Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 304 Divine Lightning Slays Demons 【Full Order】


There was a thunderous explosion, and a golden thunder with a thick arm fell from the sky, and instantly struck the thick trunk of the blue ancient pine on the top of the mountain.

In an instant, the golden light flickered and the flames shone.

A huge blue ancient pine tree, like a human being who has been electrocuted, shook off countless pine needles and branches, and even the tough bark that was as tough as dragon skin was shaken off a lot.

"Huh? You're not dead like this?"

Zhou Yang frowned, looking at the blue ancient pine tree full of yellow pine needles in the blink of an eye, his eyes were filled with surprise.

According to his original thinking, after being hit by "Qianyang Shenlei", the blue ancient pine should be half dead even if it is not dead.

But what he saw now was just a serious injury to his vitality, not the fundamental situation.

This situation was undoubtedly extremely abnormal, so that he had to suspend the offensive, concentrating on the inside story.

After a while, he seemed to think of something, and shouted fiercely:

"I see!"

"It's a supernatural power like damage transfer. This dryad should have mastered this kind of supernatural power, and transferred part of the power of [Qianyang Shenlei] to the branches and leaves, thus keeping its most important root system!"

Mystical powers such as transfer of damage are high-level secret arts among immortal cultivators, and it is difficult for ordinary immortal cultivators to come into contact with them.

On the contrary, Zhou Yang found out from the blood nether storage ring that there are many such mystical powers on the magical secrets, which can allow practitioners to transfer the damage to their arms or legs when they encounter fatal injuries. above, and then save their lives at the cost of broken arms and legs.

The "substitute blood puppet" used by Xue Moluo back then was actually made by the golden core cultivator of the Blood Fiend Demon Sect using some kind of monster material that also mastered the supernatural power of transferring damage as the main material, plus a variety of rare materials to refine it. treasure.

And this kind of damage transfer supernatural powers is indeed more common in monsters of plants and trees and some molluscs that become monsters.

It is not surprising that the dryad possesses this kind of supernatural power and can survive the attack of "Qianyang Shenlei".

"Hmph, there is also an upper limit to the transfer of damage. Just now you can transfer the damage to the branches and leaves. Next, let's see where you can transfer the damage!"

Zhou Yang, who had guessed the truth, let out a cold snort, his eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately used the "Qianyang Shenlei" supernatural power again.

Anyway, the Dryad couldn't move, even if he knew the trick he was about to perform, he couldn't move and dodge it.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Yang summoned the divine thunder again, the blue ancient pine on the top of the mountain shook wildly.

The "Qianyang Shenlei" almost killed it just now. If Zhou Yang came to do it again, it would not be sure to survive.

Therefore, it must not allow Zhou Yang to cast spells successfully.

Suddenly, a distorted and hideous human face appeared on the thick tree trunk of the tree demon.

The man looked at Zhou Yang with resentment in his eyes and opened his mouth to let out a long hiss. Although no sound came out, a strange force crazily charged into Zhou Yang's Zifu Taoist Palace.


The Taoist Palace of the Purple Mansion was hit, and the White Tiger, the four spirits of heaven and earth in the "Palace of the Four Spirits Protecting the Dao" in Zhou Yang's sea of ​​knowledge, suddenly opened his mouth and let out a sky-shattering roar.

The strange power that invaded Zhou Yang's sea of ​​consciousness was rushed away by the roar of the white tiger, and it was instantly washed away and could no longer shake Zhou Yang's Zifu Dao Palace.

And what reflected the reality was that the dryad's human face condensed on the tree trunk, only had time to show a terrified expression before dissipating directly.

All of this is a long story, but it actually happened within a few breaths, and Zhou Yang didn't even stop casting spells.

He has always been confident in his spiritual consciousness, and it is impossible for a monk of the same rank to injure him by attacking his spiritual consciousness and soul.

Therefore, even though he suffered the mental attack from the tree demon, he didn't devote any attention to deal with it at all, and just maintained the spell casting with all his strength without any wavering.

After a while passed like this, he raised his hand after casting the spell, and another golden thunder thundered towards the tree demon body on the top of the mountain.

Naturally, the Dryad was not willing to sit still. The moment the golden divine thunder fell, it directly transformed the Yimu essence condensed in the demon core into a blue canopy to cover it in front of it.

These Yimu essences are condensed bit by bit by the tree demon over the years, which is equivalent to the natal essence of a cultivator. When it is released all at once, it means that its hundreds of years of hard work will be destroyed in one go, and the loss is simply huge. There's no end to it.

Even so, in front of the most rigid and powerful "Qianyang Shenlei", the canopy condensed by Yimu's essence was quickly broken down, and then there was still nearly half of the power of the golden thunder, and there was no more power left. Anything that gets in the way falls directly on the Dryad.

Click click click!

In Zhou Yang's eyes, he could see the tree demon's trunk, which was hundreds of feet high and nearly two feet thick, cracked countless cracks in an instant, just like a porcelain vase that had been hit hard.

When he saw this, he knew that this was the tree demon repeating the same trick, transferring the damage to the trunk through the damage transfer magical power.

"How could I let you succeed!"

A sneer flashed on his face, and with a wave of his hand, the silver blades protecting his body instantly turned into a storm of blades and swept towards the roots where the Dryad's trunk connected to the ground.

The tree demon was strong before, so he thought it would be impossible to directly cut down the tree demon itself.

But now, in order to save their lives, the dryad has transferred a large amount of golden chilling aura to the trunk, causing the trunk to become like a dead tree eaten by moths, and it is impossible to block the "thousand-blade disk" metal fourth-order High-grade magic weapon attack.

Sure enough, after discovering Zhou Yang's movements, the Dryad tried his best to condense all kinds of wooden spears and wooden shields to resist the attack of the silver blade, but in the end he still couldn't save himself, and was directly chopped to the ground by the random blade.

After cutting down the dryad's trunk, the remaining few roots of the dryad were naturally unable to turn over any waves, and they were all cut off by Zhou Yang's imperial envoy "Thousand Blade Disk", and all vitality was wiped out.

So far, this fourth-rank high-grade tree demon has completely fallen under Zhou Yang's knife.

Because of Zhou Yang's intentional care, when the dryad's huge trunk fell, it did not damage the "Ningyuanguo" tree not far away.

So after killing the tree demon, Zhou Yang didn't go to collect the demon pills left behind after the tree demon fell, but fell under the "Congealing Yuan Fruit" tree first.

On the "Ningyuan Fruit" tree, five white spiritual fruits the size of a human head were quietly hanging on the tree, waiting for someone to pick them.

Zhou Yang looked at the five spiritual fruits with piercing eyes, and after looking at them for a while, with a wave of his sleeve, he used a few bursts of mana to pick off all five spiritual fruits and put them into the jade box.

At this time, when Xiao Ying saw the tree demon fall, she drove over with her sword light and landed behind Zhou Yang.

When she saw Zhou Yang picking the "Ning Yuan Fruit", she said softly with her cherry lips parted: "Zhou Lang, this [Ning Yuan Fruit] tree is a fourth-order spiritual wood. With my concubine's current spiritual planting technique, The success rate of transplantation is probably less than 30%, even if the transplantation is successful, we will not be able to bring the fruit tree back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea!"

"Ying'er, you are worrying too much. My husband has no idea of ​​transplanting this tree now. This tree is so precious. Of course, you have to wait until you are promoted to the Purple Mansion before considering transplanting it!"

Zhou Yang turned his head and shook his head lightly with a smile, giving the Taoist companion a calm look.

Then he looked at the lush "Ning Yuanguo" tree, and said to himself: "After the fall of the tree demon, this spiritual mountain will definitely be occupied by other monsters, and the predatory destruction of the mountain top area has already caused this to happen. The mountain's spiritual veins and spiritual eyes have shifted to the mountainside, and this area on the top of the mountain has not been restored for decades, and it is impossible to regain its vitality, and the monster will definitely not choose to live here."

"Since that's the case, we just need to set up a phantom formation here to hide the [Condensed Yuan Fruit] tree. Even if some monks go deep into the Duanyun Mountains to explore treasures here in the future, the chances of finding the [Condensed Yuan Fruit] tree are not high."

In fact, this is not 100% safe, but it is the best way Zhou Yang can think of.

After all, it is impossible for him not to pick the "Ningyuan Fruit" because he is worried that the "Ningyuan Fruit" tree will be discovered.

Xiao Ying has always been a husband and wife to Zhou Yang, and when she heard Zhou Yang say this, she nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

After Zhou Yang finished his decision, he began to deal with the huge corpse left behind by the tree demon.

If the tree demon, which was originally as tall as hundreds of feet, could be felled with a single sword, then the tree trunk would be the best material for refining puppets and making blank talismans.

However, he was hit by Zhou Yang's two "Qianyang Shenlei" one after another, and the tree demon used the damage transfer magical power to transfer the golden chill to the trunk in order to survive, resulting in the huge trunk being destroyed by the golden sharpness. , what can be used is less than one percent of the original.

Fortunately, the most precious demon core on the tree demon was not damaged much, and it was perfectly preserved.

Generally, monsters like tree demons that turn vegetation into monsters will not condense demon cores like birds and beasts, but condense demon cores that function like demon cores.

The tree demon's demon core looks like a green cylinder about two feet long and half a foot thick on the surface.

This turquoise cylinder condenses the essence of the dryad and is its source of power.

This object cannot be used to refine panacea such as Foundation Establishment Pill, but it is an excellent material for refining some special instruments, and for wood-type kung fu monks, if they can bring this object with them, they will soon be able to use it. Slowly absorb the Yimu essence contained in it to practice, and the speed of practice must be increased by at least ten times!

Zhou Yang took out the tree demon's demon core and weighed it for a few times, then threw one directly to Xiao Ying, the Taoist companion beside him: "Ying'er, I will give you the tree demon's demon core. Your "Qinghua Crossing Evil Scripture" needs to absorb and refine a large amount of Yimu essence if you want to quickly practice those kinds of magical powers after you open up the Zifu, and you can also absorb the Yimu essence in it on weekdays Come to practice."

Reflexively, Xiao Ying stretched out her hands to hug the demon core thrown by Zhou Yang, a look of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, then she pursed her lips and said with a sweet smile, "The concubine will not be polite to her husband."

The two are husband and wife, husband and wife are one body, thanking you politely seems to be separate.

Sure enough, when Zhou Yang heard her say this, a smile appeared on his face.

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