cold look, and walked past him without saying hello at all.

Even his son and daughter, two descendants of monks, deliberately lingered in the meeting hall at this time, fearing that they would be criticized if they came out with him.

Human feelings are cold and soft, nothing more than this.

It is conceivable that Tan Qiu, who noticed this, had a complicated mood.

However, as Zhou Yang's sound transmission fell into his ears, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

No matter what others think of him, Zhou Yang obviously doesn't regard him as an enemy just because of his words.

That "Elder Tan" was Zhou Yang's best statement.

It was night, and following Zhou Yang's instructions, Tan Qiu quietly came to meet him outside the "Qianyang Cave" where Zhou Yang practiced.

It wasn't until he got Zhou Yang's permission to enter the cave that he discovered that Zhou Yang was not the only one in the cave, but also Zhou Xuanhao and Zhou Guangxiang, two family foundation cultivators.

"Elder Tan, please sit down."

After Zhou Yang waited for Tan Qiu to salute, he waved his hand to signal him to sit down next to him.

"Thank you Patriarch for your seat."

Tan Qiu bowed respectfully, then sat down at the bottom, staring at Zhou Yang, waiting for him to tell the reason for calling him here.

"Elder Tan's proposal during the day was very good, but the time was wrong. Although the Zhou family is now much stronger than before, the clansmen have not fully adapted to the changes in the Zhou family, and the development of the family has not yet reached a bottleneck. In the long term, to the extent that we need to rely on external forces to promote the progress of the family!"

Zhou Yang looked at Tan Qiu, first affirmed his suggestion at the family meeting, and then pointed out the inappropriateness of his suggestion.

Hearing his words, Tan Qiu was overjoyed.

From Zhou Yang's words, it can be heard that the patriarch who is in charge of the family's power really agrees with his proposal during the day.

Dang Lian hurriedly clapped his hands and replied: "The patriarch's lesson is that after returning to the cave mansion during the day and thinking about it carefully, this subordinate also found something inappropriate. When I made this suggestion at that time, my subordinate was indeed too aggressive and impatient!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: "Although it's a little out of date, your suggestion is indeed a good one, that's why I summoned you here. Now there are no outsiders here, so you can explain your plan in detail. Once said."

"Since it is the patriarch's request, then this subordinate will talk about your initial thoughts."

"According to my subordinate's thinking at the time, it is worthwhile for us to use the Foundation Establishment Pill to win casual cultivators, or they must have at least a high-grade spiritual root qualification, and the foundation is solid, and the age should not exceed 30 years old."

"Either he possesses a middle-grade spiritual root, and has shown a genius talent in the four skills of pills, weapons, talismans, and formations, and can refine the second-level middle-grade pills and spells in the early stage of Qi training." Weapons, or the success rate of making talismans and formations, is much higher than normal monks of the same level."

Tan Qiu looked at Zhou Yang, and expressed his thoughts in a complex tone.

It's not that he doesn't know that using the Foundation Establishment Pill to win over outsiders will cause dissatisfaction among the monks of the Zhou family.

It's just that he thought about it at the time, under such harsh conditions, even if he could find qualified people to recruit into Zhou's family, the number would definitely not be many, and it was likely that there would be only a few people in a hundred years.

In this way, for the sake of the long-term development of the Zhou family, some members of the Zhou family who have the foresight should not react too violently.

But the reality has already told him that his idea is completely wrong!

When it comes to vital interests, even those deacons and elders who he has always thought to be quite discerning, have completely lost their wisdom in the past, acting like a stunned young man who has become the vanguard against him.

This is something he never thought of beforehand.

Of course, he went back to the cave and sat down afterwards. After calmly thinking about it, he also wanted to understand the root cause of those people's opposition.

It's just that after knowing this, he can't change the result. He can only take this matter as a lesson and swallow the bitter fruit himself.

After Zhou Yang listened to his thoughts, he also nodded and said, "It's a very good idea. If those people can really meet the conditions you mentioned, they will indeed be worthy of a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Even Zhou Xuanhao and Zhou Guangxiang, who had been watching the two of them answering each other, nodded slightly at this time, with expressions of approval on their faces.

Taking the Lower Foundation Establishment Pill for a top-rank spiritual root monk is almost equivalent to adding an extra foundation-stage monk to the family, which is much safer than giving the middle-rank spiritual root monk the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Moreover, after the top-grade spiritual root monks successfully established the foundation, they would also have the opportunity to attack the Purple Mansion, which many middle-grade spiritual root foundation monks could not do.

As for those who have shown a particularly strong talent in cultivating immortals, their value is even greater.

If such a person is cultivated to the Foundation Establishment stage, the value created in the rest of his life will be dozens or even hundreds of times that of a Foundation Establishment Pill!

You must know that in the arts of cultivating immortals, in addition to making talismans, no matter whether it is an alchemy master, a weapon refining master, or a formation master, there are geniuses who can refine the fourth-order panacea during the foundation-building period. The precedent of the magic weapon and the arrangement of the fourth-order formation.

For example, the only fourth-level alchemist in Huang Shamen now is a foundation-building ninth-level monk.

At the beginning, the Zhou family also had a great elder, Zhou Guangqian, who refined the third-level low-grade formation "Shoutu Golden Ge Formation" with the cultivation base of qi training and Dzogchen.

"Well, if you, the foreign affairs elder, really find such a good seedling, you can still report it, and then I will naturally verify the authenticity of the matter. If there is such a good seedling who is willing to work for the Zhou family, I can do it without using the family. In the case of inventory, I personally invest in sponsoring him a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Zhou Yang looked at Tan Qiu and groaned for a while, before finally revealing his real purpose for calling him here.

As a human being in two lifetimes, he understands the disadvantages of "closing the country" better than anyone else.

The example from the previous life is there. The seemingly strong and huge giant was quickly eaten by a group of robbers because of the reason of "closing the country".

But one of the bandits who kept absorbing outstanding talents from all over the world soon became a new generation of giants.

The big one is the country, and the small one is the home.

A big country can do this, so why can a family be an exception?

If the Zhou family wants to continue to be strong, in addition to having high-level monks like him to suppress the family's luck, they must also continuously emerge excellent successors.

It is of course best for such an excellent successor to have the blood of the Zhou family. Even if he does not have the blood of the Zhou family, as long as he, the highest cultivator of the Zhou family, is still alive, the successor will not be able to succeed!

In the world of immortal cultivators, no conspiracy can compare with absolute strength. In the face of absolute cultivation strength, the conspiracy and tricks of the conspirators are paper tigers that can be cut through with a single sword.

Zhou Yang is confident that as long as he does not die, those people with foreign surnames who work for the Zhou family will never be able to subdue and steal the fruits of the Zhou family's victory.

As for if he is dead, if there is such a day, even if there is no outsider to intervene and the Zhou family lacks a qualified successor, it will definitely decline and perish!

"The patriarch's words are true?"

Tan Qiu looked at Zhou Yang with surprise, almost suspecting that he heard it wrong.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang couldn't help looking at him with displeasure and asked, "What? I am a dignified cultivator of the Purple Mansion, the head of the clan, can I still lie to you? Can't get it out?"

"Tan Qiu is terrified and asks the patriarch to forgive me. Tan Qiu has no such intention!" Tan Qiu hurriedly saluted and apologized, but his face was full of joy.

This is really a poor place with no way out, and another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

He never expected beforehand that after Zhou Yang rejected his suggestion at the family meeting, he called him in private again, and he must have agreed to his suggestion.

But when he was happy, Zhou Yang looked at him seriously and warned: "But you have to remember, this matter must be kept strictly confidential, except for the four of us who are present today, it must not be disclosed to the third party." Five people know, otherwise if it gets out, I won't admit it!"

Hearing this, he quickly corrected his expression and promised: "Patriarch, please rest assured, Tan Qiu understands the importance of this, and will never let anyone know about it!"

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Yang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's good that you know, now other clansmen in the clan have some opinions on you, so don't take it to heart, and then you can just take this opportunity to go out to relax and find Find out about this, and if you find anything, just come back and contact me and Guangxiang."

Tan Qiu knew that Zhou Yang's intention in saying this was to make concessions and go out to avoid disaster.

Among the seven deacon elders in the family, he, the foreign affairs elder, is usually the most free. Even if he is not in the family for a period of time, it will not hinder the family's operation in any way.

And he got Zhou Yang's private promise, and almost all the depression in his heart dissipated. Naturally, he had no reason to oppose Zhou Yang's decision at this time.

Dang even replied respectfully: "This subordinate understands, this subordinate will go down the mountain overnight!"

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