Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 354 Bimu spiritual body, body-refining supernatural power 】

There is no time in the mountains, and the years are unknown in the cold and heat.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian stayed in the cave in the depths of the wilderness for seven years.

Zhou Yang had never thought of staying in the depths of the wild for such a long time.

Originally according to his plan, after the original owner of this cave mansion converted to a ghost cultivator and asked him to lead him to find the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", he would immediately leave the cave mansion and return to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

But the plan can't keep up with the change.

There are two points to this change. One is that the time it takes to convert to a ghost cultivator is much longer than he imagined.

It also took three and a half years to achieve this based on the cultivation of the eighth-level golden core of the cave master during his lifetime.

Secondly, after more than three years of retreat, Jiang Fengxian broke through to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion after taking three pieces of "Cloud and Mist Immortal Tea" and two top-grade elixirs of the fourth-level cultivation base that he had given him, and then asked him to help him She has protected the law for several years and has impacted the golden core!

To be honest, if a different person had just been promoted to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion and told himself that he wanted to attack the golden core, Zhou Yang would only wonder if this person was crazy because he wanted to form a core.

But after Jiang Fengxian told him this request, it was completely difficult for him to refuse.

The reason is very simple. Jiang Fengxian is not an ordinary ninth-floor monk in the Purple Mansion, but a "spiritual body monk" with a spiritual body.

That's right, after being promoted to the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, Jiang Fengxian finally revealed the details to Zhou Yang, explaining that she was a "spiritual body cultivator".

According to what Jiang Fengxian said, the spirit body she possesses is called "Bi Mu Spirit Body", which is naturally suitable for practicing wood-type exercises.

As we all know, any monk with a spiritual body, as long as he does not die halfway, will definitely be able to practice to the golden core stage.

From this, it is not difficult to understand why when Zhou Yang and her were distributing the treasures, she said that she did not need the spiritual objects to assist the formation of alchemy.

Indeed, for spiritual monks, it doesn't matter whether there are any spirit objects that assist in forming alchemy, anyway, they can definitely condense golden alchemy.

After Zhou Yang learned that Jiang Fengxian was a spirit body cultivator, he was shocked and naturally had no reason to refuse the other party's request.

Not to mention, when Jiang Fengxian made this request, he also promised him that he would share his experience and experience in forming the alchemy with him after he succeeded in forming the alchemy.

Even for the experience of forming alchemy and seeing the vision of alchemy with his own eyes, it is impossible for him to refuse Jiang Fengxian's request.

Therefore, his class is close to four years.

Now that seven years have passed, Jiang Fengxian's alchemy has not yet come to fruition, but Zhou Yang's cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of the Purple Mansion with the help of various spiritual medicines.

If he hadn't been afraid of being suspicious of being promoted to the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion too quickly, he could take the fourth-order middle-grade panacea "Chongxuan Pill" to attack the fourth floor of the Purple Mansion right now.

"Senior Xu, you said that Fellow Daoist Jiang has been in seclusion for almost four years and hasn't made any movement. What's going on? Didn't you say that spiritual body monks must be able to become golden core monks? Could it be that the legend is wrong?"

In the garden in Qingyunyuan, Zhou Yang stared at the main hall where Jiang Fengxian was retreating without blinking his eyes. His face was full of doubts and anxiety, and he asked the original owner of Qingyunyuan through voice transmission to ask his doubts.

The original owner of Qingyun Garden was surnamed Xu, and his name was Xu Song. He was a casual cultivator of the eighth level of Jindan before his death.

After this person obtained the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" from a secret place, he originally wanted to exchange this treasure for a treasure that would assist in conceiving babies, but he did not expect to attract monks in the Nascent Soul stage to hunt him down.

Chased by monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, although with the help of formations and the means of escape he had prepared in advance, he managed to escape the pursuit and escape into this cave deep in the wild jungle, but he was also captured The supernatural powers of the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage broke the body, so they had to escape from the Nascent Soul to the "Shen Yun Card", waiting for the chance to be reborn.

The "Yunshen Card" is the same as the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", which is a treasure obtained by Xu Song in a secret place. The soul container of the monk who lost his body.

If the soul of a monk who has lost his body or the primordial spirit of the golden core is hidden in it, he will be nourished by the power of the treasure and will not perish, and even his lifespan will not decrease.

Of course, this nourishing effect cannot last forever. According to Xu Song's own estimate, the nourishing effect of the treasure will disappear after a thousand years at most, and the damned will still have to die.

The treasure map that Li Zhengwei obtained was specially made by Xu Song before he abandoned his physical body, so that the spiritual pet could take it out of the cave and throw it into the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

At that time, he made a total of three identical treasure maps and handed them to the three pets he domesticated in the cave to take out, but in the end only one pet successfully brought the treasure map to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou.

It was this treasure map that had been going around for more than three hundred years in the hands of countless middle and low-level monks before it fell into the hands of Li Zhengwei and was deciphered by him.

What Xu Song never imagined was that the treasure hunter he had been waiting for for more than three hundred years, not only did not become the object of his rebirth, but became his master!

Yes Master!

After Xu Song switched to become a ghost cultivator, he signed a "Deed of Netherworld" with Zhou Yang, entrusting Zhou Yang as the master, and became Zhou Yang's ghost servant.

Of course, he didn't become Zhou Yang's ghost servant without conditions at all. According to the contract he made with Zhou Yang, he could become Zhou Yang's ghost servant, and he would faithfully assist Zhou Yang in his cultivation and help Zhou Yang fight in the future.

But Zhou Yang had to promise that if he was destined to have a baby in the future, he would do his best to find the legendary "passage to the underworld" and let him enter the legendary "world of the underworld" to cultivate.

The matter of conceiving a baby is still far away for Zhou Yang. If he is really destined to conceive a baby in the future, he must have already stood at the top of the world of cultivating immortals. When the time comes to find the so-called "Underworld Passage", he only needs to issue a reward.

So he agreed to Xu Song's condition without hesitation and concluded a contract with him.

After concluding the contract, Xu Song, a ghost cultivator in the later stage of the Zifu, completely settled in the "Yunshen Card" and became Zhou Yang's behind-the-scenes strategist and teacher.

Zhou Yang would ask him for advice when he encountered any questions about cultivation, or some questions that he didn't understand, but he didn't really treat him as a servant.

As for Xu Song's questions about Zhou Yang, as long as he could answer them, he would always answer them, faithfully fulfilling his duties as a servant.

It is very pleasant to cooperate with one person and one ghost, well, at least for now.

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Yang's question now, Xu Song, who was hidden in the "Yunshen Card", immediately replied: "The legend can't be wrong, there is indeed no possibility of the spiritual cultivator failing to form the alchemy, but the little girl just The promotion to the ninth floor of the Zifu probably took some time to consolidate his cultivation, so there is no news now."

Xu Song practiced to the eighth level of the Golden Core before his death, and lived for more than 700 years. He had seen several spirit monks with his own eyes. Zhou Yang was still convinced by his words.

"Let's not talk about this first, how is your deciphering the [Silver Text] that I asked you to decipher?"

Zhou Yang nodded slightly, looked away, but changed the topic and asked another matter.

It turned out that when he was exchanging refining skills with Xu Song a few years ago, he accidentally learned that the other party knew a lot of "silver inscriptions", so he rubbed the "silver inscriptions" that he had printed out from the dragon tripod with animal-mask patterns. "Silver inscription" was handed over to him for deciphering.

Hearing him ask about this at this time, Xu Song immediately said: "Come on, give it another two years, and I should be able to decipher all the content."

"Then judging from the content you have deciphered now, what is recorded in this [Silver Text]?"

"If there is no mistake in deciphering it, what is recorded in the [Silver Inscription] should be a very powerful method of body-refining supernatural powers."

"Body refining supernatural power?"

Zhou Yang raised his brows, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

Although there are some people in the world of cultivating immortals who practice body training techniques, those are mostly the practices of middle and low-level monks who have nowhere to go in order to increase their combat power.

In the eyes of most cultivators, body training is an unorthodox heresy, and it is not worth wasting time to practice it.

After all, human monks are born with a physical body that cannot be compared with monsters, wild beasts, or even those wild alien races. Practicing the way of body training is completely based on weaknesses and avoids strengths, and it is not worth wasting time to do it.

And no matter how strong the physical body is, so what?

No matter how strong the body of an immortal cultivator is, it can't be stronger than a savage beast that specializes in body training, right?

But what has become of the savage beast clan that once ruled the entire world?

Doesn't this explain the failure of the body training?

In view of this, in the world of cultivating immortals, body training has never flourished, and even Zhou Yang has never heard of any sect that specializes in body training as its main training method.

But now, Xu Song told him that the "Silver Inscription" in his hand was a method of cultivating body and supernatural powers, how could this not surprise him.

You must know that the cultivation method that can be called "supernatural power" needs to be practiced at the Zifu stage at the very beginning, and then it can be fully practiced at the Jindan stage. As for the great success, you must get the Yuanying stage!

What does this mean?

This shows that in the world of human immortal cultivation, at least one Nascent Soul cultivator once appeared!

Because if you want to create a supernatural power, you need at least the Nascent Soul stage to do it!

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, your physical body is already much stronger than that of monks of the same rank. If you practice a body-refining supernatural power, the strength of your physical body will not be comparable to that of wild beasts of the same rank, at least it will not be a big problem to reach the level of monsters of the same rank. In the future, whether it's a battle of wits, or taking risks in some secret realms that will suppress mana cultivation, it will have a great effect!"

Xu Song continued to talk about his suggestion, and it could be seen that he hoped that Zhou Yang could practice that body-refining supernatural power.

After all, for him, the stronger Zhou Yang is, the more likely he will be free in the future.

However, Zhou Yang did not make a decision hastily because of his words, but shook his head and said: "Let's talk about this later, I have never heard of the supernatural power of body training before, even if it really exists, the difficulty of cultivation is definitely not low , whether you really want to practice this supernatural power, you have to wait for Senior Xu to fully decipher it."

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