Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 376 Counting the harvest!

Canglong Kingdom, Beast Emperor Sect.

When Zhong Chuming fell under the Dao Protecting Treasure bestowed to Zhou Yang by Master Qingyang, the natal soul lamp he left in the Beast Sect was also extinguished.

It is also a big event in a top sect like the Royal Beast Sect that the monks of the golden core period are gone.

For a sect as strong as the Royal Beast Sect, not counting the Golden Core stage monks who are attached to them, but counting only within this sect, the number of Golden Core stage monks is only twenty or thirty.

As one of the 20 or 30 people, Zhong Chuming suddenly died outside, and he died while performing the mission of the sect. It is necessary to investigate clearly because of emotion and reason.

Considering that the enemy can even kill Zhong Chuming, who owns a fifth-level low-grade monster "Genshan Tortoise", and the best way to investigate the cause of death is to use the "round light backtracking" magic power to go back to the time when the monk in the Nascent Soul stage went to the murder scene. The scene, the person who investigates this can only be the high-ranking Nascent Soul Stage monks.

There are now two Nascent Soul stage monks in the Royal Beast Sect. Because one of the elders is in seclusion, the task of investigating the cause of Zhong Chuming's death falls to the other elder.

Xu Hanwen, the Taishang elder of the Beast Sect who investigated the cause of Zhong Chuming's death, was known as the "True Heavenly Snake".

"Sky Snake Master" Xu Hanwen has practiced for thousands of years, and his cultivation base has already reached the third level of Yuanying. After he set off from the Beast Master Sect, it took him less than a day to arrive at the place where Zhong Chuming died.

At this time, Zhong Chuming's body had been burned to ashes by Zhou Yang, and the huge body of "Genshan Turtle" was also divided into several parts, put into storage rings and taken away.

Of course Xu Hanwen doesn't care about these things, to him, it doesn't matter if they are there or not.

After watching the scene for a while, he directly used the magical power of "round light backtracking" to go back in time and check the scene at that time.

"The round light goes back, back to the past and the present!"

In mid-air, Xu Hanwen, who had a fair and handsome face like a modest gentleman, pointed down with his hands, and a soft white aura shot out from his hands, sweeping across the entire battlefield.

Then a white light mirror emerged in front of Xu Hanwen, and the time in the mirror quickly reversed, revealing everything that happened before Xu Hanwen arrived.

Through the white light mirror, Xu Hanwen clearly saw how Xu Song and Zhou Yang searched and mutilated the corpses, then fled in that direction, and finally retreated until a purple divine thunder descended from the sky.


When the white light mirror retreated to reveal the purple divine thunder, the mirror exploded violently as if it had encountered a great external pressure.

"It turned out to be [Xuanyang Zixiao Shenlei], no wonder Mr. Zhong's nephew fell without even a chance to escape!"

"However, what is the origin of that kid, and it is worthy that the monks of Xuanyang Xianzong's Nascent Soul Stage should bestow this kind of treasure to protect him?"

"Does Nephew Zhong's death have anything to do with their Xuanyang Immortal Sect?"

In mid-air, "True Heavenly Snake" Xu Hanwen looked at the devastated land below, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The Beast Sect's strength is not low, but it is still far behind the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. If Zhong Chuming's death is related to the Xuanyang Immortal Sect, Xu Hanwen has to consider the price to pay for his revenge.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if he has anything to do with it or not!"

"Since my Golden Core cultivator of the Beast Sect died under the magical power of his Xuanyang Immortal Sect, no matter whether it was done by his Xuanyang Immortal Sect disciples or not, it must have something to do with them!"

"There is also that golden core ghost cultivator. Doesn't his Xuanyang Xianzong always claim to be a famous sect of righteousness? I will go to the Xuanyang Mountains now to see what the people of his Xuanyang Xianzong have to say!"

With a soft snort in his mouth, after Xu Hanwen made a decision, he immediately sent his investigation results back to the sect, and asked the sect to send two more Jindan monks to chase in the direction Zhou Yang and his party fled. Go to the mountain gate of Xuanyang Xianzong.

And in the Xuanyang Xianzong, when Zhou Yang inspired the purple jade talisman that sealed the "Xuanyang Zixiao Shenlei", the real Qingyang who made this object had a feeling, knowing that it was used by others. Lost.

Then he got in touch with the news about Zhou Yang being chased and killed by the Beastmaster Sect these days, and he immediately understood what Zhou Yang had stabbed.

"This little guy is really worrying!"

With a bitter expression on his face, Master Qingyang had already expected that the Nascent Soul stage monks of the Emperor Beast Sect would come to him even though he announced the retreat.

In this way, the real person Qingyang retreated, and after "Snake real person" Xu Hanwen came to the door, he couldn't find someone to confront him.

The other Daoist of the Xuanyang Immortal Sect who received him at the Nascent Infant Stage just claimed that he didn't know about it, and on the grounds that it was inconvenient to disturb his younger brother in closed-door training, he didn't listen to Xu Hanwen's confrontational words at all, and left the matter behind.

Moreover, he firmly insisted that Zhou Yang was not a monk of Xuanyang Xianzong, what he did had nothing to do with his Xuanyang Xianzong, and the Emperor Beast Sect would not interfere with killing or cutting him.

"Tian Snake Master" Xu Hanwen is of course dissatisfied with only getting this answer, but the Xuanyang Immortal Sect is so powerful, he is not satisfied and dare not really fight with the Xuanyang Immortal Sect. In the end, he can only hold his breath and leave the Xuanyang Mountain Range, full of hatred Returned to the gate of the Royal Beast Sect.

He didn't mention how the Beastmaster Sect reacted, but said that after Zhou Yang killed Zhong Chuming, he rushed all the way to Duanyun Mountain without stopping.

Because there was no one to stop them along the way, they only took one day to complete the distance of less than 100,000 miles.

However, entering the Duanyun Mountain Range does not mean absolute safety. Only by entering the cloud and mist area of ​​the Duanyun Mountain Range can Zhou Yang feel at ease.

The cloud and mist area is the deepest part of the Duanyun Mountain Range. If the Jindan stage monks pursued by the Beast Sect were found inside, it would be a great joy.

You must know that the monsters' hatred for those monks who are in control of beasts is many times stronger than that of ordinary monks.

Going all the way deep into Duanyun Mountain, relying on the cover of "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" and "Phantom Cloud Boat", Zhou Yang finally found a third-order spiritual mountain in the cloud and mist area and settled down.

This third-order spirit mountain was originally occupied by a third-order demon tiger living alone. Zhou Yang asked the "Golden Winged Thunder Eagle" to kill the demon tiger and temporarily occupied the spirit mountain for shelter.

Of course, this kind of practice can only be concealed for a while. As time goes by, the fourth-tier monster that the third-tier monster tiger surrenders will definitely find that the Lingshan here has changed its owner, so it will come to investigate.

But Zhou Yang only needs to delay for a while, as long as he waits for Xiao Ying to wake up and recover from her injuries, he will leave here immediately.

As for Xiao Ying's coma, she was in a coma for three days before waking up.

"Ying'er, how do you feel? If you need anything, just tell Wei Fu, and Wei Fu will definitely get it for you!"

In the temporary cave on Wuming Lingshan, Zhou Yang, who had been guarding in front of the stone bed, saw Xiao Ying wake up, and quickly stepped forward to grab the Taoist companion's little hand and asked about it.

Hearing her lover's sincere and caring words, Xiao Ying's heart warmed, and she felt that everything she had paid was worth it.

She didn't rush to answer Zhou Yang's words, but just closed her eyes and looked inside to check her injuries, then opened her eyes, shook her head slightly and said, "Don't worry, my husband, my concubine's injuries are not serious, as long as I meditate and recuperate for half a month, I should You can use mana to fly!"

"Then you should have a good rest. If you need anything, you must tell Wei Fu, and Wei Fu will protect the law for you outside."

Zhou Yang looked at the Taoist companion with concern, nodded slightly, and after repeating his words, he just left the stone room and went outside to protect the Taoist companion.

Half a month is not long, but it is not short for Zhou Yang and the others who have not yet escaped danger.

In order to give himself some time to react, Zhou Yang specially sent Xu Song out to lurk in the direction he came from, so that if the monks from the Beast Control Sect chased him, he could get a warning in advance and move.

At the same time, he himself checked the gains from killing Zhong Chuming to see if he could find something useful to the current situation.

There are many good things on Zhong Chuming's body. As a monk of the Golden Core stage of the Beast Controlling Sect, one of the indispensable treasures on his body is the spirit beast ring.

The space in this spirit beast ring is huge, even those spirit beasts with a body length of hundreds of feet can be accommodated in it, and the living environment inside is far from comparable to that of a spirit beast bag.

In addition, Zhou Yang also found a high-level spirit beast bag on him, which contained a fourth-level middle-grade flying spirit beast "Kamikaze Eagle".

The "Kamikaze Eagle" was still alive, but because he signed the "Demon Soul Contract" with Zhong Chuming, Zhou Yang didn't want to tame this monster bird, so he could only release it, kill it and disassemble it into materials.

Then there are various treasures such as magical instruments, magic symbols, and panacea.

Among them, Zhong Chuming sacrificially smelted a fifth-grade middle-grade natal magic weapon "Yimu Qingling Banner", a fifth-grade low-grade flying sword, a fifth-grade middle-grade magic talisman "Dari Golden Light Talisman", and a fifth-grade low-grade magic talisman "Huitian". One life-saving talisman, one low-grade spirit talisman "Heavenfire Meteor Talisman" of the fifth rank, and seven or eight pieces of various fourth-order charms.

In addition, there is a fifth-level low-grade panacea "Zhenyuan Pill" used by Jindan stage monks to improve their cultivation base, a fifth-level low-level panacea "Huitian Renewing Life Pill" for healing, and a fourth-level "Jingyuan Pill" "More than fifty pieces, more than two hundred pieces of the third-level "Jingyuan Pill", and more than ten pieces of other fourth-level spirit pills.

In addition to these things, Zhou Yang also found one fourth-rank high-grade demon pill and two fourth-rank middle-grade demon pills in Zhong Chuming's storage ring.

But what surprised him the most was that there was still a copy of "Purple Heart Chalcedony" in Zhong Chuming's storage ring.

At that time, he was planning to go to "Liuyun Immortal City", the center of the Immortal Cultivation World in Liuyunzhou, just to see if he could buy a copy or two of "Purple Heart Chalcedony" to bring back to the Boundless Sand Sea Cultivation World.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was obtained from Zhong Chuming's relics.

Of course, the most precious things in Zhong Chuming's body are definitely not the above-mentioned things, but the demon corpse, demon pill, and demon soul left behind after the death of the "Genshan turtle".

As a fifth-rank low-grade demon beast, the demon pill of "Genshan Gui" can be used to refine "Heterogenetic Golden Elixir", and can also serve as the main medicine of many fifth-rank panacea, and it can also be used to refine "Jade Liquid Gold". Dan" raw material.

The value of this fifth-order demon pill alone is not lower than that of a fifth-order low-grade magic weapon, let alone the turtle shell that can be used to refine fifth-level defensive magic weapons, and a large amount of fifth-level animal meat full of aura. .

In the end, Zhou Yang also harvested 150,000 spirit stones in Zhong Chuming's storage ring, including four top-grade spirit stones.

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