Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 338: Just in Time!

The exchange meeting with only eighteen people naturally didn't last long. From the beginning to the end, it took less than two hours.

After the exchange meeting was over, the landowner Jiang Fengxian clapped her hands, and a dozen spirit monkeys carrying spirit fruits and spirit wine entered the cave hall, filling up all the empty plates and bottles on the table in front of everyone, Then everyone talked about the problems encountered in daily practice one by one, and shared and discussed their experiences in practice.

It was the first time for Zhou Yang to participate in this kind of exchange meeting, and he gained a lot.

In the past three years, he has been taking a cultivation-enhancing panacea every six months, and his current cultivation base is only a piece of paper away from the third floor of the Purple Mansion.

After hearing the practice experience shared by some monks of the same level at this exchange meeting, he felt that as long as he went back and retreated for a few months, he would be able to be promoted to the third floor of the Purple Mansion smoothly.

Of course, he doesn't just listen and don't talk, he also shares some of his own practice insights with others, and when he encounters some practice doubts that he can answer, he will patiently and detailedly answer the questions.

The eighteen people's exchange meeting lasted less than two hours, but the eighteen people's exchange meeting lasted for nearly three days before ending.

During these three days, the eighteen people spoke freely, raised all the doubts they encountered in their practice, and then waited for others to solve their doubts for themselves, or discussed the solution with those who had the same doubts.

Sometimes when two people have different opinions, they will even quarrel red-faced, and neither will admit defeat.

At this time, other people will separate the two people who are arguing, let them calm down, and change the topic to continue the discussion.

Zhou Yang likes this kind of exchange meeting similar to an academic seminar. He is not the kind of person who cherishes himself with a broom. If participating in this kind of exchange will give him something to gain, he is also willing to share his cultivation experience. Help others to progress together.

Originally, after the exchange meeting was over, everyone should have left separately.

But just when Jiang Fengxian was about to announce the end, a short, chubby middle-aged monk suddenly looked at the people in the hall and said: "All fellow Taoists, let's leave slowly, how about listening to Mr. Li first?"

"Oh, Li Daoyou, what else do you want to say?"

Jiang Fengxian frowned, and looked at the short and fat middle-aged monk with a little surprise. Zhou Yang and the others also all turned their attention to this person.

"The thing is like this. Seven or eight years ago, Li got a treasure map, which marked the cave left by a senior Jindan stage monk after he passed away."

"Everyone knows that I am a person who usually likes to study the life stories and biographies of some senior monks to find the chances of the cave collision left by the senior monks."

"So after getting this treasure map, Li spent several years searching for clues, and finally determined the location of the senior monk's cave marked on the treasure map half a year ago."

"It's just that what makes Li depressed is that the location of the senior monk's cave is not in our Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm, but in the spiritual mountain deep in the wild jungle."

"Ms. Li's strength is low, and I know that alone, I will definitely not be able to travel through the wild jungle for hundreds of thousands of miles to reach the senior monk's cave."

"Besides, even if Li gets there by chance, it is impossible for him alone to break the cave protection formation left by that senior monk."

"All the fellow daoists here today are considered people that Li can trust, so Li wants to recruit three fellow daoists from all of you to go treasure hunting together. I wonder if there are any fellow daoists who are willing to go with Li?"

Under the gaze of everyone, the short and fat monk expressed his intention with a solemn expression.

A cave left by a senior Golden Core stage monk after his death?

When the chunky monk first heard the news, everyone showed a very excited look and listened very attentively.

However, when the chunky monk said that he needed to travel hundreds of thousands of miles into the wild jungle to reach the cave, many people changed their faces.

Going deep into the wild jungle for more than ten thousand miles, it is already the area where the wild and alien races are active. If the cultivators enter there, as long as they are discovered by the wild and wild aliens, they will be regarded as invaders and killed.

Therefore, even Jindan stage monks dare not easily go to that area for activities.

Although the Golden Core stage monks' caves are good, they must be obtained by fate.

The immortal cultivators in the cave hall are mainly casual cultivators. They have been able to practice as casual cultivators to this day. In addition to their good aptitude and good luck, what is more important is that they know how to choose and reject better than others.

But on the other hand, for casual cultivators like them who are not easy to practice, if they can inherit the orthodox lineage of a senior Golden Core monk and obtain the life savings of a Golden Core monk, it is very likely to help them reach another level Lou, go one step further.

Therefore, after the chunky monk finished speaking, someone immediately asked: "Since you know the location of that senior monk's cave, do you know the name of that senior monk? And fellow Taoists can be sure that there is really a senior in that cave." Isn’t it just a deserted empty mansion that is left behind by monks?”

The chunky monk was also well prepared for such questions, and immediately said after hearing the words: "The name of the senior monk is definitely familiar to everyone. The incident that caused a commotion in the Nanman Kingdom more than 300 years ago , everyone must have the impression? According to Li's investigation, the owner of the cave should be the victim!"

Hearing what the chunky monk said, everyone present except Zhou Yang was shocked.

The monk who asked the question exclaimed in shock: "What? Li Daoyou, you mean that the owner of that cave is that senior? Doesn't that mean that the legendary incident that caused the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage to die?" The treasure of the battle is likely to be in that cave as well!"

The chunky monk shook his head again and again and said, "This Li can't guarantee that, Li can only confirm that the owner of that cave is that senior, and he can't guarantee the rest!"

What about this senior and that senior? Zhou Yang was stunned at first when he heard these people's riddle-like conversations.

But when he heard the words "the treasure that caused the monks in the Nascent Soul stage to fight", his heart was agitated, and he immediately understood what these people were talking about.

More than three hundred years ago, there was a battle between treasures and Nascent Soul stage monks.

The combination of these conditions is exactly the same as the treasure he was looking for when he came to Nanman Kingdom this time, isn't it?

"Xiao Daoyou, is the treasure that Li Daoyou and his two people talked about just now the legendary [Nine Heavens Profound Gold]?"

In order to confirm his guess, Zhou Yang's lips moved slightly, but he asked Xiao Feng who had the best relationship with him via voice transmission.

Xiao Feng's eyes flashed strangely when he heard what he said, and he glanced at him with a slightly surprised expression: "Oh, Fellow Daoist Huang has heard of that too?"

"To be honest, after hearing the news of this incident by accident a few years ago, Huang deliberately came to Nanman Kingdom when he was traveling in the world of cultivating immortals, and wanted to know the inside story of this matter. Xuan Jin】Such a sacred item of refining, who among us refining masters would not want to see it?"

Zhou Yang originally planned to ask Xiao Feng about this matter after this exchange meeting, but at this time he also told the truth without any concealment, directly waiting to tell the truth.

His frankness really made Xiao Feng feel good, and he couldn't help nodding with a smile and said: "Young Daoist Huang is right, for legendary artifacts like [Nine Heavens Profound Gold], I'm waiting for a craftsman, which one is it?" Don’t want to use it to refine magical artifacts?”

This can be regarded as an answer to Zhou Yang's question just now.

At this time, after the others listened to what the chunky monk said, several people immediately signed up to join this expedition.

Even the owner of the cave, Jiang Fengxian, looked at the short and fat monk with beautiful eyes and smiled sweetly: "If you don't dislike Li Daoyou, how about being a concubine?"

"There is also Xiao, Xiao is also very interested in that treasure. If you can see the true face of this thing, even if you just take a look at it, you will have no regrets in this life!"

Xiao Feng stopped talking with Zhou Yang, and expressed his intention to join the team loudly.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang immediately disregarded how other people would think of him, and immediately said: "Huang also has the same intention. Fellow Daoist Li won't think that Huang's cultivation level is low, so he won't want to take Huang with him?"

It was the first time in his life that he used words to bully others like this, and he felt a little ashamed after he finished speaking.

But for that piece of "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", he couldn't care less about this little detail.

This time, including Zhou Yang, the number of people who signed up reached six, including Xiao Feng, a ninth-level monk in the Purple Mansion, and Jiang Fengxian, an eighth-level monk in the Purple Mansion.

This situation was somewhat beyond the expectations of the chunky monk, so that he was not sure who to choose for a while.

After all, except for Zhou Yang, all the people who signed up were people who were acquainted with him. Many of them had known each other for hundreds of years. Whoever they chose and who they rejected would inevitably offend others.

So after thinking about it, he couldn't help but looked at the applicants with an apologetic face and said, "Why don't you do this, except for Fellow Daoist Xiao and Fellow Daoist Jiang, you can discuss with the remaining fellow Daoists to decide who will go?"

"After all, we are going deep into the wild jungle this trip. The stronger the team is, the greater the possibility of success of the operation will be!"

This should be the most appropriate way to deal with it.

Therefore, after Zhou Yang and the others looked at each other, they all nodded in agreement with this handling method.

The plan was drawn up, and Xiao Feng, who had obtained the qualification to form a team, immediately looked at the crowd and said, "After all, Fengyun Mountain is in the wild jungle, so it's not convenient to fight here. How about this, a few fellow Taoists who signed up will follow the old man to the outer area Find a safe place to fight and learn, and the rest of the fellow daoists will trouble you to wait for a day or two with fellow daoist Jiang, do fellow daoists understand what the old man means?"

Everyone present is a person who has practiced for many years, so of course they understand the meaning of Xiao Feng's words.

Leaving the others here with Jiang Fengxian can prevent anyone from leaking the news before they set off for the depths of the wild jungle.

After they decided who to go and actually set off, even if someone leaked the news to a certain Jindan stage monk, it would be impossible to find their group who had gone deep into the wilderness.

So no matter what they planned in their hearts, at least on the surface, everyone agreed to the matter with dignity.

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