Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 301 Chikki Tansei

Since the Zhou family decided to recruit outstanding talents from the outside world to serve as the family's guest ministers, they have classified the position of guest ministers into three levels: A, B, and C. The rights and treatment of each level of guest ministers are also different. .

Among them, only monks in the foundation-building period can serve as the first-class guest ministers. This kind of first-class guest ministers can sit in a third-class cave on Chihu Mountain, or open caves on other third-order spiritual mountains of the Zhou family. Receive two hundred low-grade spirit stones as offerings.

The monks of the Zhou family, except for the elders of the seven deacons and the elders of the Foundation Establishment, will salute and greet the first-class guests, and the first-class guests can also order the Zhou family's Qi training monks to do some errands for them.

The Zhou family's requirement for these first-class guest officials is that they must complete a task for the Zhou family for free every five years. If there is no task within a five-year period, the number of times will accumulate.

If one receives a second task after completing one's own task within five years, one can get generous rewards after completing the task. The rewards can be third-order panacea, magic talisman, magic weapon, or a large number of spirit stones.

At the same time, if the Zhou family is attacked by foreign enemies, the priests of Keqing must fight unconditionally to defend the family.

First-class guest ministers are treated very well, and the Zhou family has high requirements for recruiting first-class guest ministers. So far, no one has been recruited by the Zhou family.

Compared with the first-class guest ministers, the treatment of the second-class guest ministers is undoubtedly much worse. Not only can they only receive 80 low-grade spirit stones each year, but the place of residence is only an independent small courtyard on Chihu Mountain. His status is only equal to that of ordinary Zhou family late-stage Qi training monks.

The most important thing is that second-class guest ministers need to complete a related task arranged by the Zhou family every year, and the number of times can also be accumulated.

As for the worst third-class guest ministers, they don’t even have the qualifications to live on Chihu Mountain. They can only live on those third- and second-tier spirit mountains. The number of times has increased to two.

However, these benefits are not static. If a second-class guest minister succeeds in establishing a foundation after joining the Zhou family, he can be automatically promoted to a first-class guest official without taking a test.

And the third-class guest ministers who have served the Zhou family for more than ten years can apply to the family for a promotion assessment, and if they pass the assessment, they can be promoted to the second-class guest ministers.

The Zhou family has also adopted hierarchical management measures in the management of these guest ministers. Among them, the first-class guest ministers are directly under the management of the patriarch. When recruiting, in principle, only after the consent of Zhou Yang, who is about to be the outgoing patriarch and the elder of the Zhou family, can be awarded. A certain person has the status of a first-class guest official.

As for the recruitment of the second-class guest ministers and the third-class guest ministers, only the patriarch's consent is required, and the daily management is also handed over to the management and leadership of the foreign affairs elders.

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why Luo Qiang is so enthusiastic about recruiting outside talents to join the Zhou family after succeeding as the elder of the Zhou family's foreign affairs.

There is no doubt about Liu Xuanxuan's talent in refining weapons, but after all, she is only a 21-year-old girl with a third-level Qi training, even if she can really get a foundation-building pill from Zhou Yang in the future to build a foundation. Before Ji, it was impossible for the Zhou family to award her a first-class guest official.

This is actually a way to protect her.

If the Zhou family awarded her a first-class guest official, not only the members of the family would question the matter, but also outsiders would not feel embarrassed after hearing the news.

The Zhou family is already big and difficult to control. It is certainly not rare for the Zhou family to produce another talented person like Zhou Yang.

It was precisely because of these that Zhou Yang didn't show any special attitude towards Liu Xuanxuan after the assessment was over, and he didn't stay to personally intervene in arranging this matter.

Only by keeping people from knowing how much he attaches importance to Liu Xuanxuan can Liu Xuanxuan live a more stable and safe life in the Zhou family in the future.

This is the same as the reason that Master Qingyang valued him very much at the beginning, but he only gave him a piece of "Xuanyang Token" and didn't do anything else.

Zhou Guangxiang may not be clear about Zhou Yang's thoughts, but he has one advantage, that is, he will never question and speculate on Zhou Yang's intentions, and will faithfully implement Zhou Yang's orders.

So when Zhou Yang listened to the arrangement he reported afterwards, he smiled very satisfied.

According to Zhou Guangxiang's arrangement, not only Liu Xuanxuan lived in the yard arranged by the Zhou family for second-class guests, but her grandfather Liu Changhe was also left in her yard as a family member to practice.

Then Zhou Guangxiang arranged for her to work in the Zhou Family's Hundred Art Hall, so that she could learn a part of the Zhou family's weapon refining heritage in it openly and aboveboard, and get paid by completing the refining tasks in the Hundred Art Hall.

There is no specific number of tasks that the Zhou family assigns to second-class guests to complete every year. They can be combat demon-eliminating tasks, or refining weapons and alchemy tasks.

As long as Liu Xuanxuan enters Baiyitang, and Zhou Guangxiang secretly takes care of her, she can pass the test every year as long as she completes the refining task, so the Zhou family doesn't have to worry about her going out to perform tasks when her cultivation level is low.

And not two months after Liu Xuanxuan joined the Zhou family, the good news that Zhou Yang had been waiting for finally came.

Under the Zhou family's spare no effort to cultivate, Xiao Ying finally succeeded in refining a batch of third-rank high-grade alchemy pills, and became the first third-rank high-grade alchemist since Zhou's family was established.

At this time, Xiao Ying had only reached the seventh floor of the foundation building a few years ago, and she was only ninety-seven years old.

To be able to become a third-tier top-grade alchemist with this level of cultivation and at this age, his talent in alchemy is beyond doubt.

Knowing Zhou Yang's eagerness to go out and travel, and because she was full of expectations for returning to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, Xiao Ying only rested for two months after being promoted to the third-rank top-rank alchemist, and then officially started refining Established Ji Dan.

Refining Foundation Establishment Pill is a big deal!

When Xiao Ying was refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, Zhou Yang stopped everything and concentrated on guarding the alchemy outside the alchemy room in the cave mansion to protect the monks.

After several days of refining like this, Xiao Ying finally lived up to her expectations and successfully refined the first batch of Foundation Establishment Pill in her life.

Because it was the first time to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, although the refining was successful in the end, there were only three Pills produced.

Even if it is calculated based on 20,000 low-grade spirit stones for one Foundation Establishment Pill, the Zhou family lost tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones in terms of material costs for refining this Foundation Establishment Pill.

This is the reason why under normal circumstances, third-tier low-grade spirit pills such as Foundation Establishment Pill are handed over to fourth-tier alchemists or even fifth-tier alchemists to refine them.

But Zhou Yang knew that for the Zhou family, this account could not be calculated in this way.

First of all, the Zhou family can obtain the main materials of the fourth-order demon pill and "Earth Yuan Lingrui" by refining the main materials of the foundation building pill. In this way, if they only buy the rest of the auxiliary materials, ten to twenty thousand spirit stones can completely handle all of them.

Secondly, Zhuji Pill is a priceless item in the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation World, even if it is purchased at the market price in the Liuyun Continent Cultivation World, there are many restrictions, so its value cannot be calculated with a simple 20,000 low-grade spirit stones .

For example, if Zhou Yang sold the Foundation Establishment Pill to all casual cultivators and families in the Boundless Sand Sea, even if he priced 50,000 low-grade spirit stones, many people would still snap up them.

Thirdly, Xiao Ying has just been promoted to the third-rank top-grade alchemist, and it is the first time to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill. It is normal to produce three pills. In the future, she will refine the Foundation Establishment Pill a few more times and become familiar with the alchemy of the Foundation Establishment Pill. The number of pills produced will definitely increase to four or even five.

At that time, refining the Foundation Establishment Pill will definitely not lose money.

"Ying'er, you've worked hard, take a good rest first, and leave the rest to my husband."

Outside the alchemy room, after Zhou Yang received the three freshly baked Foundation Establishment Pills from Taoist Xiao Ying, he immediately hugged Taoist in his arms with affection and affection, and carried him directly to the bed in the boudoir to put down his instructions. After taking a good rest, he took Zhu Jidan and left the cave.

After leaving the "Qianyang Cave" where he practiced, Zhou Yang immediately issued an order to call all the elders and deacons of the Zhou family to Chihu Mountain for a closed-door meeting.

Several days passed like this, and after Zhou Xuanhao, who was sitting in Chihu Ridge, arrived, Zhou Yang took out the Foundation Establishment Pill refined by Xiao Ying, and talked about the purpose of holding this meeting.

"As you can see, the three Foundation Establishment Pills contained in these three jade bottles were refined by Elder Xiao Ying a few days ago!"

In the conference hall, as soon as Zhou Yang and all the participants arrived, they took out the three jade bottles containing the foundation building pills and placed them on the stone table in front of them. name.


Like thunder from the sky, after hearing Zhou Yang's words, all Zhou's elders and deacon elders in the meeting hall were stunned.

Then the next moment, in the empty meeting hall, there was a sound of rapid breathing.

You don't need to look at Zhou Yang to know that the voice must be from the seven deacons and elders who are still in the Qi training period.

As monks in the qi training period, and deacons and elders who are now in charge of real power in the Zhou family, these people and their descendants must be more likely to obtain the foundation building pill than others.

Seeing that the Zhou family suddenly had three more Foundation Establishment Pills, and they were still refined by their own elders, it would be strange if these people could still remain calm.

But if you know it, you know it. If you should warn these people, he still has to say it.

With a slight wave of his hand, he put away the three jade bottles containing the foundation building pills, then looked at the seven deacons and elders with sharp eyes and said coldly: "You don't want this gesture, the family rules should not be changed easily. , so no matter how many Foundation Establishment Pills the family has, you should use contribution points to exchange, or you can only use contribution points to exchange, don't think that the family will make a special case for someone who does not meet the regulations!"

After being swept away by his sharp and cold eyes, and hearing his warning words, the seven deacons and elders of the Zhou family trembled in their hearts, and immediately regained their sobriety. He clasped his hands and said: "The patriarch's teachings, we will definitely keep them in mind."

"It's good for you to know. Let me tell you the reason for calling you here today. That is, I am going to officially step down as the head of the Zhou family. The new head will be taken over by Guangxiang. Do you have any opinions?"

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