Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 310 Flying giant ship

"[True Sun Gold] has been recorded in this world for a total of five times. Among them, the piece of [True Sun Gold] that appeared most recently was finally obtained by a Nascent Soul Eighth-Layer cultivator from the Great Bright Immortal Palace."

"[Nine Heavens Profound Gold] is extraterrestrial rare gold, which appears more frequently. One of the ancestors of my Xuanyang Immortal Sect once got a piece of it, and refined a powerful magic weapon from it."

"What the old Taoist knows is that more than 300 years ago, it was said that someone discovered this object in Nanman Kingdom, which is close to the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannanzhou. In the end, no one got the item, if you have time and interest, you can go there to investigate the matter."

"As for [Fusang bark], you also know what kind of sacred object [Fusang tree] is. Whether there is such a thing in this world has always been a question. The old Taoist only knows that there are overseas immortals in the east of Donghuazhou's immortal world. A very large force owns a sixth-grade high-grade spiritual tree [Red Emperor Fire Mulberry Tree], and it is said that this tree is transformed from the branches of that [Fusang Tree]."

"Don't think about [Tianhuo Copper], the last time this thing appeared was more than 3,000 years ago in the world of cultivating immortals in Tiannanzhou, where it was passed by a Nascent Soul nine-level half-step true immortal."

Master Qingyang is worthy of being a Nascent Soul Stage monk who was born in the top sect of Xuanyang Immortal Sect, and he knows a lot about various secrets of the world of cultivating immortals.

Except for the "Tianhuo Copper", which Zhou Yang was looking for, he didn't know, and the rest of the materials actually provided some relevant information.

But just like what he said before, the materials Zhou Yang asked for were priceless treasures enough to trigger a life-and-death battle for monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and once they appeared, they would cause a bloody storm in the world of cultivating immortals.

If Zhou Yang wants to compete with these existences for treasures, he is undoubtedly seeking his own death!

It's not that Zhou Yang didn't know this truth, so after listening to Master Qingyang's words, his complexion suddenly became very ugly.

Sometimes it's like that, the more you know, the more hopeless you feel.

A mortal who didn't know the existence of immortal cultivators suddenly met immortal cultivators one day. After learning that there is real immortality in the world, he must be very excited and eager to become one of the immortal cultivators.

But when he learned that he had no spiritual roots and could not cultivate immortality, he could imagine how intense the disappointment and despair would be.

However, Zhou Yang is also a successful cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage after all, and his ability to control his emotions is certainly not weak, so his face was only ugly for a while, and then he quickly suppressed the negative emotions in his heart, and said in a low voice: "The junior still has a little I want to ask my seniors!"

He reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a boxy jade box and opened it, revealing a light golden eagle egg contained in the jade box, which was exactly what he had bought from the blood netherworld storage ring. The "Golden Winged Thunderhawk" egg obtained from .

Holding the jade box in both hands, he said in a low voice: "This junior has been incubating it in a place rich in aura since he got it from the relics of Blood Nether more than 20 years ago. It is because the breath of life has strengthened a little, and there is no sign of hatching, the seniors are well-informed, please give some pointers to the juniors."

Master Qingyang knew about Zhou Yang's hiding of the Blood Nether relic when he met him the last time, and he didn't show any strangeness when he heard him say this now.

Seeing the eagle egg swept away with his consciousness, he shook his head and said, "It's not that the eagle egg can't hatch, but that you didn't use the correct method of hatching the egg. If this thing wants to hatch successfully, it must be struck by lightning." , after you go back, you can ask the formation master to arrange a second-level lightning formation, and then put the eagle eggs in it, and urge the thunder and lightning to strike for two quarters of an hour every day, and it will not take long to see the effect."

Hitting the eggs of the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" with lightning to help them hatch, if it hadn't been for the words of Master Qingyang, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, even if he killed Zhou Yang, he would not have thought of this, let alone try this method.

You must know that this is just an egg, even if it is the egg of the fourth-rank high-grade monster "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle", it still cannot change the fact that it is just an egg.

Since it is an egg, it must be very fragile. Not to mention using a second-level lightning spell, even a second-level flying sword can easily break the egg's shell.

In this way, how dare Zhou Yang try such a dangerous thing before he got advice from Master Qingyang.

You must know that if he puts this egg up for auction, it is conservatively estimated that he can auction off 40,000 to 50,000 low-grade spirit stones!

At this time, Master Qingyang awakened the dreamer with a word, and at the same time he suddenly realized, he also bowed and thanked again and again: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance, this junior understands what to do."

Master Qingyang waved his hand, looked at him and said, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Zhou Yang knew that this was implying that if he had nothing else to do, he could retire.

He was not the kind of person who didn't know what to do, so he saluted once again, thanked him again, and quickly left the room.

But after Zhou Yang left, Xu Zhengyang, the chief treasurer of Xuanyang Pavilion, walked into the room.

"Nephew Xu, do you have many doubts in your heart?"

Master Qingyang looked at Xu Zhengyang who walked into the room, as if he had already guessed why the other party came, and he spoke out what Xu Zhengyang was thinking.

Xu Zhengyang was not surprised when he was told that he had lost his mind, he just said solemnly: "Please ask Uncle Qingyang to clear up my nephew's doubts!"

Master Qingyang shook his head, waved his hands mysteriously and said, "Don't say it, don't say it!"

"You just need to know that Zhou Yang will be of great use to our entire Xuanyang Immortal Sect in the future, and all the actions of the old Taoist are for the sect!"

When Xu Zhengyang heard his words, he frowned immediately, but he couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only put this matter aside and talk about other things.

On the other side, after Zhou Yang left the VIP room, he turned the corner and went to the Zhenge branch of Xuanyang Pavilion, where he carefully selected a set of second-tier high-grade lightning magic circles for hatching eggs.

It's also fortunate that he is now in Xianyang City. If he were in another fairy city, it would be really not easy to find a suitable lightning magic circle for a while.

After buying the formation, he immediately went back to the cave and arranged the formation in the bamboo forest outside, then activated the formation and tried according to the instructions of Master Qingyang.

The results of the test made Zhou Yang very happy. After the thunder and lightning inspired by the formation struck the egg of the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle", the lightning streaks on the egg shell flashed and flashed to actively absorb the power of lightning.

Although because it was the first attempt, there was no visible change in the eagle eggs after absorbing the power of lightning, but Zhou Yang believed that Qingyang Daoist monks would never lie to him about this matter.

Therefore, after beating the eagle eggs with lightning for a quarter of an hour in strict accordance with Master Qingyang's instructions, he stopped the formation, and put the eagle eggs into the spirit beast room in the cave, allowing them to absorb spiritual energy to hatch automatically.

Next, Zhou Yang would take out the eagle eggs and place them in the array every day, and would strike them with thunder and lightning for a quarter of an hour.

After going on like this for seven days, the breath of life in the eagle eggs really increased significantly, which made him overjoyed, and finally saw the hope of hatching the eggs.

It's just that before he hatched the eagle eggs, the Donghuazhou Immortal Cultivation Business Group, which had made more than 200,000 monks in Xianyang City wait for a long time, finally came out after a long wait.

Why use the word "coming"?

This has to start from that day...

That day Zhou Yang was still incubating eggs in the bamboo forest, but within a quarter of an hour after he hatched the eggs, a sea of ​​fireworks suddenly rose in the sky of Xianyang City.

I don't know how many monks the Xuanyang Immortal Sect has hired to be fireworks performers, and colorful magic fireworks of various colors can be seen blooming all over the entire Immortal City.

Such a big movement certainly attracted the attention of Zhou Yang and the whole city. When he stopped hatching eggs and stepped out of the formation to investigate the situation, a huge blue-colored flying ship suddenly descended on the sky of Xianyang City.

Yes, flying giant ship!

It's not the kind of flying boat that is common in the sky above Xianyang City, but a huge flying ship that is three thousand feet long and hundreds of feet wide!

Zhou Yang also found out later that this giant flying ship is the patriarchal weapon of the Donghua Sect, a top sect in the world of cultivating immortals in Donghuazhou. Tens of thousands of mortals, or goods like mountains and seas.

Not only does it hold a lot of things, but this giant flying ship also has a huge combat capability. If three monks at the Nascent Soul stage control this magic weapon on the flying giant ship, they will encounter ten times the enemy's siege, and there is a great chance of breaking through out!

It is precisely because of the existence of this huge flying ship that people from the immortal cultivation world of Donghuazhou dared to organize a large business group, which was loaded with countless precious spiritual objects and traveled millions of miles to the immortal cultivation world of Liuyunzhou to do business.

After the giant flying ship landed over Xianyang City at this time, it soon moored on an open space in the city that had been cleared out long ago under the guidance of the monks of Xuanyang Xianzong.


When the giant flying ship touched the ground, most of Xianyang City was shaken.

Then Zhou Yang and other monks watching from afar saw that several cloud bridges suddenly appeared and flew over the decks of the group of giant flying ships, connecting the giant ships with Xianyang City.

At the same time, a majestic and resonant old man's voice sounded from inside the flying giant ship, and quickly spread throughout the city.

"Old man Xiao Changtian is the general manager of the Donghua United Merchant Group this time. The merchant group will berth in Xianyang City for one year. We welcome fellow Taoists from the world of Immortal Cultivation in Liuyunzhou to board the ship for shopping transactions. The specific transactions For the details, fellow daoists, please pay attention to the announcement outside the ship."

As soon as the voice fell, two bulletins with the same content were instantly condensed on the sides of the giant flying ship. The bulletins not only marked the trading rules, but also half of the pages showed the information carried by the merchant group. The names of the goods, and the names of those goods are still rolling.

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