Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 367 Trial and Harvest

The "Ghost Luo Banner" magic weapon donated by Master Qingyang turned out to be a trap targeting ghost generals in the Jindan period, which Zhou Yang never expected before.

He had already escaped from the Ghost Mist Mountain, and was planning to flee directly to the place where Xu Zhengyang and other Golden Core stage monks were sitting.

However, after hearing the unwilling and terrified screams of the Jindan stage ghost general, he couldn't help but look back at the direction of the mountain top, and then he stopped.

Since Jindanqi ghost generals were collected into the magic weapon "Ghost Luo Banner" and suppressed, and General Bone was severely injured by him with "Qianyang True Fire", why did he run away?

Immediately, the sword light under his feet turned, and immediately killed back.

At this time, General Bone on the ground was still struggling to put out the "True Fire of Qianyang" on his body. When he saw him kill his carbine, and saw his old enemy being conspired into the magic weapon of "Ghost Luo Banner", this head was not wise. The low-level monster immediately escaped into the mountain below with the help of the earth escape technique and left here.

Fleeing if you can't fight, it's really a normal thing for these monsters trapped in the "Demon Sealing Cave".

If they hadn't insisted on such a tactic, how could they have survived for so long in the "Sealing Demon Cave" without being wiped out by the disciples of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect.

In a place like "Sealing Demon Cave", once these high-level monsters wanted to escape, it would be difficult for Golden Core stage monks to find them.

After all, Fang Dongtian's laws of heaven and earth are naturally biased toward monsters like them.

Zhou Yang didn't care about these, he never thought that he could kill fifth-order monsters.

It is not his fault that the Jindanqi ghost general was plotted against by the "Ghost Luo Banner". In fact, if he had known that the "Ghost Luo Banner" had this effect, he would have thrown it to the Jindanqi ghost general.

But in that case, maybe the golden core stage ghost will suspect fraud instead, and won't be tricked.

So seeing General Bone fleeing now, he just glanced at it, and immediately rushed to the black flag indifferently, stretched out his hand to pull it up again and took it into his hand.

I saw that the black banner at this time, because it accommodated a Jindan period ghost general, the aura became much stronger, and on the black banner, there was a faint image of a green-faced fangs ghost .

Zhou Yang knew that the image of the evil ghost was the real face of the Golden Core Stage ghost general.

This unlucky guy was detained and suppressed in the "Oni Luo Ban", and it was almost impossible to get out by relying on his own strength.

Even if there is a golden core demon cultivator who refines this magic weapon, he can slowly use the power of the magic weapon to refine it into a ghost slave, and he will never be able to get rid of the slavery of the magic weapon.

Zhou Yang looked at the black flag in his hand and hesitated.

Master Qingyang's original words only asked him to insert the magic weapon "Ghost Luo Banner" on the top of the Ghost Mist Mountain, and he didn't explain the follow-up situation at all.

Now that Jindan stage ghost generals have been collected into the "Ghost Luo Banner" to suppress them, is there still a need for this magic weapon to continue to be inserted here?

If this magical weapon is left here, if it is refined by that bone general, wouldn't it increase its strength out of thin air?

But these are just his thoughts, wishful thinking!

"So, is this also part of the test?"

Zhou Yang frowned and looked at the black flag in his hand, he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Finally, after thinking about it, he inserted the black flag back to the original place, and then sat down cross-legged beside him, took out the medicine pill and spiritual stone to heal the injury and meditated to recover his mana.

His injuries this time were serious. General Bone's arrow was extremely vicious and almost killed him.

At this moment, in order to recover from the injury quickly, he didn't care about the pain, and directly took out a fourth-order middle-grade healing panacea "Regeneration Intermittent Pill" and took it.

This "Regeneration Intermittent Pill" is made from the heart of a Tier 4 savage beast and the elixir "Thousand Year Blood Ginseng" as the main materials. To the point of rebirth of a broken limb, it is more than enough to restore Zhou Yang's current injury.

I saw that as soon as this panacea was taken, the dead skin and flesh on his shoulders that had been scorched by his "Qianyang True Fire" began to peel off piece by piece, exposing the powder with blood film inside. Tender flesh and blood.

Then the flesh and blood began to swell and grow rapidly, closing from the four sides of the wound to the center, and finally covering the entire wound, allowing the wound to return to its pre-injury appearance.

The process of regenerating flesh and blood was fast and painful. Zhou Yang gritted his teeth and watched this scene complete without making a sound.

He waited until the wound was completely healed, and then began to refine the excess medicinal power to restore mana.

After sitting in meditation for more than half a day, he fully recovered his mana.

With his injuries healed and mana fully recovered, Zhou Yang was free to deal with things that he hadn't had time to deal with before.

Because of his previous battle with Golden Core Qi Ghost General and Bone General, the other evil spirits on this Ghost Mist Mountain either died in the aftermath of the fight, or fled here and watched from the sidelines.

And as the Jindanqi ghost general and the bone general escaped with one capture and one serious injury, those ghosts who were watching from the sidelines were frightened and fled far away.

After these ghosts fled, the ghost fog all over the mountain was not maintained by the power of these ghosts, and gradually began to thin and dissipate.

And Zhou Yang also discovered a noteworthy thing, that is, the ghost fog all over the mountain dissipated so quickly, not only because of the loss of the power of those ghosts, but also because of the "Ghost Luo Banner" magic weapon.

This magical weapon was inserted on the top of the mountain, and its face swayed without wind to absorb the power of ghosts and fog all over the mountain.

It's just that in this half-day effort, at least 10% of the ghost fog all over the mountain was absorbed by this magic weapon.

And the magic weapon that has absorbed so much ghost fog power has a much stronger breath than before.

"It's not right, this magic weapon is not right!"

Zhou Yang looked at the black flag on the top of the mountain with a suspicious expression, and a deep look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

If the power of this magic weapon has increased after absorbing a golden core stage ghost general, that would make sense.

But it doesn't make sense to only absorb some yin and ghost mist to increase the power of this magic weapon.

Regardless of whether it is a magic weapon or a magic weapon, I have never heard of someone who can absorb external aura and magic energy to improve the level of a magic weapon. Is this something that only immortal cultivators and magic cultivators can do?

"Unless, unless this magic weapon is not a fifth-level magic weapon, but a higher-level magic weapon!"

Zhou Yang blurted out with a wild complexion, his face was full of shock.

If the "Oni Luo Banner" was originally a sixth-order magic weapon, then it would make sense that it could absorb external forces to enhance its own strength.

Because that's not enhancement, it's restoration.

Damaged sixth-order magic weapons and magic weapons, as long as they are not too damaged, have the ability to absorb aura or magic energy to restore power, which is only available for magic weapons of the sixth level and above.

"I see!"

"I understand. Master Qingyang asked me to insert this [Ghost Luo Banner] magic weapon here. Apart from borrowing it from me to conspire to subdue the golden core stage ghost general, he also wanted to use the pure Yin Qi repairs this sixth-order magic weapon!"

"It's just, why does the old man want to repair such a damaged sixth-order magic weapon? Isn't Xuanyang Xianzong always a vanguard in exterminating demons? How could Senior Qingyang want to repair a magic weapon? ?”

Zhou Yang's face showed sudden enlightenment for a while, smiling all over his face, and frowning for a while, his face was full of doubts, and his mood changed greatly.

He was also completely fooled by Master Qingyang's contradictory actions, and he didn't understand the other party's intentions at all.

But he didn't think about it soon, because he knew that he only had to wait for the "Ghost Luo Banner" magic weapon to absorb the power of the ghost fog all over the mountain, and then take it back to Master Qingyang.

That's right, he already figured out the real intention of Master Qingyang to hand over the "Ghost Luo Banner" to him.

So in the following days, Zhou Yang concentrated on waiting on the top of the Ghost Mist Mountain, waiting for the "Ghost Luo Banner" to absorb all the power of the Ghost Mist.

At the same time, he also took this opportunity to search the entire mountain to see if he could find anything else.

Not to mention, when he was looking for it like this, he really found a good thing.

He is not unfamiliar with this kind of good thing, it is the necessary material "Shadow Soul Stone" used to refine puppet beasts above Tier 3.

The material "ghost stone" itself can only be bred in some places of evil spirits, and the reason why this ghost mist mountain peak attracts golden core stage ghost generals and many ghosts to gather here is because this place is a place of extremely high quality. A high place of evil spirits.

The "Ghost Stones" that Zhou Yang found here are of high quality and quantity.

Among them, there are as many as fifteen "Ghost Stones" that can be used to refine Tier 4 puppets, and there are as many as hundreds of "Ghost Stones" that are suitable for refining Tier 3 puppets!

Even though Zhou Yang's net worth is extremely rich now, he was extremely happy to have harvested so many "Ghost Stones" all at once.

With these "ghost stones", he can completely refine an army of puppet beasts in the future. At that time, whether he uses these puppet beasts to assist in the battle, or keeps them in the family to protect the Zhou family, it will be a very important thing. Good thing.

After about ten days passed like this, the ghost mist all over the mountain finally dissipated, and the aura emitted by the "Ghost Luo Banner" magic weapon gradually became more like a fifth-order magic weapon.

And until Zhou Yang pulled out the magic weapon and took it away to leave Ghost Mist Mountain, the escaped Bone General never appeared again. Presumably, he also discovered that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator planning behind the scenes, so he didn't dare to risk his life again.

Nothing happened all the way, after Zhou Yang left Guiwu Mountain, he rushed directly to the place where Xu Zhengyang and other Golden Core stage monks were sitting.

At this time, although there are still some days before the January period, there is no need for him to stay here any longer to fight for the victory or defeat of killing evil spirits.

Because he believed that no matter what means that Chen Shi had, it was impossible to beat him in this competition.

He won!

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Four consecutive updates, making up for yesterday's owed updates, and one more owed, and I will have a chance to make up for it on the weekend

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