Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 339 Old Ginger is Spicy!

There were a total of six people who signed up to explore the depths of the wild jungle with the chunky monk. Excluding Xiao Feng and Jiang Fengxian who had been appointed by default, there were exactly four people left including Zhou Yang.

Among the four people, apart from Zhou Yang, a second-floor monk in the Purple Mansion, the other three were one seventh-floor monk in the Purple Mansion and two sixth-floor monks in the Purple Mansion.

From the point of view of cultivation, Zhou Yang, who is only cultivated on the second floor of the Zifu, is undoubtedly suspected of making up the numbers. Even Xiao Feng, who has the best friendship with him, is not optimistic about his ability to qualify.

But after the actual fight, Zhou Yang's powerful combat power surprised everyone.

The first sixth-floor cultivator in the Purple Mansion who fought against him only lasted two quarters of an hour under his sword before being defeated.

This time was nearly twice as short as the time it took another seventh-floor monk in the Purple Mansion to defeat his opponent.

Then when he fought against the seventh-floor cultivator of the Purple Mansion, he even ignored the astonished gazes of others, and immediately took out the green flying knife talisman that he got from Murong Qianqian and inspired it.

A normal fighting technique can use talismans, and Zhou Yang's reckless attitude also scared his opponents.

In the end, the two fought against each other for less than a quarter of an hour. After he destroyed a defensive magic weapon with a talisman, his opponent had no choice but to admit defeat in an extremely depressed manner.

However, although Zhou Yang won the victory, he also exhausted the power of the green flying knife talisman and lost another trump card.

"Friend Huang Daoist, you are really willing! That is a talisman!"

At the end of the fight, Xiao Feng looked at Zhou Yang, a familiar yet unfamiliar friend, with a complex expression, and was amazed with emotion.

A talisman, even a talisman that has been used once or twice, is worth at least 70,000 to 80,000 low-grade spirit stones.

Such treasures are not used in life-and-death battles, but in a sparring match. Even a wealthy fourth-rank top-grade master craftsman like Xiao Feng must express his admiration to Zhou Yang in his heart.

However, compared to Xiao Feng's admiration, the seventh-floor cultivator of the Purple Mansion who lost to Zhou Yang's talisman had a very unsightly face and snorted coldly: "Hmph, it's just a reckless man who only shows off his courage for a while. Just husband!"

He looked at Zhou Yang with anger on his face, and said in a tone full of disdain: "Without the talisman, you will only be a drag on Xiao Daoyou and others in the next journey into the wild jungle. When you encounter danger, I see you How to get out!"

Zhou Yang's expression sank when he heard the other party's nose-smacking words, and he retorted unceremoniously: "If fellow daoists are not convinced, you and I will fight again, but Huang wants to see if fellow daoist is still alive." A few magical artifacts can be lost!"


"Okay, okay, now that the results have come out, fellow daoists, it's better to abide by the agreement. Fellow daoists Jiang and the others are still waiting for our news."

Seeing that things were about to turn bad, Xiao Feng, the host, hurriedly made a sound to smooth things over.

His cultivation base and identity are there. Hearing what he said, Zhou Yang and the seventh-floor cultivator of the Purple Mansion looked at each other unkindly, and did not argue any further.

Afterwards, everyone returned to Jiang Fengxian's cave in Fengyun Mountain, and Xiao Feng announced the result of Zhou Yang's victory.

Obviously, when they heard the result, all the monks including Jiang Fengxian were almost shocked by the news.

No one thought that the final winner was not the seventh-floor monk of the Purple Mansion and the two sixth-floor monks of the Purple Mansion, but Zhou Yang, a second-floor monk in the Purple Mansion who looked extremely young.

But surprise is surprise, but no one will doubt the authenticity of this news.

After all, those three losers returned to the cave together. If what Xiao Feng said was wrong, these people must have refuted it long ago.

Therefore, while being surprised, everyone also asked the three people about the situation through sound transmission.

After all, it is rare to see such a thing of defeating a late-stage cultivator of the Zifu by crossing two small realms at the early stage of the Zifu, and only heard of similar things in some rumors.

And when these people knew that Zhou Yang relied on the talisman to win, they shook their heads inwardly while their faces were stunned, disapproving of Zhou Yang's actions.

Consuming a precious talisman for the sake of a golden core stage monk's cave, which is completely incomprehensible and acceptable to casual cultivators who are used to living a hard life.

It's just that everyone didn't know each other very well. No matter what they thought in their hearts, they congratulated Zhou Yang on the surface.

Anyway, you don't need spirit stones if you say good things, don't you?

And Jiang Fengxian saw the dust settled at this time, and immediately said: "Okay, since the candidate has been decided, if other fellow daoists want to leave, they can leave now."

Hearing the words of seeing off the guests from the master's house, even though the other irrelevant monks were a little curious about how the four of them would discuss the treasure hunt, none of them really stayed in the cave and continued to disturb, and they all left soon Dongfu.

After all these people were gone, Jiang Fengxian turned her beautiful eyes, and her eyes fell on the short and fat monk and asked: "Li Daoyou, since the candidate has been decided, can you tell us about your plan now?"

"Jiang Daoyou is right, then everyone should listen to Li's plan. If there is anything inappropriate, you can point it out, and we will discuss and resolve it together."

The chunky monk nodded, then cleared his throat and looked at the three of them and said: "First of all, it is the safety of this operation. In order not to leak the news and prevent internal strife after the discovery of the treasure, the four of us must sign the [Ghost Agreement] Blood contract] and made a Dao Heart vow to abide by the agreement and share the treasure."

"When distributing treasures, Li, as the initiator, shall have the right to choose two treasures first after entering the cave, and then the three fellow Taoists will decide who will choose the third, fourth, and fifth according to the degree of contribution. If there are any extra treasures in this way, it will be decided according to the number of treasures whether to continue to share them equally or convert them into spirit stones and distribute them in a ratio of 4222."

"If there are less than five treasures, then the fellow daoists who got the treasures in the front will each take out a spirit stone equivalent to half the value of the treasures to supply the fellow daoists who did not get the treasures later. Of course, it is impossible for Li to get the spirit stones." Yes, this is Li's right as the initiator!"

"What do you think of Li's words?"

After the chunky monk finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Yang and the others with piercing eyes and asked.

Hearing his words, Xiao Feng first stretched out his fingers to look at him and said: "The most important point, if [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] really exists in that cave mansion, I can't just wait for the three of us to watch Li Daoyou put this thing in front of our eyes." In the bag, right?"

Hearing this, the chunky monk smiled wryly and said, "I was negligent about this matter, but brother Xiao thinks highly of Li too much, what a treasure [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] is, even if he really got it, Li must be Blessed to take it!"

"How about this, if [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] really exists, I will put it up for auction, and then distribute the spirit stones obtained from the auction according to the distribution method of 4222?"

"Just do it like this." Xiao Feng nodded, approving the handling of the short and fat monk.

"I have no objection either." Jiang Fengxian also voted for it with a slight nod.

In this way, whether Zhou Yang likes it or not, he has nothing to say.

So he had no choice but to say: "Huang also has a small proposal, that is, Huang's cultivation base can be promoted to the third floor of the Purple Mansion after only two or three months of retreat. Let's go again?"

"How can this work! Changes will happen later, and the news has already spread. If we attract Golden Core stage monks, do you think we will have a good end?"

The chunky monk looked at Zhou Yang with dissatisfaction and said, slightly angry.

Zhou Yang made this proposal at this time, in his eyes, it was undoubtedly a deliberate disturbance.

The reason why he wants to recruit people at this exchange meeting is not because he wants to make a time difference and go deep into the wild jungle first, so that others can't catch up even if they want to.

However, at this time, Xiao Feng suddenly said: "No, the old man thinks that Fellow Daoist Huang's suggestion is very good!"

After he finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and said without waiting for the short and fat monk to refute: "You think, now that the news will surely spread with the departure of those fellow Taoists, if the Golden Core stage monks are really attracted, the Golden Core stage monks With supernatural powers, even if we go ahead for a day, can we really guarantee that we can get rid of them?"

"But if we are not in a hurry to set off, but find a place to hide for a year and a half without showing up, I am afraid that everyone will think that we all fell into the wild jungle!"

Hearing what Xiao Feng said, the three of Zhou Yang were taken aback, none of them thought of this.

At this time, apart from lamenting that Jiang is still old and spicy, the short and fat monk did not say anything to refute, but asked suspiciously: "But where are we going to hide? Is there any place where we can let the four purple mansions hide?" The monk Qi has been hiding for so long, and he hasn't delayed his practice?"

"This matter is simple. In addition to this Fengyun Mountain cave, I also have another other unknown Beppu in the wild jungle. We can stay there for a while before setting off."

Jiang Fengxian also interrupted suddenly at this time, directly solving the problem.

Seeing this, the chunky monk didn't say anything, nodded and said: "Since several fellow Taoists think it's better to do this, then Li doesn't have any objections, let's sign a blood contract now."

The "Netherworld Blood Contract" is a consumable treasure that normally circulates in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, and of course it is limited to blood contracts below the Golden Core stage.

The four blood deeds prepared by the chunky monk Li Zhengwei were all made by the Foundation Establishment monk before his death.

The binding force of this kind of blood contract on the cultivators of the Zifu period is not necessarily fatal, but the price of violating the contract cannot be ignored.

The most important thing is that once the blood contract is signed, if someone violates the contract, they will immediately be backlashed by the power of the contract. At that time, other people will naturally know who violated the contract and punish them together.

After the four of them signed the blood contract, they immediately left Fengyun Mountain under Jiang Fengxian's leadership, and went to her other Befu in the wild jungle.

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