Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 305: Dan Yun Enlightenment

The tree demon's most precious core was given to Taoist Xiao Ying by Zhou Yang, but the tree demon's surviving roots were taken away by him.

These tree roots contain rich vitality, and their sap is an important material for refining some third-level and fourth-level healing elixir, and it is also a good material for refining fourth-level wood-type magic tools.

Moreover, after exterminating the tree demon, Zhou Yang and the others also found many mature third-tier and second-tier elixir on the mountain, and also found several second-tier and third-tier spiritual fruit trees with spiritual fruits hanging on them, as well as There are quite a few Tier 2 and Tier 3 spirit trees.

These things were naturally collected by Zhou Yang and put into the storage ring, and they were used as reserve materials for alchemy and weapon refining in the future.

After searching the entire Lingshan Mountain, Zhou Yang first arranged a third-order phantom formation around the "Ningyuan Fruit" tree to hide the fruit tree, and then practiced and meditated on the mountain for a day to recover his mana. The Taoist companion is on the road again.

Afterwards, everything went smoothly. After two or three days of flying, Zhou Yang and the others saw the majestic and majestic city walls of Zhenyue Immortal City in their sight.

Looking at the city wall he had fought in the distance, looking at the city he had fought in the past, Zhou Yang's eyes showed a rare excitement.

"I don't know what happened to Dong Jianping? Has he established his own Dong family?"

"I don't know if Senior Jia Yunzhen is still in Zhenyue Immortal City. Has he found the follow-up technique of "Da Yan Jian Jue"?"

"There is also that Zifu monk Zhu Ziyu of the Purple Star Sect. This person almost killed me. If this person is still in Zhenyue Immortal City, we must find an opportunity to make him pay a heavy price for his actions that day!"

Zhou Yang recalled his experiences in Zhenyue Fairy City and the friends and enemies he had made back then, his mood fluctuated for a while, and the speed of the flying sword under his feet couldn't help but speed up a bit.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying, who had re-applied their temporary identity documents, entered the city.

After entering the Immortal City, Zhou Yang tried to send a message to Dong Jianping with the Flying Sword, but failed as expected, as Dong Jianping was not in the city.

As for Jia Yunzhen, although Zhou Yang had been taught the sword formula by him, he didn't have the other party's contact information, so he couldn't send a message to Feijian.

However, this didn't bother him. As a "celebrity" who was well-known in the six fairy cities outside the Duanyun Mountain Range, Jia Yunzhen's whereabouts were not difficult to find out.

He casually found a shop with monks from the Purple Mansion Period and inquired about it, and he knew that Jia Yunzhen had never been back to Zhenyue Immortal City since the beast tide, nor had he heard of appearing in the other five immortal cities.

Then he took the opportunity to inquire about Zhu Ziyu's whereabouts, only to learn that he had gone to a Zixing Pavilion branch named Qixia Fairy City to sit in town.

"Purple Star Pavilion" is a chain store opened by the Purple Star Sect. It has branches in many fairy cities. The branch in Zhenyue Fairy City is one of them, and so is the branch in Qixia Fairy City.

Zhou Yang found out through inquiring that the Yunxia Kingdom where the Qixia Immortal City is located is more than a million miles away from the Zhenyue Immortal City, and during this period, he has to pass through more than a dozen countries in the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou.

This made him have to temporarily suppress his desire for revenge, and was prepared to seek revenge on this person after he had refined the flying sword first.

Zhenyue Immortal City is located in Duanyun Mountain. The materials here are various monster materials and elixir. It is difficult to buy all kinds of spiritual gold needed by Zhou Yang to refine the flying sword here.

So he just stayed in the city with Xiao Ying for a few days, collected and purchased some auxiliary materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill and Ziyun Pill, and spent 24,000 low-grade spirit stones to buy two high-grade spirit beast bags, and then left Xiancheng rushed to the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm in the rear.

Zhou Yang's goal is of course Xianyang City. He is going there to buy spiritual pills for cultivation and materials for refining flying swords, and then he has to find a way to meet Master Qingyang and hand over the things Zhang Yunpeng entrusted him to bring.

At the same time, if possible, he would also ask Master Qingyang or the cultivator of Xuanyang Xianzong to inquire about the refining materials of his natal magic weapons to see if he could gain anything.

Of course, before that, he had to accompany Taoist couple Xiao Ying to live in Danyun Peak, the spiritual mountain where she grew up, for a period of time, in order to comfort Taoist couple's homesickness.

The two of them flew all the way out of Zhenyue Fairy City for less than two days, and arrived at Danyun Peak where Xiao Ying had lived and practiced for decades.

The situation was as expected by Zhou Yang. After decades, this third-order spiritual mountain was indeed occupied by other monks.

Fortunately, the monks who occupied this spiritual mountain did not seem to have a bad nature. Although they broke the mountain guard formation, they did not occupy the cave that Xiao Ying sealed off, but re-opened another cave on the mountain to live and practice.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yang immediately let go of the idea of ​​violently driving people away. Instead, after discussing with the Taoist companion, he decided to discuss with the master of Lingshan, and asked the other party to let him live in Lingshan for three months. .

The monks occupying Danyun Peak are also a couple of monks and Taoists. Both of them are casual cultivators in the foundation building period. The two descendants practice here together, probably because they regard Dan Yunfeng as the foundation of the family.

The sudden arrival of Zhou Yang, a cultivator in the Zifu period, can imagine how much fright it has brought to the family on the mountain.

Especially when they heard that Danyun Peak was the place where Zhou Yang's Taoist couple Xiao Ying practiced, the casual cultivator couple was so frightened that they fell to their knees on the spot and begged Zhou Yang to forgive their unintentional mistakes, and directly took out their personal storage bags to offer He expressed his willingness to atone for his crime with all his wealth.

"Get up, the so-called ignorant is not guilty. Besides, we gave up Danyun Peak by ourselves. It is understandable for you to occupy Lingshan without knowing the inside information."

"And this time we came back, just to comfort my wife's homesickness, and didn't mean to take back Lingshan's long-term residence!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Yang pulled up the kneeling casual cultivator couple with a burst of force, and said his intentions calmly.

Then he didn't give the two casual cultivators a chance to express their thanks, and just waved them away: "Okay, now you and your wife will leave Lingshan with your descendants and live in another place for three months. , our husband and wife will naturally leave, and you can still come back and continue to live and practice here!"

His rude and direct attitude, on the contrary, reassured the two casual cultivators, knowing that he really had no other malicious intentions than being nice.

So the two couples thanked each other a lot, and they didn't even think about going back to the cave to pack up their things, and they left Danyun Peak with their children and grandchildren who were also frightened, and they didn't know where they went.

Zhou Yang didn't care about these things either. After the casual cultivators left, he and Xiao Ying worked together to clean up the closed cave and lived in it.

For the next three months, Zhou Yang spent most of the time with Xiao Ying wandering around the mountain and other places outside the mountain to recall, listening to Xiao Ying talking about the interesting things she had experienced living here, and then Let's cook together and watch the sunrise and sunset together.

During the three months, the two of them were like this, they almost completely forgot about their cultivation, they completely regarded themselves as a couple of ordinary mortals, and even shared the same bed in the same bed at night, embracing and sleeping.

Even so, both of them were careful not to take that last step, and did not hinder their future path because of a momentary impulse.

After going on like this for three months, Zhou Yang woke up one morning, and saw Xiao Ying meditating and practicing beside him with the tree demon core he gave her.

Seeing this scene, he was slightly taken aback, and then seemed to think of something, with a gratified smile on his face.

He waited like this until Xiao Ying came to her senses from meditation practice, and went up to hug his beloved wife, and said in his beloved wife's ear full of admiration: "Ying'er, you are smarter than your husband imagined. Wei Fu also planned to find an opportunity to wake you up in the next few days, but I didn't expect you to realize it yourself!"

In the past, his intimate behavior would always make Xiao Ying's pretty face flush with embarrassment.

But this time Xiao Ying didn't show any uncomfortable reaction, she just murmured in a low voice: "I still want to thank my husband for taking care of me these past few months, so that I can truly understand the meaning of cultivation!"

"Human life is short, but a hundred years in a hurry. If we don't practice hard, even if our love is boundless now, it will be nothing but a handful of loess in the end, leaving countless regrets in vain!"

"Furthermore, my husband is now a cultivator of the Purple Mansion with a lifespan of five hundred years. If I don't work hard to catch up with my husband's cultivation, when I get old and go to sit down, my husband will still be able to live for hundreds of years with the same appearance. Even for thousands of years, wouldn't it be cruel to treat the concubine and the husband like that?"

"So please don't worry, my husband. In the future, I will work hard to catch up with my husband's footsteps, and I will never become a burden that hinders my husband's practice!"

Cultivate immortals to seek longevity, let your blood be free, step on the lotus and drag the waves to cleanse the bones of the sword, and shape the holy soul with the wind!

The process of practice is not only to obtain a longer lifespan, but also to better explore and understand this world.

A long lifespan is only a prerequisite for the strong to explore the world and pursue the truth of the Dao.

Similarly, if you have a long lifespan, you don't need to deliberately manage it. After getting along for a long time, the relationship between two men and women will naturally become deeper and stronger.

If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening.

For Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying, a pair of talented immortal cultivators and Taoists, this sentence is absolutely the most applicable golden advice.

Now that Zhou Yang heard Xiao Ying's words, a look of joy from the bottom of his heart suddenly appeared on his face.

No one knows her Taoist companion better than him. Xiao Ying was brought into the mountains by her master to practice since she was a child. She has never experienced human suffering, nor is she used to seeing birth, old age, sickness and death. As a result, she has never had a firm goal and belief in her practice. , are practiced for the sake of practice.

Before getting to know Zhou Yang, she practiced in order to get the praise of her master. After getting to know Zhou Yang, she practiced in order to help Zhou Yang, but she never thought about practicing for herself or the meaning of practicing.

This is nothing below the Zifu period. After all, as a monk with top-rank spiritual root qualifications, she has never lacked cultivation resources. Even if she does not practice very hard, she can achieve a practice speed far exceeding that of ordinary middle-rank spiritual root monks.

But if you want to open up the Zifu, or even condense the golden core, you will definitely not be able to succeed if you have no goal and no will.

Zhou Yang discovered this a long time ago, but he has never found a good opportunity to help the Taoist companion change this.

It wasn't until this time that he accompanied Xiao Ying to live as a mortal in Danyun Peak for a period of time that he had a flash of inspiration in his mind and thought of a way.

However, what he didn't expect was that before he had time to wake up Xiao Ying with his own method, Xiao Ying realized the true meaning of cultivation through the ordinary life of these few months, how could he not be happy about this.

When he was happy, he couldn't help but kissed Xiao Ying's pretty face fiercely and shouted: "Well said! Let us husband and wife work together to form golden pills and transform Yuanying together, and also be a couple." To be that immortal couple who are youthful and live forever.”

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