The flying sword Zhou Yang wants to refine is not one, but a set of twelve!

Each of the twelve flying swords must be a fourth-rank low-grade flying sword, each must be forged from the same material, and each must be forged using the same method.

This is undoubtedly a big challenge for him.

But fortunately, because the materials used to refine the flying sword are all top-level spiritual objects among the fourth-order spiritual objects, and they are all high-purity spiritual gold after thousands of tempering, the improvement of the success rate is also obvious.

Therefore, after four months of retreat, he finally succeeded in refining the flying sword he wanted.

These refined flying swords, because of the large amount of "Lihuo fine gold" mixed in, the overall color is a little bit reddish.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that there are layers of silver-white cloud patterns like nebula densely covered on the crimson sword body, which is another kind of main material for refining flying swords, "star pattern steel". feature.

In addition, when each flying sword is refined, four or six coins of "Taiyi fine gold" are added to enhance the sharpness and hardness of the flying sword.

These flying swords are refined from three rare and rare spiritual objects: "Lihuo Fine Gold", "Star Pattern Steel" and "Taiyi Fine Gold". Each of them is two feet eight inches long, two inches wide, and weighs five inches. Four taels of catty.

And the total value of the spiritual objects spent refining this set of flying swords can be used to refine at least two or three fifth-order magic weapons!

Originally, such a precious set of flying swords should have an elegant sword name.

But Zhou Yang refined this set of flying swords originally for use in his "Dayan Sword Art", so he directly named this set of flying swords "Dayan Divine Light Sword".

Because Zhou Yang's blood sacrificial sword was added to these flying swords during refining, after the flying swords were released, they automatically had some connection with his mind, and after a little bit of mana sacrifice, they became as commanding as arms.

He took out a femur bone of a fourth-order demon wolf as a sword-testing stone and threw it into the air.

A red sword light flashed, and the fourth-order monster wolf leg bone, which was as hard as an ordinary fourth-order magic weapon, was instantly split into two and fell to the ground.

"What a sharp sword!"

Zhou Yang opened his mouth, and his face was full of shock, and he let out an exclamation.

After the wolf's death, the fourth-order demon wolf's leg bones were naturally not as hard as the wolf's body, but he didn't use any mana for the sword just now.

That is to say, these "Dayanshen lightsabers" alone are sharp enough to tear through the defenses of ordinary fourth-order monsters.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying the power of these flying swords would be if he used mana to move them and bless them with the sword array!

"It's a pity, it's a pity that there is no one in Xianyang City to try the sword. If you are in Zhenyue Xiancheng or the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm, you must find a fourth-order monster to try my set [Da Yan Shen Light Sword] ]'s power!"

The word "it's a pity" was on his lips, but Zhou Yang's face was full of joy and satisfaction.

He didn't need to try the sword, he actually knew that this set of "Da Yan Shen Light Saber" that spent so many rare materials refining, would definitely not be inferior to any fourth-order magic weapon in his possession.

At this time, more than five months had passed since he came to Xianyang City. It is said that the large Donghuazhou business group that has been rumored will arrive at Xianyang City in half a month at most.

At this time, because of this grand event, Xianyang City has gathered more than 200,000 immortal cultivators, among whom there are even some Nascent Soul stage real people who came here after hearing the news.

Of course, these Nascent Soul stage real people will not easily enter Xianyang City, they will just wait outside the city, and wait until the large business group from the Immortal Cultivation World of Donghuazhou arrives, and then they will come to visit and seek Trading opportunities.

On this day, Zhou Yang was practicing the sword array in the open space in front of the cave, when he suddenly received a message from Xu Zhengyang, the chief shopkeeper of Xuanyang Pavilion, about the flying sword.

He took a look at the messenger flying sword, his face was overjoyed, and then hurriedly explained a few words to Xiao Ying, the Taoist couple who was practicing in the cave, and hurried out of the cave to Xuanyang Pavilion.

After he arrived at Xuanyang Pavilion, he quickly met the real Qingyang who came here in a quiet room inside.

When he saw Master Qingyang sitting cross-legged on the ground, he hurriedly bowed and paid respects: "Junior Zhou Yang, pay homage to Master Qingyang, and wish the Master Qingyang good fortune forever, and live as long as the heavens!"

Never thought that Master Qingyang's complexion would change suddenly after hearing his words, and he looked at him with an ugly expression and shouted sharply: "Boy, don't speak nonsense!"

"We cultivators, of course, seek immortality and happiness, but how can we pretend to be equal to the sky? This is a rebellious and immoral statement, and we must not speak nonsense in the future, otherwise we will be punished by heaven in the future!"

Daoist Yuan Ying's scream was like thunder, like a tsunami, and it exploded in Zhou Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, almost drinking away his spirit hidden in the Zifu Dao Palace.

His face turned pale in an instant, his legs softened, and his bowed body instantly fell to his knees on the ground. His heart seemed to have been hit hard with a hammer, and he couldn't help but "wow" and opened his mouth to spit out a big ball blood.

However, Master Qingyang, who created all this, still looked at him for your own good and said coldly: "Boy, don't blame the old man for being ruthless. If you really have the chance to practice to the Nascent Soul stage in the future, you will naturally understand Why did the old Taoist punish you on behalf of the heavens for this today!"

"Remember, since you opened up the Purple Mansion, your soul has been inextricably linked with this world. From now on, those low-ranking monks will say the rebellious words in their mouths. Remember not to mention nonsense and lies at will, otherwise the future will pass. At the time of the true immortal catastrophe, you will know how serious the consequences will be!"

When Zhou Yang heard Master Qingyang's words, the incomprehension and grievance in his eyes disappeared immediately, and a cold air rushed straight to his forehead, and he thought of many things in an instant.

The information revealed by Master Qingyang's words was something he had never heard of before. If what he said was true, it was obvious that this kind of anecdote was only circulated among those great sects.

And because of what happened just now, he accidentally came into contact with this kind of secrets that only disciples of the sect are qualified to contact.

In this way, it seems that the injury was not in vain.

At least now that he knows this kind of secret and is prepared, he will not violate this taboo again in the future.

Otherwise, it is really possible that, as Master Qingyang said, he will suffer a big fall because of this matter in the future, or even die because of this matter!

Immediately, he didn't bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and quickly bowed to Master Qingyang and kowtowed and said, "What the Master teaches is that, thanks to the teaching of the Master, the younger generation will definitely be cautious in their words and deeds in the future, and never dare to go to heaven again!"

"It's good that you understand!"

Master Qingyang took a deep look at Zhou Yang, and then waved his sleeves, a burst of emerald green light full of vitality sprinkled on Zhou Yang who was kneeling on the ground. Suddenly, all the injuries on Zhou Yang's body disappeared. It will all be back to normal soon.

The Nascent Soul Stage Daoist took action himself. It may be too exaggerated to talk about returning to life, but it is still easy to heal the internal injuries suffered by a Zifu Stage cultivator.

After healed Zhou Yang's internal injuries casually, Master Qingyang waited for him to heal and got up, then looked at him indifferently and said, "Tell me, you are in a hurry to see the old Taoist, what is the reason?"

"The real person is a lesson, the junior does have something to ask to see the real person."

As Zhou Yang said, he quickly took off the storage bag entrusted to him by Zhang Yunpeng and handed it to Master Qingyang, and then tried to use simple and clear words to explain the changes that happened there after he returned to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea last time. over again.

After listening to his words, Master Qingyang was not in a hurry to express any opinions, but raised his hand noncommittally, and took the storage bag he handed over to check.

After a while, Master Qingyang withdrew his mind, pondered for a while, then looked at him and said: "The old Taoist will accept this gift from Huang Shamen. You can tell their current head after you go back. From now on, every fifty years, My Xuanyang Immortal Sect will sell them a batch of Foundation Establishment Pills and Ziyun Pills at a reasonable price for a period of five hundred years, and the time will start counting from the first time they come to get the Pills."

"Yes, this junior must pass on the Daoist's metaphor to Master Zhang."

Zhou Yang nodded respectfully, yes, then raised his eyes to look at Master Qingyang, and said in a low voice: "Besides, this junior also wants to ask the Master, do you know where to find [True Sun Gold], [Nine Heavens Profound Gold], [Fusang Bark] ], [Skyfire Copper] and other materials?"

When Master Qingyang heard Zhou Yang's words, his originally indifferent expression gradually became more subtle.

He looked at Zhou Yang with strange eyes and said, "Why are you asking these things? All the things you mentioned are rare treasures in the world. Even if I and other monks in the Nascent Soul stage spend a lifetime of effort, it is difficult to find them. One, you just opened up the Purple Mansion, why are you asking about these things?"

"Don't dare to lie to a real person."

"If you think about it with the supernatural eyesight of a real person, you can see that the exercises practiced by this junior are not extraordinary, and when this junior was lucky enough to get this exercise, he also obtained several powerful methods of refining natal magic tools together. , the materials mentioned by the junior just now are the best materials for refining those natal instruments."

Zhou Yang didn't dare to hide anything in front of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, so he even told the reason honestly.

Of course, he dared to ask Master Qingyang these things because he knew that, given his cultivation and background, even if he heard his answer, he would definitely not pay too much attention to it.

Sure enough, upon hearing his answer, Master Qingyang just nodded his head to express his understanding, but he didn't say anything to ask him for the cultivation method and the method of refining the natal magic weapon.

Then the real man pondered for a moment, then looked at him and said:

"Your idea is good, but you have to know that the materials you mentioned this time are rare treasures that can be encountered but not sought after for monks in the Nascent Soul Stage. It didn't fall into the hands of those late Nascent Soul cultivators who have been famous for many years."

"The old Taoist advises you to be more realistic, first select some inferior materials to refine the natal magic weapon, and then if you are destined to obtain these spiritual objects in the future, it will not be too late to add them to the natal magic weapon!"

"Don't you think that doing this will reduce the power of your natal magic weapon. You must know that even the core disciples of our Xuanyang Xianzong, the natal magic weapon refined after forming alchemy, only uses fifth-order spiritual objects to refine it. Made it!"

Hearing what Master Qingyang said, Zhou Yang couldn't help explaining with a wry smile: "Of course the younger generation understands this truth, but the younger generation's current cultivation base is still shallow, and there is still a long way to go before the alchemy is formed, so there will be some luck It's just a heart!"

Master Qingyang immediately knew that he was still not reconciled when he heard the words, and immediately shook his head slightly and sighed: "That's all! Since you really want to know, then the old Taoist will tell you the relevant news that the old Taoist knows."

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