Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 378 Greetingly Welcome the Supreme Elder Back to the Mountain

"Phew, I've been away from home for seventeen years, and I'm finally back!"

In the vast sea of ​​sand, Zhou Yang, who had just left the range of the snow peaks of the Duanyun Mountains, stood on the flying boat and looked at the endless yellow sand in front of him, feeling extremely cordial.

As the saying goes, a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel.

No matter how good the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou is, he is also an outsider there, and his actions are controlled by others, and he doesn't like it.

But in this world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sandy sea, he is the few people at the top of the pyramid, and they say what they say.

Rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, this is Zhou Yang's long-standing thinking.

Speaking of which, this journey home was very smooth. The "Magic Cloud Boat" and "Hidden Spirit Fragrance" traveled through the cloud and mist area of ​​the Duanyun Mountain Range. There is no possibility of being discovered.

Zhou Yang did not hesitate to exchange for this magical artifact at the beginning, and it was really the right exchange.

"Let's go, let's go back to Chihu Mountain first. We have been away from home for more than ten years. I don't know how my Zhou family has developed under Guangxiang's leadership."

The straight-line distance between Chihu Mountain and Duanyun Mountain is less than 10,000 miles. Although Zhou Yang and the others’ exit from Duanyun Mountain is not on this straight line, they can’t go around too far. Only a few hours have passed, and the green Chihu Mountain Oasis appeared in sight.

Wanting to test the vigilance of the family monks, after seeing the Chihushan Oasis, Zhou Yang just turned the "Magic Cloud Boat" into a white cloud and hid it in the clouds in the sky, and then released a golden-winged thunder eagle to make it release its hostility The momentum flew towards the Chihushan Oasis.

This golden-winged thunder eagle was hatched by him in the world of cultivating immortals in Liuyunzhou. Even Zhou Guangxiang didn't know that he had this pet, and with his third-level top-grade monster cultivation, he wouldn't let Zhou Guangxiang send a warning to him immediately. Huang Shamen asked for help, so he wouldn't cause an oolong.

Because there was a precedent of the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle attacking the Chihu Mountain Oasis before, when the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle appeared over the Chihu Mountain Oasis exuding strong hostility, it was first discovered by the monks stationed on the four sides of the oasis by the Zhou family. Then the garrison monks quickly lit the special beacon smoke to call the police to Chihu Mountain.

The specially made beacon smoke is red, yellow and blue, indicating that there are third-level high-grade flying monsters invading the oasis. Once the beacon smoke rises, it can be seen for hundreds of miles. After the Zhou family monks find it, they will naturally follow and light the beacon smoke to warn the rear.

"Not bad, the Lingshan outpost has been established to the edge of the oasis. It seems that the family's financial income in these years should be quite considerable, otherwise Guangxiang would not spend Lingshi on this."

In the sky, Zhou Yang looked at the sky-high flames, with a slight smile on his face, quite satisfied.

It is not anyone who initiated the establishment of artificial spiritual veins on the border of the oasis and sent monks to garrison them. When Zhou Yang first went to the Baisha River Oasis, he rested overnight on such a spiritual mountain. His son Chen Fangping blackmailed Haosheng for a sum of Lingshi.

After the Zhou family acquired such a large oasis as the Chihushan Oasis, for the sake of the family's long-term considerations, of course they also formulated a development plan to establish a Lingshan outpost on the border.

However, when Zhou Yang left, he took away 70% to 80% of the Zhou family’s inventory of reserved spirit stones. It is reasonable to say that this plan should be delayed for a long time before it can be implemented. Unexpectedly, it has already been implemented. is a big growth.

And as the smoke spread across the oasis, the Zhou family monks and mortals on the oasis immediately acted according to two plans.

When those immortal cultivators saw the wolf smoke, except for the low-level monks who were commanded by mortal towns and commanded mortals not to move without authorization, the rest of the Zhou family monks and monks who were vassals of the Zhou family all gathered towards the nearest Lingshan, preparing to rely on Lingshan to guard the formation Resist monster attacks.

However, the mortals in those mortal towns were quickly evacuated into the underground safety cave under the organization of the official staff of the City Lord's Mansion.

These two different action plans were determined when Zhou Yang was still there.

Now that he saw that everything was going according to the plan he had made at the beginning, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"Not bad, not bad. It seems that Guangxiang has put in some hard work over the years. To be able to make these mortals adapt to this plan so quickly, he must have done various anti-monster attack drills."

He condescendingly looked down at the movements of Zhou family monks and mortals below, and after commenting, he followed the golden-winged Thunder Eagle into the oasis for thousands of miles.

At this time, Zhou Guangxiang and other foundation-building monks on Chihu Mountain, riding two third-order monsters, the Gryphon and the Flying Leopard, intercepted them halfway.

When Zhou Yang left, the Zhou family only had three foundation cultivators, Zhou Xuanhao, Zhou Guangxiang, and Zhou Guangxiang, and the rest, like Huang Yi and Ma Shaoyang, were just vassals.

But now, apart from the brothers and sisters Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang, the Zhou Family Foundation Establishment cultivators on the backs of the two third-rank monsters also have Zhou Guangtai.

And according to the plan formulated by Zhou Yang at the beginning, if a third-tier high-grade monster attacked the oasis, Zhou's Chihu Mountain must retain a foundation-building monk to control the formation.

In other words, if Zhou Guangxiang hadn't changed his plan to deal with the enemy, during the seventeen years since he left, the Zhou family had other foundation builders besides the former security elder Zhou Guangtai, a new foundation builder.

After discovering this, Zhou Yang couldn't help showing a look of worry in his eyes while he was happy.

"Before I left, I gave Guangxiang four Foundation Establishment Pills. It has only been seventeen years since the Zhou family produced two Foundation Establishment cultivators. He must have changed the exchange standard!"

20,000 family contribution points can be exchanged for one Foundation Establishment Pill. This is the family rule set by him. If Zhou Guangxiang changes this family rule while he is away from the family, then he will really be disappointed with this successor.

It's not that the clan rules cannot be changed, after all, when he himself was the patriarch, he changed the clan rules more than once.

But from Zhou Yang's point of view, the family rules he set were relatively caring for the monks in the clan before he came back.

Zhou Guangxiang did not have the ability to predict things like a god. He knew that he would come back with more than a dozen fourth-order demon pills and the "Ningyuan fruit" tree. The background is just kidding.

"Let's take a look again and see how their fighting power is!"

Suppressing the displeasure in his heart, Zhou Yang secretly gave the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle an attack order, and the big golden bird launched a fierce attack with a roar.

The fighting power of the third-tier top-grade Golden-winged Thunder Eagle can fight against the early monks of the Purple Mansion, not to mention that Zhou Yang, the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle, also took the "Enlightenment Pill" and the heart of the wild beast, and awakened the wild beast. poultry blood.

With a flap of its wings, streaks of pale golden thunder struck towards the three people and two beasts on the opposite side. These pale golden thunders were so powerful that the Flying God Leopard, who had just been promoted to a third-rank monster beast, screamed and fell after being hit. Facing the ground, Zhou Guangxiang was so distressed that he almost shed tears.

The Gryphon, which is also a third-tier high-grade monster, is much better. Although some feathers were burned by lightning, it is not a serious problem.

"The beast is going crazy!"

Zhou Guangxiang has been the patriarch for more than ten years, and the majesty of the patriarch has been initially cultivated. At this time, he stood on the back of the Gryphon and shouted majesticly. on the eagle.

The golden-winged Thunderhawk, which was originally as fast as lightning, was suppressed by the khaki aura, and its speed was instantly slowed down by 20 to 30%.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the magic weapon Zhou Guangxiang and the others sacrificed and the breath of wind and fire from the mouth of the Gryphon instantly flooded the sky around the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle.

Such a violent attack, replaced by an ordinary third-tier top-grade golden-winged Thunderhawk, would be seriously injured even if it did not die.

But Zhou Yang's Golden-winged Thunder Eagle was different. After the Golden-winged Thunder Eagle devoured the heart of the beast and awakened the blood of the beast, its physical strength was only a little worse than that of the same-level beast.

Zhou Guangxiang and others' attacks hit it, but it only lost some feathers, not even minor injuries.

However, it was completely enraged by Zhou Guangxiang's and others' attacks. Bloody light flashed in its dark golden eagle eyes, and it was about to display the "violence" talent it had acquired after awakening the blood of the savage bird.

Seeing this, Zhou Yang, who was watching the battle in the sky, quickly appeared and shouted loudly: "Enough is enough, stop!"

"Uncle Nine!"

"The Supreme Elder!"

There were repeated exclamations, but it was Zhou Guangxiang and others who saw Zhou Yang who appeared behind him.

The few people looked at Zhou Yang and his wife who appeared in the sky in surprise and joy, and then looked at the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle who put down his hostility and stopped the offensive after hearing Zhou Yang's order. They didn't understand what happened just now. thing.

"Okay, don't gossip, let's send a message to let people from all over the country return to normal life, let's go home if we have something to say!"

Zhou Yang waved his hand and stopped the words of several younger generations who wanted to salute and greet.

Seeing this, Zhou Guangxiang, the patriarch, immediately sent a message flying sword to explain the situation to the remaining monks on Chihu Mountain and asked them to lift the emergency.

Then several people boarded Zhou Yang's "Magic Cloud Boat", and Zhou Yang carried them back to Chihu Mountain.

After the "Phantom Cloud Boat" appeared outside Chihu Mountain, Zhou Guangqing, the foundation cultivator who stayed behind in the Zhou family, had already opened the mountain guard array and led hundreds of Zhou family members on Chihu Mountain to wait outside the mountain.

"Zhou Clan, welcome the Supreme Elder back to the mountain!"

"Zhou Clan, welcome the Supreme Elder back to the mountain!"

"Zhou Clan, welcome the Supreme Elder back to the mountain!"

Under the leadership of Zhou Guangqing, the elder of the family, hundreds of members of the Zhou family bent down to salute Zhou Yang who had landed, as if they had been trained many times, and shouted in unison.

The cry sounded from Chihu Mountain, and it spread to the entire Chihu Mountain Oasis within half a day.

All the members of the Zhou family who heard the news of Zhou Yang's return to the mountain, no matter they were monks or mortals, bowed and kowtowed in the direction of Chihu Mountain with joy.

After receiving the news, several cultivating families who were vassals of the Zhou family rushed towards Chihu Mountain immediately, fearing that Zhou Yang and the Zhou family would be left with a bad impression if they went too late.

What's more, after receiving the news, Zhang Yunpeng, the head of Huang Shamen, hurriedly sent Zhou Yuanchen to Chihushan Oasis to inquire about the situation.

I recommend a martial arts farming novel "Yuquanmen". Interested book lovers may wish to read it, and the second one will not be published until eleven o'clock!

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