Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 295 Collect 【Net Extinction Green Lotus Fire】


The huge wave of magma hit, but Zhou Yang just looked at the huge wave of magma rushing towards him lightly and let out a soft "come back".

Then there was a flash of fire, and the Suzaku Firebird, which had been burned away by the "Fire Lin Beast"'s natal demon fire, instantly turned into a ball of fire like a tired bird returning to its nest and returned to Zhou Yang through the huge wave of magma. In the "Li Huo Suzaku Furnace".

The soul of the weapon returned, and the fourth-rank top-grade magic weapon "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" suddenly swelled in size, and instantly swelled into a red giant tripod several feet high. Facing the huge wave of magma, he hit it hard.


The waves splashed, and the seemingly unstoppable magma wave was hit by the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace". The wave was instantly split into two, and it sank down. Before reaching Zhou Yang, it fell to the ground and flowed back into the magma river .

At the same time, Zhou Yang looked at the "Fire Lin Beast" on the magma river and suddenly opened his mouth, and a flaming flying sword burning with golden flames flew out of his mouth, instantly turning into a golden flame and flying towards " Fire Lin Beast".

The golden flame was fleeting, and before the "Fire Lin Beast" could react, it had already slashed on its chest and abdomen.

In an instant, a deep gash about two feet long and half a foot wide appeared between the chest and abdomen of the "Fire Lin Beast". Wisps of golden flames were burning in the gap, burning more and more vigorously, almost igniting a prairie fire. trend.


A roar full of fright and terror resounded from the mouth of the "Fire Lin Beast". This monster slightly lowered its head to look at the wound on its chest and abdomen, then opened its mouth wide, and violently spewed out a lavender flame. The demon core landed on the wound on his chest, but he wanted to use the power of the demon core to extinguish the strands of golden flames on the wound.

Only this time it miscalculated.

Although the lavender flames burning from the demon core quickly suppressed the golden flames at its wound, the golden flames did not fight head-on with the lavender flames. Instead, they quickly converged and penetrated into the depths of its wounds, entering its body .

The body structure of the "Fire Lin Beast" is extremely special. There are no organs such as heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney inside, only high-temperature liquid like magma.

These high-temperature liquids can be said to be its blood, and it is also its source of power other than the demon core. Its essence is composed of pure fire spirit power and magma.

Half of its power is in the demon core, and half is in these high-temperature liquids.

So once it bleeds, it is losing power.

Zhou Yang's "Qianyang Tianjian" move broke its defense just now, but the bleeding damage caused to it was almost negligible.

After all, it has a body length of seven to eight feet, and the amount of high-temperature liquid in its body is quite a lot, and a little wound can't make it lose much strength.

But "Qianyang True Fire" is an exception.

The essence of this kind of real fire is not inferior to that of Suzaku real fire, and because Zhou Yang has the "Qianyang treasure body", his "Qianyang real fire" is no different from the real Suzaku real fire in essence , It's not comparable to the weakened version of Suzaku's true fire like the previous Suzaku Firebird.

Now the wisps of "True Yang Fire" are burning in the body of the "Fire Lin Beast", and the power of the fire spirit in the high-temperature liquid in the "Fire Lin Beast" has a tendency to be assimilated into fuel by it. "Lin Beast" was scared to death.

If it doesn't quickly extinguish the "Qianyang True Fire" in its body, it is foreseeable that its entire body will be burned to ashes soon.

As a heaven and earth spirit beast born from magma, if it is burned alive by the internal fire, this is probably the most humiliating way of death for the "Fire Lin Beast" family!

Therefore, after discovering that the power of the demon core could not wipe out those golden flames immediately, the "Fire Lin Beast" immediately couldn't care less about entanglement with Zhou Yang, and quickly sank into the magma river, diving into the depths of the magma. Go, I want to use the rich power of the fire spirit deep in the magma to help me wipe out those golden flames in my body.

"Run away?"

On the promenade by the river bank, Zhou Yang watched the figure of the "Fire Lin Beast" suddenly sinking into the magma disappear, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

He originally thought that if the "Qianyang Tianjian" move just now didn't work, he was planning to perform another "Flame Dragon Explosion" to make up for it.

But now it seems that it is unnecessary, the effect of "Qianyang Tianjian" seems to be better than he imagined.

"It doesn't matter, let's collect [Jing Mi Qinglian Huo] first."

Shaking his head, he didn't think about the issue of "Fire Lin Beast" escaping any more. When he hit the "Li Huo Suzaku Furnace", he urged this magic weapon to collect the "Jing Mie Qing" in the magma river. Lotus Fire".

The previous battle did not have any impact on this group of heaven and earth spirit fire. Now that the weather is calm, it is still standing still and burning there quietly.


Zhou Yang looked at the quietly burning "Jing Extinguishing Green Lotus Fire", and with a thought, the lid of the "Li Huo Suzaku Furnace" flew up, and then a red aura burst out from the furnace, quickly Rolled towards the group of "Jing Extinguishing Qinglian Fire".

"Jing Mi Qinglian Huo" has no owner at this moment, and no spirituality has been born. It is just a dead thing that contains power but cannot exert it.

Facing the absorption of the red spiritual light rushing out of the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace", although it instinctively resisted a few times, it was quickly taken into the cauldron furnace when Zhou Yang increased his mana.

With a sound of "clang", the lid of the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" fell down, quickly sealing off the connection between "Jing Mi Qinglianhuo" and the aura of the outside fire.

Without the support of the external fire pulse spiritual energy, this group of heaven and earth spiritual fire will soon restrain its power and self-sleep to reduce its own consumption.

It is also thanks to the "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace", a fourth-order top-grade magic weapon that can absorb all kinds of flames, otherwise Zhou Yang would have to take the "Purifying Qinglianhuo" back to the Taoist companion Xiao Ying to refine it. It took a lot of work to do it.

Originally, after accepting the "Clear Extinguishing Qinglian Fire", Zhou Yang's purpose of coming out this time has been achieved. Now it is time to go back and hand over this group of heaven and earth spirit fire to the Taoist companion Xiao Ying to refine it.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he stared at the black-red stone where "Jing Mie Qinglian Huo" was located, and pondered.

"Jingmi Qinglianhuo" was not born elsewhere, and did not float to other places with the magma river, it must have something to do with that black-red stone.

Although Zhou Yang couldn't see the origin of the black-red stone, he knew that this black-red stone was definitely not ordinary volcanic lava.

"Whether there are treasures or not, you will know if you try it!"

After looking at the black-red stone and muttering something to himself, he waved his sleeves and released another magic weapon "Mother-Child Golden Light Sword" to slash at the black-red stone.

However, what surprised him was that when his sword went down, he only cut a sword mark no more than two inches deep on the black-red stone.

"Sure enough, there are tricks!"

Joy flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and Yujian immediately chopped off a palm-sized stone along the edge of the black-red stone, then rolled it up and brought it to him with the light of the sword.

Since the origin of the black-red stone could not be identified with the naked eye, Zhou Yang didn't waste time looking at it carefully. He just raised his hand and released the "Qianyang True Fire" to burn the black-red stone.

This black-red stone can exist in the magma for so many years, and it can carry the burning of the "net extinguishing green lotus fire", and its heat resistance is naturally extremely strong.

However, as soon as Zhou Yang's "Qianyang True Fire" came out, so far he has not encountered any material that he cannot melt.

Therefore, after burning for a while, the black-red stone quickly liquefied and dripped black impurities.

Finally, when Zhou Yang stopped burning, there was a black-red stone the size of a palm, and only a red-red metal grain the size of a grain of rice remained.

"It turned out to be 【Lihuo Fine Gold】!"

"No wonder! No wonder this stone can exist in the magma for countless years without melting. It's no wonder that [Jing Mi Qinglian Huo] takes root here and can't be found anywhere else. It turns out that this stone is actually rich in [Lihuo Pure Gold]. A spiritual creature!"

Zhou Yang looked at the crimson metal particles in his palm, his eyes were full of joy.

"Lihuo Fine Gold" is an extremely precious refining material. The reason why his "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" is so powerful is because a large amount of this material was added during refining.

However, in the market in Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World, this material is priced in taels, and the price of one tael of "Lihuo Fine Gold" is as high as thousands of low-grade spirit stones!

The largest source of "Lihuo Fine Gold" is the ore in the magma, so Zhou Yang is not surprised that the black-red stone is rich in this material.

After he discovered this situation, he even sacrificed the "Thousand Blade Disk" magic weapon and attacked the black-red stone.

A large amount of "Taiyi Fine Gold" was incorporated into the "Thousand Blade Plate" magic weapon, making this magic weapon the sharpest treasure currently in Zhou Yang's hands.

At this time, he sacrificed this magic weapon to cut the black-red stone, and soon a piece of stone was cut off by him and put aside to cool.

After working like this for several hours in a row, he didn't stop until the black and red stones he cut were enough to fill a storage bag with a volume of three feet.

It's not that he doesn't want to cut and take away more black and red stones, but that the operation in the depths of the magma not only consumes a lot of mana, but also does a lot of damage to the magic weapon "Thousand Blade Disk".

The black-red stone he cut is estimated to be able to extract twenty or thirty catties of "Lihuo Pure Gold", but he doesn't want to ruin the fourth-grade high-grade magic weapon "Thousand Blade Disk" because of his greed.

But when Zhou Yang was cutting the black and red stone, the escaped "Fire Lin Beast" never appeared.

I don't know if it's because the "Qianyang True Fire" in his body hasn't been wiped out, or because of the fear of Zhou Yang from the previous battle, he doesn't dare to show his head in front of him again.

Zhou Yang didn't care about this either. After collecting the black and red stones on the ground, he left the underground cave with his harvest and returned to the Chihushan Oasis.

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