As soon as the ice dragon came out, Baili was frozen.

At that time, the three of them were frozen in place. Seeing the white ice dragon with a length of several tens of feet rushing towards them, Xiao Feng, who was the first to bear the brunt of the ice dragon's attack, had horror and despair in his eyes.

He is a cultivator on the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, and he still has many methods that he has not used.

He is absolutely not willing to fall here like this.

But the timing of this ice dragon's attack is too good, the frozen power has reached the level of a fifth-order magic weapon with the help of a fifth-order magic weapon, even if his cultivation is as high as the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, he can't break free and break the confinement .

Fortunately, he is not alone.

Zhou Yang, who was not far away from him, suddenly burst into a layer of golden flames, instantly melting the solid ice that imprisoned him into water vapor.

Then he opened his mouth and sprayed, and a flaming sword that was also burning with golden real fire blurted out and shot at the pounced ice dragon.


The ice dragon swung its claws and slapped the blazing sword, blasting it into a ball of golden flames.

However, with the slight resistance of the flaming sword, Xiao Feng had already broken free from the icy confinement with Zhou Yang's help.

As soon as he rushed out of the frozen prison, he also used his kung fu and supernatural powers to condense into a flaming golden knife and slashed towards the ice dragon. At the same time, he shouted: "After Xiao came to block the ice dragon for a while, fellow Huang Dao and Jiang Daoyou You two quickly open the retreat channel, we first withdraw from the formation and then find a way to break the formation!"

With him blocking the ice dragon, Zhou Yang quickly rescued Jiang Fengxian and the "Colorful Cloud Swallowing Python", and then the three of them joined forces to launch a fierce attack on the area behind them, and finally made a gap, and saw the turquoise outside again. Vegetation and mountains.

"Phew, it's a good thing that Fellow Daoist Huang is here today, otherwise Xiao would really fall into it. Please accept Xiao's respect for saving my life!"

Outside the formation, when Xiao Feng was the last one to withdraw from the formation, the first thing he did was bow to Zhou Yang and thank him.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang hurriedly stepped forward to support the other party: "Fellow Daoist Xiao, you are being polite. Saving others is saving oneself, and Huang is just doing his part. How dare you be so generous as a fellow Daoist!"

The two of them are here to be polite, but Li Zhengwei, who is guarding them outside the formation, is in a hurry. He can't help but interrupt the two and ask: "The three fellow Taoists came out so soon? I don't know what's going on inside? Find a way to break the formation?"

When the formation was activated just now, the entire valley and basin turned into a vast expanse of invisible objects. He couldn't see anything outside, so he could only worry.

That's why I'm asking this question now.

Being interrupted by him, Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng were not polite any more, they even told the situation in the formation, and then the four of them re-discussed the strategy of breaking the formation together.

After discussing like this for a while, the four of them made a new decision, which is to attack inside and outside.

Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng entered the formation to trigger changes in the formation, and then Jiang Fengxian and Li Zhengwei attacked the formation at the same time outside, and the internal and external forces worked together to consume the power of the formation.

After the plan was drawn up, the three of Zhou Yang rested for half a day to recover their mana, and then began to act according to the plan.

The results proved that the plan of internal and external attack is completely feasible.

Under the internal and external attacks, because the outside is also facing attacks, Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng inside the formation are much less pressured by the formation attack.

And with the previous experience, this time when the two quarters of an hour arrived, Zhou Yang released the "Qianyang True Fire" to welcome the appearance of the ice dragon.

Of course, the ice dragon is formed by the power of the formation after all. Before the power of the formation is exhausted, its power can be described as inexhaustible. Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng can only try their best to survive under its attack. Bao, it is impossible to blow it up like those frost giant wolves.

But when the ice dragon played for 2 quarters of an hour and failed to win the two of them, the formation changed again.

At that time, the two were trying their best to fight against the ice dragon's attack, when a cold gust suddenly blew up inside the formation.

A strong wind blew up, and soon there was a blizzard in the snow-covered ice field "Dharma Domain" formed by the power of formations, accompanied by colorless and transparent wind blades raging around inside.

Zhou Yang and the two of them were reluctant to fight against the ice dragon, but now that there are so many changes, the two of them suddenly felt unable to hold on, and quickly sent out a signal to cooperate with the two attacking outsiders to bombard a certain place in the formation, and then played again. A gap exited the formation.

After withdrawing from the formation this time, the four of them shared and discussed the information they had just obtained, and finally Xiao Feng, who was the oldest and most experienced, concluded:

"Now the situation is basically clear. With our strength, we can only withdraw from the formation before the formation activates the third layer of transformation, otherwise our lives will be in danger."

"Based on this calculation, it will take at least two and a half months to three months for me to exhaust the power of this formation, including the rest time spent in recovering mana in the middle!"

After all, the fifth-order formation is a fifth-order formation, and the spiritual veins in the valley basin in front of you are as high as fifth-order. It took Zhou Yang and the others two to three months to break it, which is already very fast. slow.

After all, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the combination of the four of them to break a fifth-order formation hosted by someone.

Therefore, after listening to Xiao Feng's analysis, the three of Zhou Yang didn't have much disagreement.

So in the next two or three months, Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng entered and exited the formation dozens of times, constantly consuming the power of the formation.

In this way, two and a half months later, when the two entered the formation again, they clearly felt that the offensive of the formation had weakened.

A typical example is those giant frost wolves. There used to be hundreds of them at a time, but now there are less than sixty.

This discovery made the two of them overjoyed, knowing that the day of breaking the formation was not far away, they worked even harder in the battle.

Eight days later, the two of them entered the formation for the dozens of times, and the number of frost giant wolves they faced was less than thirty.

"It's almost there. The day of breaking the formation is here. Today we will try the third level to see if there is a fourth change in this formation!"

Looking at the giant frost wolves that were sparsely rushing towards the two of them, Xiao Feng's somewhat tired old face was refreshed, and he turned his head to look at Zhou Yang with piercing eyes and made a suggestion.

"As Brother Xiao said, let's give it a try." Zhou Yang nodded and agreed.

Two quarters of an hour later, the white ice dragon arrived as scheduled.

At this time, the size of the white ice dragon also dropped again and again, and now it is only more than 30 feet long, which has more than doubled in size.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is impossible for the two of Zhou Yang to eliminate it. At most, it is supported by their efforts at the beginning, and now they have the upper hand.

Two quarters of an hour passed like this, and the third change of the formation reappeared.

"How is it? Friends Huang Daoist, can you still hold on?"

In the sky full of wind and snow, Xiao Feng and Zhou Yang held up their protective shields to resist the triple attack of ice cones, wind and snow, and wind blades and the fierce battle of ice dragons. The battle was very fierce.

"No problem, I feel like I can do it."

Zhou Yang pursed his lips, and while answering Xiao Feng's words, he distractedly manipulated the flying sword to continuously attack the ice dragon.

"Okay, then let's keep going and see if there is a fourth change."

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Three quarters of an hour!

Three quarters of an hour after Zhou Yang and Xiao Feng changed in the third layer of the formation, the formation did not change again, which made them feel relieved.

"Okay, let's get out first and recover our mana and spirit. Next time, the four of us can enter the formation together and break the formation in one fell swoop!"

After a while, the two withdrew from the formation, told the good news to Jiang Fengxian and Li Zhengwei outside, and then seized the time to recover their mana and prepare for the final battle.

After resting like this for a day, the four of Zhou Yang entered the formation together, and it took less than half an hour to completely break the formation that had blocked them for three months.

When the formation was broken, the "jurisdiction" dissipated, and the scenery in the valley basin appeared before Zhou Yang and others again.

At the same time, as the formation dissipated, the fifth-order magic weapon that suppressed the formation also showed its original shape and fell to the ground.

This thing is a long sword of frost shrouded in ice mist. Judging from the aura it emits, this thing should be a fifth-order middle-grade magic weapon.

"Let's leave this to Li for now. When this treasure hunt is over, we will distribute these treasures together according to the agreement."

Just as Zhou Yang was looking at the frost long sword, wanting to identify whether its refining material was "thousand-year ice jade" or "thousand-year cold iron", Li Zhengwei had already cast a burst of mana to roll the magic weapon into his hands, Put it in a storage bag.

Seeing this, not only Zhou Yang frowned slightly, but also Xiao Feng and Jiang Fengxian were slightly displeased.

Along the way, and this time breaking the formation, the three of them contributed the most. Li Zhengwei's current behavior is not authentic at all.

However, the four of them had signed the "Underworld Blood Contract" before, and they had divided the distribution of the gains from this trip. Therefore, even though they didn't like Li Zhengwei's actions in their hearts, the three of Zhou Yang didn't say anything, and they acquiesced in his actions. .

Anyway, with the constraints of the blood contract and the confidence in their own strength, the three of them are not afraid that Li Zhengwei will monopolize the treasure.

If Li Zhengwei really did that, the three of them would clap their hands instead.

"What should we do next? Pick the elixir first, or go to that yard first?"

Zhou Yang suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and asked his own question in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, Li Zhengwei immediately said: "Of course we should pick the elixir first, the yard is there, and we won't run away."

"My concubine also agrees to pick the elixir first." Jiang Fengxian also nodded, expressing her opinion.

In the end, Xiao Feng nodded slightly and said, "Let's pick the elixir first!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang immediately said: "Since several fellow Taoists have said so, let's take action."

After speaking, his body moved, and he was about to enter the medicine fields in the valley basin to pick elixir.

However, at this moment, the faces of him, Xiao Feng, and Jiang Fengxian changed almost simultaneously, and they all shouted loudly: "Be careful, someone is sneaking up!"

Before the sound of drinking was over, several magic tools shining with aura had already smashed down towards the four of them.

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