Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 370 Zhou Yang's Request 【Subscription】

Zhengyang Peak.

Seeing Zhou Yang and Xu Zhengyang returning safely, Li Yuhe and Xiao Ying who were waiting for news on Zhengyang Peak were relieved.

"Okay, even if this matter is over, and Master Qingyang speaks, even if Chen Shi is not reconciled to the humiliation of losing his arm, the Chen family will definitely not let him do stupid things."

Xu Zhengyang carried Zhou Yang down on Zhengyang Peak, and he made a qualitative statement about the incident when he opened his mouth.

Zhou Yang himself did not intend to pursue the matter any further, even though he actually guessed Xu Zhengyang's intention to take him back to Zhengyang Peak in a hurry.

He straightened his face, bowed to Xu Zhengyang gratefully, and said, "I would also like to thank Senior Xu for his righteous words and hard work. The younger generation is grateful for the kindness of the senior. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely do my best." Do your best to repay the kindness of seniors!"

Xu Zhengyang's kindness to him could not be said to be reciprocated by shattering his body into pieces.

Doing our best to repay is what Zhou Yang can promise.

In the world of immortal cultivators, there is no kindness or non-gratitude, everything is a transaction.

No matter if it was Master Qingyang, Xu Zhengyang, or Cao Wenjin who had passed away for many years, these people must be asking for favors from them.

It is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals to show kindness without repaying it, but it is usually a small favor that a high-level monk is in a good mood and casually bestows on a low-level monk.

How could it be possible for Daoist Qingyang and Xu Zhengyang to give such kindness without asking for anything in return.

There is no need to express the meaning here, Zhou Yang and the others understand it in their hearts.

So now that Zhou Yang made such a promise, Xu Zhengyang finally showed a smile from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at Zhou Yang with a smile on his face, nodded and said: "You are too polite, Zhou Daoyou. With Zhou Daoyou's potential and Master Qingyang's care, he will definitely do a lot in the world of cultivating immortals in the future. At that time, Xu may return There is really a place to ask for Zhou Daoyou!"

"If there is such a day, Senior Xu, please don't be polite. As long as the junior can help the senior, I will definitely not refuse!" Zhou Yang cupped his hands and made a promise again in a deep voice.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about what you plan to do next. Uncle Qingyang has already told Xu, if you need Xu's help, just say it."

It's rare for real Qingyang to open his mouth, so Zhou Yang certainly won't miss the opportunity.

Hearing what Xu Zhengyang said now, he pondered for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "I have three things for you, Senior Xu, please help me."

"The first thing is that this junior wants to exchange some elixirs that can be used to improve the cultivator's cultivation level in the Zifu period. I would like to ask Senior Xu to help introduce some alchemy masters to this junior."

"The second thing is to ask the senior to help find someone to buy some auxiliary alchemy materials, so that Ying'er can use it to attack the fourth-level alchemist. In addition, the junior himself also wants to ask the senior to help buy a batch of materials for refining puppet beasts."

"The third thing is that this junior wants to buy a sky boat, and I want to ask the senior to check it out and see if there are any fellow daoists who are willing to sell it!"

The purpose of exchanging the spirit pills is for Zhou Yang's own practice, and the purpose of buying alchemy materials is to allow the Taoist companion Xiao Ying to improve the level of alchemy, and accumulate foundation for the Zhou family by the way. Intermediate monk.

These requirements of Zhou Yang are all choices after careful consideration.

After Xu Zhengyang listened to his request, he just pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Xu understands, now you sort out the type and quantity of the elixir you want to buy and hand it to Xu together with the spirit stone, Xu will Instruct the disciples of the sect to go to the major fairy cities to purchase."

"As for the matter that you want to exchange the elixir of Jing Jin cultivation, Xu can also introduce you to some alchemy masters in the sect, and you can exchange it with them yourself."

"In the case of empty boats, this old man knows that a golden core stage monk has one for sale, but his requirements are a bit high, and he is only willing to accept fifth-level spiritual objects in exchange for him, and it must be one he can see. Only the spirits above will do!"

Xuanyang Xianzong has a well-developed material procurement and transportation system. If a Jindan stage monk like Xu Zhengyang wants to buy any spiritual items, as long as it is not something that has a price but no market, it can be purchased through the network of immortals all over Liuyunzhou. Various Xuanyang Xianzong resident stores help with procurement and delivery.

Every major sect is like this, as long as you can rank among the high ranks of the sect, the power of the entire sect can be mobilized and used by you.

Knowing this, Zhou Yang asked Xu Zhengyang to help with these things.

And Xu Zhengyang did not disappoint him, and soon helped him contact a fifth-rank alchemy master and two fourth-rank top-rank alchemy masters, and asked him to exchange a fourth-rank savage heart and several fourth-rank magic weapons. More than a dozen panacea.

Then he personally took him to a certain Jindan family in Daoxuan, and asked him to use two kinds of fifth-grade refining materials and five top-grade spirit stones to successfully exchange for a Kongxinglou ship.

While Zhou Yang was busy with these things, Xiao Ying used the existing elixir to attack the fourth-rank alchemist.

At this time, Xiao Ying had already refined the "Purity Extinguishing Qinglian Fire", and possessed a fourth-tier high-grade alchemy furnace "Wujin Baibao Furnace", which surpassed almost all fourth-tier alchemists in terms of hardware facilities.

In addition, she has been in the realm of a third-level top alchemist for more than ten years, during which time she opened a furnace to refine no less than a hundred furnaces of third-level alchemy pills, and her alchemy skills have almost reached the limit of a third-level alchemist.

In this way, with the complete hardware and software, her process of attacking the fourth-tier alchemist was very smooth, and she succeeded only after failing four times.

After becoming a fourth-rank alchemist, Xiao Ying would never fail to refine a third-rank low-grade spirit pill like Zhuji Pill.

At this time, after collecting from various shops of Xuanyang Xianzong, many elixir and refining materials that Zhou Yang entrusted Xu Zhengyang to purchase have also arrived.

In order to buy these things, Zhou Yang spent more than 100,000 spirit stones, so there are only more than 300,000 spirit stones left on him.

As soon as these things arrived, Zhou Yang took Xiao Ying to bid farewell to Xu Zhengyang and his wife.

"Senior Xu, Senior Li, the two seniors have taken care of our husband and wife over the years, we are both grateful, please accept our respect!"

On Zhengyang Peak, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying, who had tidied up properly, bowed deeply in front of Xu Zhengyang and his wife who were seeing them off, and bowed deeply to the couple, thanking each other for their care over the years.

"The road is not safe, you two should be more careful, if you encounter danger, remember to trigger [Xuanyang Order] to call for help!"

"Finally, I wish you a safe journey and return to the family as soon as possible."

Xu Zhengyang and his wife accepted Zhou Yang's gift calmly, and sent their advice and blessings.

At this time, after a period of practice, Xiao Ying also mastered the secret method of changing face that Xu Song taught. After Zhou Yang and her left Xuanyang Xianzong, they changed into a middle-aged couple.

On the contrary, the two cultivation bases did not hide anything. After all, it is not uncommon for monks and Taoist couples in the Zifu period to cultivate immortals in Liuyunzhou. This combination can no longer be normal among monks and Taoists in the Zifu period.

According to Zhou Yang's plan, the main destination of the two of them is naturally "Liuyun Immortal City", the holy place for cultivation in the Immortal Cultivation World of Liuyunzhou.

But before going to "Liuyun Xiancheng", Zhou Yang needs to go to a place of evil spirits first, and let Xu Song condense ghost pills there.

After Xu Song turned to become a ghost cultivator, although his cultivation base has regressed to the purple mansion period, his own realm is still there. As long as there is a place with enough yin energy to provide him with the yin energy needed to form pills, he will soon be able to condense ghost pills Become a golden core stage ghost cultivator.

And when he traveled to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou, he also found several places of evil spirits that met the requirements.

The place where Zhou Yang and the others are going now is the place of evil spirits closest to Xuanyang Xianzong.

That place is called "Black Cloud Swamp", and there are many swamp-like monsters living in the swamp, and some people have even found fifth-order monsters in the depths of the swamp.

This "black cloud swamp" has also become an adventure resort for middle and low-level monks from the surrounding countries because of its rich resources of monsters.

After all, for middle and low-level monks, no matter whether they are going west to the Broken Cloud Mountains or south to the wild jungle, it is too far away. It will take several years to come and go, and it is easy to be killed by bad guys halfway .

And hunting monsters in the country or neighboring countries, not only is it easy to find like-minded monks to form a team, but if something happens to the family or sect, they can also receive news in time and rush back to deal with it.

When Xu Song was hunting demons in the depths of the "Black Cloud Swamp", he once discovered a "Three Yin Jedi" with a strong yin energy in the deep mud of the swamp.

At that time, the "Three Yin Jedi" was used as a cave by a ghost cultivator in the Zifu period. After Xu Song discovered it, he killed the ghost cultivator and sealed it with a formation to prevent other monks from interacting with him. The monster got into it by mistake.

Zhou Yang wanted to go there this time to see if the "Three Yin Jedi" was still well preserved. If it was well preserved, there was no need to find another place to help Xu Song form alchemy.

In order to avoid revealing their identities as much as possible, the two of Zhou Yang did not enter any fairy cities along the way, nor did they deal with any monks of the same rank.

After traveling like this for more than ten days, the two arrived outside the "Black Cloud Swamp".

This "black cloud swamp" has an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles and is connected to dozens of large rivers. It is rich in water and grass, and there are many birds and animals. Many kinds of water birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and reptiles, and aquatic beasts live there.

Because the sky above the swamp is full of dark clouds all the year round, it is named "black cloud".

"What a magnificent water area!"

In the sky above the swamp, Zhou Yangyu used the "Phantom Cloud Boat" to carry his Taoist couple Xiao Ying to stand in the air. The two looked at the boundless water swamp in front of them under the torrential rain, their eyes full of admiration.

The Immortal Cultivation Realm of Liuyun Continent is not adjacent to the sea, and there are only four or five large lakes like the "Black Cloud Swamp" with an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. It is the first time that Zhou Yang and the two of them have seen such waters after traveling in the Cultivation Realm of Liuyun Continent for many years. vast land.

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