Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 296 Promoted to the fourth-tier refiner

Zhou Yang returned safely, and Zhou Guangxiang and Xiao Ying, who stayed behind on Chihu Mountain, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was only away for a few days, without him as the mainstay in the family, whether it was Zhou Guangxiang who took over the family on his behalf, or Xiao Ying, the Taoist couple, there was a feeling of unreliability, for fear that he would be alone. What happened when you went out.

Now that he has returned safely, the hearts of the two of them finally fell back together.

"Ying'er, this is [Purity Extinguishing Qinglian Fire], you can try to refine it."

In "Qianyang Cave", after Zhou Yang came back, he waved and released the "Lihuo Suzaku Stove" that he had put away, and opened the lid to let the "Jing Mi Qinglian Fire" inside be seen again.

"Is this [Jing Miting Qinglian Fire]? It's so beautiful!"

Xiao Ying's beautiful eyes widened as she looked at the bluish-purple flame in the furnace that looked like a lotus flower, and she let out a small exclamation with joy on her pretty face.

Then she came back to her senses, and immediately followed Zhou Yang's words, directed at the bluish-purple flames one after another to prepare for refining them.

It's just that as soon as the mana she cast falls on the blue flame, it will be refined by the flame soon, and it is impossible to establish contact with it.

After trying this a few times, she stopped trying, shook her head dejectedly and said: "No, my cultivation level is too low, Zhou Lang, you should refine this spirit fire by yourself! "

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang couldn't help stretching out his hands to embrace his beloved wife in his arms, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, it can't be done now, but it doesn't mean it won't work in the future, after Ying'er you reach the ninth floor of foundation building Give it a try, maybe it will be fine, if you can’t, you will always be able to succeed after you open up the Purple Mansion, Ying’er!"

"Clean Extinguishing Qinglianhuo" is the most suitable heaven and earth spiritual fire for alchemists. No alchemist would not want to have this kind of heaven and earth spiritual fire. When Xiao Ying heard Zhou Yang say this, her heart was filled with sweetness.

She gently buried her head in Zhou Yang's arms and gave a "hmm" and didn't mention the matter again.

Next, after the two of them warmed up for a while, Zhou Yang moved the "Clear Extinguishing Qinglian Fire" to the ground fire room in the cave for storage, so that it could absorb the aura of refining Chihu Mountain's spiritual veins and the fire in the ground fire mouth. Pulse spirit energy to maintain its own consumption.

But he himself put the vacated "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace" in front of him, threw the black and red stones he cut and collected into it, and tempered them with fierce fire.

The fire quenches the real gold.

After Zhou Yang stayed in the ground fire room for half a month, he finally tempered all the black and red stones he had collected into "Lihuo fine gold", and he finally weighed them. The total weight of "Fire Gold" is as high as 19 catties and seven taels of money.

With so much "Lihuo Essence Gold", they can sell 200,000 low-grade spirit stones just for the materials, which is enough to buy a copy of the "Purple Heart Chalcedony" to help open up the Purple Mansion!

Originally, Zhou Yang was a little bit pained by the news that he paid a Foundation Establishment Pill for just one news, but now, all he has on his face is a smile.

"If so much fine gold from Lihuo is used to refine flying swords, adding some other materials, it is not difficult to refine twelve or thirteen. In the future, I will use the flying swords used in "Dayan Sword Art", It's finally settled!"

Zhou Yang's face was full of smiles, and the exhaustion caused by half a month of sleeplessness was swept away by this harvest.

Of course, he didn't start refining the fourth-order magic weapon right away, but collected the materials, left the fire room, and returned to the bedroom to rest.

After resting like this for a few days, Zhou Yang entered the refining room and began to refine the fourth-order magic weapon after his state was completely restored to perfection.

He chose to refine the flying sword, which he has refined the most and can be said to be the most proficient in. Compared with other magic weapons, the success rate should be much higher.

Because it was the first time refining, he was not willing to use precious materials such as "Taiyi Fine Gold" and "Star Meteor Iron", but only used ordinary fourth-order materials for refining.

As a result, even though he devoted all his energy to refine it, he failed unexpectedly when arranging the magic weapon for the magic weapon.

The higher the level of the magic weapon, the more complex the magic prohibition contained in it, which will test the skill of the craftsman.

This is not only related to spiritual consciousness and mana, but also a test of the innate understanding of the craftsman.

Just like those masters of painting, a real master, even if he is not given a brush or a drawing board, but only a piece of charcoal is given to him, he can still draw amazing works on the white paper laid on the floor.

Only when a craftsman or alchemist has reached the fourth rank can he be honored as a "master".

A craftsman or alchemist below the fourth rank, no matter how exquisite his skills are, cannot be called a "master".

Zhou Yang wanted to be promoted from a craftsman to a master craftsman, of course it would not be that easy.

Fortunately, he is not eager for success. After failure, he sums up his experience, finds out the reason for failure, and deduces the secret of success from failure.

Every refiner finds the secret of success through countless failures. One of the criteria for judging an excellent refiner from a mediocre one is the number of times they fail.

An excellent craftsman may only fail three or four times, five or six times, and then he will be able to find the reason for the failure and make improvements to achieve success.

And those mediocre refiners may have to fail more than a dozen times, dozens of times, before they can improve on their own failures and achieve success.

Zhou Yang's weapon refining talent may not be considered top-notch, but it is definitely not bad, and he has mastered the knowledge of two worlds, and his comprehension is much higher than most weapon refining masters.

What's more, he also has hardware advantages that other third-tier refiners absolutely cannot have. Whether it is "Qianyang True Fire" or "Lihuo Suzaku Furnace", they are all very helpful for refining weapons.

Therefore, after nearly a year of retreat, Zhou Yang finally succeeded in refining the first fourth-order magic weapon in his life when he refined the fourth-order magic weapon for the seventh time after failing six times.

This magic weapon is a low-grade fourth-grade flying sword. Its main material is a fire-attributed material "flame crystal iron". Zhou Yang also mixed a few taels of "lihuo fine gold" into it to add to the flying sword. power.

So even though it was his first work as a new fourth-tier refiner, this flying sword was not inferior to the same-level flying swords made by any veteran fourth-tier refiner in terms of power.

"I'll call you [Li Yang Sword] from now on!"

In the refining room, Zhou Yang gently stroked the flying sword in his hand that had just come out of the oven, and settled on the name of the flying sword with a look of relief on his face.

Many refiners have the habit of taking the first magic weapon they forged after their breakthrough in refining technique as a collection. For them, this first magic weapon has special commemorative significance, and they don't want it to be damaged in the battle.

Zhou Yang is no exception.

The magic weapon "Suzaku ring" that he refined when he was promoted to the third-level craftsman is still worn by the Taoist couple Xiao Ying. testimony.

And now this "Liyang Sword", he also plans to store it in the treasure room in his cave as a collection.

Originally, being promoted to a fourth-tier refiner was something worthy of celebration.

However, in view of the fact that I just held the Zifu celebration not long ago, and there are few high-level monks in the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea, basically no one needs to find myself, a fourth-level refiner, to refine weapons, so Zhou Yang just informed him of the news. Invited the Zhou family members and asked them to spread the news.

At this time, seventeen years have passed since Zhou Yang succeeded in opening up the Purple Mansion. His cultivation base has not improved much because he has been busy with cultivating supernatural powers and improving the refining technique these years, and he is still on the first floor of the Purple Mansion.

This kind of situation has never happened before, so after he broke through to the fourth level of refining technique, he thought about going to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals.

No one knows his own situation better than Zhou Yang. The main reason why his cultivation base can improve so quickly before is that he can continuously improve his cultivation base by taking pills.

But now, as his cultivation base has been promoted to the purple mansion stage, it is basically impossible for the world of immortal cultivation in the boundless sand sea to find a fourth-order panacea for him to take.

How could Huang Shamen, who had this kind of fourth-order elixir, be willing to give it to him, even if there were not enough monks in his own sect.

On the other hand, he wants to refine a complete set of Tier 4 flying swords, but he still lacks some precious Tier 4 materials, which can only be collected quickly in the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou.

And as his cultivation base breaks through to the purple mansion stage, it is time to prepare for the formation of alchemy. Whether it is a spiritual object that assists alchemy, or a spiritual object that refines the natal magic weapon after alchemy, it is not in the boundless sand. It can be collected in Haixiu Immortal Realm.

There is also the "Condensed Yuan Fruit" tree that was discovered in the Duanyun Mountain Range, waiting for him to pick the spiritual fruit on it.

All these things made him feel a little bit uneasy to stay on Chihu Mountain and practice hard behind closed doors.

But as the patriarch of the Zhou family and the pillar of the Zhou family, if he wanted to travel far away, it was obviously impossible for him to leave as soon as he said he would, like a casual cultivator with no worries or worries.

Before he left, he had to arrange everything in place to ensure that the Zhou family would not fall into chaos after he left, and to ensure that someone could help him shelter the Zhou family if the Zhou family was in danger after he left.

"Hey! Let's wait a few more years!"

"Wait a few more years, and Ying'er will be able to try to attack the third-rank top-rank alchemist, and the [Purple Cloud Fruit] over Ziyun Cave will also mature in a few years."

"I don't know how long I will stay there this time when I go to the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyunzhou. Before I leave, I have to ask Yinger to refine a batch of Foundation Establishment Pills and put them in the family for exchange by the clansmen."

Shake your head, sigh!

Zhou Yang collected his thoughts and began to practice the third level of "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique".

To go to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, one must first cross the Duanyun Mountain Range.

Although Huang Shamen will prepare the "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" for him, the "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" cannot guarantee 100% that he will not be discovered by monsters. The most important means to escape and save life inside.

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