Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 379 Changes in the Zhou Family

Zhou Guangtai, a middle-grade spiritual root qualification, a second-level top-grade talisman maker, the former public security elder among the seven deacons and elders of the Zhou family, who was born in the "Fengyue Building", and at the age of seventy-four, he took the Zhuji Dan to retreat and build a foundation, and succeeded in one fell swoop , eighty-one years old this year, with a first-level cultivation base.

Zhou Guangqing, the middle-grade spiritual root qualification, the son of Zhou Yuanchang, the late monk of the Zhou family, took the Foundation Establishment Pill at the age of fifty-seven and successfully established the foundation.


After Zhou Yang returned to the ancestral land of the Chihushan family, he immediately asked about the situation of the family's two new foundation-building monks.

Zhou Guangxiang is also a smart person. When Zhou Yang asked this question, he vaguely guessed what Zhou Yang was thinking, so he quickly told about some important changes in the Zhou family during the years when Zhou Yang left.

It turned out that the four Foundation Establishment Pills left by Zhou Yang before he left had been exchanged by the Zhou family one after another over the years.

But when the four Foundation Establishment Pills were exchanged, only Zhou Guangtai and Zhou Guangqing succeeded in establishing the foundation.

Leaving aside Zhou Guangqing, who has an inheritance from his ancestors, let's just say that Zhou Guangtai, a monk from "Fengyuelou", can collect 20,000 contribution points to exchange for the Foundation Establishment Pill, and there is still a story to tell.

It turned out that since Zhou Guangtai took the position of the Zhou family's security elder, in order to prove that he is capable enough to take up the position and not be squeezed out by other clansmen, he has been conscientious and worked very hard.

As for the Chihu Mountain Oasis, because of the news that the Zhou family was able to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, it attracted many casual cultivators to come here to discuss life.

A large number of casual cultivators came to the Chihushan Oasis to seek livelihood. While stimulating the economic development of the Chihushan Oasis, it also made the security on the oasis messy. Zhou Guangtai, the security elder of the Zhou family, was under great pressure for this.

In order to keep his position as a security elder, coupled with the fact that he couldn't make any progress after reaching the ninth level of Qi training, he spent most of the day patrolling the oasis to maintain law and order.

And such conscientious work has also allowed him to obtain rich and incomparable rewards.

On the way to patrol the oasis, Zhou Guangtai found that three qi training monks were chasing and killing another qi training monk, so he went up to stop this behavior.

Unexpectedly, before he could reach the battlefield in time, the fleeing monk died at the hands of the chasing monk.

At that time, Zhou Guangtai was only angry that the murderer ignored his own existence, and he wanted to arrest and punish him.

However, after he led people to kill two people, captured one person and cleaned the battlefield, he found something extraordinary in the escaped monk's storage bag.

It turned out that in the storage bag of the fugitive monk, there was actually a high-level exercise "Yiqi Qianyuan Gong" and a magic token inlaid with a fifth-order spiritual object "Xuanjingshi".

After Zhou Guangtai got these two treasures, he immediately returned to the family and handed them over to the patriarch Zhou Guangxiang.

After Zhou Guangxiang verified the authenticity of the advanced exercise book, he rewarded Zhou Guangtai with 20,000 family contribution points according to the rules, and then exchanged another 15,000 family contribution points for the token magic weapon.

Originally, high-level skills and at least five-level spiritual objects' token instruments, of course, are not only exchanged for such contribution points.

But these two treasures were not obtained by Zhou Guangtai when he went out to hunt for treasures, but when he was performing official duties. According to the clan rules, the treasures obtained in this way belonged to the family itself.

Moreover, it is impossible for the family or sect to purchase the exercises and high-level spiritual objects contributed by the family monks at market prices.

The reason for this is not complicated. To put it bluntly, it is the word "safety".

During the qi training period, monks donate high-level kung fu treasures to their families and sects. Although the rewards they get are far less than those from outside sales, they can guarantee safety and will not be harmed by others.

And if it is sold to the outside world, 99% of the time it may be that it will be profitable, but not spent.

Therefore, in most cases, when low-level monks from sects and families obtain treasures, they will choose to hand them over to the sect and family in exchange for what they urgently need, rather than risking their lives to sell them.

Zhou Guangtai got 35,000 family contribution points out of thin air, so he was naturally overjoyed, and immediately exchanged it for a Foundation Establishment Pill to retreat and attack.

At that time, he was already seventy-four, and he married a wife and had children. It stands to reason that the success rate of foundation establishment would not exceed 50%.

But even so, he still won the bet, successfully established the foundation and became a foundation-establishment cultivator.

Zhou Guangtai's foundation building process was like this.

And Zhou Guangqing was able to successfully build the foundation, firstly because he inherited seven or eight thousand family contribution points from his parents, and secondly because he was lucky, when he was traveling abroad, he discovered a medium-sized third-order ore vein "gold obsidian". The buyout dividends obtained from this mine vein won the family's 12,000 family contribution point rewards in one fell swoop.

The so-called buyout dividends, as the name suggests, means that the family directly buys out the 10% share dividends obtained by the monks who discovered the spirit mine. This is also a new family rule formulated by Zhou Yang after reforming the family several times.

Zhou Guangqing succeeded in exchanging for a Foundation Establishment Pill by relying on this buyout bonus and the family contribution points inherited from his ancestors.

In addition to Zhou Guangtai and Zhou Guangqing, the Zhou family had two other qi-training monks, Zhou Guangyi and Zhou Guangwen, who had exchanged two Foundation Establishment Pills over the years. Unfortunately, the latter two failed in the foundation establishment in the end.

The failure of Zhou Guangyi and Zhou Guangwen not only meant that all the family contribution points they had accumulated from their grandfathers had been lost, but they also owed a lot of debts to their clansmen.

If they and their descendants do not have any adventures in the future, within two or three generations, they should not think about exchanging for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

This is the reality, the cruel reality!

Those who succeed are admired by thousands of people and prolong their lives for a hundred years, while those who fail are remembered by no one and will be a disaster for future generations.

"...The basic situation is like this. Look, Uncle Ninth, this is the "One Qi Qian Yuan Gong" and the token magic weapon."

On Chihu Mountain, in Qianyang Cave, Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Yang were alone in a room. After reporting the situation, they reached out to pat the storage bag, took out a jade slip and a silver-white token and handed them to Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang didn't show any politeness to this nephew, he directly reached out to take the two treasures, and was not too busy studying them, he just looked at Zhou Guangxiang and said, "I'm going to hold a family meeting in a month, Guangxiang, you pass the news on." , let all the deacons and elders prepare all the materials that should be prepared, and I don't want to see any low-level mistakes made by people at the family meeting!"

"Nephew understands, I will not let Uncle Jiu down."

Zhou Guangxiang saluted solemnly, and immediately stepped back to do business.

After he left, Zhou Yang began to study the two treasures in his hand.

The first is the "One Qi Qianyuan Gong". This book is a rare high-level exercise that can be practiced up to the Yuanying stage, and all monks who have the spiritual root of the five elements can practice it. It can be used as a The fundamental skills of a sect or family.

This kind of high-level kung fu method suitable for monks with various spiritual roots is many times more valuable than the "Qinghua Sutra" which is only suitable for monks with wood attribute spiritual roots. If it is sold at the auction house , the price is at least a million spirit stones or more.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Although "One Qi Qianyuan Kungfu" can be practiced as long as one has five-element attribute spiritual roots, its power is much inferior to those advanced exercises that are only suitable for monks with a single attribute spiritual root.

Therefore, this kind of cultivation method is actually only suitable for those forces that are not very rich and cannot gather a variety of advanced cultivation methods with different attributes.

Apart from the "Qianyang Immortal Scripture" practiced by Zhou Yang himself, the Zhou family only had two advanced exercises before, namely the "Qinghua Crossing Evil Scripture" practiced by Xiao Ying, and Zhou Yang's "Golden Light Master" at the beginning. The "Golden Glory to the World Jue" found in the storage ring.

Among them, the "Qinghua Crossing Evil Scripture" is not the Zhou family's property, because Zhou Yang, who signed the "Underworld Blood Contract", dared not let Xiao Ying teach this exercise to other Zhou family monks.

Therefore, the only high-level exercises that monks of the Zhou family could choose were the "Golden Glory to the World", which was suitable for the practice of metal monks.

Xu Song, the ghost servant Zhou Yang subdued, practiced a high-level fire-attribute exercise "Lihuo Zhenjing" before he was alive. Unfortunately, he also bought this exercise from another shop, and signed the "Ghost Blood Contract" not to spread it to outsiders.

This "Underworld Blood Contract" directly affects the soul and primordial spirit, even if Xu Song transforms into a ghost cultivator, he cannot violate the blood contract.

Now the emergence of "One Qi Qianyuan Gong" has completely solved the problem of the Zhou Family Foundation Establishment cultivator not being able to practice suitable exercises. Zhou Guangtai and Zhou Guangqing, who later established the Foundation, both chose to practice this method.

On the contrary, Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangxiang, brothers and sisters, because the foundation has been established for a long time, it is not easy to transfer to the cultivation method. They can only wait for the destiny to form alchemy in the future, and then consider the matter of transferring to the cultivation method.

"There is no problem with the exercises. It is indeed a complete set of high-level exercises. However, this magic token makes it difficult for me to understand. There are [Golden Seals] on it, which means that it is at least a sixth-order treasure, but How can the sixth-order treasure not leak a trace? It seems that Xu Song can only come out and ask him to appraise it!"

In the cave, Zhou Yang held the silver token inlaid with the fifth-order spiritual object "Xuanjingshi" and studied it for half a day, but he didn't find anything. In the end, he had to put down the object and called out the The sleeping Xu Song in "Yunshen Card".

"I'm disturbing Senior Xu's cultivation. There is a treasure here. I want to ask Senior to palm his eyes to see what it is!"

Xu Song came out of the "Yunshen Card", and before he saw the situation clearly, he heard Zhou Yang tell the reason for calling him out.

He turned his gaze to look at the silver token that Zhou Yang handed over, and then his grimace made of Yin Qi suddenly changed drastically.

"[Kunxu Order]!"

An exclamation sounded from Xu Song's mouth, as if he knew the silver token in Zhou Yang's hand very well, he said the name of the silver token in one mouthful.

"Oh, Senior Xu knows the origin of this treasure? Can you tell Zhou about its function?"

Surprise flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and he looked at Xu Song curiously and asked for details.

Xu Song, an old ghost, was well-informed and able to make him show such a startled face. Zhou Yang knew by feeling that the silver token named "Kunxu Ling" in his hand probably had a huge background.

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