Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 306: Visitor from Donghua

Xiao Ying succeeded in enlightening overnight, so Dan Yunfeng naturally didn't need to wait any longer.

Zhou Yang left the two third-order middle-grade magical artifacts on the stone table in the cave, and flew Xiao Ying out of Danyun Peak with his sword.

And not long after the two of them left, seeing the couple of casual cultivators who had gone away with Jian Guang, they boldly rushed back to Danyun Peak to check the situation.

When they saw the magic weapon that Zhou Yang left on the stone table in the cave, the couple were both surprised and happy. They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"That's right, since the senior left these two artifacts here, it means that they really don't plan to live here forever, we don't need to move, let's call the children back!"

The male monk hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly to the Taoist companion, expressing his opinion.

"I'm going to pick up the kids myself."

As the female monk said, she hurried out of the cave to pick up her descendants.

Next, the couple divided the two magical artifacts left by Zhou Yang, and closed the cave as usual, and strictly prohibited future generations from coming to the cave for activities.

Zhou Yang was naturally ignorant of all this, and perhaps he would just smile lightly and be noncommittal if he knew.

After Xiao Ying's enlightenment, the special meaning of Dan Yunfeng no longer exists. It's really hard to say whether the two will go back there in the future.

After the two of them left Danyun Peak, this time they did not fly around the same route as last time, but chose the normal route, and the first stop was Jingxuan Immortal City beside Baishui Lake.

This Jingxuan Immortal City is the Immortal City established by Jingxuanzong of the Tianfeng Kingdom Sect. Although the Immortal City is not big, because it is the closest Immortal City to the Duanyun Mountain Range, the flow of monks is quite considerable.

After the two of Zhou Yang arrived in this fairy city, according to Zhou Yang's suggestion, they first went to a restaurant in the fairy city to eat a special meal, and then they traveled in the fairy city for two days, selling a few pieces of Zhou Yang from the boundless sand sea. The stolen magic weapon brought by the world of cultivating immortals, and some special "Mo Yunshi" of Jingxuanzong were purchased, and then left the fairy city and went to the next stop.

In the storage ring of Blood Nether, Zhou Yang got a lot of stolen artifacts used by the monks who established the foundation of the Huangshamen. He could not sell these artifacts in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, let alone hand them over to the family monks. For use, it can only be brought to the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyunzhou for sale.

Because he came out this time to travel to the world of cultivating immortals to increase his knowledge, he planned to stay in each immortal city for three or two days, sell a few of these stolen artifacts, and then taste the local specialties and enjoy some special beautiful scenery around him. Buy some useful specialties.

Like the "Ink Cloud Stone" he bought in Jingxuan City, only Jingxuanzong produced it in the world of cultivating immortals nearby. It is an excellent spirit ink for making talismans. Ink can increase the success rate a lot when making talismans.

It's a pity that the top-grade "Mo Yunshi" is monopolized by Jingxuanzong himself or used to exchange for rare resources from other sects. Most of the ones that can be bought in the market are low-grade. The tree roots cut from the demon's body were exchanged for three fist-sized middle-grade "ink cloud stones".

After traveling in this way for three or four months, after staying in more than ten fairy cities, the stolen magical artifacts that Zhou Yang carried were almost sold by him. At the same time, he also bought a lot of refining artifacts, Materials for alchemy and talisman making.

Originally, according to the plan, the two would continue to travel like this for two or three years before arriving at Xianyang City.

However, Zhou Yang heard a piece of news on the way, so he had to change his plan, and took Xiao Ying on the road with all his strength.

It turned out that he heard a news on the way that there was a large business group coming from the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou, and it would arrive in Xianyang City in half a year.

It is said that this large business group has thousands of people, and there are as many as three Nascent Soul Stage monks escorting the business group.

Originally, such a large-scale business group that traded across the world of cultivating immortals would only go directly to the real central holy place of the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou "Liuyun Xiancheng" for trade.

But I don't know what Xuanyang Xianzong did this time, so that the three Nascent Soul stage principals of the business group changed their plans a little bit, and decided to stay in Xianyang City for a year, and then go to "Liuyun Xiancheng".

Zhou Yang didn't know much about the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. He only knew that the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou was stronger than not weaker than the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. There are also exchanges and connections in the overseas cultivation world in China.

It is said, just rumored, it is said that in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou more than 5,000 years ago, a true immortal in the transcending tribulation period appeared, and it is very likely that the true immortal in the transcending tribulation period lived in seclusion in the cultivating world in Donghuazhou.

If this rumor is true, one can imagine the prosperity of the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou.

So Zhou Yang decided to rush to Xianyang City as quickly as possible after hearing that a large business group from the Immortal Cultivation World in Donghuazhou was going to stop in Xianyang City for a year.

Not only him, but also many monks who heard the news.

Such a business group that trades across the world of cultivating immortals is a rare event in a hundred years even in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

In order to earn the maximum benefit, all kinds of spiritual objects brought by the business group each time are not lower than the fourth level, and most of them are special spiritual objects in the immortal cultivation world of Donghuazhou that are rare in Liuyunzhou, and even overseas. A special product in the world of cultivating immortals.

So every time such a large business group comes, it will attract countless high-level monks from the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou to the business group's residence to conduct transactions.

After rushing all the way for more than a month, the two of Zhou Yang finally arrived outside Xianyang City.

After arriving in Xianyang City, the first thing Zhou Yang did was to rent the Dongfu.

At this time, due to the arrival of a large business group from Donghuazhou, the rental business of Dongfu in Xianyang City is very hot. If Zhou Yang had not had the "Xuanyang Token" in his hand, he might not be able to grab a suitable one for his cultivation. Dongfu.

This cave is located on top of a fourth-tier high-grade spiritual mountain in the city. There are five fourth-tier caves and more than twenty third-tier caves built on this spiritual mountain. At this time, except for the cave rented by Zhou Yang, the rest of the caves are already full. Alien monks.

Because only five fourth-tier caves were opened up in the entire Lingshan, the usable area of ​​the cave rented by Zhou Yang is quite considerable. Not only are there all kinds of facilities inside the cave, but there is also a ten There are several acres of elixir garden and hundreds of acres of green bamboo forest, and there is a spiritual spring with strong spiritual energy in the bamboo forest.

Of course, corresponding to the size of the Dongfu is the high rent of the Dongfu. The normal annual rent of the Dongfu is 3,500 low-grade spirit stones. Zhou Yang has a "Xuanyang Order" that can discount 20%, and the actual annual rent is 2,000. Eight hundred low-grade spirit stones!

However, Zhou Yang is now worth hundreds of thousands. Although there are a lot of these spirit stones, they still can't scare him, so he paid five years' rent in one go.

Well, the main reason is that the minimum period for renting out this high-end cave is five years.

After renting the cave mansion, Zhou Yang let Xiao Ying practice in the cave mansion with peace of mind, while he went to Xuanyang Pavilion to meet the big shopkeeper of Xuanyang Pavilion.

The big shopkeeper of Xuanyang Pavilion at this time is still Xu Zhengyang. This person understands that Zhou Yang and Master Qingyang have a very close relationship, so after hearing that it was Zhou Yang who came to visit, he didn't ask for help. He invited him into a VIP reception room and received him.

"I didn't expect Zhou Xiaoyou to successfully open up the Purple Mansion just after being separated for decades. This level of cultivation speed is not inferior to those core disciples in my Xuanyang Immortal Sect!"

In the reception room, Xu Zhengyang waited for Zhou Yang to salute, then looked at him with a warm smile on his face and praised him repeatedly.

Seeing his smiling face, people who don't know the inside story will probably mistakenly think that Zhou Yang is one of his outstanding sons and nephews after seeing this scene.

"Senior Xu praised you absurdly. Who doesn't know that the core disciples of Xuanyang Xianzong are all dragons and phoenixes among men, and they will all be golden elixir seeds with a great chance of forming alchemy in the future. How dare a mere junior dare to meet those dazzling geniuses?" Compare!"

Zhou Yang shook his head with a wry smile, but he didn't dare to take Xu Zhengyang's words seriously.

As he said, the core disciples of Xuanyang Immortal Sect are all geniuses selected from thousands of miles. Top-grade spiritual roots are only the basic requirements for becoming a core disciple. Opening the Purple Mansion before the age of one hundred is the second requirement, and the third is The requirement is that within ten years after the opening of the Zifu, a Zifu demon cultivator or a fourth-level monster must be killed alone.

The status and treatment of these core disciples in the Xuanyang Immortal Sect is not even lower than that of some Jindan monks whose potential has been exhausted. As long as they don't die halfway, the chance of success in forming alchemy in the future is more than 60%!

The current nine Nascent Soul Stage Supreme Elders of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect were all core disciples of the sect without exception, and at least 70% of the Golden Core stage monks had been core disciples.

This shows how high the gold content of the core disciples of Xuanyang Xianzong is!

Zhou Yang believed that he might not be inferior to any monks of the same level in terms of combat power, but compared to his cultivation speed and future potential, he really dared not say that he would be able to surpass those who were cultivated by the entire Xuanyang Xianzong. Core disciples.

Without saying anything more on this topic, Zhou Yang smiled wryly, and respectfully expressed his desire to meet Master Qingyang.

After Xu Zhengyang listened to Zhou Yang's words, he just lowered his head and pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Xu can convey the meaning of Zhou Daoyou to Senior Uncle Qingyang, but whether Senior Uncle and the old man will see you is not something that Xu can control." It's gone."

Zhou Yang knew that Xu Zhengyang's words were not perfunctory to himself, but that as a Jindan stage monk, it was really impossible for him to influence the decision of a Nascent Soul stage monk, and it was the limit of his ability to help him convey the words to Master Qingyang.

Therefore, he quickly saluted and thanked him: "That's how I thank Senior Xu."

Immediately, in front of Zhou Yang, Xu Zhengyang sent a messenger flying sword to Master Qingyang who was far away in the Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

About an hour after Feijian sent the message like this, Master Qingyang's reply came along with Feijian.

Xu Zhengyang took back the message Feijian and looked at it, then nodded slightly to Zhou Yang who looked expectant, "Uncle Master, the old man has already agreed, but he said that he has something to do now, so he asked you to wait in Xianyang City first." Half a year, half a year later he will be free to see you."

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