Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 359 The couple reunites

Xu Song did not lie to Zhou Yang.

When Zhou Yang released a ray of "Qianyang True Fire" to burn the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" in his hand according to what he said, the color of the originally ordinary dark golden spiritual gold in his hand changed as the temperature rose. Gradually turned towards gold.

At the same time, a dazzling golden aura rose from the aura in his hand.

The golden aura is bright and pure, giving people an indestructible feeling.

In fact it's not just a feeling, it's really indestructible.

At least after Zhou Yang tried it with the "Da Yan Shen Light Sword", he couldn't penetrate that layer of golden aura!

You must know that this is just a piece of raw material that has not undergone any processing and refining!

The aura emanating from a piece of raw material makes it impossible for the "Da Yan Shen Light Sword" to pierce it. One can imagine how strong the defense power of the magic weapon refined with this material will be!

The natal magic weapon "Qianyang Golden Pagoda" that Zhou Yang intends to refine was originally a magic weapon mainly for defense and suppression.

If you add "Nine Heavens Profound Gold" when refining this magic weapon, then whether it is the defensive effect or suppression effect of the magic weapon, it will be many times stronger than if you don't add "Nine Heavens Profound Gold".

After inspecting the fineness of the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", Zhou Yang immediately put away this rare treasure in a jade box, and then pasted a sealing talisman that could seal the aura and aura of the treasure, and carefully put it into the depths of the storage ring.

Before he formed the alchemy to refine this treasure into a life-like magic weapon, he must not let anyone know that he had this treasure in his hands, otherwise, even the senior master Qingyang who valued him very much would not be able to say no Will make a move to snatch this thing.

Next, Zhou Yang, who was returning home like an arrow, didn't stay in Yuanwu Kingdom any longer, and directly released the "Illusory Cloud Boat" to rush back to Xianyang City.

He was still wanted by the Beastmaster Sect, if he rode the golden-winged Thunder Eagle on the road in Liuyunzhou Immortal Cultivation Realm, he would be exposing himself and causing trouble for himself.

But using the "Illusory Cloud Boat" is different. This kind of flying boat magic weapon is extremely common among high-ranking monks. In addition, his cultivation has now been promoted from the first floor of the Purple Mansion to the third floor of the Purple Mansion. It's not easy to associate him with the wanted criminal of the Beast Sect.

Moreover, the disguise technique he is using now is not the old-fashioned one that was easy to see through before, but a profound secret technique taught by Xu Song.

After this secret disguise technique is performed, the effect is even more exaggerated than the plastic surgery in his previous life. It directly changes a person's appearance from bone to flesh to skin, so that no one can see his true face through facial recognition.

Basically, after Zhou Yang used this disguise technique, only those monks who had dealt with him personally and were familiar with his aura could recognize his identity based on his aura.

After all, the appearance and body shape can be changed, and the cultivation level can also be hidden, but the mana breath is difficult to change.

However, after Zhou Yang came to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, he has always lived in seclusion. He can count all the high-level monks who have dealt with him. If he wants to meet those people in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, the odds are better than finding a needle in a haystack. Just a little bit bigger.

So there were no accidents on the road, so he hid his cultivation and appearance, and successfully entered Xianyang City.

Xianyang City is the fundamental site of Xuanyang Xianzong. In Xianyang City, even if a monk from the Beast Sect finds Zhou Yang's whereabouts, he can only wait until he leaves Xianyang City.

Therefore, after he entered Xianyang City, his whole body relaxed.

At this time, nearly fourteen years have passed since he left Xianyang City, and fifteen years have passed since he left the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

In the letter Zhou Yang left to Taoist Xiao Ying, he said that he would come back within ten years, but now he missed the appointment.

This matter has always been in his heart, and it has become a concern, so after he entered Xianyang City, instead of going back to the cave he rented, he went to Xuanyang Pavilion first.

Before he left, he had asked Xu Zhengyang to help take care of Xiao Ying. At this time, it must be right to go to the other party to find out the situation.

However, when Zhou Yang entered the Xuanyang Pavilion, he realized that Xu Zhengyang had resigned from his position as the head treasurer of the Xuanyang Pavilion five years ago, and now the person who replaced him was a Golden Core stage monk he didn't know.

Fortunately, although Xu Zhengyang had left, most of the managers in those branches in Xuanyang Pavilion were still there. These people knew the relationship between Zhou Yang and Xu Zhengyang, and provided him with definite news.

It turned out that after Xu Zhengyang was transferred back to the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong, he was worried that something would happen to Xiao Ying alone in Xianyang City, so he brought her to the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong as a guest.

After hearing the news, Zhou Yang hurried out of the city to the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong.

The mountain gate of Xuanyang Immortal Sect is not far from Xianyang City, only less than ten thousand li. It took several hours for Zhou Yang to rush to the outside of the mountain gate after leaving the city.

When he arrived outside the mountain gate, Zhou Yang was worried about revealing his identity, so instead of paying homage to the mountain through normal channels, he sent a message directly to Xu Zhengyang Feijian.

Xu Zhengyang is still very reliable. Not long after receiving Zhou Yang's message from Feijian, he asked himself a disciple of the Purple Mansion to come out to welcome Zhou Yang.

After Zhou Yang waited for more than half an hour outside the Xuanyang Immortal Sect's mountain gate, he saw a khaki sword light flying towards him, and after landing, a tall young man wearing the costume of an inner sect disciple of Xuanyang Immortal Sect appeared. .

This young man is a head taller than Zhou Yang, more than seven feet tall, and his cultivation level is also one level higher than him.

As soon as this person landed on the ground, he first looked at him curiously, and then he cupped his hands and said, "My next Zhang Kai is Master Xu's second disciple. My teacher needs to sit in the Sealing Demon Cave and cannot get out. Mr. Zhang came to welcome Zhou Daoyou up the mountain."

Seeing this, Zhou Yang quickly returned a salute and said, "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Zhang. Senior Xu has already summoned Mr. Zhou to explain this matter, so I have to thank Fellow Daoist Zhang."

"Fellow Daoist, please come with Zhang."

Zhang Kai didn't seem to be the kind of talkative person, and after a few polite words with Zhou Yang, he got down to business and took him up the mountain.

With Zhang Kai, an inner disciple of Xuanyang Xianzong personally leading him, and Xu Zhengyang, an elder of Jindanqi, providing a letter of guarantee, Zhou Yang just registered his name and origin at the reception desk of Xuanyang Xianzong Mountain Gate, and was directly accepted. Zhang Kai led them to Xu Zhengyang's cave.

The Xuanyang Mountains are tens of thousands of miles wide, and these tens of thousands of miles of mountains are the core territory of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

Since Xuanyang Xianzong established the mountain gate here, it has spared no effort to develop the entire mountain range. Up to now, in addition to the main peak Xuanyang Peak, which is the sixth-level upper-level spiritual mountain, there is also a sixth-level lower-level spiritual mountain and more than 20 others. There are more than one hundred and thirty fourth-order spiritual mountains.

Xu Zhengyang, as a respected elder of the Golden Core stage in the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, has occupied a fifth-level low-grade Lingshan mountain in the Xuanyang Mountains to practice alone.

Because Xu Zhengyang is still guarding a forbidden place in the Xuanyang Xianzong "Fengmo Cave", the highest status on this "Zhengyang Peak" is his Taoist companion Li Yuhe.

Li Yuhe is not a cultivator at the Golden Core stage, but a cultivator at the ninth floor of the Purple Mansion, and he is already over four hundred years old, so there is almost no hope of forming a core.

After Zhang Kai brought Zhou Yang to "Zhengyang Peak", Li Yuhe, the hostess, went out of the mountain to greet him in person.

"Junior Zhou Yang, I met Senior Li."

Outside Zhengyang Peak, without Zhang Kai's introduction, Zhou Yang guessed the identity of the person after seeing the white-haired middle-aged woman flying towards him, and then quickly greeted her with the junior salute.

Xu Zhengyang is kind to him, and can be regarded as his elder. Li Yuhe, as a Taoist companion, even though his cultivation level is in the purple mansion stage with him, he still needs him to treat him with the courtesy of an elder.

"Xiaoyou Zhou, you are being polite. After learning about your arrival, I have sent a message to that girl Ying'er. I believe she will come from Xuandan Peak to meet you soon after receiving the news."

Li Yuhe smiled slightly, accepted Zhou Yang's salute calmly, and then said what Zhou Yang was concerned about.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhou Yang heard that Xiao Ying was coming to meet him, a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

This was the best news he had heard since his return.

He was overjoyed, and immediately bent down and gave a deep salute: "I would also like to thank Senior Xu and Senior Li for taking care of Ying Er over the years, and please be respected by Zhou."

Li Yuhe did not lie to Zhou Yang, when Zhou Yang stayed as a guest on Zhengyang Peak for half an hour, Xiao Ying who received the news rushed back to meet him.

Fourteen years have passed, and Xiao Ying's cultivation has indeed been raised to the ninth floor of foundation building, and she can open up the Purple Mansion at any time.

And when the couple reunited after a long absence, they naturally had endless words to say.

Fortunately, Zhengyang Peak is big enough. In addition to the caves where Xu Zhengyang and Li Yuhe practiced, there are more than a dozen caves opened up on the mountain for Xu Zhengyang's disciples to live and practice. Xiao Ying was arranged by Xu Zhengyang when she followed Xu Zhengyang to Xuanyang Xianzong Practiced in an empty cave.

Now this cave has become a place where the husband and wife talk to each other.

Zhou Yang shared with Xiao Ying what he gained from going out. Apart from concealing the "Nine Heavens Profound Gold", he even truthfully told the story of Xu Song's seizure of his house and taking him into a ghost servant.

He, who has personally experienced these things, said it as if he was telling a story, and he didn't feel anything.

But Xiao Ying, the person who listened to the story, after hearing some dangerous things he experienced, her face paled and her heart trembled with fear.

Completely different from Jiang Fengxian, who is confident, cold, and strong, Xiao Ying's spiritual root aptitude is not bad, but her personality is completely two extremes.

She is timid, weak, inferior, and not good at fighting. She just likes to quietly farm and make alchemy on the mountain.

Such a woman, when she heard that her lover was in danger several times, how could she not be frightened and worried.

As a Taoist couple who have known each other for many years, Zhou Yang didn't understand how his Taoist companion could be. Seeing that Xiao Ying's face was not right, he immediately reached out and hugged the Taoist couple into his arms, then smiled and blew in the girl's ear. He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I've finished talking about my husband's experience, now Ying'er, tell me how you've lived these years."

Being teased by him like this, the tension in Xiao Ying's heart was relieved a lot, she simply leaned in his arms and whispered about her experiences over the years.

Xiao Ying's experience over the years is very simple, that is alchemy and cultivation.

At first, she accepted some alchemy tasks in Xuanyang Pavilion to help alchemy, and honed her alchemy skills while earning spiritual stone rewards.

Later, after following Xu Zhengyang to Xuanyang Immortal Sect, she was recommended by Xu Zhengyang, and got an alchemy job on the Xuandan Peak of Xuanyang Immortal Sect, specializing in helping to refine some common third-order elixir.

In this way, with the help of Xuanyang Xianzong's rich resources, although her alchemy has not broken through to the fourth level, it has reached the point where she can hit the fourth level at any time.

After hearing her experience, Zhou Yang patted her head lovingly and said: "Since your alchemy skills have reached such a level, Ying'er, then you can retreat and open up Zifu on Zhengyang Peak, waiting for you After successfully opening up the Purple Mansion, I will give you a big gift for my husband!"

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