Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 315 The Powerful Xu Zhengyang


Facing Xu Zhengyang's questioning, Zhong Chuming remained silent.

He thought that Xu Zhengyang would come here. After all, as the big shopkeeper of Xuanyang Pavilion and the deputy city lord of Xianyang City, Xu Zhengyang had to rush to find out after receiving the "Xuanyang order" distress signal. .

But he didn't expect that after Xu Zhengyang rushed over, he broke the cave formation directly and broke into the door without any warning.

But he still hasn't figured out how to explain it.

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhong refuses to say it, then fellow Daoist Zhou, you can say it!"

Xu Zhengyang didn't look at Zhong Chuming again, but nodded slightly to Zhou Yang, signaling him to speak.

When Zhou Yang heard this, Dang even walked behind Xu Zhengyang with a movement of his body, and then recounted everything he had discovered earlier.

"Senior Xu clearly learned that this junior came to visit with his spiritual pet at that time, and wanted to ask Senior Zhong to help sign the [Demon Soul Deed], and Senior Zhong agreed without hesitation. Who would have thought that when this junior took out his spiritual pet, Senior Zhong would Suddenly repenting and wanting to forcefully buy the junior's spiritual pet, the junior pretended to use words to stabilize him, secretly took the opportunity to put the spiritual pet into the spirit beast bag, and took out the Xuanyang order to activate the distress signal..."

"By the way, Senior Zhong also said that even if [Xuanyang Order] can protect the younger generation for a while, it won't be able to protect the younger generation forever. Sooner or later, he will find a chance to kill the younger generation!"

His voice didn't carry any personal emotion in it, just like an emotionless repeater.

However, the words that came out of his mouth made Xu Zhengyang and Zhong Chuming, the two Jindan stage monks, change their expressions for a while, and they were shocked and angry.

It's not surprising that Zhong Chuming was angry. After all, Zhou Yang said his threatening words just now in front of him, obviously looking down on him, and it was very mocking and contemptuous.

But Xu Zhengyang's complexion made Zhong Chuming a little dazed.

He couldn't understand why Xu Zhengyang showed such shock and anger because of Zhou Yang's words. When he thought about it, Xu Zhengyang had already fulfilled his duty as a monk of Xuanyang Xianzong when he came to rescue Zhou Yang. It didn't make sense because Zhou Yang This kind of anger is revealed by a few words.

After all, it is true that he did something wrong today, but he is also a monk of the golden core period, and he is from a great sect like the Beast Controlling Sect. Xu Zhengyang has no reason to be angry at him because Zhou Yang, who has never been hurt in any way!

He would never have thought that Zhou Yang, who he thought could be easily killed, was actually a talented junior favored by a Daoist of the Nascent Soul Stage, and he was still under the nose of the Daoist of the Nascent Soul Stage, and almost killed him. The younger generation whom the other party valued and favored was killed.

Naturally, Xu Zhengyang would not explain this. He looked at Zhong Chuming angrily, and asked in an angry voice by his name: "Zhong Chuming! Is what Zhou Daoyou said true? For the sake of Yushouzong, Xu can Give you a chance to explain!"

In front of outsiders, Zhong Chuming was also annoyed when Xu Zhengyang called him by his name like he was interrogating a prisoner.

He is a dignified Jindan Stage cultivator, do you really want to lose face?

He flicked his sleeves, and snorted coldly with a livid face: "Huh, Xu Zhengyang, what do you want Zhong to explain? Is it possible that you still want to have a fight with Zhong in Xianyang City for this kid? No!"

Others are afraid of Xuanyang Xianzong, but Zhong Chuming is not.

In terms of overall strength, the Royal Beast Sect is slightly inferior to the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, but they have mastered the secret technique of "Demon Soul Contract", and they are also the objects that many high-level monks and sects want to make friends with.

Any force that is an enemy of their Beast Controlling Sect will not be able to sign a "demon soul contract" with monsters through them.

It's a pity that he completely underestimated Zhou Yang's status in Xu Zhengyang, and also completely overestimated the status of himself and the Beast Sect.

I saw Xu Zhengyang's complexion turned cold for a moment after hearing his confident and arrogant words, and then he glared and shouted: "This is what you said yourself, take Xu's sword first!"

Before he finished drinking, the flying sword in Xu Zhengyang's hand was thrown, and it shot directly at Zhong Chuming.

Zhong Chuming didn't expect that he would dare to do it!

There was no time to react at all, but he instinctively activated his protective powers to condense a blue-black giant tortoise phantom to protect himself in it.

The golden core cultivator's body protection supernatural power is extraordinary, and Xu Zhengyang didn't really want to kill people on the spot.

Therefore, although this sword cut through Zhong Chuming's supernatural powers of body protection, it only left a sword wound on his shoulder with a "tear" and did not really hurt his root.

But even so, being injured by Xu Zhengyang in front of some junior monks, Zhong Chuming lost all face of the Jindanqi monks, which almost made his lungs explode!

"Xu Zhengyang, are you crazy? You actually attacked me because of a mere junior who is not a disciple of Xuanyang Immortal Sect!"

He watched Xu Zhengyang shout angrily with fiery eyes, his face full of disbelief.

However, Xu Zhengyang just looked at him with cold eyes, and replied with a cold snort in a cold tone: "Hmph, don't you know who is crazy? Or do you think you have the backing of the Beast Master Sect? Yang Xianzong really dare not punish you?"

"Today, I, Xu Zhengyang, will use your Zhong Chuming's blood to tell everyone that the rules in Xianyang City are the rules of our Xuanyang Xianzong!"

"Anyone who dares to ignore my Xuanyang Xianzong's rules in the city, no matter who he is, no matter what sect he is from, cannot escape my Xuanyang Xianzong's punishment!"

The loud words resounded through the entire cave, and Zhong Chuming also felt an extremely absurd feeling in his heart.

In the eyes of the Golden Core stage monks, what rules are not, they are all said to those monks below the Golden Core stage.

As Jindan stage monks, have they ever really followed such rules?

Even in a place like "Liuyun Fairy City", Jindan stage monks occasionally violate the rules, as long as their hands and feet are clean, and the other party has no serious background, the law enforcement monks in the city will find out, and generally treat it as if they didn't see it. .

After all, if one's cultivation has reached the Golden Core stage, one has truly entered the upper class of the world of immortal cultivation, and the upper class is a privileged class no matter which world they are in, and has privileges that ordinary people do not have.

That's why Zhong Chuming felt ridiculous and absurd when he heard Xu Zhengyang talk about the rules with him in such a righteous way, and he was so angry that he couldn't stop it.

Of course, although he was extremely angry, he was not a fool. Xu Zhengyang defended Zhou Yang so much, which made him realize that this young man with only a first-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion might not be as simple as an ordinary small sect or small family monk as he imagined. .

Therefore, although he was furious, he was not really stupid enough to fight Xu Zhengyang, who was in charge of the defense formation of Xianyang City, but he looked at Xu Zhengyang coldly and said in a cold voice: "Xu Zhengyang, your sword, Zhong Remember that, let's wait and see!"

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked straight out of the cave. It seemed that he no longer planned to stay in Xianyang City.

But what he never expected was that Xu Zhengyang still refused to give up even though he had swallowed his anger and showed weakness!


Xu Zhengyang gave a low shout, and suddenly stopped Zhong Chuming who had not yet walked out of the cave.

Then when Zhong Chuming turned around in shock and anger and looked at him about to say something, he jumped ahead of him and shouted: "You hurt Zhou Daoyou's feelings, so you just want to leave like this?"

Hearing this, Zhong Chuming couldn't bear it any longer. His whole body was full of momentum, and he pointed at Xu Zhengyang and shouted angrily: "Xu Zhengyang! Don't bully me too much!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, if you don't complete the deal with Zhou Daoyou today, Xu will use the city defense array to suppress you in the [Fire Prison] for ten years as a punishment!"

As Xu Zhengyang said, he flipped his palms, and in his hand was a gleaming crimson formation flag, which was the control formation flag of the large formation protecting the city of Xianyang.

With this formation flag, as long as Xu Zhengyang is in Xianyang City, he can mobilize 30% of the power of the sixth-level low-grade formation of Xianyang City's defense formation for his own use.

Although it's only 30% of the power of the city protection formation, it's enough to help him easily suppress all opponents below the ninth floor of the Golden Core.

And Zhong Chuming's cultivation base is only the fourth level of Jindan!

"you dare!"

Zhong Chuming was startled and angry, and there was already a trace of fear in the eyes of the flag in Xu Zhengyang's hand.

If Xu Zhengyang was trapped in the "Fire Prison" for ten years, not to mention how ugly he would be, just ten years of experience in the "Fire Prison" would be enough to hurt his vitality for decades. It is unknown whether he can practice to the later stage of Golden Core in the future.

"If you think Xu is afraid, you can give it a try!" Xu Zhengyang waved the flag in his hand, with a sneer on his face.

When Zhong Chuming heard his words, his face turned blue and white, not to mention how ugly it was.

In his heart, he really didn't believe that Xu Zhengyang dared to take the risk of the two sects fighting against him to suppress him, but Xu Zhengyang's attitude today was too weird, so weird that he didn't dare to speculate on this matter according to common sense.

If, if Xu Zhengyang really did that, then he would really lose his reputation for the rest of his life and become a laughing stock!

"How is it? Have you thought about it? Xu doesn't have time to waste time with you here!"

Just when Zhong Chuming's face was uncertain and hesitant, Xu Zhengyang's voice like urging his life sounded again.

This gave him a chill in his heart, and he couldn't help but look at Xu Zhengyang bitterly and said: "Xu Zhengyang, you are cruel enough, we don't turn around, there will always be times when you beg me Zhong Chuming!"

The words were harsh enough, but the meaning in his words was obviously a confession.

Immediately, under Xu Zhengyang's staring eyes, Zhong Chuming gritted his teeth reluctantly and helped Zhou Yang and the little eagle cub complete the "Demon Soul Contract" ceremony, and then drove west to leave Xianyang City full of anger. Where did it fly to.

Damn, I forgot to update regularly... Fortunately, I got up and peed and turned on my phone to check...

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