Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 371 Ghost Xiu Crossing Tribulation 【Subscription】


Lightning shines in the sky.

Another thunderstorm with torrential rain.

For the cultivators who have been active in the Black Cloud Swamp all year round, they have long been used to this kind of severe thunderstorm.

At this time, most immortal cultivators will try to avoid flying in the air, so as not to attract the bombardment of heavenly thunder.

Not to mention those flying monsters that inhabit the swamps of the waters. If these big guys dare to take off into the air, the chance of being struck by lightning is much higher than that of immortal cultivators.

Some experienced immortal cultivators would even seize this opportunity and take the opportunity to travel into and out of the waters on a magic weapon treasure ship, looking for and killing those monsters hiding in their lairs to avoid lightning.

But for a person like Zhou Yang who lived in a desert oasis with little rain and thunder since childhood, this kind of heavy rain and thunderstorm is a bit unaccustomed to him.

He was not very afraid of the thunder in the sky that day. In fact, some cultivators in the Zifu stage would even take the initiative to fly to the sky in this weather to attract lightning strikes in order to refine treasures such as "secret thunder beads". Take the opportunity to use a special magic weapon to collect the power of thunder to make treasures.

What he was worried about was Xu Song, the ghost servant.

At this time, more than two months had passed since he and Taoist companion Xiao Ying came to the Black Cloud Swamp.

More than two months ago, after they came to the Black Cloud Swamp, under Xu Song's guidance, they quickly found the "Three Yin Jedi" that was sealed by him hundreds of years ago.

Fortunately, because the time gap is not too long, the sealing formation has not yet failed.

And because it has been sealed all the time, the yin energy accumulated in this "Three Yin Jedi" is extremely strong, which is very suitable for Xu Song to condense ghost pills.

According to Xu Song's estimation, he needs at least a year of practice to accumulate enough mana to condense ghost pills.

But thanks to the yin qi filled in this "Three Yin Jedi", this time has been shortened a lot, and it only takes three to five months to succeed.

This should have been a great thing, but now seeing the scene of thunder rolling in the sky, Zhou Yang felt a layer of hidden worry.

You must know that the sky thunder breaks evil, Xu Song is a ghost cultivator, once the ghost pill is condensed, a sky thunder will descend to test him.

Now in the environment of the Black Cloud Swamp, if it was the day when Xu Song formed the alchemy, it would also be such a thunderstorm day, it is very likely that in addition to the test thunder that fell from the heavens, it would also attract other heavens. Thunder bombardment.

Once that kind of situation really happened, Xu Song's plan of alchemy formation, which was originally a surefire plan, would add countless variables.

Of course Zhou Yang didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

"The heavenly thunder that fell from the test of the way of heaven, others can't intervene to resist, and they can't intervene to resist."

"But it's just Tianlei attracted by Yin Qi. If I help resist it, nothing will happen!"

There was a gloomy look in his eyes, and with a movement of his body, he sank into the water.

The "Three Yin Jedi" is located in an underwater cave hundreds of feet deep. These days, Zhou Yang and Xiao Ying built a temporary cave to live outside the underwater cave using a water-proof formation.

And because the "Spiritual Rhinoceros Jade Pendant" worn by the two of them has an automatic water-avoiding effect, it saves a lot of effort to enter and exit the water. (There is a bug here. The consonance jade pendant has a communication positioning function. At that time, when Zhou Yang returned to Xianyang City, he could actually use the jade pendant to locate Xiao Ying’s location. I forgot about it at the time, and it’s hard to change it now. Don’t worry. mind!)

At this time, Zhou Yang entered the temporary underwater cave, and saw Xiao Ying holding the demon core he had obtained from killing the tree demon, absorbing Yimu essence to cultivate supernatural powers.

After Xiao Ying practiced the "Qinghua Crossing Calamity Manual" and reached the Zifu stage, she could practice two supernatural powers, "Qinghua Crossing Calamity Immortal Light" and "Qinghua Crossing Calamity Magic Needle".

Among them, "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" is a supernatural ability to heal and save people. Once it is cultivated, the effect of saving people and healing is stronger than that of many fourth-order panacea. .

The "Qinghua God Needle for Crossing Misfortune" can be used to cure diseases and save people, and cure some stubborn diseases. It also has a fairly strong attack ability, and can often have some unexpected effects.

Xiao Ying is now absorbing the Yimu essence in the tree demon core, and practicing the "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" supernatural power, so as to master this supernatural power as soon as possible.

Without disturbing the practice of Taoist companions, Zhou Yang took a look at Xiao Ying's situation, then sat down cross-legged on the other side, and silently comprehended the second advanced sword formation in "Dayan Sword Art" - Twelve Yuanchen Sword Formation .

There are five kinds of advanced sword formations in "Dayan Sword Art", namely, the ten-direction extinction sword formation, the twelve yuanchen sword formation, the eight wilderness Liuhe sword formation, the nine heavens return to the origin sword formation, and the ninety-nine return to one sword formation.

These five kinds of advanced sword arrays can be practiced by Zifu stage monks.

However, from Zhou Yang's point of view, unless he deliberately slowed down the time to condense the golden core and devoted himself to studying these sword formations for hundreds of years, it would be impossible to master all of these sword formations within the Zifu period of cultivation.

But how could he do such a putting the cart before the horse.

Mana cultivation is the foundation of a cultivator, and the rest, whether it is supernatural powers, spells, secret arts of swords, or the art of refining weapons and making talismans, are all secondary things.

As long as the practice is not delayed, it's okay to set aside some time to study these secondary things, but if you put the cart before the horse and give up the practice to study these secondary things, it will be irrelevant.

Of course Zhou Yang would not do such a thing.

He is now studying the "Twelve Yuanchen Sword Formation" only because he has already mastered the "Ten Directions Extinction Sword Formation", and the current environment is not suitable for meditation practice.

After more than half a month passed quietly like this, Xu Song, who had been hiding in the "Three Yin Jedi" to retreat and form alchemy, finally made a movement.


On this day, Zhou Yang was thinking about how to use the sword formation when he suddenly heard a gust of wind.

For a moment, he froze.

You must know that he is now hundreds of feet deep underwater. Where does the wind come from in such a place?

But as soon as this idea popped up, the expression on his face changed, and he suddenly understood something.

Seeing a golden-red light flash in his eyes, he immediately used the magical power of "Lihuo Jintong" to look towards the underwater cave not far away.

Under the vision of "Lihuo Jintong", Zhou Yang saw cloudy winds formed by clouds of Yin Qi gushing out of the underwater cave and blowing away in all directions.

Wherever the wind blows, whether it is fish, shrimp or aquatic plants in the water, as long as it is blown by the wind, it will die and wither immediately.

This is the wind of death!

Any creature without mana protection will be harvested if it is blown by this dark wind.

Looking at this scene, Zhou Yang couldn't help muttering to himself: "The wind is clearing the field, it seems that Xu Song's alchemy has already started, I hope everything will go smoothly!"

Immortal cultivators have alchemy celestial phenomena, and ghosts who cultivate alchemy naturally have their own special celestial phenomena.

The Yin wind that Zhou Yang saw just now is a kind of celestial phenomenon caused by the ghost cultivator's pill formation.

The life force and soul of all the creatures killed by the evil wind will be absorbed by the ghost cultivators who are forming alchemy, and will be used as food for alchemy.

Fortunately, the place where Xu Song formed the alchemy was a deserted place like the Black Cloud Swamp. If it was in a city where mortals gather, just the gust of wind just now could harvest the whole city in just a few tens of breaths. the soul of man.

In the devil way, the monks of the ghost way, sometimes in order to increase the success rate of alchemy, will secretly sneak into the vicinity of the mortal city where there is a place of evil spirits, and form alchemy there.

Then, with the help of the wind of death caused by the alchemy celestial phenomenon, harvest and sacrifice the mortals of a whole city to pave the way for their own alchemy.

It is said that if there are millions of mortals as sacrifices, the success rate of the alchemy formation of ghost monks can increase by at least 50%!

However, it has been many years since a ghost Taoist monk who dared to sacrifice millions of mortals appeared.

The world of cultivating immortals has always pursued and killed this kind of mad cultivator at all costs, and the monks in the Nascent Soul stage will personally participate in the pursuit.

There are countless bloody examples of senior demons, no matter how daring monks of ghosts and demons are today, they dare not do such outrageous things.

The vision of the yin wind clearing the field did not last long, and Zhou Yang, who was close, could already clearly feel a gloomy and evil force brewing in the underwater cave.

With the "Qianyang Treasure Physique" in his body, he was naturally repulsed by this kind of eerie and evil power. Seeing this, he had no choice but to leave the temporary cave and retreat to the outer waters.

Similarly, Xiao Ying, who practiced the vitality of the "Qinghua Crossing Evil Sutra", also instinctively hated the evil power of death and evil of ghost monks, so she quickly followed Zhou Yang to the waters .

"Zhou Lang, if other people find out about you keeping ghost servants in captivity like this, I'm afraid there will be big trouble!"

Above the water area, Xiao Ying followed Zhou Yang and stood still on the flying boat, looking at her Taoist companion with her beautiful eyes full of worry, and sighed softly.

Ever since she found out about Zhou Yang keeping Xu Song, a ghost servant, in captivity, she was quite displeased.

Blood Demon Way, Ghost Demon Way, and Corpse Demon Way are the three branches of the Demon Way, each of which is more evil than the other.

Although the monks of the Blood Demon Dao practice by sucking blood, they are still human beings and living beings.

But ghost monks, especially ghost cultivators like Xu Song, are no longer even living people.

In particular, ghost cultivators practice ghosts, use the souls of living beings to refine magic tools, and devour the souls of living beings to increase their cultivation. This is the most disgusting orthodox immortal cultivator who generally believes in the theory of reincarnation.

For immortal cultivators, if death is inevitable, they still have at least a little possibility of the reincarnation of the true spirit.

But if he died under the hands of ghost cultivators and ghost cultivators, then even reincarnation would be impossible.

In this case, how can you say that immortal cultivators don't hate ghost cultivators?

If Xiao Ying hadn't loved Zhou Yang deeply, and believed Zhou Yang, she would have persuaded him to clean up the house as soon as she learned of Xu Song's existence.

Instead of waiting until now to see the killing caused by the vision of "Yin Wind Clearing the Field" with his own eyes, he couldn't help but speak out to advise.

"Ying'er, you believe in my husband. My husband assures you that if Xu Song dares to kill an innocent person indiscriminately in the future, my husband will definitely kill him himself!"

Zhou Yang stretched out his arms, hugged the Taoist couple tightly, bowed his head and kissed Xiao Ying's smooth and tender forehead, making a promise in a low voice.

Of course he understood the Taoist companion's concerns, but to him, the value of a living Xu Song was too great, so great that he couldn't easily abandon him.

Moreover, even a highly respected Nascent Soul Realm like Master Qingyang would keep and repair magic weapons like the "Ghost Luo Banner", so he didn't think it was immoral for him to keep a ghost servant in captivity.

He didn't keep a ghost servant in captivity to kill for himself, but he just wanted to use the profound knowledge and life experience of this ghost servant for his own use!

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