Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 352 A complete showdown

Jiang Fengxian has been quietly watching the conversation between Zhou Yang and the "Yunshen Card".

When Zhou Yang was seized before, she was also taken aback and was ready to help.

But what happened later made her feel relieved again, and quietly watched Zhou Yang talking with the existence in the "Yunshen Card".

In the end, the conversation between the two sides changed from bright to dark and turned into a sound transmission conversation, and she also noticed it. Although she was a little curious about what kind of agreement the two sides had reached, she wisely didn't really ask.

It was only when the two parties seemed to have reached an agreement that she looked at Zhou Yang and asked, "Friend Zhou, I would like to ask you, if you find that piece of [Nine Heavens Profound Gold], what will you do with it?"

"Nine Heavens Profound Gold" is of great importance, not only Zhou Yang wants it, but if she can get it, she is definitely not willing to miss it.

When Zhou Yang heard her words, he immediately felt a headache.

After thinking about it for a while, he looked at Jiang Fengxian with a troubled expression and said, "You must have heard what that person said just now. [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] should not be in this cave. In this case, you and I will share equally When it comes to the treasures of the cave, it seems that this thing should not be involved?"

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Jiang Fengxian, who frowned, to refute himself, and quickly said: "Don't be angry, fellow Taoist, you see, otherwise, apart from the treasures left by the owner of the cave, this cave includes those in the courtyard that have not been picked. The elixir that Zhou gave to you, Fellow Daoist, to compensate you for your loss, what do you think?"

"This is a fifth-level cave, and it is located deep in the wild jungle. If you plan to form alchemy in the future, fellow Taoist, this place is the best place to form alchemy and a place to hide."

"Fellow daoist, think about it. Many people in Hellfire City already know about the fact that we came out to hunt for treasures. You must not be able to go back to live in the cave in Fengyun Mountain, and fellow daoist, you haven't condensed the golden core for a day. He didn’t dare to show his face in the Nanman Kingdom for a day, otherwise what should he do if he would attract the pursuit of Jindanqi cultivators?”

"So if you can occupy this cave, fellow Taoist, you will not only have a place to practice after the golden core stage, but you can also live in seclusion here to avoid the pursuit of the enemy!"

Hearing his words, Jiang Fengxian frowned slightly, looked at him thoughtfully and suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is so anxious about this matter, do you really need that [Nine Heavens Profound Gold]?"

"Yes, Zhou needs that piece of [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] very much, because it is related to Zhou's future refining of the natal magic weapon!" Zhou Yang admitted it with a serious face, and did not hide the matter.

His frankness made Jiang Fengxian very satisfied.

So after thinking for a while, she nodded slightly and said: "Since this is the case, the concubine does not take away people's love, so I will give the piece of [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] to fellow daoist, but you have to owe my concubine a favor." , What do fellow Daoists think?"

One favor for one piece of "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", this transaction is really worth it.

So Zhou Yang replied immediately without even thinking about it: "No problem, as long as Fellow Daoist Jiang is useful to get Zhou's place, it doesn't matter!"

Jiang Fengxian saw that he was so forthright, finally a smile appeared on his face, then he pointed to the treasures on the wooden table and asked: "Then how should these treasures be divided now?"

Zhou Yang has already benefited greatly. Hearing her words at this time, he immediately waved his hand in a very grand manner: "Except for [Yunshen Card] which belongs to Zhou, you should pick the other treasures, Fellow Daoist Jiang first."

Unexpectedly, when Jiang Fengxian heard his words, she looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Oh, fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't want to know the function of this painting scroll in my concubine's hands?"

"Painting scroll? Is there anything special about this scroll?"

Zhou Yang's expression changed, and he looked at the dark blue painting scroll in Jiang Fengxian's hand slightly curiously.

He had been only concerned with communicating with the existence in the "Yunshen Card" just now, and he was excited because of the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" that he was about to get, but he hadn't thought about it.

Hearing what Jiang Fengxian said at this time, he just realized that since this dark blue painting scroll can be used as a special treasure like the "Yunshen Tablet" together with other fifth-order magic weapons, it is probably also a great treasure.

Sure enough, Jiang Fengxian's next words confirmed his guess.

"This painting scroll should be a legendary treasure of space. There is a space of one and a half acres inside. Not only can living things be placed in the space, it can also be used to grow spiritual grass and spiritual trees!"

"If we really talk about the value, the value of this painting scroll is probably higher than the value of an ordinary fifth-order high-grade magic weapon!"

Jiang Fengxian smiled slightly, but told the function of the scroll in her hand without concealing it.

"What? This scroll is a space treasure!"

Zhou Yang opened his mouth wide and let out an exclamation, his face was full of shock.

Of course he understood what the space treasure meant. It meant that the painting scroll in Jiang Fengxian's hand was a treasure from a Nascent Soul Realm.

This is embarrassing!

He also said just now that except for the "Yunshen Card", the other treasures were left to Jiang Fengxian to pick three first, and it seems that it would be out of style to go back on it now!

But if he was allowed to watch this incomparably precious spatial treasure being taken away by Jiang Fengxian, he might not even be able to sleep well in the future.

After all, it is a space treasure!

In particular, this space treasure can be transplanted into it with spirit grass and spirit wood, which makes its effect infinitely increased.

Zhou Yang immediately thought of the thunder bamboos outside the yard, and the "Condensed Yuanguo" tree in Duanyun Mountain Range.

If he gets this space treasure, he can transplant these rare spirit trees into the space inside the treasure first, and then bring them back to the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation Realm to plant in the Zhou family's elixir garden.

And if he had this space treasure in his hand, any rare spiritual plants he found outside could be directly transplanted into the treasure and brought back to the family.

You must get this space treasure in your hands!

Zhou Yang looked at the scroll in Jiang Fengxian's hand, his mind was full of thoughts, but he was thinking about how to achieve his wish.

While thinking like this, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Jiang Fengxian's beautiful hair that was casually tied behind him with a headband, and suddenly he had an idea in his heart.

He quickly raised his hand, and took out a wooden hairpin from the storage ring, which was carved like the finest jadeite, handed it to Jiang Fengxian and said: "This [Qinglong hairpin] magic weapon is from the Zhou Dynasty. I got it from a previous adventure. This thing is made of the wood core of the fifth-grade high-grade spiritual wood [Qinglongmu] as the main material. It is most suitable for monks of the wood system. Friends of Taoism will form golden elixir in the future. Things will definitely become a sharp weapon in the hands of fellow daoists!"

The "Blue Dragon Hairpin" was obtained from Blood Nether's storage ring, and it is an out-and-out fifth-rank top-grade magic weapon.

Zhou Yang wanted to keep this treasure in the past, and give it to his Taoist partner Xiao Ying as a gift for forming a golden elixir in the future.

But now he can only say sorry to the Taoist companion in his heart.

After all, you can find other treasures to replace the alchemy gift, but space treasures are hard to come by.

Zhou Yang believed that even if Xiao Ying knew about this, she would support him in choosing the painting scroll.

Of course, Zhou Yang knew it would be unrealistic to exchange a space treasure with only one "Qinglong Hairpin", so he gritted his teeth again and took out three pieces of "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" he had obtained.

"I see that Daoist Jiang's cultivation base is only one step away from the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion. These three pieces of [Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea] can be used to soak water for drinking, which can increase the cultivation base of the monks in the Zifu period for ten years. Now they are also given to fellow Taoists!"

After Zhou Yang took out the "Qinglong Hairpin", Jiang Fengxian couldn't move her beautiful eyes. After Zhou Yang took out the "Yunwu Fairy Tea" which can increase her cultivation for ten years, a smile spread on her face, and she immediately He laughed and said, "Hehehe, since Fellow Daoist Zhou wants this scroll so much, I will give it up to Fellow Daoist Zhou."

Immediately after speaking, he handed the scroll in his hand to Zhou Yang, and then took away the "Green Dragon Hairpin" and "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" from Zhou Yang's hands.

Then she waved her jade hand again, received the cyan bell and the cyan-golden flying sword among the remaining four magic weapons, and said with a smile: "These two treasures are quite suitable for my concubine's eyes, but my concubine's body does not get along well." Zhou Daoyou is polite."

"It should be, it should be."

Zhou Yang nodded repeatedly, without any opinion.

He has already obtained the two most precious things to him, and no matter what Jiang Fengxian takes for the rest, it is a profit for him, and naturally he will not want to take all the benefits of being greedy.

After the two of them divided the artifacts, they all looked at the storage ring. If they guessed correctly, it should contain the life savings of the owner of the cave.

"Which one of us will come first?"

Looking at the storage ring, Zhou Yang pursed his lips slightly, and asked Jiang Fengxian softly.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please go ahead."

Jiang Fengxian smiled slightly, and didn't mind him checking the contents first.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang violently erased the brand of spiritual consciousness left by the previous owner in the storage ring, and then released his spiritual consciousness to check the contents.

Good guy, there are quite a lot of things in it!

Zhou Yang found 500,000 to 600,000 spirit stones alone, including 14 top-grade spirit stones.

In addition, there are three fifth-tier magic symbols, thirteen fourth-tier artifacts, two sets of fourth-tier upper-tier formations, three sets of fourth-tier mid-tier arrays, half a bottle of fifth-tier magic pills, and three bottles of fourth-tier magic pills.

In addition, there are more than 20 kinds of fourth- and fifth-level refining materials, and dozens of jade slips that record knowledge such as exercises, supernatural powers, secret arts, and inheritance of immortal cultivation skills.

In addition, there is a special treasure inside, that is the natal magic weapon used by the cave master during his lifetime.

Because it was the idea of ​​seizing the house, the owner of the cave was not willing to refine this thing into a talisman before his fall, but carefully put it away in the storage ring, so that after he successfully seized the house and got a new body, he could only This fifth-tier high-grade magic weapon can be reused after a little sacrifice.

"Jiang Daoyou, take a look too, and then let's search the other rooms in this cave to see if there are any other gains!"

After reading the contents of the storage ring, Zhou Yang silently handed it to Jiang Fengxian, and at the same time expressed his suggestion.

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