Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 368 The real purpose of Qingyang real person 【Please subscribe! 】

Xuanyang Xianzong, a secret palace located in the belly of the mountain.

When Zhou Yang was exterminating demons and evil spirits in the "Sealing Demon Cave", Master Qingyang left the cultivation cave on Xuanyang Peak and came here.

No more than ten people know of this place in the entire Xuanyang Immortal Sect, and it is a top secret among top secrets.

And among the nine Nascent Soul cultivators of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, one of them will sit here in real life.

Now is not the time for Reverend Qingyang to sit here, so when he came here, Reverend Yuhua, the Supreme Elder of Xuanyang Xianzong who was sitting here, was very surprised.

"Junior Brother Qingyang came here suddenly, why?"

In the secret palace, the white-haired and white-bearded real Yuhua stood up in a black and white Tai Chi Taoist robe, and looked at the suddenly arriving real Qingyang with a look of surprise and asked what he wanted.

"Brother Yuhua, I came here to see the situation of the real magic body, and I hope that brother can help you open the mirror!"

Reverend Qingyang bowed his hands to Reverend Yuhua, without talking nonsense, he directly stated his intention for coming.

When Master Yuhua heard the word "True Magic Body", his complexion changed slightly, and then he looked at Master Qingyang with a frown and said, "You are so good-looking, why do you think of this? Could it be that something happened? ?”

"It won't be too late to discuss this matter after Senior Brother Yuhua opens the mirror to find out the situation."

Master Qingyang shook his head slightly, but he refused to say clearly.

Seeing this, Master Yuhua pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Forget it, since you said so, Senior Brother Qingyang, I will watch with you, Senior Brother."

After speaking, he immediately waved his hand and shot a mana towards the wall of the main hall behind him. The wall shook slightly like water waves, revealing a huge square crystal hanging mirror about ten feet high and five feet wide. .

"Xuanqing Wuji, the mirror reflects the greatness, enlightenment!"

Zhen Yuhua let out a low shout, and struck out a series of formulas with both hands and landed on the crystal hanging mirror.

Suddenly, a shocking picture appeared on the mirror of the crystal hanging mirror.

It was an underground altar located at an unknown location. Around the altar stood thirty-six silver-white pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes, each of which was hundreds of feet high.

These thirty-six silver-white columns stood in a circle around the altar, and each column had a string of waist-thick silver-white chains extending out, one end was connected to the column, and the other end was locked on the altar. of giant monsters.

It was a giant monster shaped like a rhinoceros. It was two to three hundred feet long, and it was nearly forty feet high when lying on the ground.

This monster has a head but no tail, horns and no hair, body covered with scales, six-legged body, mouth like a wild boar, fangs exposed, even though it is just lying there with eyes closed, there is a monstrous aura spreading from it.

"Every time I see the true magic body of this [Cracking Innocent Demon], I will feel sincere admiration for those seniors who suppressed it. If it weren't for the self-sacrifice of many seniors who sacrificed themselves with a fearless spirit, they set up the [Tiangang Fumo Formation] ] Trapped it with its seal, our world of cultivating immortals may have been turned into a demon realm by this scourge long ago!"

Master Qingyang looked at the picture on the crystal mirror in amazement, his face full of emotion.

"That's right. At the beginning, this beast cheated the real immortals of the lower realms, and then took advantage of the closure of the passage between the two realms to make trouble, and devoured more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators in a row. No one can control the fierce power."

"Fortunately, Senior Yan Hua hadn't passed away at that time, and under the leadership of his old man, all the Nascent Soul Stage monks in Liuyunzhou's Immortal Cultivation World were able to unite as one to fight against this devil, and finally successfully arranged the [Tiangang Subduing Demon Formation] 】Suppressed it in the wonderland of the sky!"

Following the words of Master Qingyang, Master Yuhua looked at the picture in the crystal mirror with a look of gratitude and sighed.

Master Qingyang shook his head and sighed after hearing the words: "But Senior Master Yan Hua couldn't really kill this beast, he could only seal it, and if this beast is not removed for a day, there is always a possibility of breaking free from the seal! "

"More importantly, in order to seal this beast, we can only seal off the sky fairyland to prevent outside demon cultivators from rescuing this beast after learning the news."

"But once the vault of heaven is closed, our Nascent Soul Stage monks in the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou will completely cut off their immortality. Like the Great Elder, half-step true immortals on the ninth floor of the Nascent Soul can only go far away to find That glimmer of opportunity to transcend the calamity and become a fairy!"

"I said what's wrong with you, Junior Brother Qingyang? You've only been pregnant for decades, isn't this something you should consider?" Reverend Yuhua looked at Reverend Qingyang and said with a strange expression, his eyes full of suspicion .

"Senior Brother Yuhua asked a good question. I came here today because I wanted to talk about this matter with my senior brother!"

Master Qingyang nodded slightly, and then told how he found out that Zhou Yang was pregnant with the "Qianyang Treasure Body", and how he helped to train Zhou Yang along the way.

"So it is! So it is!"

"So, Junior Brother Qingyang, you came here today just to see if this devil still has contact with [Sealing Demon Cave]?"

Daoist Yuhua's eyes flashed suddenly, and he was also interested, so he and Daoist Qingyang looked at the crystal mirror.

"That's right, the Demon Realm Cave was created by the devil after all. Although it is sealed now, I guess it should still be able to sense the situation in the Demon Realm Cave."

"I just want to see if it will overreact if it senses the birth of [Qianyang True Fire]!"

Master Qingyang stared closely at the monster in the mirror, unwilling to let go of any change in the other person.

And Master Yuhua continued his words, muttering to himself: "[Qianyang True Fire] is as strong as Yang, it is juxtaposed with [Pure Yang True Fire], [Xuanyang True Fire], [Suzaku True Fire] If you can really use the supernatural power of [Qianyang True Fire] to refine this devil, you might be able to completely wipe it out in one fell swoop!"

"If you can refine this demon and reopen the Sky Wonderland, the Great Elder may really be able to enter it and fight hard before your lifespan is exhausted!"

At the end of the story, even though he practiced the ancient well of calm state of mind that he had practiced for more than two thousand years, he couldn't help showing a fiery look on his face.

The Great Elder of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect is a nine-level cultivation base of Yuanying, a "half-step true immortal" in the true sense.

If his cultivation level can go one step further and become a true immortal in the Transcending Tribulation Period, then Xuanyang Xianzong will truly become the number one sect in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, and all the ancestors of Xuanyang Xianzong have not completed it for tens of thousands of years. feat!

Up to now, the purpose of Master Qingyang investing heavily in cultivating Zhou Yang has become very clear.

Spend some time and resources that are not important to me, and cultivate a little monk who does not have a golden core stage cultivation base, but it is possible to harvest a true immortal for the sect, and for all the monks and monks in the nascent stage stage of the sect. Opening a path to a higher realm by yourself, no matter how you calculate it, it is a very profitable business!

And if Zhou Yang wanted to risk his life to help them exterminate demons and refine demons in the future, how could it be possible to make people willing if they only gave some small favors?

So Master Qingyang has taken care of Zhou Yang all these years, just as he has taken care of his disciples and juniors, which can be completely explained.

If you want to take it, you must give it first. As a Nascent Soul cultivator, Master Qingyang can't understand this truth very well.

At this time, Master Qingyang listened to Master Yuhua's murmur, smiled lightly on his face, and didn't answer anything out loud, but his attitude actually explained everything.

Seeing this, Master Yuhua's face flashed with excitement, and then quickly calmed down, and followed Master Qingyang to observe the situation inside the crystal mirror.

I don't know how long after this, the monster's huge body in the crystal mirror suddenly shook slightly, followed by wisps of black magic energy like thick ink, suddenly drilled out of the gaps between the scales on its body, as if this The giant beast is about to wake up.

But at this moment, the thirty-six silver-white chains that bound the monster monster suddenly burst out with dazzling silver light, covering the monster monster all around.

Under the burning of these silver radiances, the thick magical energy drilled out of the giant monsters was instantly purified, and even the hard scales on the giant monsters were closed and tightened under the burning of the silver brilliance. , Block the gap, for fear of being attacked by the silver radiance through the scale armor defense and attacking the body inside.

And from the beginning to the end, until the silver radiance dissipated, the head of the prostrate monster did not show any sign of lifting, as if all these were just unconscious movements of its body.

Master Qingyang and Master Yuhua, two Nascent Soul cultivators, looked at each other after watching this scene, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

Then Daoist Yuhua waved his sleeves and closed the screen on the crystal mirror, restoring everything to the original state.

After finishing all this, he looked at Master Qingyang and said:

"It seems that the seniors of the Zongmen guessed it right. Although this [Cracking Innocent Demon] was sealed by the [Tiangang Subduing Demon Formation], he was also used by the senior Yan Hua to cooperate with the fairy family's secret method to cooperate with the fairy family's treasure [Tianlong Town] [Soul Seal] seals its demon soul, but its connection with [Sealing Demon Cave] has not been completely severed!"

"This time it obviously sensed the existence of [Qianyang True Fire] in the seal, so it involuntarily leaked its power, trying to destroy and kill this threat!"

Master Qingyang couldn't help nodding his head after hearing what Master Yuhua said, "That's right, that's why I want that kid to go to [Sealing Demon Cave]."

"Although this is a bit of a surprise, it can help us confirm whether the plan is feasible and whether to continue to increase investment in that kid."

"Now it seems that everything is as the predecessors guessed. [Qianyang True Fire] is indeed the nemesis of the devil. Our plan is very likely to succeed!"

After he finished speaking, a smile flashed on his face, he cupped his hands at Master Yuhua and said: "Since the guess has been confirmed, then the younger brother will take his leave first, and the elder brother Lao will continue to wait here."

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