
The eye contact between "Pupil of Dementor" and "Golden Pupil of Lihuo" finally ended with Zhou Yang groaning and retreating in defeat.

This is not because "Lihuo Golden Eyes" is inferior to "Soul-destroying Eyes" in terms of power, but because his supernatural powers were cultivated the day after tomorrow, and not long after he started, he didn't even reach Xiaocheng.

However, Youming Cat's "Spiritual Eyes" are innate supernatural powers, and they are in the state of Dacheng from birth, so they are naturally stronger than Zhou Yang's "Lihuo Golden Eyes" in terms of power.

However, although Zhou Yang retreated, he was protected by the fourth-order "soul-suppressing talisman", but he was not captured by the "spiritual pupil" and lost the power to fight back.

Therefore, when the dark green flood dragon phantom that Murong Qianqian summoned rushed towards him, he just opened his mouth and spit out a sharp golden sword, slashing at the dark green flood dragon phantom.


Amidst an unwilling roar, the dark green flood dragon phantom was split by a sword before it could show its power, and it turned into aura that scattered all over the sky.

But Zhou Yang didn't have time to be happy at all, because after seeing that the "soul-destroying pupil" had no effect on him, the enlarged ghost cat had turned into a black shadow and rushed towards him.

After all, monsters are monsters, even monsters like Nether Cat, known for their magical powers, possess powerful melee combat capabilities.

After all, if the minions are not sharp enough, even if they can hold the enemy's spirit, they may not be able to break the enemy's defense.

"Canglong Cauldron, come out!"

With a low shout, a giant bronze cauldron with a simple texture flew out from the storage ring in Zhou Yang's hand, and quickly dropped a piece of blue aura to protect him in it.

The Nether Cat's paws flicked and pulled on the cyan aura for a while, but in the end it only made the shield shake slightly and then became silent.

Such a change was not only unbelievable to itself, but even Murong Qianqian in the distance was stunned, her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"Boy, what is your origin? Could it be that you are really the illegitimate child of a Nascent Soul cultivator?"

Murong Qianqian stopped attacking, pointed at Zhou Yang with disbelief and exclaimed.

From the fight to the present, Zhou Yang's methods and magic tools exposed are not at all like the wealth that a first-tier monk in the Zifu can possess.

Although Murong Qianqian spent most of his net worth on cultivating Nether Cats, the magic weapons on his body were not as sophisticated as some monks of the same level from other famous schools.

But she dared to swear that even the core disciples of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect at the Purple Mansion Stage had at most the same magical weapons as Zhou Yang, and maybe even worse.

This made her have to wonder about Zhou Yang's real identity, whether he was really the illegitimate son of a Daoist Yuan Yingqi left outside, as Zhong Chuming worried at first!

When Zhou Yang heard her exclamation, he was stunned for a moment, then his face sank, and he snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, you are also from a famous school. Don't you think you'll embarrass your Beastmaster Sect with such indiscriminate means?"

Before his voice fell, he did not look at Murong Qianqian's face trembling with anger. He quickly struck a spell with both hands, but he took the initiative to dismantle the "Shifang Extinction Sword Formation" and used another secret technique in "Dayan Sword Art" .

"Sword array, unite!"

With a low shout in his mouth, the ten "Da Yan Shen Light Swords" suddenly gathered together in the middle, and the ten flying swords instantly merged into a three-foot-long crimson giant sword.


Zhou Yang drank again, and pointed at Murong Qianqian with two fingers together, the sword body of the red giant sword flickered slightly and disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already above Murong Qianqian's head.

This sudden change immediately frightened Murong Qianqian so much that her face paled and her soul flew away.

At this time, the might of the scarlet giant sword had already faintly shown signs of surpassing the fourth-order high-grade magic weapon, and began to move towards the fifth-level magic weapon.

Zhou Yang also saw Jia Yunzhen use this move when he was in Zhenyue Immortal City.

At that time, Jia Yunzhen used this trick to directly beat a fourth-rank high-grade bird and monster to serious injury.

It's too late, but it's fast.

At that time, Murong Qianqian also fully demonstrated the qualities that a disciple of a famous school should have.

I saw her pointing with a jade hand, first she made the silver umbrella, a defensive magic weapon, float above her head to resist the giant sword's slashing, and then she slapped the storage bag with the other hand, and then took out a gleaming fourth-grade high-grade The defensive talisman was activated to protect itself.


The scarlet giant sword slashed down, and Murong Qianqian's silver umbrella did not last even a breath, and was chopped into countless fragments on the spot.

Then, the unstoppable scarlet giant sword pressed down on the fourth-tier high-grade defensive talisman that Murong Qianqian had just activated.


When the giant sword collided with the shield, the first one who couldn't bear it was Murong Qianqian inside the shield, because part of the pressure of the magic talisman defense would be transferred to her body, and just this part was enough to make her vomit blood .

However, she is a seventh-floor cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and she has a fourth-level top-grade magic talisman protection, so this blow from the scarlet giant sword can't kill her.

After the final stalemate for a while, the scarlet giant sword could barely break through the protection of the magic talisman, then its power was exhausted and it was redispersed into ten flying swords, which were taken back by Zhou Yang.

It can be clearly seen that Zhou Yang, who retracted the flying sword, also had an abnormal blush on his face. Obviously, the blow just now was a lot of damage to him.

But he didn't stop there.

Since Murong Qianqian can catch up to him once, he can catch up to him twice or three times.

And this time it was Murong Qianqian who caught up, and next time it might be Zhong Chuming, a monk at the golden core stage.

So today he must kill Murong Qianqian and completely cut off the possibility of Zhong Chuming following him.

With a decision in his mind, he immediately waved his hand and took out the "Golden Light Static Mirror" talisman that was used to kill Luo Yunqing back then.

Murong Qianqian is also a man of knowledge, when she saw the silver talisman in his hand, she immediately turned pale and screamed, "Treasure talisman!"

Among the top sects such as the Royal Beast Sect, there are naturally a lot of talisman treasures. In the treasury of the sect, there are talisman treasures refined by the monks of the golden core stage of the past dynasties before they sat down and put them in it for the younger monks to exchange.

Murong Qianqian also happened to have a talisman on her body.

Therefore, after seeing Zhou Yang take out the talisman, while her complexion changed drastically, she also hurriedly took out her talisman from the storage bag.

At this time, she had no time to feel sorry for her loss in today's battle.

Now she only hopes to be able to consume until the moment when Zhou Yang's mana is exhausted, as long as Zhou Yang's mana is exhausted, she will win.

And as long as she can win today, the magical weapons that Zhou Yang has exposed will be enough to make up for her loss today, and even make her a fortune.

At this time, the benefits of her being a seventh-floor cultivator in the Purple Mansion are reflected. Although in terms of time, she took out the talisman later than Zhou Yang, but from taking out the talisman to fully arousing the talisman, it only took Ten interest time.

When she aroused the talisman and turned it into a green flying knife to slash at Zhou Yang, the talisman in Zhou Yang's hand was only half activated.

Of course, the reason for this is not only that her cultivation level is higher than Zhou Yang's, it is also related to the quality level of the talisman.

The "Golden Light Fixing Sky Mirror" talisman in Zhou Yang's hand was refined by a ninth-level Jindan monk who extracted his own fifth-order top-grade natal magic weapon.

As for Murong Qianqian's green flying knife talisman, it was only refined using a fifth-order middle-grade magic weapon.

At this time, the green flying knife slashed, and the Canglong cauldron that was protecting Zhou Yang suddenly became a little overwhelmed.

No matter how excellent this defensive magic weapon is, it is only a fourth-order top-grade magic weapon, while the emerald flying knife is a real talisman.

In fact, being able to withstand the attack of the talisman with the quality of a fourth-order high-grade magic weapon is already excellent among fourth-level top-grade magic weapons.

After all, the treasure talisman will appear, the main reason is to make up for the inability of the monks in the Zifu period to fully activate the fifth-order magic weapon and create it.

"After holding on for a while, hold on for a while!"

Zhou Yang focused on two purposes, while urging the Canglongding to defend against the attack of the green flying knife, and at the same time pouring mana into the talisman to speed up.

In this way, about thirty breaths later, when the defensive aura emanating from the Canglong Cauldron had some cracks, he finally successfully activated the talisman before the shield was broken.


The golden mirror manifested in his hand took a picture of Murong Qianqian, and the scene that happened to Luo Yunqing that day reappeared on Murong Qianqian.

"No, what kind of supernatural power is this, why is it so weird? Cat save me!"

His body was frozen, his mouth could not speak, while Murong Qianqian panicked in his heart, he also hurriedly called for help to his pet Nether Cat through the connection between human pets and souls through the "Deed of Demon Soul".

After the Nether Cat sensed the panic of its master, it quickly urged the "soul-destroying pupil" magical power to attack Zhou Yang again, wanting to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao to resolve the crisis for the master.

It's just that Zhou Yang finally inspired Fu Bao to create a chance of victory, so how could he let this beast destroy his plan.

He stared, and before the Nether Cat had fully displayed its magical powers, he had already used the secret technique of "Mie Shen Needle" to attack the Nether Cat.


After being pierced severely by the "Destroyer Needle", the Nether Cat uttered a scream, and failed to use its supernatural powers.

But Zhou Yang took this opportunity, opened his mouth and spat out the "Ghost Bone Erosion Needle" hidden deep in his body, and pierced Murong Qianqian's forehead.

The cruelest thing in the world is to watch the butcher knife fall towards you, but you can't even turn your head to avoid the knife.

Murong Qianqian, a dignified seventh-floor monk in the Purple Mansion, is like the death row prisoner on the execution ground, watching the butcher knife swung at him, but he can't even move!

The "Ghost Bone Erosion Needle" is still a treasure obtained by Zhou Yang during the Foundation Establishment Stage, and its level is no longer worthy of his current status as a Purple Mansion Stage monk. Under normal circumstances, no Purple Mansion Stage monk would be taken by it Assassination hit.

Even if it hits, it won't kill a cultivator of the Zifu period.

But now, this treasure has accomplished something that is almost impossible. It directly pierced the eyebrows of a seventh-level monk in the Purple Mansion, and completely ended the life of a seventh-level monk in the Purple Mansion who was born in a famous sect.

Murong Qianqian was unable to utter a single word until his death.

Only those eyes full of unwillingness and regret told Zhou Yang how much she regretted at the last moment of her life.

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