Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 302 Consummation of meritorious deeds

Zhou Yang never speaks out in the Zhou family.

Every time he has any major decisions and things to announce, he will first inform other clansmen at the family meeting and solicit the opinions of the majority of clansmen.

But he can keep silent, but others may not have the courage to refute his decision.

Especially after his cultivation reached the Zifu stage, there were almost no such people.

The change of the patriarch of the Zhou family is certainly a major event, and it can even be said to be a rare matter that cannot be resolved by the patriarch.

But there are very few Zhou family members who really dare to express their opinions on this important matter.

More importantly, Zhou Guangxiang is the only high-grade spiritual root cultivator of the Zhou family, and before that, he served as the deputy head of the Zhou family in charge of family affairs for more than ten years. It can be said that it is reasonable and legal for him to take over as the head of the Zhou family. No one can pick a thorn in it.

So in the end, Zhou Guangxiang took over as the patriarch, so it was settled.

According to Zhou Yang's instructions, the succession ceremony of the patriarch will be held in a month's time. At that time, most of the monks of the Zhou family will be present to witness, and the patriarchs of other vassal families will also be invited to watch the ceremony.

And during this month, Zhou Yang has not been idle.

According to his plan, after he officially stepped down as the patriarch, he would take his Taoist companion Xiao Ying to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

So this month will be his last time in the family.

During this period of time, he cleaned up his private treasures and the contents of the family treasury, and put all the things that he would bring to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou into two storage rings, and some things remained in the family.

At this time, the benefits of being the highest cultivator of the Zhou family were revealed.

As long as he felt that he could take away the things in the treasure house of the Zhou family, he unceremoniously took them out and threw them into the storage ring.

At the same time, there are two to three hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones stored in the family's treasury. In addition to leaving 30,000 low-grade spirit stones for the family's emergency use, he also put them all into the storage ring.

Of course, only a few high-level foundation builders of the Zhou family knew about this matter, and those people in the Qi training period would not know about it, and those people in the inner treasure house would not be able to enter anyway.

Zhou Yang will not explain to these clansmen that the various things he and his Taoist companion Xiao Ying have done for the family these years, and the things he has left for the family as a family heritage, have accumulated the number of contribution points of his family. Three to four hundred thousand.

That will only make the clansmen think wildly, and it is not conducive to the stability of the clan.

After sorting out the things, Zhou Yang also specially sorted out a handbook of refining experience and practice experience and handed it to Zhou Guangxiang for reference and study by the younger monks of the family.

His Taoist companion, Xiao Ying, also made a copy of his alchemy experience and kept it in the family for the alchemists in the family to study and study.

Such a month passed quickly.

One month later, under the witness of hundreds of Zhou family members and the patriarchs of vassal families such as Ma Shaoyang, Zhou Yang resigned from the position of the patriarch of the Zhou family in public, and has since retreated behind the scenes to become the supreme elder of the Zhou family.

After Zhou Yang stepped down as the patriarch, Zhou Guangxiang officially took over the patriarch from him and became the fifth generation patriarch of the Zhou family.

This year, Zhou Yang was 127 years old and Zhou Guangxiang was 87 years old.

Counting from the moment Zhou Yang took over as the head of the Zhou family at the age of 34, he has been in this position for 93 years!

In ninety-three years, he personally sent away two generations of the "Guang" and "Xuan" generations of the Zhou family, as well as the old patriarch Zhou Minghan, a monk of the "Ming" generation.

In the past ninety-three years, under his leadership, the Zhou family has taken off from a small family facing the risk of severance of succession, and has taken off all the way to become the current Zifu family with a large number of talents and a strong army.

His achievements in office surpassed that of any patriarch of the Zhou family, and his contribution to the family was unmatched by anyone in the Zhou family.

All the monks of the Zhou family now, and all the descendants of the Zhou family in the future, will always remember his contribution to the family as the fourth-generation patriarch, and his achievements will always be preserved in the history of the family.

"Zhou Yuanyang, the fourth-generation patriarch of the Zhou clan, father Zhou Xuanhao, mother Lin Yuting, Taoist couple Xiao Ying, was born in the 192nd year of the Zhou clan. Practicing Qi, established the foundation at the age of 34, and took over the position of the head of the Zhou family...Zifu at the age of 105...Resigned as the head of the family at the age of 127, and became the elder of the Zhou family in the same year... Merit and demerit For thousands of years, virtue will be handed down forever, and the Zhou clan is the only one!" ——"Zhou Clan History·Gaozu Zhou Yuanyang Biography"

Whether it is merit or demerit can be judged by future generations.

Zhou Yang didn't care about the evaluation he would get in the future, the immortal cultivator only wanted longevity, and nothing else.

Fame and profit are like clouds and smoke, and everything is ultimately in the service of the word "longevity".

So after resigning as the patriarch, he told the clansmen that he was practicing in seclusion in his own cave, and became a Xiaoyao Taishang elder.

In fact, after explaining everything, he quietly took his Taoist companion Xiao Ying to the Huangshamen, and visited Zhang Yunpeng, the head of the Huangshamen.

"This is [Hidden Spiritual Fragrance] prepared for Fellow Daoist Zhou. It is quite difficult to make, so you must not use it casually outside, otherwise, if you want to return to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea in the future, you will have to take the risk of crossing the Duanyun Mountain Range! "

"In addition, this storage bag contains a great gift prepared by Master before his death. I also ask Fellow Daoist Zhou to deliver it to Senior Qingyang Master. This is Master's last wish, and I hope Fellow Daoist will not refuse it!"

"Finally, this storage bag contains 200,000 low-grade spirit stones. Zhou Daoyou is here to go to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals. If there is [Purple Heart Chalcedony] for sale at the auction conference, I hope you can help us Huang Shamen to take it." One copy, as long as the price is not higher than 200,000 low-grade spirit stones, you can increase the price as much as you want!"

Inside the Huangsha Gate, Zhang Yunpeng saw Zhou Yang coming, and when he handed over the things he had prepared long ago, he also expressed his request.

Zhou Yang knew that Zhang Yunpeng quietly went to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals a few years ago. The spirit stone treasures that came here, went to Liuyunzhou to purchase the spirit objects for opening up the purple mansion.

It's just that Zhang Yunpeng's luck didn't seem to be good. Although he successfully brought back Yang Wenxiong on that trip, he failed to purchase such a precious spiritual object as he wished, "Purple Heart Chalcedony".

After all, even if this kind of spiritual object is in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, it is not sold anywhere at any time. It is only possible to get it in such large-scale auctions and high-level monk exchange meetings. Liuyunzhou stayed in the world of cultivating immortals for too long.

So when he heard Zhang Yunpeng's request at this time, he just pondered for a while, then took everything into his hands, and then said in a deep voice: "Please rest assured, Zhang Zhang, if such an opportunity really happens, Zhou will definitely help of."

After he finished speaking, he paused, then looked at Zhang Yunpeng solemnly and said: "At the same time, Mr. Zhou also asked Mr. Zhang to take care of the Zhou family after Mr. Zhou left!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yunpeng solemnly assured him: "Fellow Daoist Zhou don't worry about this matter. If the Zhou family really encounters any difficulties during the time when Fellow Daoist left, as long as Zhang can help, he will risk his life. I will definitely protect the Zhou family!"

"Then Zhou will thank Sect Leader Zhang here first!"

Zhou Yang cupped his hands slightly to express his gratitude, and then quietly left Huangshamen while Zhang Yunpeng personally sent him off, and officially embarked on his second trip to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

This time when he went to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals, Zhou Yang had no one to bring an escort, so he could only go by himself, and he also had to bring his Taoist companion Xiao Ying, so the pressure was not insignificant.

Fortunately, he had already memorized the route to Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation Realm last time, and Huang Shamen also kept a rough route map. Zhang Yunpeng also gave him a copy this time.

With the road map and his last memory, at least he doesn't have to worry about getting lost in the vast mountains, which is very important.

The Duanyun Mountain Range is vast and boundless. If one gets lost in it, even if Zhou Yang has the strength of the Golden Core Stage, he may not be able to get out of it alive.

He flew with Yujian and took Xiao Ying along the route that Cao Wenjin entered the mountain at the beginning, and flew into the mountain from a snow peak that was lower than other snow peaks.

After entering the mountain, he immediately lit the "Hidden Spirit Incense", and then flew over the snow mountain at the fastest speed and entered the cloud layer behind the snow mountain.

The vast clouds and mist covered the figure on the flying sword, making it impossible for the monsters who were not within a hundred meters of Zhou Yang to spot their couple.

But Zhou Yang was not Cao Wenjin after all. Although his spiritual sense was strong, it was not as good as Cao Wenjin. He couldn't be like Cao Wenjin, who could detect monster beasts approaching sixty or seventy miles away in advance.

As a result, sometimes he just noticed a flying monster flying retrograde in the clouds and mist in front of him, and before he had time to slow down and turn to avoid it, the monster spotted their whereabouts.

At this time, he could only act first, beheading the monster with a thunderbolt before it issued a warning.

With his current strength, unless he encounters a fourth-order monster, all third-order monsters are a matter of one sword.

Often when those monsters found out his whereabouts, they were beheaded by flying swords that suddenly emerged from the clouds and mist behind them.

When these monsters died, Zhou Yang would not let their corpses fall down and be discovered by other monsters, they were all directly put into the storage ring.

When he was in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, he had never dared to wear these two storage rings on his hands, for fear of being discovered and deduced where they came from.

But this time he went to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals, he didn't need to hide it anymore.

In the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, some well-to-do monks of the Zifu period would also buy a storage ring.

After all, storage rings are many times stronger than storage bags in terms of storage space and safety.

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