"Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" became a fourth-order monster when it reached adulthood, and the offspring of this high-level monster were certainly not comparable to the offspring of ordinary monsters.

The newborn eagle cub not only exudes the aura of a first-rank top-grade monster from birth, but also possesses the ability to fly, and can directly attack with lightning from its mouth.

Although the power of the lightning is comparable to that of a second-level low-grade spell "Fire Bomb", it also shows the potential of this monster.

Fortunately, although the potential is great and the strength is extraordinary, the little eagle cub is still a piece of paper in terms of intelligence, and it is worse than a newborn baby among human beings.

Before it hatched, Zhou Yang often stayed with it. In the past few months, he has been urging the formation to stimulate lightning every day to help it hatch. In its consciousness, Zhou Yang is its parent.

As for why Zhou Yang's appearance is different from it, and it is still a blank sheet of paper, how can he understand this?

Not to mention a little eagle cub like it, even a human child, who was raised by ferocious beasts like tigers and wolves since childhood, would instinctively regard tigers and wolves as relatives.

Of course, as the little eagle cub grows up and its wisdom gradually increases, it will definitely realize that Zhou Yang is not its biological parent.

It's just that at that time, it, which has lived with Zhou Yang for decades, will treat Zhou Yang as a real relative emotionally, and will not leave him easily.

Of course, this is not completely safe. After all, the monster beast that has been raised so hard one day suddenly leaves him and never returns. It often happens in the world of cultivating immortals.

So Zhou Yang had made up his mind a long time ago. After the baby eagle was born, he would take it to the monks of the Beastmaster Sect to sign a "demon soul contract", so that he could never leave him for the rest of his life.

Originally, if he wanted to do this, he had to go to the Myriad Beast Immortal City set up by the Beastmaster Sect of the Canglong Kingdom himself.

However, when Zhou Yang was shopping on the giant flying ship a few months ago, he happened to find a Jindanqi monk wearing the costume of the Royal Beast Sect.

After inquiring, he found out that because of the arrival of the "Donghua Joint Merchant Group", several Jindan stage monks and some Zifu monks from the Beast Sect also came to Xianyang City.

Now that he knew that there was a Golden Core stage monk from the Beast Sect in Xianyang City, Zhou Yang naturally didn't need to look far away.

Therefore, within two days after the little eagle cub hatched, he took the little eagle cub to the place where the Golden Core cultivator of the Beast Controlling Sect had found out, and issued a sound transmission talisman to indicate his intention to come.

Naturally, there is no reason for the monks of the Beast Sect to not make money from the Lingshi sent to the door for free.

What Zhou Yang didn't expect was that when he entered the cave where Zhong Chuming, a monk of the Golden Core Stage of the Beastmaster Sect, lived temporarily, and summoned the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" from the spirit beast bag, he had a very good attitude and agreed to make a "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" for him. Zhong Chuming, a monk of the Golden Core Stage of the Beast Sect who was the "Deed of the Demon Soul", suddenly changed his mind.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, you also know what our Beastmaster Sect is good at. In the hands of Fellow Daoist, this [Golden Winged Thunder Eagle] can only become a fourth-order spirit beast at most."

"But if we let the monks of the Beast Master Sect cultivate this [Golden Winged Thunder Eagle], at least it can be advanced to become a fifth-level monster!"

"While fellow daoist hasn't made a soul contract with this [Golden Winged Thunder Eagle] yet, as long as fellow daoist is willing to transfer it to the old man, no matter if it's a spirit stone or a treasure, you can just ask for a price!"

In the cave mansion, Zhong Chuming, a monk of the Golden Core Period of the Beast Sect, looked at Zhou Yang with piercing eyes, and spoke his plan in an excited voice.

It turned out that the reason why he suddenly changed his mind was because he was happy to see Lie Xin, and fell in love with the newly hatched "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" cub in Zhou Yang's hands.

Monster beasts like the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" are really rare. Apart from Duanyun Mountains and a few other places where they can be seen, Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World is large, but it is difficult to find such rare monsters.

Therefore, Zhong Chuming, as a monk of the Golden Core stage of the Beast Controlling Sect, even if he already has a fifth-order monster, it is still difficult to resist the charm of this monster, and he will exchange this monster from Zhou Yang at the expense of self-destructive promises. Little eagle cub.

When Zhou Yang heard Zhong Chuming's words, his heart was filled with anger, but at the same time he was extremely regretful, regretting why he came to sign the "demon soul contract" in such a hurry.

If he didn't bring the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" cub today, but waited for the cub to grow up to be a third-order monster before going to the Golden Core Stage monks of the Beastmaster Sect to sign the "Demon Soul Contract", he would definitely This will not happen today.

Eagles are proud, especially the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle".

If it is a "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" that has grown to the level of a third-order monster, apart from Zhou Yang, the master who raised it single-handedly, even a monk at the Jindan stage can hardly convince him to agree to order the "monster beast" The Pact of Soul".

But even though the little eagle cub that Zhou Yang brought now regards him as a relative, after all, he hasn't produced any wisdom yet.

If Zhong Chuming can get this little eagle cub, with his many years of animal training, he can easily make the little eagle cub sign the "Deed of Demon Soul" in a daze.

It is precisely because of this that Zhong Chuming regards this opportunity as a gift from God, and he does not hesitate to destroy his promise to exchange the little eagle cub from Zhou Yang.

Facing Zhong Chuming's request now, Zhou Yang felt angry and regretful, and also panicked and didn't know how to deal with this matter.

Of course, he would not be willing to hand over the little eagle cub to Zhong Chuming, even if Zhong Chuming exchanged him with a fifth-order magic weapon.

But looking at Zhong Chuming's current appearance and the fact that he is now in the opponent's cave, if he does not agree to this matter, the opponent may do something to rob him.

After all, the Royal Beast Sect is also a top sect. After Zhong Chuming snatched the little eagle cub, as long as he escaped from Xianyang City and returned to the Royal Beast Sect in time, it is unlikely that the Xuanyang Xianzong would come to the door because of this incident. condemn.

Fortunately, after all, he has met some people who are in the world. After being flustered for a while, he thought of a solution in his mind.

Seeing that his face was fixed, he cupped his hands towards Zhong Chuming and said, "Senior must be more aware of the rarity of [Golden Winged Thunder Eagle] than the junior. I don't know how much the senior is willing to pay for it?"

When Zhong Chuming heard what he said, he only thought that he wanted the lion to open his mouth, and took the opportunity to knock himself a big fortune.

Therefore, although he was very displeased, in order to get the little eagle cub, he still said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, what the old man gives is absolutely..."

What Zhong Chuming never expected was that when he was about to say the conditions he would use to exchange the little eagle cubs.

However, Zhou Yang suddenly reached out and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist to put the little eagle cub into it, and then patted the storage bag with the other hand at the same time, took out the "Xuanyang Token" and injected mana to activate it.


Zhong Chuming looked at the "Xuanyang Token" in Zhou Yang's hand in shock and anger, his face was full of anger.

He looked at Zhou Yang with a fierce gleam in his eyes, like an enraged tiger, wanting to choose someone to eat.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's heart tightened, and he quickly raised the glowing "Xuanyang Token" in his hand and shouted loudly: "Senior Zhong, you better not act rashly, this is Xianyang City, and the Master Qingyang of Xuanyang Xianzong is in the city Sit down!"

Of course Zhong Chuming knew what the implication of his words was.

This is Xianyang City, under the eyes of Xuanyang Xianzong, no one is allowed to make trouble in the city, buy and sell by force.

Not to mention, Zhou Yang is still the owner of the "Xuanyang Order", and has already triggered the distress signal in the "Xuanyang Order".

As soon as this distress signal is sent out, all Xuanyang Xianzong monks who have cultivated above the Zifu period in Xianyang City can receive it through the Zongmen identity token.

If it was in the outside world, Zhong Chuming could take the risk of killing Zhou Yang before the monks of Xuanyang Xianzong rushed over, and then Juanbao fled the scene.

As long as he escaped from the scene in time, even if the monks of Xuanyang Xianzong found out that he killed the person afterwards, they would not trouble him for a dead person.

After all, what he killed was only a person holding the "Xuanyang Token", not the person of Xuanyang Xianzong.

But now in Xianyang City, in the base camp of Xuanyang Xianzong, if he dares to kill the owner of "Xuanyang Order" who has activated the distress signal, Xuanyang Xianzong will definitely not let him have a good end !

Therefore, even though his heart was full of killing intent towards Zhou Yang at this moment, Zhong Chuming finally restrained himself and did not really kill him.

"Very good, really good! Boy, you successfully angered the old man!"

He looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Do you think that with [Xuanyang Token] in hand, the old man really has nothing to do with you? Don't forget, you are just a little Cultivator of the Zifu, this old man wants to kill you, and there are ways!"

He was really angry, that's why he uttered such threatening words unabashedly.

But since Zhou Yang decided to do this and had already done it, how could he change his decision just because of his few threatening words?

He looked at Zhong Chuming with an unchanged expression and said back: "Senior Zhong, what you said, this junior will help you pass it on to Senior Xu Zhengyang!"

Zhong Chuming's face darkened when he heard his words with guns and sticks, and he opened his mouth, ready to say something.

But before he could speak, his face changed slightly as if he had discovered something, and he suddenly stopped talking.

At the same time, the cave suddenly shook violently, as if it had been violently attacked.

Then, within a short while, Zhou Yang heard the roar of the shattered formation in his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Xu Zhengyang, who was rushing in with his sword and glaring eyebrows.

Xu Zhengyang rushed into the cave, and when he saw Zhou Yang, his complexion suddenly changed. He was relieved when he saw Zhou Yang standing there with steady breath and no injuries.

He glanced at the "Xuanyang Token" in Zhou Yang's hand, raised his hand and cast a magic spell, then turned off the help function of this magic weapon, and then nodded to Zhou Yang and said: "My way is Whoever triggered the [Xuanyang Order] to call for help in the city turned out to be Fellow Daoist Zhou!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhou Yang to reply, he raised his brows again, looked at Zhong Chuming sharply and said, "Oh, isn't this Daoist Zhong from the Beast Controlling Sect? Is the person who is Zhong Daoyou right?"

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