Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 353 Get rich right now 】

While searching for other rooms in "Qingyun Garden", Zhou Yang and the others had other gains.

In the underground practice room under the main hall, the two found a thousand-year-old cold jade bed that was two feet long and half a foot wide. At the same time, there was a piece of "jade essence" the size of a human head placed on the bed.

This piece of "Jade Essence" belongs to the fifth-order spiritual object, and placing it on the fifth-order spiritual vein can at least increase the cultivation speed of the golden core stage monk by half, and its value is immeasurable.

In addition to the thousand-year-old cold jade bed and "Jade Essence", the two also found a half box of "Shenshen Incense" in the training room.

This "Shenshen Fragrance" can be used to restore the power of consciousness and prevent insanity, and it is also a high-end consumable that only high-level monks can afford.

In addition, in the study room, the two also found a large number of middle and low-level exercises and various books and jade slips that recorded the secrets, legends, customs and customs of the world of cultivating immortals.

As for the attics of other palaces, which should be the Artifact Refining Hall and the Alchemy Hall, they are empty and there is not much to gain. Presumably, the good things have been put into the storage ring by the owner of the cave in advance.

After searching like this, the two returned to the main hall and sat down again, checking all the gains.

All these harvests naturally included what was left behind after the deaths of Duanmuyong, Lin Ruihua, and Li Zhengwei.

There are so many good things left over.

Among them, Duanmuyong and Lin Ruihua both used storage rings. Although Li Zhengwei still used a storage bag, there was a fifth-order middle-grade magic weapon "Ice Chilong Sword" inside.

Therefore, after counting, the two obtained a total of two storage rings from the relics of the three people, a fifth-level middle-grade magic weapon "Ice Chilong Sword", and a fifth-level low-grade magic weapon "Zijin Demon Slaying Knife". ", a fourth-grade top-grade alchemy furnace "Wujin Hundred Treasure Furnace", a fourth-grade top-grade magic weapon "Shanhe Ding", and five or six other fourth-grade magic weapons.

At the same time, on Duanmu Yong's body, Zhou Yang also discovered two spiritual objects that assist in forming alchemy, namely "Ningdan Grass" and "Jade Berry".

Whether it's "Dan Congealing Grass" or "Jade Berry", the effect of assisting the formation of alchemy is similar to that of the "Ice and Fire Spiritual Liquid" in his hand, but these three spiritual things can be used together when forming alchemy.

If a cultivator on the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion gathers all these three spirits and uses them together when forming alchemy, the success rate of alchemy formation can reach at least 20%, second only to "Jade Liquid Golden Elixir"!

Duanmu Yongxiu has already reached the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion. He collected the two treasures "Ningdan Grass" and "Jade Berry", obviously to prepare for the future attack on Jindan, but he didn't expect that because of his greed for a while, all of them will be taken advantage of by the enemy.

Moreover, in addition to these two precious auxiliary alchemy objects, as a top-rank alchemist of the fourth rank, Duanmuyong also has more than a dozen pieces of alchemy recipes in his storage ring, five or six bottles of various fourth-rank spirit pills, and a third-rank alchemy ring. There are more than a dozen bottles of spirit pills, among which there are as many as twelve of the foundation pills alone!

In addition, in the storage rings of Duanmuyong and Lin Ruihua, Zhou Yang also found five fourth-level demon pills, two fourth-level wild beast hearts, eight third-level wild beast hearts, four fifth-level elixir, and four fourth-level elixir. There are more than a dozen kinds of high-level elixir, and a lot of materials for various fourth-level monsters and wild beasts

These demon pills and wild beast hearts, as well as elixir and monster beast materials, are obviously the harvest of the two of them going deep into the wild jungle.

Finally, Lingshi.

The number of spirit stones carried by the three Zifu period monks is not very large, but there are also a lot, adding up to more than 300,000 spirit stones, including four top-grade spirit stones.

If calculated in this way, in terms of spirit stones alone, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian can each get more than 400,000 yuan, and each of them can get nine top-grade spirit stones.

"Jiang Daoyou, how should these treasures be divided?"

In the main hall, after Zhou Yang and his two counted all the treasures, they suppressed their excitement and asked Jiang Fengxian for his opinion.

No wonder he was so excited.

Even if the harvest is divided equally between half and half, it is conservatively estimated that the total value of the treasures shared by the two will be more than two to three million low-grade spirit stones!

With such a large amount of wealth, how can Zhou Yang not be excited?

Jiang Fengxian's stunning face was also slightly flushed at this time, and she was also extremely excited.

Hearing Zhou Yang's words at this time, she lowered her head and pondered for a while, then looked at Zhou Yang and said, "If not, let's pick out the useful treasures that each wants, and then compare the approximate value to exchange them equally. , and the remaining secondary treasures can be converted into spirit stones and distributed in batches."

"It's a good idea, let's do it."

Zhou Yang's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed to Jiang Fengxian's suggestion.

Then the two of them chose those treasures separately.

Zhou Yang first took the fourth-grade high-grade magic weapon "Wujin Hundred Treasures Furnace" into his hands, which is suitable for use as a gift for Taoist companion Xiao Ying.

Then he took away the treasure "Golden Berry" that can assist in forming alchemy, as well as a fourth-order savage heart, and the twelve foundation-building pills.

At this time, he went to see Jiang Fengxian again, and saw that Jiang Fengxian took away the "Ice Chilong Sword" first, and then a spirit beast bag. The golden spirit monkey seen in that cave.

After Duanmu Yong's death, the "demon soul contract" signed by the golden spirit monkey and him will automatically become invalid. With Jiang Fengxian's beast taming methods, it may not be impossible to tame the extremely intelligent golden spirit monkey with traditional beast taming methods. own use.

It's just that Zhou Yang couldn't understand what Jiang Fengxian did next.

She didn't take the auxiliary alchemy treasure "Ningdan Grass" that he deliberately left behind, but took four of the five fourth-order demon pills into her bag, and took the remaining wild one. The beast heart was also brought to him, and finally he chose a fifth-level elixir "Golden Dragon Ginseng" among the four fifth-level elixir.

"Jiang Daoyou, are you sure you don't want this [Dan Congealing Grass]?"

Zhou Yang looked at Jiang Fengxian with a strange expression, and his voice was full of disbelief.

There are still Zi Fuqi monks who are not interested in assisting alchemy treasures, this is really the first time he has seen it!

Besides, even if Jiang Fengxian now has these treasures in her hands, she can't guarantee that she will be able to successfully form the alchemy once, can she?

In this way, if she fails the first time, she can still use these things when she hits the golden core for the second time!

"If Fellow Daoist Zhou wants this [Congealing Pill Grass], you can take it yourself, I don't need this thing myself."

Jiang Fengxian shook her head slightly, she really didn't intend to ask for "Dan Congealing Grass".

Don't use this thing?

Zhou Yang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Jiang Fengxian's youthful and beautiful face, his heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but blurted out: "May I ask Fellow Daoist Jiang, how old is this year?"

After he finished speaking, he realized how abrupt his words were, and hurriedly cupped his hands to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou made a slip of the tongue. Since Fellow Daoist Jiang doesn't want this thing, Mr. Zhou will accept it."

Jiang Fengxian did not speak, but stared at him fiercely with her beautiful eyes wide open, turning her head away from him a little angrily.

A woman is a woman, even if she is a cultivator, she still cares about her age and appearance.

Therefore, the age of a female cultivator, except for her parents and those who grew up with her, is basically not known to outsiders, and even Taoist companions may not necessarily know it.

And because the world of cultivating immortals has all kinds of panacea for beauty and beauty, and many exercises suitable for female monks have the effect of fixing the face, no one can judge the specific age of a female cultivator based on her appearance.

The only thing Zhou Yang could tell was that, judging from Jiang Fengxian's young body appearance, her age would definitely not exceed two hundred and fifty years old.

And there is actually a more terrifying guess in his mind, which is why he couldn't help but blurt out the question just now.

But Jiang Fengxian didn't want to say it, no matter what guesses he had in his mind, on the surface he definitely couldn't bring up this matter again.

So after that, he didn't say anything irrelevant to the business, and discussed with Jiang Fengxian wholeheartedly about the distribution of the loot.

In the end, after a friendly negotiation between the two, Zhou Yang just took the fourth-order top-grade magic weapon "Shanhe Ding" and three bottles of fourth-order elixir that can improve the cultivation base of the middle-stage monks in the Zifu.

However, all the materials for refining alchemy and forming formations were in his hands.

After distributing these things, the two took out the things in the storage ring of the owner of the cave and divided them equally.

Among them, Zhou Yang took the piece of "Jade Essence", a fifth-level magic talisman, a set of fourth-level upper-level formations, three sets of fourth-level middle-level formations, a fifth-level elixir, and the natal magic weapon of the owner of the cave. , and most of the Tier 4 and Tier 5 refining materials.

Jiang Fengxian took the Millennium Cold Jade Bed and half a box of "Anshen Fragrance", as well as the remaining two fifth-level talismans, a set of fourth-level high-level formations, and three fifth-level elixirs.

In the end, the two of them distributed the elixir that they had picked outside the yard earlier. When distributing these elixir, except for some elixir that Jiang Fengxian wanted to use, the rest of the elixir Zhou Yang used were the spirit stones in his hand and the ones he had previously shared. The share of treasures was exchanged with it.

The final result was that more than 90% of the elixir and talisman refining materials flowed into Zhou Yang's pouch, but he paid Jiang Fengxian more than 400,000 spirit stones for this!

Due to getting too many things, two of the three storage rings harvested during this trip fell into Zhou Yang's hands and were used by him to hold various treasures.

After spending two days distributing all the treasures, Zhou Yang took the time to ask the owner of the cave in the "Yunshen Card", and learned from him how to restart the guardian formation in the valley basin.

Then he spent six or seven days thinking about it, and restarted the fifth-order mid-level formation "Ice Wind Array" that guards the valley basin.

After restarting the formation, Jiang Fengxian still used the "Ice Chilong Sword" contributed by Jiang Fengxian as the formation's suppressor, and nine high-grade spirit stones and thousands of middle-grade spirit stones were used as the starting energy.

The spirit stones were all provided by Jiang Fengxian, after all, this cave was already owned by her in name.

After Zhou Yang restarted the formation, he lived in the cave mansion as a guest, and together with her, he began to practice painstakingly in the cave mansion.

This time, both of them have harvested many spiritual objects that are helpful for cultivation. Now that the treasures are distributed, it is natural to seize the time to realize all these harvests into real cultivation bases.

And for Zhou Yang, he also needs to watch the master of the cave master's Yinhun Primordial Spirit transform into a ghost cultivator, and then sign a "Underworld Contract" with him, asking him to take him to find the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold".

ps: It’s May Day, first here I would like to wish all book friends a happy May Day Labor Day, and wish you all smooth work and a happy life!

Then it will be from 1st to 5th. I will update three times a day to thank all book friends for their continuous support, two in the morning and one in the morning. I hope everyone can come to the Qidian Chinese website to support the genuine version and the author, thank you!

Finally ask for the next monthly pass, this is the first time I ask for this since the book was opened, mainly on the 1st, and I update it in the early morning, I want to fantasize about increasing the exposure rate, if not, forget it!

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