Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 343: Jurisdiction!

The power of a formation is not only related to the level of the formation, but also related to whether the formation is hosted by someone.

If the fourth-order formation is unattended, even a monk in the foundation establishment period can break it little by little with water.

Moreover, if no one maintains a formation for a long time, its power will gradually decline with the passage of time.

The reason why a low-level monk in the world of cultivating immortals often breaks into the caves left by senior high-level monks and obtains the inheritance of high-level monks is because those high-level monks have been sitting for too long, so that the protection method of their caves The array has lost its effect over the long years.

Of course, these have nothing to do with the cave that Zhou Yang and the others see now.

The owner of the cave in front of them has only disappeared for more than three hundred years. Even if he had been sitting and dissolved since then, the formation of the cave would not have any major problems.

And if the formation inside is really a fifth-order formation, then there must be a fifth-order magic weapon as the host of the formation, so if they want to break the formation, they must first collect the fifth-order magic weapon that suppresses the formation. .

It's just that the combination of the fifth-order magic weapon and the fifth-order magic circle is enough to cause fatal damage to the ninth-level monks of the Purple Mansion.

Although Zhou Yang and his team had extraordinary combat power, no one was sure that they would be able to block the attack of the suppressing fifth-order magic weapon.

So after experiencing the excitement of discovering the cave at first, everyone had to find a way to solve this terrible problem.

"I think we can use the power of wild beasts to break the formation!"

"Those savage beasts are huge in size, rough in skin and thick in flesh, and extremely strong in vitality. They are best at breaking formations with brute force."

Among the four, Li Zhengwei, the initiator of the team, first expressed his thoughts.

But his idea was not recognized by everyone.

Xiao Feng, who had the highest cultivation base, immediately objected: "That won't work, if you break the formation with the help of wild beasts, at least half of the elixir and fruit in it will be destroyed in the process of breaking the formation, and the movement of the wild beasts breaking the formation is too big, It is easy to attract the peeps of other wild beasts and monsters, and even attract wild alien races!"

"The most important thing is that if you want to introduce the wild beast into the formation, someone must act as a bait to join the formation. Which of you is willing to be this bait?"

If Li Zhengwei's method is adopted, Xiao Feng, who has the highest cultivation level, must be the best bait candidate, so now that Xiao Feng asks this question, Li Zhengwei immediately dare not mention it again.

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

The treasures of the cave are right in front of your eyes, and no one wants to fall before the dawn, or become a stepping stone for others to take a step forward.

After such a long silence, it was Jiang Fengxian who broke the calm and said: "From my point of view, we should choose the safest way, and use water to spend it little by little. The power of the law is no longer enough to pose a fatal threat to us!"

When Zhou Yang heard the words, he quickly nodded and said, "Young Daoist Jiang is right, Huang also thinks you can give it a try."

After finishing speaking, he paused again, looked at Li Zhengwei and Xiao Feng and said, "Even if it doesn't work after you try it, it's not too late to try another method."

"Then try it."

"Li has no objection either."

After the plan was drawn up, except for Li Zhengwei who had not recovered from his injuries and stayed outside the formation to watch the wind, Zhou Yang, Xiao Feng, and Jiang Fengxian all stepped into the valley basin cautiously.

As soon as they stepped into the valley basin, the vision in front of Zhou Yang's three people changed. The scene of the valley basin that they saw before instantly changed into a snowy ice field. The biting cold air on the ice field made the three of them shiver and run quickly Mana resists dispelling cold.

"It's troublesome, this formation has already formed a legal domain, we will not enter a fifth-order high-grade formation!"

Among the three, Xiao Feng, who was the oldest and most knowledgeable, saw this scene, his expression darkened immediately, and he uttered bad news with an ugly expression.

The so-called "jurisdiction" is to use the power of the formation to change the world and forcibly create a special area.

For example, the snow-covered ice field that Zhou Yang and the others see now is not an illusion, but a real "magic domain" formed by the power of formations.

In this kind of "legal domain", except for the ice-type kung fu monks, the rest of the monks will be suppressed by the formation, and it is difficult to exert their full strength.

And the longer one stays in the "jurisdiction", the stronger the erosion of the power of the "jurisdiction" will be on monks.

For example, the cold that Zhou Yang and the others felt just now is the erosion of the power of the "law domain". As long as they are in the "law domain", as long as the "law domain" is not broken, they must allocate part of their magic power to resist the erosion of the cold air.

The formations that can form a "law domain" are all formations above the fifth level, but not all fifth-level formations can form a "law area".

As the saying goes, I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs walking.

Although Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian are not formation masters, they are no strangers to the basic common sense of formation, so after hearing Xiao Feng's words, their faces turned ugly.

"Let's do it together, we can't let the power of the legal domain continue to grow, otherwise it will be difficult for us to quit the formation."

Xiao Feng glanced at the two people who were silent, waved his big sleeves, and sacrificed a crimson gourd magic weapon, releasing large groups of flames to burn the ice and snow in sight.

These ice and snow are all formed by the spiritual power of the formation. Melting them is tantamount to consuming the power of the formation. This is the only thing they can do if they don't know the location of the formation's eye and the correct way to break the formation. .

However, since the formation is activated, it will definitely not be as simple as forming a snow and ice field to trap those who enter the formation.

Therefore, when Zhou Yang and the others started to break the formation, they quickly aroused the real attack power of the formation.

I saw a blue-white icy light flash in the sky suddenly, and countless sharp ice cones dropped down on the three of them in an instant to cover the blow.

The attack power of a single ice pick is only equivalent to that of a low-level third-tier spell, but it can't stand up to the large number!

The dense icicles fell like raindrops, round after round, although they couldn't break through the protection of Zhou Yang and the others, they consumed their mana rapidly.

At the same time, there was a flash of white light on the snow field on the ground, and it quickly condensed into hundreds of giant frost wolves several feet in length, and rushed towards Zhou Yang and the others.

Although these giant frost wolves are formed by the power of formations, each of them has the strength to fight against third-tier high-grade monsters, and they are not afraid of life and death, tireless and pain.

"These Frost Giant Wolves will be left to the concubine to deal with. Fellow Daoist Huang, you should keep your mana just in case."

Jiang Fengxian glanced at the giant frost wolves that were rushing towards her, and with a wave of her jade hand, she summoned that fourth-rank high-grade monster "Colorful Cloud Swallowing Python" again.

This time Zhou Yang saw it clearly. It turned out that Jiang Fengxian was wearing a silver-white spirit beast ring on the wrist covered by the sleeve of her right hand. She usually wore the "Colorful Cloud Swallowing Python" in the spirit beast ring. .

First it was the storage ring, and now it is the spirit beast ring, together with the treasures that Jiang Fengxian took out at the previous exchange meeting, this young, beautiful and powerful female cultivator has another "multiple" in Zhou Yang's heart. Baoduojin" label.

After he glanced at the spirit beast ring on the female cultivator's wrist, he nodded and said, "Then Daoist Jiang will be here."

After finishing speaking, he pulled his hands into his sleeves, and secretly took out his remaining defensive talisman, just in case.

The "Colorful Cloud Swallowing Python" is indeed a powerful monster with the blood of a flood dragon. Its poisonous cloud is extremely corrosive and has a large killing range. As long as the giant frost wolf transformed by the power of the formation is touched, it will be corroded soon Into a puddle of poisonous water.

And Jiang Fengxian himself is also very sharp.

I saw that she first raised her jade hand, and a brown flower basket appeared in a flash of inspiration in her hand, and then she threw the flower basket, and a ball of yellow spiritual light was released from the flower basket, sweeping towards the dozen or so Frost Giant Wolves in front of her.

The giant frost wolves were swept away by the yellow aura, like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, they instantly turned into an icy light and disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Yang felt a strange withering power in the yellow aura, which reminded him of the famous wood-type magical power "every year withered".

It is said that any monk who is hit by the magical power of "Sui Sui Ku Rong" will have a period of life cut off directly out of thin air.

What is the purpose of cultivating immortals?

Isn't it just for longevity?

Therefore, the kind of monk who has mastered the supernatural power of "every year is dry and prosperous" has always been deeply feared by other monks, and no one wants to provoke such an enemy.

If you get into trouble with this kind of enemy, even if you kill the opponent in the end, you don't know how much life you will lose under the opponent's supernatural powers, it is really not worth it.

It's just that although Jiang Fengxian cleared the field quickly, those giant frost wolves were not slow to regenerate. Just after ten of them were scattered by her on this side, seven or eight of them could be gathered and regenerated immediately on the other side, maintaining the size of tens of hundreds of wolves.

How similar is this to the icicle rain that falls from the sky every few tens of breaths!

On the other side, Xiao Feng fired all his firepower, and various spells and magic weapons bombarded the snowy ice field in front of him in turn, trying to break this "legal domain" world.

In this way, about two quarters of an hour later, the world of "Dharma Domain" has not yet been broken, but new changes have taken place in the formation.


A clear dragon chant suddenly sounded from the formation.

Immediately afterwards, the ice field in front of Zhou Yang and the others suddenly rumbled apart, and a white ice dragon with a length of tens of feet flew out of it.

"No, it's because the power of the suppressing magic weapon has been induced, withdraw quickly!"

The three of them looked at the white ice dragon that rushed out and flew towards them, and hurriedly withdrew and retreated, wanting to exit the formation.

But the formation has already been activated, so how can they easily withdraw.

The white ice dragon opened its mouth wide, and a blue-white ice light gushed out of its mouth, instantly sealing the three people and the python in the formation in the thick ice.

Then the white ice dragon swung its tail, and quickly rushed towards Xiao Feng, who had the strongest mana breath among the three.

Thanks to book friend Lingtaoge Qingyuanzi for rewarding 10,000 starting coins again, to book friends He_Jun and hhuua for rewarding 1000 starting coins, and book friend Yiwu Zhuzhu for rewarding 800 starting coins, and several other book friends Thank you very much for your reward! Since it is agreed that the May 1st update will be added, let’s not add it first, let’s add it together depending on the situation!

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