Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 358 Blooming in an instant! 【One more subscription】

The so-called golden core vision refers to a kind of heaven and earth vision produced by the monk's sympathy with heaven and earth after the golden core is first formed.

This vision of heaven and earth is a kind of auspicious vision, and it is the congratulations and blessings of heaven and earth to Jindan monks.

Generally speaking, this kind of golden core vision is related to the exercises practiced by monks.

After Jiang Fengxian achieved the golden elixir, the vision of the golden elixir was "blossoming in an instant", an extremely rare and rare golden elixir vision.

Under this golden elixir vision, all the flowers, plants and trees within a radius of ten miles centered on her, no matter if they were ordinary weeds or fifth-level elixir, all bloomed brightly in an instant.

Don't think that this is just good-looking, in fact, this effect is great!

For example, a fourth-grade top-grade spiritual fruit tree "Oolong Fruit" in Qingyun Garden, after one drop of fruit, it takes as long as 350 years to bloom again.

But now, under the influence of the Jindan vision "Instant Blooming", this fruit tree bloomed instantly.

Because it is the great power generated by the blessings of heaven and earth, such blooming flowers can fully bear fruit and mature normally.

However, the scene of the peach blossoms in the garden caused by Master Qingyang's magical powers in front of Zhou Yang was just a feast for the eyes, and it couldn't really let the peach trees bear fruit.

Of course, this "instant flower blooming" is not only good.

For example, some plants will wither after flowering, because the sudden flowering this time is equivalent to shortening the life cycle by countless years.

Like those thunder bamboos outside the gate of Qingyun Garden, there was hope to become a millennium thunder bamboo, but now because of the influence of this "momentary flower blooming" phenomenon, rare bamboo flowers bloom directly, and their lives are about to come to an end.

But in general, the advantages of "Instant Blooming" definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

After all, even if Thunder Bamboo will die after blooming, at least the bamboo flowers can still form bamboo fruit.

And the bamboo fruit of Thunder Bamboo is a kind of spiritual thing that is rare in a thousand years. Not only can it directly improve the aptitude of Lei Linggen monks after taking it, but it can also germinate and grow into a new Thunder Bamboo after replanting.

"Jiang Daoyou is pregnant with the [Jade Wood Spirit Body], and it is normal to be able to generate the vision of [Momentary Blooming Flowers] after forming the alchemy, but I don't know what kind of golden core vision will be generated if I succeed in forming the alchemy in the future?"

In Qingyun Garden, Zhou Yang looked at the flowers in full bloom in the garden, in his eyes there was not only awe and amazement at the mighty power of heaven and earth, but also a beautiful view of his future path.

Normally speaking, after the golden elixir vision appeared, even if Jiang Fengxian succeeded in forming the alchemy, she could go out and accept congratulations from others.

However, Zhou Yang waited nearly three months longer before finally waiting for her to leave the customs.

It's very simple for this to happen, that is, Jiang Fengxian, who has just successfully formed the alchemy, is busy using this time to refine the "Qinglong Hairpin" and other fifth-level magical artifacts.

Regarding this situation, Zhou Yang actually had some complaints in his heart. After all, he had left Xianyang City for more than ten years, which had already exceeded the return time he had promised Taoist Xiao Ying.

He was afraid that if he didn't go back, it would delay Xiao Ying's time to open up the Purple Mansion, and he was even more afraid that Xiao Ying would not be able to help but come out alone to look for him.

But he has ideas in his heart, but the reality is that he must leave without saying goodbye.

In that case, wouldn't all the hard work he had done for Jiang Fengxian's alchemy protector be in vain?

"I'm sorry, I was busy with refining the magic weapon after forming the alchemy and delayed for some time, but I kept Daoist Zhou waiting for a long time."

In Qingyun Court, after Jiang Fengxian successfully left the customs, as soon as she saw Zhou Yang who was protecting her Dharma outside, she first apologized to him with an apologetic face, without any airs of a Jindan stage monk.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's anger disappeared.

He glanced at Jiang Fengxian, who became much younger and more beautiful after forming the alchemy, and quickly waved his hands and said: "You are too polite, Mr. Zhou should congratulate you first on the success of the golden alchemy, the road can be expected!"

Originally, according to the rules of the world of cultivating immortals, the cultivators of the Zifu period had to perform the junior ceremony when they saw the monks of the Jindan period.

However, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian had a life-threatening friendship, and they were friends of the same generation before, so if he was asked to call Senior Jiang Fengxian now, it would really embarrass him.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengxian didn't care about these.

Because she is pregnant with the "Bi Mu Spirit Body", her real age is less than two hundred years old, so she is only a few dozen years older than Zhou Yang.

If Zhou Yang suddenly called her senior, she might feel uncomfortable first.

She looked at Zhou Yang with a solemn expression and said: "No matter what, this time it is due to the hard work of Zhou Daoyou to protect the dharma for this concubine. I will remember this kindness in my heart."

Hearing her words, Zhou Yang's face suddenly showed a smile from the heart, knowing that his efforts in the past few years were not in vain.

Jiang Fengxian, who is carrying the "bimu spirit body", has great potential in the future, and is very likely to become one of the very few Nascent Soul stage monks among casual cultivators. It is definitely a blessing to have a deep friendship with her before she becomes a Jindan stage monk. The most successful investment he has ever made in his life.

He nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Jiang has successfully formed an alchemy, it is time for Zhou to bid farewell to fellow Taoist. Zhou has been away for more than ten years, and his wife is still waiting for Zhou to go back to help her in Xianyang City." Let’s open up the Purple Mansion!”

"Fellow Daoist Zhou wants to leave, so my concubine will not stop me, but this is the depths of the wild jungle after all, it may be dangerous for fellow daoist to return to Liuyunzhou to cultivate immortals alone, how about letting my concubine escort you all the way?" Jiang Fengxian Her beautiful eyes swept over him, and said with a flowery smile.

To be honest, it is definitely a pleasure to walk with a female cultivator like Jiang Fengxian who is both beautiful and powerful.

Of course Zhou Yang would not refuse Jiang Fengxian's kindness.

"Then there will be fellow Daoist Lao." He nodded, and did not hesitate to agree.

Next, at Jiang Fengxian's strong request, Zhou Yang accepted the more than one thousand middle-grade spirit stones she compensated, and then the two cleaned up the cave and left the cave together after seven or eight years. Dongfu.

After leaving the cave, Jiang Fengxian took the initiative to display the golden alchemy cultivator's signature supernatural power "Riding the Clouds and Riding the Mist" and carried Zhou Yang into the sky.

Although it is a bit ostentatious to do so, Zhou Yang also understands Jiang Fengxian's desire to show off his strength just after he successfully formed the alchemy.

If it were him, he would have to show off like this after finally forming a golden core.

After all, if the golden elixir is 10%, you can go to the world.

If after becoming a Golden Core stage monk, he is still tied up like before and not free, then what's the point of practicing hard?

Immortal cultivators seek longevity and freedom, and they also want longevity and freedom. Both are indispensable.

The Jindan stage monks fled so fast, Jiang Fengxian took Zhou Yang all the way to escape, and it took less than two days to reach the outskirts of the wild jungle, which was many times faster than when they first came.

This is normal, after all, when they come, firstly, they must pay attention to hiding their whereabouts to avoid being discovered, secondly, they must often stop to look for reference objects to correct their direction, and thirdly, they must be careful to avoid some powerful monsters and wild beasts. Avoid unnecessary fights.

But now that leaving the wild jungle, Jiang Fengxian only needs to fly in one direction, and most of the things that could pose a threat to them as monks in the Zifu period have now put away their minions obediently and dare not be around. Jiang Fengxian, who is a monk in the Jindan period, showed any strangeness in front of her.

Even those barbaric alien races, unless they are absolutely sure to leave a Golden Core Stage monk behind, they will not rashly attack a Golden Core stage monk for nothing.

"Okay, fellow Daoist Jiang can just send Zhou to this place, and it will be more convenient for Zhou to go on the road by himself for the next journey."

On a small hill outside the wild jungle, Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian landed here, and they were about to bid farewell.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is on a good journey. If there is anything that needs my concubine's help in the future, you can come to Nanman Kingdom to find a concubine. As long as the concubine can help, I will never refuse."

Jiang Fengxian fixed her beautiful eyes on Zhou Yang's handsome face, looked at him with a smile and said.

"Hehehe, since Fellow Daoist Jiang said so, Zhou will remember."

Zhou Yang chuckled, then cupped his fists and saluted, "Farewell!"

"Treasure!" Jiang Fengxian also saluted with a smile, and then watched Zhou Yang release the golden-winged thunder eagle to ride the wind, and quickly disappeared from sight.

After Zhou Yang and Jiang Fengxian parted ways, they did not enter the border of Nanman Kingdom, but flew along the border between Nanman Kingdom and the wild jungle, left Nanman Kingdom, and entered the border of Yuanwu Kingdom, the neighboring country of Nanman Kingdom, before leaving the wilderness completely jungle.

He didn't dare to go back to Hellfire City. He also entrusted Jiang Fengxian to return Xiao Feng's body and relics to his disciples and grandchildren, but now he is going to find the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" hidden by Xu Song somewhere in Yuanwu. ".

When Xu Song was going to take out this thing to exchange for treasures, he made all kinds of preparations, so even if the monks in the Nascent Soul stage made a move in person later, if they didn't catch him, they would not gain anything at all.

However, under the guidance of Xu Song this time, Zhou Yang easily took out this treasure from the bottom of a small lake in Yuanwu.

"Is this really the legendary [Nine Heavens Profound Gold]? Apart from being much heavier than ordinary spiritual gold, there is nothing special about it."

In a cave on a barren mountain in the Yuanwu Kingdom, Zhou Yang dragged a spindle-shaped piece of dark golden metal to observe it carefully. Apart from curiosity, there was also a trace of disappointment that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Just like what he said in his words, although the weight of this two-foot-long piece of dark golden metal is almost four or five times that of black iron of the same volume, there is nothing particularly conspicuous about it other than that. It's the kind of fairy gold that even monks in the Nascent Soul Stage would fight for with their heads smashed.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't get it now, don't you just hear about the gods and you will be blinded? Treasures like [Nine Heavens Profound Gold] are mostly introverted, and people who don't really know the goods, even if they get this kind of treasure, they won't be able to recognize it. "

"If you don't believe it, you can try to burn this thing with real fire, then you will see that this thing is miraculous."

Behind Zhou Yang, the ghost servant Xu Song got out of the "Yunshen Card" at some point, looked at him with a smile on his face and explained the reason.

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