Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 293 Spirit Fire Demon

There is no light, no water, and this is the situation in the depths of the earth.

Zhou Yang followed Ma Shaoyang from a hole hidden under the sea of ​​sand and flew straight down, and soon came to such a place.

The size of this underground cave is unknown to Zhou Yang, but the environment inside is indeed very harsh.

In such an environment, those monsters who are used to the harsh environment of the boundless sand sea cannot survive for a long time in such a place with less than the third level of strength.

After all, monsters are not like human monks, they can carry bigu pills and a lot of clear water with them, and they can even use magic to gather water vapor to form clear water for drinking.

For example, Zhou Yang, he carries dozens of bottles of Bigu Pill with him all the year round, and there is also a water storage device with a lot of clean water in it.

These Bigu pills and clear water, together with the hundreds of thousands of spirit stones he carried on his body, are completely enough for him to persist in the extreme environment for more than ten years without dying of starvation or thirst, and without delaying his daily practice.

Of course, although monsters cannot carry supplies with them like monks, some special types of monsters can survive without clean water, food and meat.

For example, the fourth-order monster "gold-eating beast" that Zhou Yang killed with the ancestor of the Chen family at the beginning only ate spirit gold and spirit mines, and the "earth dragon earthworm" he had encountered could also eat only dirt. maintain basic survival.

There is also the fourth-order monster "Fire Lin Beast" that he will face this time, which is also a special monster that lives in the magma and ground fire and feeds on the aura of flames.

These special monsters often live in extremely harsh environments. In that kind of place, they have a great home field advantage, and monsters or monks who cannot survive in that harsh environment like them, have a strong relationship with their home field. Their combat will be greatly affected.

"I will restrain my breath first, so as not to disturb the monsters inside, you should lead the way ahead!"

In the dark underground cave, Zhou Yang accurately aimed his gaze at Ma Shaoyang who was not far away, and gave an order in a deep voice.

After he finished speaking, he immediately pinched the method, and the aura that belonged to the cultivator of the Zifu period fell back to about the fifth floor of the foundation in an instant.

Zhou Yang hadn't fully mastered the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" on the third level, otherwise his cultivation would not only be reduced to this level, but could be directly lowered to the foundation building level.

But even so, Ma Shaoyang was still taken aback when he saw his aura suddenly drop so much, and he couldn't find anything unusual after scanning his spiritual sense.

As a casual cultivator, he has experienced countless battles and life-and-death crises in his life, so how could he not understand the value of this secret art of concealment.

If he has this kind of secret technique, no matter if he pretends to be a low-level monk to attract those bandits to rob and kill them, or restrains his breath and lowers the vigilance of some third-level top-rank monsters to sneak attack monster hunters, there is a lot to do. thing!

"Is this the background of the Zifu family?"

He muttered to himself in his heart, the look of horror on his face gradually subsided, and he honestly led the way forward.

While Zhou Yang followed him through the underground cave, his huge spiritual consciousness had already been released, and he detected the situation of the underground cave.

Under the detection of Zhou Yang's divine sense, the passages in this underground cave are all winding, without any rules at all, and the size and shape of each passage are very similar.

It's like, it's like some kind of giant beast used its body as a drill to drill out of the ground.

"It is said that the fifth-order monster [Sandworm] likes to drill holes deep underground to find food. The underground caves here have irregular circular passages. Could it be that the entire underground cave is just a [Sandworm] monster? When the beast lived here a long time ago, it must have come out to hunt for food!"

Zhou Yang's spiritual consciousness swept through the passages, his thoughts turned, and he remembered some records he had read, and couldn't help but connect the formation of the underground caves with a famous fifth-order monster [Sandworm] in the boundless sand sea. got together.

Every immortal cultivator in the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea has heard the legend of [Sandworm], but it is rare for people who have actually seen this fifth-level monster and returned alive.

What's more, even if someone claims to have seen [Sandworm], others may not believe it.

You must know that it is a fifth-order monster with a fierce reputation!

Who would believe that a monk in the Qi training period or foundation building period can come back alive after seeing [Sandworm]?

Zhou Yang also grew up listening to the legend of [Sand Worm]. He was actually curious about this rumored giant monster with a body length of thousands of feet. He wanted to see if this monster was really as rumored. It is huge, ferocious and ferocious.

However, although he has this curiosity, he will not really go to the "death sand sea" where this kind of monster is active just to see the true face of [Sand Worm].

Now if this underground cave is really related to [Sandworm] as he guessed, he can calculate the actual size of [Sandworm] according to the length and size of each passage.

So in the next trip, he followed Ma Shaoyang through the underground cave, while carefully scanning the entire passage with his consciousness, and calculated the actual size of [Sandworm] by comparing the dents on the wall of the passage. .

After comparing all the way in this way, Zhou Yang found that the rumors might not be exaggerated.

According to his comparison of the imprints in the passage, if the passage was really formed by the [Sandworm] drilling underground, then the body length of this [Sandworm] is really more than 800 feet long.

A body more than eight hundred feet long, how huge it must be!

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and his heart was full of shock.

After the two of them walked in the underground cave for several hours, Zhou Yang felt the surrounding temperature suddenly rise.

And as they moved forward, the temperature became higher and higher. In the end, without Ma Shaoyang's reminder, he had already discovered the underground fire pit in his mouth through his spiritual sense.

It was a flowing magma river. The magma in the river did not know where it came from and where it flowed. Only a section of the river about a thousand feet long bordered the underground cave.

The [Sandworm] monster that came out of the underground cave at the beginning seemed to be afraid of the existence of the magma river. After the passage reached the edge of the magma river, it turned and left after a short contact, so that it only formed on the edge of the magma river. A long corridor more than a thousand feet long.

Zhou Yang didn't know why this corridor could not be melted into magma by the high temperature of the magma river. Maybe it was because of the power exerted by the [Sandworm] monster at the beginning, or maybe it was because the stones that made up the corridor were more resistant to high temperatures. important.

The important thing is that he has already seen the heaven and earth spirit fire that is suspected to be "cleaning the Qinglian fire".

On the slowly flowing dark red lava river, on a black and red stone at a corner facing the opposite bank of the promenade, a blue-purple flame the size of a washbasin was burning vigorously.

When the blue-purple flame burns, the flame seedlings rise layer by layer, like a half-opened blue-purple lotus, with green inside and purple outside, very dazzling.

Zhou Yang looked at the blue-purple flames swaying in the fire, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his black and white pupils instantly turned golden-red, but he had activated the magical power of "Lihuo Golden Pupils".

At this time, he looked at the blue-purple flame again, and saw that the power of the fire spirit contained in that small ball of blue-purple flame was much purer and richer than a fourth-order fire-type demon pill in his hand, and every time At every moment, a large amount of fire vein aura in the magma river converges towards the blue-purple flame and is refined by it.

It is precisely because of the endless fire vein aura in the magma river that the blue-purple flame can continue to burn vigorously, and it can become stronger and stronger under the nourishment of the fire vein aura.

Zhou Yang knew that if this group of blue-purple flames had not been discovered by himself or other monsters, then how many years later, as long as there was a little chance, this blue-purple flame might be born spiritually and transform into a special existence "spiritual existence" Fire Demon".

The so-called "spiritual fire demon", as the name suggests, is a monster that turns into a monster after producing spiritual wisdom from the spiritual fire of heaven and earth.

As soon as this kind of monster is born, it is almost invincible in a place like Lava River, and it has a special supernatural power "Indestructible Body" that is envied by all monsters and humans.

However, this kind of "spiritual fire demon" is extremely rare, even rarer than the seventh-order demon immortals who are equivalent to the true immortals of the Transcending Tribulation Stage. So far, less than one "spiritual fire demon" has been discovered by immortal cultivators in the world of immortality. number.

So Zhou Yang just thought about the information he had seen before, and then he stopped paying attention and looked elsewhere.

He glanced left and right along the bluish-purple flame, and soon found it under the magma a few feet away to the right.

In Zhou Yang's eyes, the power of the fire spirit under that piece of magma was extremely strong, not much weaker than the blue-purple flame. It will sink into the magma and disappear, as if absorbed by something.

Seeing this scene, he immediately knew that the fourth-order monster "Fire Lin Beast" that Ma Shaoyang was talking about must be sleeping deep there.

So the golden-red color in his eyes faded away, his pupils turned back to black and white, and he looked at Ma Shaoyang standing behind him and said: "Your news is correct, it is indeed the spiritual fire of heaven and earth [Jing Mie Qinglian] Huo], now you can take this Foundation Establishment Pill and leave, so as not to be affected when I fight with [Huo Lin****!"

After speaking, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, then took out a jade bottle containing Zhuji Dan and threw it to Ma Shaoyang.

He bought this Foundation Establishment Pill from Zhang Yunpeng back then, and kept it in his hands waiting for a monk from the Zhou family to exchange it. Unexpectedly, it would be cheaper for an outsider, Ma Shaoyang, now.

Ma Shaoyang took the jade bottle, raised his hand and pulled out the cork, and a strong medicinal fragrance came out.

He just took a quick look, and after confirming that it was genuine, he quickly put the cork away and put away the jade bottle, then bowed to Zhou Yang with a happy face and said, "Thank you for your kindness, senior, then I won't bother you. Slaying demons and seizing treasures, this junior will leave!"

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