Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 313 Eagle Egg Hatching

"A fourth-order talisman pen [Canglan Golden Pen], this pen is carefully crafted by a master pen maker who is proficient in making various talisman pens. It is made by drawing and tanning the grade spirit grass [Golden Silk Blue Cloud Grass]."

"After personal testing by the talisman makers in our auction house, using this [Canglan Golden Pen] to make talismans below the fourth level, compared with using ordinary third-level talisman pens to make talismans, based on the success rate of your own talisman making, The success rate can be increased by at least 20% to 30%, even for the production of fourth-order talismans, the success rate can be increased by at least 10%."

"The auction of this item starts now. The starting price is 150,000 low-grade spirit stones, and the price increase should not be less than 3,000 low-grade spirit stones!"

In the "Illusion Palace", as the auctioneer Lin Beihe in the center of the hall took out today's seventh auction item for auction, Zhou Yang, who had been sitting on the grand master's chair as stable as Mount Tai without making a move, finally became interested.

Since he chose the talisman maker as his second sub-profession, he naturally intends to raise this skill to the fourth level.

It's just that compared to refining weapons, his talent in talisman making can only be said to be average, not the kind of talent that is poor, but it is not so outstanding.

In this case, if you want to improve your talisman-making skills, in addition to studying hard and practicing a lot of talisman-making exercises, it is also very important to have a good talisman pen and use a good spirit ink.

A good talisman pen, just like the auctioneer Lin Beihe said, can directly increase the success rate of making talismans.

And a good spiritual ink can also increase the success rate of making talismans.

It is a bit surprising to say that Zhou Yang, who is carrying hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, is using a second-order talisman pen now.

It's not that he can't afford a better talisman pen, it's just that he felt that a third-level talisman pen would not help him improve his talisman-making skills, so the talisman pen he really wanted to buy was a fourth-level talisman pen. Fu pen.

However, the fourth-order talisman is extremely rare, almost even rarer than the fourth-order alchemy furnace. He came to Liuyunzhou and traveled to more than ten fairy cities in the world of cultivating immortals, but he couldn't find it.

Even during the time in Xianyang City, he participated in several high-level monk exchange meetings but did not see this thing.

I didn't expect to find it on this giant flying ship today.

So after listening to the auctioneer's words, he immediately waved and shouted: "180,000 spirit stones!"

He raised the price by 30,000 at once, which fully demonstrated his determination to win.

However, this price did not scare other competitors, and someone immediately raised their hands and said: "I will offer 190,000 spirit stones."

"Twenty-two thousand!"

With one move of his hand, Zhou Yang raised the price again by 30,000.

This really shocked most of the competitors, and no one dared to raise the price for a long time.

But just when Zhou Yang thought he could get what he wanted, the person who raised the price earlier raised his hand again: "I will offer 230,000 yuan!"

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!"

He glanced at the person who raised the price, without any change in his voice, as if the spirit stones he spent were not spirit stones, but just a number.

Seeing this, the person who was fighting with him changed his expression slightly, then looked at him and cupped his hands and said: "Daoist friendly courage, I admire you!"

But decisively gave up the price increase.


Zhou Yang bowed his hand and waited patiently for the auctioneer to announce the auction result.

After a while, no one raised the price, then the auctioneer Lin Beihe announced loudly: "Since no one has raised the price, then this fourth-order talisman pen [Canglan Gold Brush] belongs to the fellow Taoist in seat 78. "

Buying a talisman pen with 250,000 low-grade spirit stones that has no direct effect on fighting skills is something Zhou Yang never dared to think about before.

He reckoned that if he told this matter out, he would scare all the monks in the entire Zhou family.

But in the circle of real high-level monks, this kind of handwriting is only average.

Those Jindan stage monks sometimes buy a piece of refining equipment and raw materials for alchemy, which are often calculated at 100,000 spirit stones, let alone buying finished fifth-order magic tools and fifth-order elixir.

Earn more, spend more, this is the eternal truth.

As a big businessman said, money is not spent, but stays with you in another way.

What's more, Zhou Yang is not only spending but not earning.

No, he just spent 250,000 spirit stones on the fourth-order talisman pen "Canglan Golden Pen". deal,

In this way, half of the commission fee was removed, and he made a small profit of tens of thousands of spirit stones.

During the entire auction that followed, Zhou Yang became a spectator, and never bid for a certain treasure.

When the auction ended, those cultivators who had bid for the treasure immediately went forward to hand over the treasure to the auctioneer Lin Beihe.

After Zhou Yang took out the voucher for "Kunyuan Ruler" sent for auction, he took away "Canglan Golden Pen" and tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones from Lin Beihe without spending a single spirit stone.

But just when he thought the auction was about to end like this, Lin Beihe, who had distributed all the treasures, suddenly cupped his hands at the crowd and said: "First of all, thank you fellow Taoists for participating in this auction, and secondly, Lin has a piece of good news to tell everyone.”

"After the discussion between the three real people of the business group and the seniors of Xuanyang Xianzong, in the next year, our auction house will hold a big auction with Xuanyang Xianzong every four months. Auction some precious treasures that are rarely seen in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, if you are really interested, you can prepare spirit stones in advance and wait for the big auction."

Big auction?

Zhou Yang's eyes moved, and he also became interested.

He came to participate in this auction today, but he also came with a goal, that is, to see if he could buy the materials for refining the natal magic weapon.

Of course, it is not the top materials that he and Master Qingyang said, but the second-class materials that Master Qingyang said.

It's a pity that even those sub-first-class materials are extremely precious fifth-order spiritual objects, and they will not easily be sold in the auction house.

In today's auction, there were a few fifth-order spiritual objects released as the finale, but unfortunately none of them were the spiritual objects he needed, so naturally there was no bid.

So now when he heard Lin Beihe talk about the big auction, he was really moved.

At that moment, he secretly recorded the news in his heart, and then left the flying giant ship and returned to the cave.

Back in the cave, Zhou Yang first completed today's hatching work, and then took out the things he harvested on the flying giant ship to check.

Leaving aside those elixir, Zhou Yang is very interested in the treasure of "Soul Sending Heavenly Book".

This object looks like it is made of some kind of jade material. It looks like a page of a book and is about the same size as a book.

When he used the Jue to sacrifice this magic weapon, dozens of rice-grain-sized silver runes suddenly appeared on the jet-black surface of the magic weapon.

As soon as his spiritual sense came into contact with those silver runes, he immediately understood the specific function and usage of the magic weapon.

"These silver runes...why do they feel familiar?"

"Ah! I understand, this is the [Silver inscription] used to write the [Gold Seal and Jade Record]!"

Zhou Yang suddenly let out a cry, and couldn't take his eyes off the silver runes on the jade book in his hand with piercing eyes.

The reason why he felt familiar with these silver runes just now was because he had tried many times to study the "golden seal script" in the "Qianyang Orb" in his dantian Qihai.

"Golden Seal Script" is higher in level than "Silver Script" and can be regarded as the traditional version of "Silver Script".

For monks who have mastered the "Golden Seal Script", learning the "Silver Script" will be very easy.

At the same time, monks who have learned the "Silver Script" will not understand the meaning of any runes at all, like Zhou Yang, when they learn the "Golden Seal Script".

"No wonder, no wonder the monks of the Donghua Sect swear that this [Book of Sending Souls] can only be refined by their Donghua Sect. I dare to say that this refining method is not created by them at all, but from a certain page of [Golden Chapter and Jade Record] Remnants!"

Zhou Yang suddenly realized, and only then did he figure out the true origin of the "Book of Sending Souls".

After understanding this point, he no longer had the intention to study this treasure, because he knew very well that with his current refining level and strength, he would absolutely not be able to gain anything from the "Silver Inscription".

So he resolutely put away the "Book of Sending Souls", took out the male pendants of the pair of "Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendants" and sacrificed them.

After refining the "Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendant", he put it on his waist directly, and then took out the "Canglan Golden Pen" for sacrifice, and used it to make amulets to verify the effect.

The effect is very good. Zhou Yang used the "Canglan Golden Pen" to make the charms, no matter whether it was a third-level or a second-level charm, they all achieved the effect that the auctioneer said, and the success rate can indeed be clearly improved.

You get what you pay for, this talisman pen worth 250,000 spirit stones is indeed a treasure for making talismans.

In the next few months, Zhou Yang spent two quarters of an hour outside the cave to incubate eggs regularly every day, and the rest of the time was spent studying the advanced sword array in "Da Yan Jian Jue" and drawing talismans to improve his talisman-making skills.

After working like this for more than three months, the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" egg finally hatched!

Click! Click!

On this day, Zhou Yang was activating the array to guide the thunder and lightning to strike the eagle eggs in the array as usual. Unexpectedly, less than half a quarter of an hour after he struck the eagle eggs, he heard a "crack" sound of the eggs breaking .

This startled him a lot, and he thought that he had broken the egg by mistake.

Fortunately, in the next moment, he found the light yellow beak protruding from the broken part of the eggshell, and then he just watched helplessly as the little eagle cub inside the eagle egg bit by bit pecked at the eggshell and descended into this world completely.

Choo Choo Choo!

The newborn eagle cub was about the size of an old hen, and was covered with a layer of covert feathers as soon as it was born, possessing the power to fly.

And this newborn eagle cub obviously regarded Zhou Yang, whom he saw for the first time after birth, as his parent. After getting out of the eggshell, he opened his mouth and yelled, flapping his wings and flew towards him.

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