Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 320 Teleportation

The Golden Core stage monks of the Royal Beast Sect will escort Jiaolongdan back to the Royal Beast School, and Zhong Chuming, a Golden Core stage monk, will also accompany him.

The news was quickly passed on to Zhou Yang by Xu Zhengyang.

As a local snake and a partner of the "Donghua United Merchant Group", Xuanyang Xianzong naturally knew who bought the Jiaolong egg, and also knew the buyer's movements.

So Xu Zhengyang immediately told Zhou Yang the news when he learned that the Golden Core cultivators of the Beastmaster Sect had left the city together.

After Zhou Yang received the news from Xu Zhengyang, he immediately understood what Xu Zhengyang meant.

If you want to go, go early!

Taking advantage of the absence of Zhong Chuming and other Jindanqi monks of the Beastmaster Sect, leaving Xianyang City at this time, even if someone finds their whereabouts, they will not face the pursuit of Jindanqi monks.

But this is very different from Zhou Yang's original plan.

Originally, he planned to practice in Xianyang City for ten or eight years after participating in the remaining three auctions on the flying giant ship, and then leave the city after raising his cultivation level to the second floor or even the third floor of the Purple Mansion. Not too late.

According to his original thinking, even if Zhong Chuming, a dignified Jindanqi monk, wanted to kill himself, he would definitely not be willing to waste such a long time squatting outside the city to guard him, would he?

After all, a monk in the golden core period also needs to practice, and there is no fifth-order spiritual vein outside the city for him to practice.

This means that if he doesn't want to delay his practice, he will have to rely on the spiritual power in refining the spirit stone to practice for the next ten or eight years.

And based on the huge demand for spiritual energy for the golden core stage monks when they practice, a middle-grade spirit stone can only supply them for five or six days of practice. The amount adds up to seven or eight hundred yuan!

Zhou Yang didn't believe that Zhong Chuming would be willing to waste such a huge sum of money to do such a thing.

In particular, Zhong Chuming didn't know how long he would stay in Xianyang City. After three or five years, when he saw that he still had no sign of leaving Xianyang City, he could still make up his mind to continue this I don't know how long it will take to squat and watch?

But Xu Zhengyang will definitely not harm him, he sent a message to himself at this time, implying that he can leave at this time, there must be his reasons for it.

Zhou Yang hesitated precisely because he knew this.

"Forget it, listen to people's persuasion and eat enough food. After all, I am not familiar with the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Xu Zhengyang is a local snake. He hinted that I would leave at this time. He should have sensed something that is not good for me!"

After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Yang still sighed, and decided to follow Xu Zhengyang's advice and go first.

But if he left at this time, he would definitely not bring his Taoist companion Xiao Ying with him.

Because if he is really hunted down, even if he loses, he can still use the "Rainbow Golden Escape" supernatural power and the blood escape technique to escape.

But with Xiao Ying, who was only at the Foundation Establishment stage, there was really no way to escape even if she wanted to.

"Even if Yinger succeeds in being promoted to the eighth floor of the foundation building this time, it will be at least ten years before she is promoted to the ninth floor of the foundation building. In this case, when I go out this time, I will go to the Seven Clouds Fairy City in Yunxia Kingdom to avenge Zhu Ziyu's revenge. You can also take a trip to Nanman Kingdom, which is not very far from Yunxia Kingdom, to inquire about the piece of [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] more than three hundred years ago!"

Zhou Yang's eyes flickered, and he quickly made a plan.

Immediately, he left a letter to Xiao Ying, a Taoist companion who was still in retreat, and put it in the cave, and then pressed the female "Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendant" and a storage bag containing 50,000 low-grade spirit stones on it, and then I went to renew the lease of this cave for another ten years.

After doing all this, he went to Xuanyang Pavilion to explain his decision to Xu Zhengyang, and asked Xu Zhengyang to help take care of his Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

"It's easy to say, isn't your Taoist partner good at alchemy? We in Xuanyang Pavilion sometimes entrust some outside alchemists to help refine some common pills. As long as she leaves the customs, Xu can arrange for her to go to Xuanyang Pavilion to make alchemy."

"As long as she is in our Xuanyang Pavilion, Zhong Chuming will have ten courages, and she will not dare to come here to act wild!"

When Xu Zhengyang heard Zhou Yang's request, he immediately agreed. For him, this was indeed a trivial matter.

After arranging these things, he suddenly turned serious, looked at Zhou Yang solemnly and said: "For some reason, it is inconvenient for Xu to talk too much with you, so I can only tell you that you will pass the transmission of our Xuanyang Immortal Sect this time." If you leave, it is very likely that you will be found by the people from the Beastmaster Sect."

"But don't worry, even if someone really chases and kills you, it's at most the Purple Mansion stage cultivator, and it's impossible for a Jindan stage monk to take action. After all, this is just a personal enmity between you and Zhong Chuming!"

Zhou Yang would not be afraid of any opponent without the Golden Core stage monks taking action against him.

This is his confidence in his own strength.

So now hearing Xu Zhengyang's words, he just nodded his head without changing his face and said, "I understand, thank you, Senior Xu, for reminding me."

"Okay, since you understand this, I'll take you to the teleportation array!"

Xu Zhengyang waved his hand, without saying much, Dang even led Zhou Yang to a certain hall in the huge building complex behind Xuanyang Pavilion.

Xuanyang Xianzong built several teleportation arrays in Xianyang City, some of which are public, as long as they are willing to pay a generous teleportation fee to Xuanyang Xianzong, they can use the teleportation arrays to travel to other immortal cities.

But more teleportation formations are only open to the disciples of Xuanyang Xianzong or those who have good friends with Xuanyang Xianzong. These private transmission formations are all arranged in the building complex behind Xuanyang Pavilion.

Zhou Yang followed Xu Zhengyang in the Xuanyang Pavilion for about a quarter of an hour before arriving outside a hall protected by a formation shield.

The two stopped outside the main hall. Xu Zhengyang took out a magic token and poured it with mana and waved it forward, and a hole was opened on the formation shield that could allow one person to pass through.

Then the two entered from that opening one after another, and after they entered, the formation shield quickly closed again.

From these details, it can be seen how closely Xuanyang Xianzong protects these teleportation arrays.

In fact, this is also normal. Only a fifth-order formation mage can start to comprehend the arrangement of teleportation arrays, and to truly arrange a teleportation array, you have to use the extremely precious fifth-order spiritual object "Xuanjingshi" as a medium to do it. arrive.

And the treasures of great strategic value such as "Xuanjingshi" have long been monopolized and divided up by various major sects, and they belong to treasures with a price but no market.

The teleportation formations currently arranged in Xianyang City are all accumulated one by one by Xuanyang Xianzong over tens of thousands of years. If they are not protected better, if they are infiltrated and destroyed by monks from hostile sects, how can they be worthy of arranging these transmission formations? Patriarchs of past dynasties who worked hard!

As far as Zhou Yang knew, the city lord of Xianyang City, who never showed his face, was secretly cultivating in the backyard of Xuanyang Pavilion all the year round, specially guarding these teleportation formations.

Some people may wonder, since the teleportation array is so precious, why didn't Xuanyang Xianzong arrange it within the gate of the sect?

The reason is very simple, in order to prevent the enemy from passing through the teleportation array, they can reversely invade the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong and give them a center to bloom!

Xianyang City is only ten thousand miles away from the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong, and this distance can be reached in only an hour for a cultivator at the Jindan stage.

If it was a Nascent Soul cultivator, it would take at most two quarters of an hour to get there.

This distance is convenient for the monks of Xuanyang Immortal Sect to use the teleportation array in Xianyang City, and can come to support in time when Xianyang City is attacked.

"This teleportation array leads to a secret cave 270,000 miles away. The cave is located deep underground. When you get there, you must leave immediately to avoid exposing the existence of that cave."

In the main hall, Xu Zhengyang and Zhou Yang stood outside a round altar that was more than a foot above the ground, and then pointed to the round altar to explain the transmission situation to Zhou Yang.

It was the first time Zhou Yang saw the legendary teleportation array, so he was naturally curious about everything.

I saw that the diameter of the round altar was about two feet. The material of the altar was made of a mixture of black iron, red copper, red gold, gang silver and other spiritual gold. Textures and runes.

And in the central area of ​​the altar, there is a cylinder half a foot higher than the altar. On the cylinder is placed a fist-sized transparent white spar, which is the fifth-order spiritual object "xuan spar".

"Senior Xu, is this teleportation formation activated with spirit stones, or does it consume spirit energy?"

Zhou Yang looked at the teleportation array in the hall, and suddenly asked this question.

He knew that some large-scale teleportation arrays consume the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins to transmit, because the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins can be regenerated, as long as the one-time consumption does not exceed the upper limit of the spiritual veins, the spiritual veins can be fully recovered after a period of time.

But now this teleportation array, Zhou Yang feels that it should not be activated by spiritual energy.

After all, its area is too small, the altar with a diameter of two feet is enough for a dozen people to stand on it, this is not like a large teleportation array.

Sure enough, Xu Zhengyang's subsequent answer confirmed his guess.

"This teleportation array is a small teleportation array. It can only teleport up to twelve people at a time, and the teleportation distance will not exceed 300,000 miles!"

"Have you seen those spirit stone grooves? You only need to fill the thirty-six spirit stone grooves with medium-grade spirit stones, and then the teleportation array can be activated for teleportation!"

Xu Zhengyang pointed to some grooves on the edge of the circular altar and explained to Zhou Yang.

Thirty-six middle-grade spirit stones can only be teleported once. This consumption is not insignificant, and this is only the consumption of starting a small teleportation array.

If it was replaced by those medium-sized teleportation arrays or even large-scale teleportation arrays, wouldn't it cost hundreds or thousands of middle-grade spirit stones at a time?

No, maybe what was consumed at that time was not a middle-grade spirit stone, but a top-grade spirit stone that was hundreds of times more precious!

If Zhou Yang realized something, he quickly took out thirty-six medium-grade spirit stones and filled them into the grooves of the spirit stones.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhengyang couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes.

This kid is very good!

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