While Zhou Yang was hiding in the Duanyun Mountain Range to count the harvest, two Jindan stage monks from the Beast Sect who were ordered to pursue him had a dispute over whether to go deep into the Duanyun Mountain Range.

This time, the Beast Master Sect sent two Jindan cultivators to pursue Zhou Yang. One was Wang Zhiyuan, a Jindan seventh-level cultivator, and the other was a Jindan sixth-level monk Han Yu who had a feud with Zhou Yang.

At the beginning, Han Yu was bewitched by his fellow apprentice Zhong Chuming Xu Yili, and sent his powerful disciple Murong Qianqian to monitor and kill Zhou Yang, but Zhou Yang killed his beloved apprentice instead, and the two forged a feud ever since.

The arrest warrant issued by Yushoumen to Zhou Yang was the result of Han Yu's efforts.

This time he suddenly heard that his junior brother Zhong Chuming had fallen under Zhou Yang's command, and Han Yu took the initiative to ask the sect to join the team that hunted and killed Zhou Yang.

After he and Wang Zhiyuan, who led the team, rushed all the way from the gate of the Beast Sect to the "Zhenyue Immortal City" outside the Duanyun Mountain Range, they sensed that they had stopped somewhere deep in the Duanyun Mountain Range in Zhouyang through the "Ming Crow", so the two of them stayed together again. He didn't hesitate to take risks all the way, and finally stopped when he went deep outside the cloud and mist area.

"If we just go back in such a hasty way, wouldn't our Beast Sect be laughed at to death? Senior Brother Wang, you also said that the boy only went deep into this cloud and mist area for thousands of miles. As long as we are fast enough, we can withdraw immediately after killing him , even if it is discovered by monsters!"

On a certain mountain outside the cloud area, the chubby Han Yu was persuading a tall monk with a dark and dull face.

Zhou Yang already had a grudge against him for murdering his apprentice, and now he killed Zhong Chuming, his fellow apprentice who had always had a good relationship with him. Of course, he was unwilling to let Zhou Yang go so easily.

But Wang Zhiyuan was different. Wang Zhiyuan didn't have a deep friendship with Han Yu and Zhong Chuming, and they just followed orders.

Now that Zhou Yang fled into the depths of Duanyun Mountain, there was no need for him to risk his life in order to avenge Zhong Chuming.

Therefore, no matter how Han Yu persuaded him, he just said indifferently with his face unchanged: "Mr. The Fuqi cultivator risked his life to go deep into the Duanyun Mountain Range, please forgive Wang for not being able to do it."

After he finished speaking, he paused again, looked at Han Yu with deep eyes and said: "Of course, Junior Brother Han, if you feel that you can't explain your heart to yourself, you can also enter it alone. You are definitely not a problem, Junior Brother Han."

Han Yu's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but angrily said as if he had been poked into a sore foot: "Brother Wang said carefully, Han has always been upright in doing things, how could he be sorry for his own heart?"

"Since Senior Brother Wang is determined to go your own way, then don't blame Han for telling the truth to the head and Master Xu about the situation. When the time comes, the headmaster's law will come down. If you lose face to Senior Brother Wang, don't blame me, Senior Brother!"

The fact that his beloved disciple Murong Qianqian was instigated by him to chase and kill Zhou Yang has always been his heart disease, that's why he is so keen on chasing and killing Zhou Yang.

Now that Wang Zhiyuan exposed his scars in person, how could he not be angry.

"Junior brother, please go ahead." Wang Zhiyuan closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground and ignored Han Yu.

Seeing this, Han Yu was naturally so angry that he jumped up, but he didn't dare to go deep into the cloud and mist area to hunt down Zhou Yang alone. He could only take out the magic weapon of communication and send a message to the nearest sub-helm of the Royal Beast Sect, and informed the door of the situation.

However, just like what Wang Zhiyuan said, it was a loss-making deal for two Jindan stage monks to venture deep into the Duanyun Mountains for the sake of a Zifu stage monk.

What Han Yu was thinking about was that if he went deep into the Duanyun Mountain Range, he would encounter a siege of fifth-order monsters, but the head of the Beast Master Sect had to consider whether his own Jindan stage monks going deep into the Duanyun Mountain Range would anger the sixth-level monster kings inside. .

You must know that those sixth-level demon kings have long disliked the Beastmaster Sect. In the past, some sixth-level demon kings even transformed into humans and sneaked into the Beastmaster Sect, trying to fool and take away the sixth-rank beastmen who suppressed the sect. Tier Spirit Beast.

Although the small calculations of those demon kings failed in the end, the beams of the beast kings and the demon kings of the Duanyun mountain range were also settled because of this.

Afterwards, if the high-ranking monks of the Beastmaster Sect go to Duanyun Mountains for training, they will often be specially targeted by monsters and suffer a lot of losses.

After going back and forth like this, the monks of the Beast Master Sect rarely went to the Duanyun Mountain Range.

Therefore, after learning about the situation, Xu Hanwen, the head of the Royal Beast Sect and the Supreme Elder, decided to let Han Yu stay in Zhenyue Xiancheng and continue to squat to see if he could squat until Zhou Yang came out, while Wang Zhiyuan was recalled Zongmen.

Although Zhou Yang didn't know the plan of the Beastmaster Sect, after waiting for more than ten days without anyone chasing him, he was a little relieved, knowing that his plan was a success.

The Emperor Beast Sect was worried that the Golden Core Stage cultivator would be trapped in the depths of the Duanyun Mountains and did not dare to send someone, so he was also worried that the Emperor Beast Sect monk would come to him to expose his existence.

You must know that there are many fifth-level monsters living in the cloud and mist area. If they fight here, as soon as the fighting power of the Golden Core level is deployed, they will immediately attract an unknown number of monsters.

At that time, not only the monks of the Beast Master Sect will be unlucky, but he will also be unlucky.

"Hidden Spirit Fragrance" and "Phantom Cloud Boat" can work, and that is based on the premise that the high-level monsters do not pay special attention. Supernatural powers, it is really not difficult to find him.

After staying in this state of fear for nearly twenty days, Xiao Ying finally suppressed the injuries in her body and was able to use part of her mana.

"I shed a lot of blood in the battle to break out of the encirclement, and the Beast Sect should have tracked me based on this, so I will still stay here, Yinger, you take Xu Song to the [Congealing Yuan Fruit] tree. Mountain peaks, transplant the fruit trees into the [Spiritual Planting Map]."

On Wuming Lingshan, after Zhou Yang waited for Xiao Ying to come out from her injuries, he pulled her aside and revealed his plan.

Since he was going to take refuge in the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, and it was expected that he would not return to the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou in the next few decades, of course he had to transplant the "Ningyuanguo" tree back.

With his current strength, even if Shamen Huang knew that he had obtained this treasure, he would not be able to force him to hand it over.

And if the Zhou family has the "Ning Yuan Fruit" tree, it may not be impossible to become the second Huang Shamen in the future.

The "Ling Zhi Tu" is the dark green scroll that Zhou Yang obtained in Xu Song's cave at the beginning. This scroll is a space treasure, and living things such as elixir and spirit wood can be temporarily transplanted into it and carried with him.

At this time, after Zhou Yang told Xiao Ying his plan, he stretched out his hand, took out the scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Xiao Ying.

This kind of space treasure cannot be put into storage rings and storage bags, and can only be carried close to the body. Zhou Yang has always stored it in his sleeves.

Fortunately, when this object is not in use, it does not emit any special aura at all. Even a Nascent Soul cultivator may not be able to discover the mystery if he does not look carefully, otherwise he will really worry about how to carry this object.

"My husband, don't worry, I will live up to my trust."

Xiao Ying took the scroll and accepted the matter solemnly.

In fact, her spirit planting skills are still at the third-level top-level, and there is still a lot of failure in transplanting a fourth-level spiritual fruit tree like the "Ningyuan Fruit" tree.

But the magical power of "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" she practiced perfectly solved this problem.

The supernatural power of "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" is driven by the essence of Yimu, which is the power of pure life. It is not only useful to humans and animals, but also useful to plants.

When Ling Zhifu transplanted the elixir and spiritual wood, he would fail. Many times, it was because the elixir and spiritual wood could not maintain vitality after leaving the soil, and withered and withered.

However, "Qinghua Crossing Evil Immortal Light" can replenish vitality to the elixir spirit wood at critical moments until it takes root in the land again.

After Xiao Ying and Xu Song left, Zhou Yang immediately put the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle into the spirit beast bag, and then performed the "Golden Cicada Hiding Breath Technique" to restrain his breath and hid himself in a pool not far from the Unnamed Spirit Mountain, waiting.

Without the aura of the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle, the unnamed spiritual mountain was soon occupied by a third-rank low-grade monster. In this way, when the nearby fourth-rank monsters discovered that the spirit mountain had changed its owner, they would not be able to trace Zhou Yang's identity. come on.

In this way, after Zhou Yang waited under the water pool for five days, Xiao Ying finally lived up to her trust and returned safely with the "Condensing Yuan Fruit" tree.

"Very good, now that the things are in hand, let's go home now!"

Zhou Yang took the "Ling Zhi Tu" from Xiao Ying and spread it out, only to see that the "Condensed Yuan Fruit" tree was taking root in the land in the space in the picture, slowly absorbing the essence buried in the land by Xiao Ying. The spiritual power of Lingshi grows.

"It's a pity that using this thing consumes too much mana, otherwise you and I will hide in it, and Xu Song will take this thing back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea, and there will be no problem at all in terms of safety!"

He looked at the small space about half an acre in the picture, and sighed with regret on his face.

Space treasures consume mana to use, like the landscape map that Cao Wenjin used to trap the fifth-level top-grade monster Golden-winged Thunder Eagle, it can barely be activated with a nine-level golden core cultivation.

Although the "Spiritual Plant Map" in Zhou Yang's hands does not have such high requirements for use, it can only be used if the user's cultivation level reaches the Zifu stage.

And because of the law of space, the higher the level of people, animals, and plants that are put into this "spiritual plant map", the greater the mana needed to maintain the normal survival of the living things inside.

Putting it into a fourth-level low-grade "Condensing Yuanguo" tree consumes about the same amount of mana as a fourth-level magic weapon from Zhou Yang Yushi, but if two purple mansion stage monks are put into it, it will consume as much mana every moment. The mana is equivalent to a fifth-order magic weapon for the imperial envoy.

Although Xu Song is a ghost cultivator at the golden core stage, if he wants to use a fifth-level magic weapon to drive away, he will stop soon to recover his mana.

And a ghost cultivator like him wants to recover his mana, but he is much, much slower than Zhou Yang and his immortal cultivators when they are not in a place of evil spirits.

Therefore, Zhou Yang's journey back to the world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea is destined to be completed by himself.

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