Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 291: Five Years!

After the family meeting, the atmosphere of the Zhou family was obviously different.

First of all, the number of monks taking concubines has reached forty or fifty in just one month. Every day, you can hear and see magic fireworks released by a certain Zhou family child because of taking concubines.

Although it is said that after a mortal woman marries an immortal cultivator, her status in the family is not high, but taking a concubine is always a happy event. Setting off magic fireworks to make the bride happy, many immortal cultivators will do it easily.

Moreover, showing the powerful power of a cultivator in front of mortal women in this way can easily make mortal women feel admiration and love, and make family life more harmonious in the future.

Such people are busy taking concubines and having children, wanting to win generous maternity subsidy funds and special contribution point rewards, but some people are thinking about when Zhou Yang said at the family meeting that the spirit stone dividends will be available, and they gather whenever they have free time. Discuss this matter together.

Of course, the most discussed thing among these people is actually the feasibility of the Zhou family's self-produced Foundation Establishment Pill.

Counting the entire boundless sand sea of ​​cultivating immortals, until now, it is estimated that only the Huang Shamen family can produce their own foundation establishment pills.

Of course, if the Chen family and the Nie family cooperate with each other, it is also possible to produce their own foundation building pills. After all, these two families have third-level alchemists and Zifu monks.

If the Zhou family could realize the self-produced Foundation Establishment Pill by themselves, it would be very meaningful.

Just like the Chen family in Baituoling back then, because the ancestors of the Chen family could produce their own Foundation Establishment Pills, the entire Baisha River Oasis Immortal Cultivation World is better than other large-scale cultivators in terms of the number of monks in the foundation period and the number of monks in the Qi training period. Oasis is much more.

It can be said that in this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, whoever masters the Foundation Establishment Pill will master the fate of countless monks in the Qi training period.

If the Zhou family can produce their own foundation building pills, they don't intend to sell the foundation building pills outside. As long as the news is released, countless casual cultivators and small family monks will naturally flock here.

Who hasn't had a chance?

As long as the Zhou family can refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, from a side perspective, the value of this thing to the Zhou family is no longer as priceless as before.

If someone can offer a treasure that the Zhou family can't refuse in exchange, can the Zhou family really resist the exchange?

Although the monks of the Zhou family don't want the foundation building pills to flow out, they want the Chihushan Oasis to become as prosperous as the Baisha River Oasis, because not only the Zhou family can profit from it, but they can also get more and more power from it. Great benefit.

Zhou Yang had also heard the opinions of those clansmen, but he didn't care much.

The people of the clan talked as they talked, what to do, he always had a steelyard in his heart.

So after the family meeting, he began to fully hand over the affairs of the family to Zhou Guangxiang, the deputy head of the family, while he concentrated on retreating in the "Qianyang Cave" to improve his weapon refining skills.

His refining technique is still at the middle level of the third level, which is very inconsistent with his status as a cultivator in the Zifu period.

Moreover, after reaching the Zifu stage, although he obtained many powerful magic weapons, the "Dayan Sword Jue", which has always been his trump card, could not fully exert its power because there were not enough fourth-order flying swords. come out.

This undoubtedly made him feel very uncomfortable, after all, he spent a lot of time and energy on "Da Yan Jian Jue".

So now that he is free, he wants to develop the art of refining weapons, and then collect materials to refine a set of fourth-level flying swords that are most suitable for his own use, just like Jia Yunzhen who taught him "Da Yan Jian Jue" back then. Make a set of flying swords with the same attributes and materials.

Zhou Yang has a lot of Tier 3 refining materials on his body, and there are also a lot of Tier 3 refining materials accumulated in the Zhou family's treasury, so the prerequisites for him to improve his refining skills are still very good.

And back then, when the soul was included in the Zifu Taoist Palace and entered the state of "spiritual wandering in the world", he also had a deep understanding of the art of refining, which is also very helpful for him to improve the art of refining now.

And the fourth-rank high-grade magic weapon "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" he obtained from the "Golden Light Master" storage ring is also a very precious fourth-rank high-grade refining cauldron, which is enough for many fourth-level refiners to break through. A treasure for refining weapons for head scrambling.

In this way, coupled with the "Qianyang True Fire" that he has mastered, if we only talk about external conditions, I am afraid that no one can be found in the world of cultivating immortals who can be better than him.

Therefore, when he really settled down to improve the refining technique, the level of refining technique changed almost every month.

In less than three months, he was successfully promoted to a third-rank top-grade craftsman.

Of course, it is not his goal to become a third-tier top-tier refiner, his real goal is to become a fourth-tier refiner.

Therefore, after he became a third-rank high-grade refiner, he did not stop refining, but accelerated the speed of refining.

After three years of retreating in the refining process, Zhou Yang has consumed all of the Tier 3 refining materials. Not to mention, even the Tier 3 refining materials accumulated in the Zhou family’s treasury have been consumed by him. nearly half.

And after so much material was consumed, the result in exchange was as many as fifty pieces of various third-tier magical artifacts, and his success rate of refining third-tier top-grade magical artifacts was as high as 50%.

The success rate of refining the third-order high-grade magic weapon has reached 50%, which is a level that Zhou Minghan, the old patriarch of the Zhou family, did not reach.

Basically, this is the limit that Zhou Yang can pile up with the pile of materials. If he wants to improve the success rate, it depends on his talent and understanding, not practice makes perfect.

It's just that the success rate of the refining, although it has already met the conditions for attacking the fourth-level refining master, but if you really want to succeed in attacking the fourth-ranking refining master, it is estimated that it is impossible to succeed without wasting dozens of materials.

The materials for refining a fourth-order magic weapon are not cheap. A piece of material for refining a low-level fourth-level magic weapon cannot be obtained without four or five thousand spirit stones, and there is often no market for it.

The materials in Zhou Yang's hands, together with the materials accumulated by the Zhou family, together are enough for him to refine fourth-order magic weapons seven or eight times.

Under such circumstances, how dare he attack the fourth-tier refiner so easily.

He couldn't easily attack the fourth-tier refiner, but it didn't mean that Zhou Yang would give up his goal just like that.

The temporary rest is just for a better outbreak.

So he suspended the refining, and started to practice the fire-controlling secret technique "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue" given to him by Master Qingyang.

This "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue" is very profound and obscure. It was originally a secret technique that only golden core stage monks are qualified to practice. It is very difficult for purple mansion stage monks to practice.

But the power of this secret technique is very impressive.

Although Zhou Yang has mastered the overbearing real fire of "Qianyang True Fire", he rarely uses this method in his daily fighting methods.

Of course, there is a reason why he wants to hide his "Qianyang Precious Body", but the bigger reason is that he does not have a good fire control technique to fully exert the power of "Qianyang True Fire".

But after he practiced "Xuan Yang Yu Huo Jue", this situation changed.

In "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue", there are not only many fire control and fire control techniques that allow him to better control the "Qianyang True Fire", but also several secret techniques that can unleash the extraordinary power of the "Qianyang True Fire".

Zhou Yang practiced "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue", in addition to improving his ability in controlling and controlling fire, he also wanted to enrich his fighting methods, so that "Qianyang True Fire", the fire-type supernatural power, could bloom. The power it deserves.

After practicing "Xuanyang Fire Control Jue" in this way for about two years, he finally improved his ability to control and control fire by a large margin, and successfully mastered one of the secret skills "Flame Dragon Explosion".

Zhou Yang found through experiments that "Flame Dragon Explosion" is not only comparable to the fourth-tier top-rank spells in terms of instantaneous lethality, but also the continuous burning damage of "Qianyang True Fire" is not comparable to any fourth-tier spells.

The only shortcoming of this secret technique is that it consumes a lot of mana. It needs to consume at least 30% of his mana to perform this secret technique. That is to say, even in his prime, he only has the power of three strikes.

However, this shortcoming, with the improvement of his cultivation base, will definitely no longer be a shortcoming, so he is still very satisfied with the result.

And after achieving some achievements in "Xuanyang Yuhuo Jue", Zhou Yang tried to refine the third-rank high-grade magic weapon again. Sure enough, the success rate of refining the weapon has increased again. Although it did not directly increase by 10%, it still has at least half .

There is a 50% success rate in refining the third-order high-grade magic weapon. Zhou Yang felt that he could try refining the fourth-order magic weapon.

However, before he could put his ideas into practice, Ma Shaoyang, a foundation cultivator who was a vassal of the Zhou family, suddenly came to visit him.

"Ma Daoyou came to visit suddenly, I don't know why?"

Sitting on the cold jade bed, Zhou Yangduan looked at Ma Shaoyang, who was bowing his eyebrows in front of him and looked respectful, with a look of curiosity flashing in his eyes.

This Ma Shaoyang made a big splash at his Purple Mansion celebration that day, and the fourth-order elixir "Earth Fire Ganoderma lucidum" is still in his storage bag, ready to be exchanged for treasures with others in the future.

Of course, he didn't take this great gift for nothing. Afterwards, he not only gave Ma Shaoyang the right to use a store in "Liuyunfang" for a hundred years, but also asked Zhou Guangxiang to help Ma Shaoyang to set up a third-tier formation on the third-tier spiritual mountain that Ma Shaoyang occupied. Law.

In terms of the value of this gift in return, Ma Shaoyang must have earned it.

"Senior Mingjian, this junior came to visit senior this time because he wanted to make a deal with senior!"

Ma Shaoyang slightly raised his head to glance at Zhou Yang, then immediately lowered his head, and said in a low voice the reason for his sudden visit.

"Oh, you want to make a deal with me? What is the deal?"

Zhou Yang suddenly became interested.

Generally speaking, when low-level monks trade with high-level monks, the things they trade are definitely treasures suitable for high-level monks.

And in this kind of transaction, the high-ranking monk must be the one who earns, just earn more and earn less.

"This junior wants to exchange news of a kind of Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire from senior for a Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Ma Shaoyang looked up at Zhou Yang, and spoke out the content of the transaction with fiery eyes.

April Fool's Day, I wanted to make a joke that today is ten more! After thinking about it, I still don’t play anymore, I’m afraid I can’t afford it!

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