Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 366 Soul returns to the nether world, a trap 】

Cultivators who have a deep understanding of the way of magic know that besides the three branches of the way of blood demon, way of ghosts and way of corpse demon, there are two smaller branches of way of illusion and way of bone magic.

Among them, the way of phantom magic is separated from the way of ghosts and demons, and the way of bone magic is separated from the way of corpse demons.

And the supernatural power of "Bone Hell" is a well-known supernatural power for trapping enemies in the Bone Demon Dao.

Once the enemy is trapped in the "Bone Hell", it is tantamount to being completely isolated from the outside world, unable to absorb any external aura and magic energy to replenish itself, and at the same time encounter various attacks.

For example, Zhou Yang is now, as soon as he falls into the bone hell, there are countless bone spears and bone spears shooting at him from all directions.

These are just guns.

In the dark, there are hidden arrows.

When he used the flying sword to dial and intercept the bone spears and bone spears that were coming, one of the bone spears that had been smashed by him with the flying sword suddenly sprang out a bone spear less than two feet away. Bone Small Arrow.

As soon as the small white bone arrow came out, it locked on Zhou Yang with a monstrous murderous aura.


There was a flash of white light, and the small white bone arrow pierced through the void and shot towards Zhou Yang like a white lightning.

Before the arrow arrived, a real killing intent formed in Zhou Yang's mind an illusion of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, shaking his will to resist.

Stimulated by this killing intent, the pores all over his body immediately shrank and closed, like a frightened wild animal, his whole body tensed up to the extreme.

It's too late, but it's fast.

When there was no time to spare, Zhou Yang, whose whole body was tense, opened his mouth violently, and spat out an indestructible sharp golden sword.

The golden sword light flashed, and instantly collided with the small white arrow in mid-air.

It turned out that Zhou Yang's "Qianyang Tianjian", which cut everything in the past, was directly defeated by the small white arrow, and then continued to shoot towards him with unabated momentum.


The "Golden Light of Qianyang" that acted as Zhou Yang's last defense only resisted a little before being pierced through. In the end, Zhou Yang only had time to turn his body slightly before he was shot in the shoulder by a small white bone arrow.

As soon as the arrow entered his body, a rotten and dead force erupted from the arrow, heading straight for Zhou Yang's heart.

It can be clearly seen that, centering on the wound where he was shot by the arrow, the surrounding flesh turned black and festered in an instant, just like the kind of carrion that has been placed for more than ten days and started to rot.

Withering, death, and the body turning into bones, this is the power that the Bone Demon Dao is best at.

Naturally, Zhou Yang couldn't let this magical power spread in his body, so he immediately acted like a strong man cutting off his wrist. With a flash of golden flames in his hand, he grabbed the bone arrow that had sunk into his shoulder and threw it out, and then directly With raging flames, all his rotten and dead flesh was burned to ashes.

After the rotting and dead flesh was burned to ashes, a bowl-sized wound appeared on his shoulder, which looked terrifying.


The pain caused by the burning fire, even with Zhou Yang's willpower, he couldn't help gasping for air, his face twitched violently.

But now he didn't even have time to apply the medicine to himself, so he could only use mana to seal the blood vessels around the wound and temporarily stop the blood from flowing out.

Then he hurriedly made a tactic with both hands, and shot a burst of mana at the "Li Huo Suzaku Stove" above his head.

Suddenly, a clear bird song sounded in the air, and then a Suzaku Firebird burning with raging flames flew out from the "Lihuo Suzaku Stove", carrying boundless flames and rushed towards the bones below.

Zhou Yang has been suppressing the use of "Soul Transformation", because he is afraid that if he uses it too early, he will have no way to retreat.

But now, he can't go anywhere without breaking the supernatural power of the bone hell!


After a shocking explosion, endless Suzaku Lihuo ignited in the Bone Hell, and the Bone Hell, which seemed real and unreal, quickly disappeared like a dream bubble in the raging flames, disappearing in an instant.

But at this moment, the Jindan stage ghost general who had been hiding in the dark also made a move.

Ghosts are most restrained by Zhou Yang's "True Fire of Qianyang", so this Jindan period ghost general did not attempt to use the supernatural powers of possessing and seizing the body that ghosts are best at to seize and devour Zhou Yang's body and soul. With the power of countless evil spirits, they displayed an extremely domineering and vicious supernatural power "Soul Returns to the Netherworld".

There was a flash of black light, and a dark phantom of the nether world suddenly enveloped Zhou Yang, wanting to pull his soul out of the Zi Fu Dao Palace and fall into the nether world forever!

This is a domineering supernatural power that directly points to the soul, and it is one of the few supernatural powers that are not affected by the restraining effect of "Qianyang True Fire".

Zhou Yang never imagined that a ghost general of Jindan stage in this "Magic Sealing Cave" would also have such rare supernatural powers.

In an instant, his soul in the Zifu Taoist Palace was moved, and he couldn't help rushing out of the Zifu and plunged into the phantom of the Netherworld.

According to the legend, the Netherworld is the destination of the souls of all living beings after death. When mortals or monks die, as long as their souls are not completely wiped out by external forces, that bit of true spirit will enter the legendary Netherworld and become the Netherworld ghosts in.

And in the center of the Netherworld, it is said that there is a treasure called "Reincarnation Pond", and any ghost in the Netherworld can be reincarnated in various worlds as long as they plunge into it.

A widely circulated saying in the world of cultivating immortals is that the higher the cultivator's cultivation base, the greater the chance of reincarnation in the Netherworld after falling or sitting in a state of incapacity.

And the higher the cultivation level, the higher the possibility of awakening the memory of the previous life after the successful reincarnation of the immortal cultivator.

However, monks who can awaken the memory of the past life are very rare in the world of cultivating immortals. Generally, only the cultivator can awaken some memories of the previous life after he condenses the Nascent Soul, if he was also a high-level monk in the previous life.

For the Nascent Soul Stage monks, these past life memories are just a memory. It is impossible to shake the will and mind of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, and let a Nascent Soul Stage monk be "taken away" by the memory of the previous life.

Therefore, most of the time, even if the Nascent Soul cultivator awakens the memory of his previous life, he will erase it and will not disclose it to the public.

Unless that memory can help monks in the Nascent Soul stage to practice.

That's why Jindan stage ghosts will use the supernatural power "Soul Returns to the Underworld" to summon the phantom of the Netherworld to cover Zhou Yang, his spirit will be attracted by the Netherworld, and he can't help but throw himself into it.

As long as the immortal cultivators have not really cultivated to the realm of immortality, at the soul level, the netherworld is the final destination of the souls of all creatures in the world, and it naturally has the attraction to the souls of creatures.

Of course, it is impossible for a mere Jindan stage ghost general to truly send a person's spirit into the Netherworld. The ghostly shadow in the Netherworld is just an illusion of ghosts and supernatural powers, with the help of a trace of Netherworld will.

If Zhou Yang's spirit really escaped from his body and entered it, he would not have entered the legendary Netherworld, but would have been directly captured and devoured by the golden core stage ghost general's supernatural powers.

Of course he couldn't let that happen.

So when his spirit was about to move, the four guardian spirits in his purple mansion and Taoist palace suddenly roared in unison.

The dragon sings, the tiger roars, the turtle hisses and the phoenix sings, and the four spirits roar together, suppressing everything.

Zhou Yang's spirit, which was about to move, returned to its place in an instant, and it was not affected in the slightest.

However, he didn't launch any counterattack because of this. Instead, he clasped his head with his hands in pain, showing a painful struggle to confuse the enemy.

It should be said that his plan was very successful.

As old opponents, General Bone and Ghost General Jindanqi knew very well what the strength of the opponent's supernatural power was, so as soon as it saw Zhou Yang's expression change, it immediately swooped towards Zhou Yang with its wings, wanting to Take the opportunity to completely eliminate Zhou Yang.

But they didn't know that it almost took its own life with this pounce!

At that time, General Bone had just rushed in front of Zhou Yang, and was about to wave his claws to give Zhou Yang a Bone Heart Claw.

Unexpectedly, as soon as its claws were stretched out, the golden "Qianyang True Fire" suddenly rose from Zhou Yang's body and swept towards it.

This blow almost scared General Bone to death!

Like a cat dipped in water, it quickly pulled back.

It's a pity that when its pair of bone wings retreated, not only could it not be its assistance, but it became a kind of resistance.

What's more, Zhou Yang was too close to it, so close that it was almost face to face.

At such a close distance, the golden flame rising from Zhou Yang's body, how could it be able to avoid it if it wanted to?

In an instant, General Bone was like a Pyroman being ignited, falling towards the ground with raging flames burning all over his body.

Fortunately, it is not easy for its bone body to make a sound, otherwise it must be screaming and howling at this moment.

However, after Zhou Yang succeeded in plotting against General Bone, he didn't take the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, but immediately took off the "Ghost Luo Banner" magic weapon and threw it on the top of Ghost Mist Mountain, then turned his sword light and fled towards the mountain. out.

This action of his made the Golden Core Qi Ghost General who was planning to chase and intercept him hesitate.

For Jindan stage ghost generals, compared with killing Zhou Yang, obtaining that fifth-order magic weapon, which was obviously a ghostly magic weapon, was obviously more important.

If there is this fifth-order magic weapon in hand, its strength will definitely increase a lot, and it is not impossible to subdue other golden core stage ghosts with this magic weapon.

For it, the temptation is too great.

So after hesitating for a while, it gave up its plan of chasing Zhou Yang, and immediately showed its real body and rushed towards the black flag planted on the top of the mountain.

However, what this Jindan stage ghost general never expected was that the moment it appeared next to the black flag, and as soon as his hand touched the flagpole of the black flag, the black flag suddenly released a powerful suction force. Hold its body.

Then it only had time to let out a loud cry full of unwillingness and fear, before it was sucked into the black flag involuntarily.

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