Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 321 Fierce Battle in the Wilderness

After a while of dizziness and dizziness, when Zhou Yang regained consciousness again, he had already appeared in an underground stone chamber 270,000 miles away from the Teleportation Hall in Xianyang City.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed his still dizzy head, looked down, and saw under his feet the same teleportation altar as the teleportation hall of Xianyang City, and directly in front of it was a closed stone gate. He sensed that behind the stone gate was already Someone is waiting.

However, he didn't rush to open the door and go out immediately. Instead, he reached out and touched his back, and removed the "teleportation talisman" that Xu Zhengyang had pasted on his back earlier.

This kind of "teleportation talisman" is specially prepared for monks whose cultivation level is not high enough, because they will face a huge tearing force of space to oppress the body when teleporting, if there is no such "transportation talisman" to help those monks with low cultivation level If the latter counteracts the tearing power of the space, the teleported cultivator may be directly torn into countless pieces of meat.

Zhou Yang's cultivation is on the first floor of the Purple Mansion. It stands to reason that using a small teleportation array would not be able to resist the force of space tearing, but just in case, Xu Zhengyang still pasted this "transportation talisman" on his body.

It turned out that Xu Zhengyang completely underestimated the strength of Zhou Yang's physical body, so that this "teleportation talisman" was not activated the whole time.

At this time, Zhou Yang took off the "Teleportation Talisman" that had not been activated, carefully folded it and put it in the storage ring for later use.

Then he shook his head, finally pushed open the stone door with his sleeves and walked out.

After a while, Zhou Yang, who exchanged some polite words with the Xuanyang Immortal Sect monk stationed in the teleportation formation, appeared in a barren mountain on the ground.

The underground cave where the teleportation array is located is located a thousand feet below the ground, where there is a third-order spiritual vein underground, but the spiritual energy was blocked by the Xuanyang Xianzong's array.

Therefore, monks who have personally used the teleportation array to come here would never have imagined that there would be a teleportation array from the Xuanyang Xianzong deep underground in this barren mountain.

Zhou Yang came to the ground at this time, and after identifying the direction for a while, Yujian flew in the direction of Yunxia Kingdom.

And in Xianyang City, when Murong Qianqian learned that Zhou Yang had gone to Xuanyang Pavilion and did not return for a day, her pretty face suddenly changed.

"No, it's probably because Xu Zhengyang, the old man, knew that Master and the others had left, and specially notified that kid to use the teleportation array to leave Xianyang City!"

"No, I have to tell Master the news immediately."

Immediately, Murong Qianqian hurriedly passed the news to Master Han Yu who had already escorted Jiaolongdan out of Xianyang City through the intelligence personnel of the Beast Sect.

After Han Yu and Zhong Chuming received the news, they quickly wrote back to her and issued orders.

After reading Master Han Yu's reply, she immediately snorted with some dissatisfaction: "Hmph, I knew it would be like this!"

Then she turned her beautiful eyes, as if she was talking to herself, and she seemed to be saying to the black cat in her arms: "But that kid seems to have a lot of money, if he kills him, he should also make me a small fortune, and he His soul is so strong, after [Ghost Cat] devours it, it is worth several years of penance!"


"Ghost Cat" seemed to understand the master's words, a pair of dark green eyes flashed fiercely, followed by a meow.

"Since you agree, Mao'er, let's see where that kid went!"

As Murong Qianqian said, he released his hands and put the "Ghost Cat" on the ground, then reached out and patted a certain spirit beast bag on his waist, and released a gray crow exuding a cold aura.

She flicked the "spirit-eating insect" that had devoured Zhou Yang's breath into the gray crow's mouth. The gray crow's eyes were closed, but suddenly it opened, revealing a pair of gray-white dead fish eyes.


The gray crow opened its eyes, yelled twice in one direction, and then opened its mouth to spit out a gray-white aura that landed on Murong Qianqian's jade hand, turning into a gray-white symbol on his wrist.

After doing all this, the gray crow closed his eyes again, and continued to sleep deeply.

"Going south?"

Murong Qianqian raised her hand, glanced at the gray-white symbol on her wrist, then quickly waved her hand and put the gray crow into the spirit beast bag, picked up the "Ghost Cat" and left the immortal inn.

But Zhou Yang, who was hundreds of thousands of miles away, had already temporarily stopped in a barren mountain.

The reason for his stay is very simple, that is to sacrifice the flying magic weapon "Phantom Cloud Boat" that was exchanged on the flying giant ship.

He was in a hurry that day, and there was no time to refine this magic weapon. Now that he had to travel a long distance, this flying magic weapon naturally had to be sacrificed and refined.

With his current cultivation base, it would not take long to sacrifice a low-grade fourth-grade magic weapon, and it would take at most ten days to complete it.

What he didn't expect was that on the ninth day when he was about to succeed in refining the magic weapon, Murong Qianqian approached him.

"Murong Qianqian, right? Can you tell Zhou, how did you find Zhou?"

Between the mountains and fields, Zhou Yang looked solemnly at Murong Qianqian who was riding on the back of a blue spirit eagle. To be precise, it was the black cat that Murong Qianqian was holding in his hands all the time.

The fourth-level mid-level "Ghost Cat", this is really a rare high-level monster.

After learning that it was this "ghost cat" who had plotted against him that day, he even searched for information about this "ghost cat".

According to the information recorded by the predecessors, because this "ghost cat" is the nemesis of all ghosts and ghosts, the entire group was once hunted and killed by the lineage of ghosts, demons, and now the number of surviving cats is very small.

Moreover, this kind of monster needs to devour a sufficient number of monks' souls and ghosts every time it advances.

Because of this, when the world of cultivating immortals clearly knew that Gui Dao Moxiu was hunting and killing the "Nether Cat" clan, no one wanted to intervene to help.

The "ghost cat" in Murong Qianqian's hands was actually cultivated by her to the fourth-level mid-level. Zhou Yang couldn't imagine how many monks' spirits or ghosts had become animal evolutionary resources.

But at this time, facing his question, Murong Qianqian smiled charmingly and said, "Hehehe, do you think I will tell you this?"

"Don't say yes, don't say that Zhou will find a way to let you say it!"

Zhou Yang muttered to himself, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he waved his hand to shoot out streaks of crimson sword light in an instant.

Since the successful refining of this set of "Da Yan Shen Light Sword", he has never tried the sword with anyone. Murong Qianqian, who is cultivated on the seventh floor of the Purple Mansion, is a very good candidate for the sword test!

At this time, ten sword lights flew into the sky, and instantly formed a "Ten Directions Extermination Sword Formation" under his Fajue envoy, covering Murong Qianqian.

As the first advanced sword formation among the five advanced sword formations in "Da Yan Jian Jue", once the "Ten Directions Extinction Sword Formation" is successfully deployed, it can form lines of extinction sword energy to cover and attack the enemies in the sword formation. As long as the sword array is not broken, the sword energy will be endless.

However, Murong Qianqian is also a famous disciple from a famous school, and her knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary monks. When Zhou Yang's "Da Yan Shen Light Sword" was released, she noticed the extraordinaryness of this set of flying swords.

When she saw Zhou Yang pinching the sword formula with ten flying swords forming a sword array and enveloping her, her face changed wildly. She quickly raised her hand to pat the storage bag, and directly took out a fourth-order middle-grade spirit talisman and pointed it at the sword. The formation passed.

Of course, the mere fourth-order middle-grade spirit talisman could not break Zhou Yang's "Ten Directions Extermination Sword Formation", but it managed to block the sword formation for a while. With this buffer time, it was completely enough for Murong Qianqian to retreat.

I saw that she drew back a certain distance, immediately put away the blue spirit eagle under her feet, and then took off a certain spirit beast bag at her waist with her jade hand and threw it away, releasing thousands of black poisonous bees densely.

The aura emitted by each of these black poisonous bees ranges from low-level second-level to high-level second-level, but there are so many of them!

Thousands of poisonous bees gathered together, directly forming an insect cloud with the size of one or two acres.

As soon as this worm cloud appeared, it rushed towards Zhou Yang amidst the strange whistle from Murong Qianqian's mouth.

At the same time, Murong Qianqian himself also sacrificed a silver treasure umbrella in front of his body for protection, and then sacrificed a black treasure bottle, pouring black water from the sky towards Zhou Yang.

"It's just a poisonous insect, dare to be presumptuous!"

Zhou Yang looked at the flying black poisonous bees, raised his hand, and directly took out the "True Sun Fan", and then slammed it violently, and the raging flames transformed into a flaming fire bird soared into the sky and plunged into the insect cloud Among them, the insect cloud was instantly engulfed and turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Then, with a thought in his mind, clusters of fiery and dazzling red flames erupted from the ten "Da Yan Shen lightsabers" that make up the "Ten Directions Extinction Sword Formation". Approaching the ten flying swords, they were evaporated into black smoke by the dazzling red flames.

This set of "Da Yan Shen Light Saber" took him so much energy and materials to refine, it is not just as simple as sharp.

If you just pursue sharpness, it is enough to use ordinary materials to refine and add some "Taiyi fine gold", why add "star pattern steel" and "Lihuo fine gold" these two precious spiritual objects.

"Good boy, this girl really underestimated you, it seems that you can't do it unless you show some real skills!"

Murong Qianqian raised her brows, and finally began to face Zhou Yang squarely.

She quickly made a tactic with both hands, and with a soft rebuke, a phantom of a dark green one-horned dragon rushed up from behind her, and flew straight towards Zhou Yang.

At the same time, her spiritual pet "Ghost Cat" also swelled in size, instantly changing from an ordinary black cat to a big cat with a body length of four to five feet.


After the big cat transformed, it opened its mouth fiercely and let out a loud cry. Two green auras shot out from its dark green pupils towards Zhou Yang in an instant.

It's just that it didn't expect that Zhou Yang had already guarded against this move.

At the same time as it yelled, Zhou Yang's pupils also had a golden light, and the black and white pupils burst out with a golden red light in an instant.

Suddenly, a pair of dark green cat's eyes and a pair of golden red fire pupils stared at each other across the air.

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