Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 316 Zhou Yang's Human Value

Zhou Yang was certainly delighted to have successfully signed the "Demon Soul Contract" with the little eagle cub.

However, to offend a monk of the golden core period because of this, but it also made him feel very headache and depressed.

Although today's conflict started because of him, God is sorry, he was the most innocent person from the beginning to the end.

Who would have thought that Zhong Chuming, a dignified Jindan stage monk, would shamelessly destroy his promise without any integrity.

It couldn't be more appropriate to describe his experience today as "a disaster without reason".

Of course depression is depression, headache is headache, but he couldn't help but express his gratitude to Xu Zhengyang, who helped him a lot today, and even saved his life.

I saw him put the little eagle cub into the spirit animal bag first, then solemnly cupped his hands to Xu Zhengyang with a grateful expression on his face: "Thanks to Senior Xu who came to the rescue in time today, otherwise this junior would have been lucky enough to save his life. I can't keep this pet!"

"This kindness and affection, this junior will remember it in my heart, please accept this junior's worship!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly bent down deeply, leaned over and performed a bowing salute to Xu Zhengyang, which is second only to prostration.

The grace of saving his life is indeed worth his doing.

Seeing this, Xu Zhengyang hurriedly stepped forward to lift him up with his own hands, then looked at him with a smile on his face and said: "You are too polite Zhou Daoyou, my Xuanyang Immortal Sect has clearly stipulated that Jindan stage monks If the owner of the [Xuanyang Token] calls for help, go to the rescue immediately, not to mention that Xu, as the deputy city lord of Xianyang City, has the duty to protect the monks in the city!"

Zhou Yang naturally wouldn't take his words seriously, the rules are set by people and enforced by people.

If Xu Zhengyang slowed down for half an hour or a quarter of an hour today, things would be completely different.

So he immediately cupped his hands and said: "No matter what, kindness is kindness, and love is love. Senior Xu's kindness, the younger generation will definitely repay it even more if he has the opportunity in the future!"

Hearing what Zhou Yang said, the smile on Xu Zhengyang's face suddenly became wider.

The reason why he worked so hard today was because he wanted to take this opportunity to sell a favor to Zhou Yang.

Although he still doesn't know what the real person Qingyang values ​​in Zhou Yang, Xu Zhengyang knows that since even the real person Qingyang is willing to invest a lot of money in Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang's future achievements will definitely not stay in the purple mansion period. .

In this way, if Zhou Yang could owe himself a big favor when he was still weak, when Zhou Yang grows up in the future, the gains he will get will definitely be many times greater than the price he paid today.

Anyone who can practice to the Golden Core stage is not as shrewd as a ghost. If it is not profitable, how could Xu Zhengyang turn against each other for a Golden Core stage monk like Zhou Yang and Zhong Chuming.

But Zhong Chuming probably couldn't figure out why Xu Zhengyang had such a bad relationship with him.

At this time, seeing Zhou Yang being so "on the road", while Xu Zhengyang was happy in his heart, he did not forget to tell him: "Zhong Chuming is the Jindan Elder of the Emperor Beast Sect. This time, you are greatly offended, Fellow Daoist Zhou." After leaving him, he will definitely not let it go in the future!"

"So fellow Taoist, you must not go out of the city for a while, and it is best not to even go to those remote places in the city. If you really want to leave Xianyang City for a trip in the future, you can also go to Xuanyang Pavilion to find Xu, and Xu will arrange for you Go out of the city through the internal teleportation array of our Xuanyang Immortal Sect!"

Of course, Zhou Yang would not refuse such a good deed, and quickly nodded in response: "The junior will thank the senior first."

Afterwards, the two said a few more words, Xu Zhengyang left with his people, and Zhou Yang also returned to his cave.

On the other side, after Zhong Chuming left Xianyang City, he just found a place to stop after flying not far away, and then sent a messenger flying sword to his colleagues in the city, asking them to help find out Zhou Yang's origin, as well as Xu Zhengyang and Xu Zhengyang. Relationship.

As the sect that dominates the whole country, the Imperial Beast Sect naturally has an intelligence system that specializes in collecting news from the world of cultivating immortals.

And Xianyang City, as a large-scale fairy city at the top of Liuyunzhou's cultivating world, is also the closest fairy city to the Xuanyang Immortal Sect's mountain gate. Of course, many intelligence personnel from the Beast Sect are stationed here.

As a Jindanqi monk of the Beast Sect, Zhong Chuming ordered the intelligence personnel in Xianyang City to investigate a Zifuqi monk from outside, and it was not a problem.

The geese leave their voices, and the people leave their marks.

Although Zhou Yang didn't come to Xianyang City for a long time this time, and he lived in a secluded place for a long time, but when he traveled all the way from Zhenyue Xiancheng to many fairy cities, he was seen by many monks.

And even a sect like Huang Shamen can master a communication array, which can be used for remote communication, let alone a top sect like the Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Sect.

The intelligence personnel of the Royal Beast Sect in Xianyang City only need to transmit his information to the intelligence points of various countries. The intelligence personnel of those intelligence points can naturally conduct investigations and compare the non-local forces that have appeared around in the past year. In the first layer of monk information, find out where Zhou Yang came from.

Therefore, Zhong Chuming only waited for more than ten days, and then got the Zhou Yang information compiled by the intelligence personnel of Yushouzong.

When he knew that Zhou Yang had come from Duanyun Mountain Range, his face changed, revealing a look of astonishment.

"I said where did this kid find the [Golden Winged Thunder Eagle] egg. It turned out that he stole it from the Duanyun Mountain Range. He is really brave enough!"

He muttered to himself suddenly, his face darkened soon, and he said with murderous hatred in his eyes: "But if you dare to offend me, Zhong Chuming, no matter how brave you are or how capable you are, you have to die for me! "

Judging from the ascertained Zhou Yang's information, although his origin is a mystery, judging from his various performances during his travels in the fairy city, it is clear that he is not the illegitimate son and registered name of a high-ranking Nascent Soul that Zhong Chuming was most worried about before. disciple.

In this case, Zhong Chuming has nothing to worry about.

Their Beast Sect is at least one of the most famous sects in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Even if he killed Zhou Yang and made some troubles, as long as it didn't involve monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, the Beast Sect would be able to protect him.

So after he found out some information about Zhou Yang, Dang even planned a revenge plan without any worries.

Zhou Yang was naturally ignorant of all this.

Since that day's incident passed, he would never leave the cave unless it was necessary. Every day he was not walking the eagle in the bamboo forest outside the cave, studying sword formulas and making talismans, and his life was very fulfilling.

After more than three months passed like this, he walked out of the cave and went to the giant flying ship parked in the city again, preparing to participate in the big auction held every four months.

After leaving the cave, Zhou Yang always felt that someone was secretly watching him.

However, no matter whether he went to a secluded place, scanned all middle and low-level monks within the range with full consciousness, or used the "Lihuo Golden Eyes" to scan all directions, he did not find any suspicious people.

But he didn't take it lightly because of this, on the contrary, he became more vigilant.

Obviously, if someone was really spying on him, then the monitor must either have a much higher level of cultivation than him, or the other party's surveillance methods are extremely sophisticated and secretive.

No matter which one it is, he must be more vigilant and treat it with care.

"If someone is really watching me, it must be someone arranged by Zhong Chuming. It seems that this guy is really eyeing me."

Zhou Yang's heart sank, and his mood became slightly heavy.

Not to mention him, I believe that any Purple Mansion Stage cultivator will not feel any better after knowing that he has been targeted and listed as a must-kill target by a Golden Core Stage cultivator.

In particular, Zhong Chuming is not the kind of casual cultivator who has no power to rely on, but the Jindan elder of a top sect like Yushouzong. The manpower and material resources that such a person can use are much better than those casual cultivators times.

It's a pity that the enemy is dark and we are clear. Apart from raising his vigilance, he has no other way to deal with this matter.

With this kind of gloomy mood, Zhou Yang walked into the giant flying ship here.

What made him feel at ease was that after he entered the giant flying ship, the feeling of being watched disappeared. Obviously, although the watcher had extraordinary means, he did not dare to act wildly under the eyes of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

The flow of people in the Flying Giant Ship was a little less than when Zhou Yang first came here, probably because some monks had already left here after buying and exchanging the treasures they wanted.

But as long as the giant flying ship stays here, other immortal cultivators who hear the news will travel thousands of miles to trade every day, so the flow of people here will definitely not drop too much in a year or two.

At this time, there was still a long time before the big auction, so Zhou Yang wandered around the various shops on the first floor to see if he could gain anything.

Unexpectedly, this wandering around really made him fall in love with a treasure.

It was a small and exquisite white flying boat magic weapon. The magic weapon was only the fourth-rank low-grade magic weapon, but its function was very unique.

According to the introduction information on the jade plaque next to the magic weapon, this "Phantom Cloud Boat" magic weapon comes from the overseas world of cultivating immortals, and its main refining material is a special spiritual wood "Yunlou tree" in the overseas world of cultivating immortals. When refining the magic weapon, the craftsman also added a rare fourth-order monster "Mirage Beast" skull, which made the flying boat have a strong flying speed and a strong ability of stealth and illusion.

What Zhou Yang valued was Feizhou's invisibility and illusion ability.

If the introduction information of the magical artifact in the jade card is not exaggerated, as long as he has this magical artifact in his hand, even if he does not have the "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" in his hand, the chance of crossing the Duanyun Mountain Range will be greatly increased by several tenths.

If it is used together with the "Hidden Spirit Fragrance", as long as it is not unlucky to directly collide with a fifth-order monster, it is almost impossible to be discovered by the monster again.

"My fellow daoist, how do you trade this magic weapon [Phantom Cloud Boat]?"

With a movement of his mouth, Dang even started talking with the owner of the shop via voice transmission.

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