Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 294 Fighting the Fire Lin Beast

"Fire Lin Beast", also known as "Magma Beast", is a strange beast that only lives in the magma of Earth Fire.

This kind of strange beast belongs to the heaven and earth spirit beast raised by nature. Unless it is cultivated to the sixth level to become a demon king and condenses a flesh and blood body, it will not be able to reproduce through normal mating.

The number of these heaven and earth spirit beasts is very small in the world of cultivating immortals, but their combat effectiveness is generally extremely strong, far beyond the comparison of ordinary monsters.

Moreover, these heaven and earth spirit beasts generally can only survive in extreme environments such as magma, glaciers, and deep seas, and will not easily leave their birthplace and habitat.

If it is not necessary, no immortal cultivator is willing to face these violent and powerful monsters.

Zhou Yang didn't want to kill the "Fire Scale Beast", that seemed a little unrealistic. After all, even if the "Fire Scale Beast" couldn't beat him in this magma river, as long as he drilled deep into the magma, he wouldn't be able to jump off. Huohai went to hunt down the opponent.

So his plan is very simple, first have a fight with the "Fire Scale Beast", let the "Fire Scale Beast" know how powerful he is, and then dare not stop him from collecting "Jing Mi Qing Lian Huo".

After all, as a heaven and earth spirit beast raised naturally, the power of the "Fire Lin Beast"'s own demon fire is not inferior to that of the "Jing Mi Qinglian Fire". This group of heaven and earth spirit fire is not as valuable to it as to other fire monsters The beast is so tall.

Otherwise, this monster would not use the "Jing Extinguishing Qinglian Fire" as a collector of fire vein aura, but just hid below to absorb the fire aura attracted by "Jing Extinguishing Qinglian Fire".

After the plan was drawn up, Zhou Yangdang released the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" with a flick of his sleeves.

To deal with monsters born in magma like the "Fire Lin Beast" in a place like the magma river, it is difficult for flying swords to be effective. Therefore, in this battle, Zhou Yang is going to use fire to attack fire, using the fire method Weapons and fire magical powers are the main attack.

After he released the magical weapon, he immediately shot a series of spells at the crimson cauldron in mid-air with both hands.

Under the urging of his mana, the crimson cauldron suddenly burst into flames, and the sacred bird of Suzaku tattooed on the cauldron seemed to come to life, and it suddenly raised its neck and let out a clear cry.

When Zhou Yang heard the cry, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately increased his mana infusion.

In the end, when he poured nearly 30% of his body's mana into the "Lihuo Suzaku Stove", this magical artifact finally seemed to be full, and the sacred bird of Suzaku tattooed on the cauldron suddenly rushed up like Like the real dragon in the story of "Drawing the finishing touch", it suddenly descended from the cauldron furnace into reality.


Zhou Yang looked at the Suzaku Firebird bathed in raging flames in mid-air, stretched out his hand and pointed at the "Fire Lin Beast" in the magma, and let out a low shout.

In an instant, the Suzaku Firebird fluttered its wings and swooped towards the point he was pointing at.


The violent beast roar suddenly exploded from the magma river, but it was the "Fire Lin Beast" who resolutely rushed out of the magma river and let out a demonstrative roar after discovering that his hiding place was exposed.

This monster had already discovered the two human monks Zhou Yang and Ma Shaoyang after they came to the lava river.

It's just that it didn't want to pay attention to these two weak "little guys" at the time.

Unlike other monsters that like to devour human monks to increase their cultivation, the "Fire Lin Beast" does not need to eat because it does not need to eat humans or monsters that break into its territory for the sake of appetite. The premise is that these humans or monsters do not have the power to threaten it, and do not disturb its sleep.

But when Ma Shaoyang left and Zhou Yang sacrificed "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace", a powerful fourth-order top-grade magic weapon, the "Fire Lin Beast" hidden in the magma river immediately knew that he had been deceived.

This made it very angry, so it decided to hide in the magma, and when the guy who deceived himself charged the "Net Extinguishing Qinglian Fire", he gave him a fatal blow and made the guy who deceived himself pay a heavy price.

However, "Fire Lin Beast" could not have imagined that Zhou Yang had discovered its hiding place long ago, and he had no idea of ​​collecting "Clear Extinguishing Qinglian Fire" before defeating it.

Therefore, its hidden behavior gave Zhou Yang the opportunity to activate the weapon soul in the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" to take shape, so that he could steadily let the weapon soul take shape.

At this time, he found that the Suzaku Firebird, which was not weaker than his own, swooped towards his hiding place, and the "Fire Lin Beast", who was belatedly aware of it, knew that he had been tricked again.

Therefore, it resolutely drilled out of its body from under the magma river, and vented its anger in its heart with an extremely angry roar.


In Zhou Yang's eyes, all he could see was the dark red magma in the magma river violently exploding and flying in all directions, like a shell falling into it.

Then a deer body and tiger head, with double-edged sharp horns on its head, and a flame giant burning with crimson flames, suddenly appeared on the surface of the magma river from the center of the exploded magma with flames.

As soon as the giant flame beast appeared, it roared angrily at the rushing Suzaku and firebird, and then a lavender fireball the size of a washbasin flew out of its mouth, smashing its head towards the bird. Suzaku Firebird.


With a loud noise, the lavender fireball collided with the Suzaku Firebird that was rushing a dozen feet away from the "Fire Lin Beast", triggering a shocking explosion.

With a flash of crimson fire on the "Fire Lin Beast", a red light curtain formed in front of it to block the aftermath of the explosion. As for the magma that was boiled by the impact of the explosion, is that a problem for it living in the magma?

That nasty firebird should be dead, right?

The "Fire Lin Beast" stared at the scene of the explosion in front of him with two flaming eyes that looked like little suns, full of confidence in his own blow.

It's just that as soon as this thought arose in its mind, it suddenly felt a heat wave hit behind it, and then turned around suddenly.

But I saw that Suzaku firebird, just like it was a moment ago, jumped out of the lava river in an instant, opened its beak fiercely, and sprayed a crimson pillar of fire at it in color.

The pillar of fire blasted on the "Fire Scale Beast", knocking it six to seven feet long into the magma in an instant, and then the Suzaku Firebird flapped its wings and fell to the "Fire Scale Beast" in pursuit of victory. Above its head, claws hooked into its flaming eyes.

Of course, the "Fire Lin Beast" would not allow the enemy to attack its fragile eyes. It closed its eyelids, raised its head suddenly instead of retreating, and pointed its sharp horns like two blades at the Suzaku Firebird. Go up.

It's a pity that it doesn't know that Suzaku Firebird looks lifelike, like a real monster. In fact, its body is completely composed of fire spirit power, and it is almost completely immune to physical attacks.

It pierced Suzaku Fireniao's body with its two horns, not only did not hurt Suzaku Fireniao at all, but Suzaku Fireniao took advantage of the situation and swooped down, its wings folded and hugged its head tightly, and the blazing real fire of Suzaku was burning all over its body.

As a heaven and earth spirit beast born from magma, the "Fire Lin Beast" naturally has great immunity to fire damage. It is almost impossible to cause much damage to it when ordinary fourth-level fire spells fall on it.

However, the tool soul "Flame Sparrow" in "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" has a trace of the blood of the Suzaku bird, and its natal demon fire also carries a trace of the power of the real fire of the Suzaku. Although it is only a trace of the power of the real fire of the Suzaku, it is still It is not comparable to ordinary flames.

This time, Suzaku Firebird performed "Holding the head to kill", and the blazing Suzaku real fire burned, and the "Fire Lin Beast", a heaven and earth spirit beast born from the magma, even had a feeling that its body was about to be melted.

Although this is just a feeling, it is enough to scare it.

You must know that since it was born in this magma river, it has never encountered such a situation, even the group of "net extinguishing green lotus fire" not far away can't give it this feeling.


The lavender natal demon fire burned instantly on the extremely nervous "Fire Lin Beast". Using the natal demon fire on such a large scale is very debilitating, but it is indeed very useful.

Burned by the lavender natal demon fire, Suzaku Firebird's body couldn't help but quickly blurred, forcing it to flap its wings and leave the body of the "Fire Scale Beast", not daring to fight with the "Fire Scale Beast" anymore .

It's just that the "Fire Lin Beast" who had just forced Suzaku and Fire Bird back was too late to be happy. Zhou Yang, who had been "watching" the show for a long time in the corridor beside him, had already used his second ultimate move.

Only the sound of dragon chant was heard, and a gold-plated fire dragon burning with golden flames suddenly rushed up from Zhou Yang's body, roaring and pounced towards the "Fire Lin Beast".

This gold-plated fire dragon was not more than ten feet long, but it made the "Fire Lin Beast" feel a greater threat than the Suzaku Firebird.

It moved its flaming eyes, and its body quickly sank toward the bottom of the magma river, trying to weaken the enemy's offensive through the magma river.

It's just that as soon as its body sank into the magma river, the soaring gold-plated fire dragon followed and rushed into the magma river.


Yanlong entered the river, causing a shocking explosion like a meteor falling to the ground.

The magma river, which was originally flowing slowly, suddenly set off huge waves because of the explosion. The terrifying magma waves slapped on the stone walls on both sides of the river bank, leaving behind black scorched marks.

Zhou Yang on the bank of the river retreated a few feet because of this, and set up the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" to block in front of him, so as not to be touched by the magma.

Of course, he didn't think that a mere move of "Flame Dragon Explosion" could kill "Fire Lin Beast", a fire-type heaven and earth spirit beast.

If this move was to deal with the "Gold Devouring Beast" or other fourth-tier middle-rank monsters, Zhou Yang was 30% sure to kill them, and 50% sure to injure them severely.

But when dealing with the "Fire Lin Beast" born in the magma, he knew that it would depend on luck to injure it severely.

Sure enough, his prediction soon became a reality.

I saw that the turbulent and splashing magma river hadn't subsided yet, and the huge body of the "Fire Scale Beast" appeared on the river again.

At this time, although the "Fire Lin Beast" was covered with scars from the explosion just now, and streams of purple-red high-temperature liquid flowed from the scars, its aura was not much lower than before.

As soon as it rushed out of the magma river, a pair of flaming pupils glared at Zhou Yang, then suddenly raised a pair of front hooves and stomped heavily on the river.


Immediately, the dark red magma surged, and instantly formed a huge wave as high as ten feet and swept towards Zhou Yang.

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