Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 382 The Current Situation of the Zhou Family

Thanks to various fertility incentives, the growth rate of the Zhou family's monk population has not been slow. It's just that the Zhou family's previous monk population was too small, which made it appear that the population did not match the family's territory.

In fact, the comparison of practical data can clearly see the population growth rate of the Zhou family.

When Zhou Yanggang took over as the head of the Zhou family a hundred years ago, the number of monks in the Zhou family was less than 30, and the number of monks of the "Xuan" generation and the "Yuan" generation who were the main population was only in their early twenties.

Now a hundred years have passed, and the number of monks of the Zhou family has increased tenfold. The number of monks of the "Guang" generation and the "Tong" generation, which are the main population, have both reached more than one hundred.

Yuhua Mingguang, Xuanyuan Guangtong, Fuze Rongsheng, Eternal Evergreen, these sixteen character generations of the Zhou family monks were personally established by Zhou Yuquan, the first generation patriarch who founded the Zhou family. According to the rules, the previous one character When the monk with the oldest generation reaches the age of sixty, he begins to use the next generation for the descendants of monks who are not of the previous generation.

For example, Zhou Xuanzhen is the boss of the "Xuan" generation of the Zhou family. After he turns sixty, those monks who are not direct descendants of the "Guang" generation monks will be the "Yuan" generation, not the same as him. "Xuan" character generation.

However, when it came to the "Tong" generation, the situation changed slightly, that is, when the first "Guang" generation monk was not yet sixty years old, there were young "Guang" generation monks who responded to the Zhou family's promotion of fertility. Policies have given birth to offspring with spiritual roots.

Unavoidably messing up the seniority, the descendants of these "Guang" generation monks, of course, automatically become the "Tong" generation monks, but at the same time, the direct descendant monks born to other non-"Guang" generation monks are still obedient. The rules continue to use the font size of the "Guang" generation.

Then there was an interesting scene, many grown-up monks of the "Tong" generation wanted to call a baby uncle who couldn't even walk.

This is also a problem shared by big families.

Of course, this small problem is not a big problem. Although the Zhou family, a cultivating family, also emphasizes the order of the elders and the young, and does not allow things that violate human relations to happen.

However, it also follows the principle that the strong are respected in the world of cultivating immortals, and will not allow monks in the Qi training period to bully and order monks in the foundation building period based on their seniority.

Leaving aside these minor problems, the one thing that really satisfied Zhou Yang was the increase in the number of monks who were relatives of the Zhou family.

The large increase in the number of monks with foreign relatives shows that the men of the Zhou family are now the favorites in the eyes of those small family nuns and casual nuns, and they will be willing to give up their freedom to join the Zhou family and serve the Zhou family.

The addition of these foreign relatives to the Zhou family not only effectively filled the gap in the number of Zhou family monks, but also had a great positive effect on the increase in the number of Zhou family monks.

After all, the offspring born from the combination of an immortal cultivator and an immortal cultivator are many times more likely to have spiritual roots than the offspring of mortals.

"That's right. Population is the foundation of a family. Only with a large enough population base can we ensure that there will be excellent talents from generation to generation in the family, and that the family inheritance can be passed on smoothly."

Zhou Yang looked at the many fellows in the audience with brilliant eyes, his face was full of gratification and joy, and he repeatedly applauded.

He looked at the people in the hall with piercing eyes, and said with emotion: "I think back when I took over the position of patriarch, there were only 26 monks left in my Zhou family, and the whole family was supported by a dozen elders. , even the family inheritance is in danger of being cut off!"

"Now that a hundred years have passed, not only the territory of my Zhou family has increased more than ten times compared to a hundred years ago, but the number of monks is also the same. Thanks to the ancestors!"

"The Zhou family is able to have what it is today, thanks to me, thanks to the ancestors who have passed away, and even more thanks to everyone present here!"

His words are all from the heart.

Most of the growth of the Zhou family's territory is due to him, but for the growth of the population, he has not contributed to it except for formulating policies to encourage births.

The people who actually implemented it and paid for it are all those who are present in the Zhou family today and those who have passed away, and all the credit belongs to these people.

If these people didn't respond to his childbearing policy by wantonly taking concubines and giving birth to offspring, how long it would take for the Zhou family's monk population to reach the current number, I don't know.

"Elder Supreme, you are too humble. We may have given our strength to the Zhou family, but the Zhou family's status today is mainly due to your contribution, Elder Supreme. Without you, there would be no Zhou family today. Your devotion to our Zhou family and your achievements will be remembered by every member of the Zhou family and will never be forgotten in this lifetime!"

As the patriarch, Zhou Guangxiang was able to attend the deputy seat under Zhou Yang. As Zhou Yang's most loyal admirer and successor, he has always admired and respected Zhou Yang, the elder who single-handedly brought the Zhou family into prosperity. Admiration, at this time, I couldn't help but express my admiration and gratitude to this elder with warm and passionate words.

"The patriarch is right. We are able to have the cultivation and status we have today, and our Zhou family can have the glory we have today. You, the Supreme Elder, have contributed a lot. All members of my Zhou family, from the foundation cultivator to the ordinary mortal My child, I am always grateful for your kindness, Elder Taishang, and thank you for your kindness in rebuilding the Zhou family!"

Zhou Guangqing, a newly promoted foundation cultivator of the Zhou family, looked at Zhou Yang with reverence and gratitude, and echoed Zhou Guangxiang's words loudly.

His gratitude to Zhou Yang is also from the heart.

Without the Foundation Establishment Pill that Zhou Yang left for the Zhou family, how difficult it would be for a middle-grade spiritual root monk like him to take the Foundation Establishment Pill!

As the first batch of beneficiaries of Zhou Yang's exchange of contribution points for the Zhuji Dan family rule, he deeply felt the benefits of this family rule and was also a staunch supporter of this family rule. full of gratitude.

While echoing Zhou Guangxiang's words, he bowed down and bowed heavily to Zhou Yang: "I, the juniors, have nothing to repay the kindness that the Supreme Elder has shown to the Zhou family. Enjoy!"

"I wish the Supreme Elder a smooth path, and enjoy immortal blessings forever!"

The members of the Zhou family in the hall, except for Zhou Xuanhao, and the patriarch Zhou Guangxiang, all followed Zhou Guangqing, bowed down and bowed to Zhou Yang to pay homage, in this way to thank Zhou Yang for the Zhou family and them. kindness.

Most of them are not stupid, and they all know the importance of Zhou Yang to the Zhou family.

Usually they might argue endlessly for some interests, but when it comes to pleasing Zhou Yang, they all have the same goal.

Zhou Yang's seventeen years away from home this time actually caused a lot of trouble within the Zhou family. Many Zhou family monks were worried that his fall outside would make the strong and prosperous Zhou family decline again.

Even if he did not fall outside, many Zhou family monks were worried that he would be fascinated by the prosperity of the immortal cultivation world in Liuyunzhou, and would not want to return to the barren and backward boundless sand sea cultivation world to take care of their juniors. tribe.

This time when Zhou Yang came back, everyone in the Zhou family from bottom to top breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if they had found their backbone.

So at today's meeting, after hearing Zhou Yang's sentimental words at the meeting, flexible minds like Zhou Guangxiang and Zhou Guangqing were keenly aware of the opportunity, and took advantage of the trend to express their gratitude to Dade, hoping to awaken and deepen Zhou Yang's understanding of the situation. The feelings of the family will not make the decision to abandon them.

As smart as Zhou Yang, of course he can't fail to see Zhou Guangxiang's small thoughts, but he can also feel that these clansmen are really grateful and grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts, not just on the surface.

This is enough, for him, this is enough!

This at least makes him feel that his efforts over the years have not been in vain. Otherwise, if he raises a bunch of white-eyed wolves who don't know how to repay their kindness, he will doubt whether there is something wrong with his vision and ability.

If that's the case, he might really walk away in anger and never care about family affairs again!

I saw his eyes and the happy and satisfied father Zhou Xuanhao in the audience. The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and then waved their hands with a smile: "Everyone get up, we are both members of the Zhou family, and we are all for Why bother to say such kind words.”

After finishing speaking, he nodded slightly again, and said to Zhou Guangyun, the financial elder who got up: "Guangyun, tell me about the family's financial situation. I want to know how much the family's annual financial income and expenditure are, and Suggestions from your financial hall on the financial side."

Zhou Guangyun has been the financial elder for more than 20 years. No one knows the financial situation of the Zhou family better than her. When she heard Zhou Yang calling her name, she quickly stood up and said:

"Back to Elder Taishang, my Zhou family's current financial situation is very good. After the family moved to the Chihushan Oasis, the various spiritual mountains and mines obtained after these years of development have now entered a period of full return."

"The family's Fang City has also become more and more prosperous in recent years. Thanks to the industrial chain processing plan formulated by the patriarch earlier, nearly 70% of the output of the family's various spiritual mines and medicine gardens can be used by the family's hundred The monks in the art hall process and make finished products and sell them in the market."

"At the same time, adhering to your idea of ​​small profits but high turnover, the various low-level instruments, elixirs, and talismans produced by our family have almost occupied 80% of the market in the market, attracting countless casual cultivators and small family monks to purchase!"

"According to the statistics of the financial hall, as of this year, after deducting labor costs, transportation costs and other expenses, the total income of the Zhou family's various industries has reached 58,000 low-grade spirit stones."

"As for expenditures, the family spends about 15,000 low-grade spirit stones each year. The main expenditures are the childbirth subsidies and the purchase of various spiritual raw materials. In addition, the family's annual contribution points The expenditure has reached more than 23,000 points, and it is still increasing year by year."

"As for the suggestion of our financial hall..."

As always, the second watch has to go after eleven o'clock in the evening!

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