This is the four elements of practice.

Among them, "wealth" ranks first in importance for cultivators.

The importance of "wealth" is not only for a single cultivator, but also for a family of cultivators and a sect of cultivators.

The strength of the Zhou family is not only strong in terms of population and land, but also in terms of financial income.

There are tens of thousands of spiritual stones in surplus in financial income every year. Such a family of cultivators who have made money in a proper way will not be able to decline as long as they do not suffer the blow of dimensionality reduction from a higher level.

When Zhou Yang left the family, he took away 70% to 80% of the spirit stones in the family's treasure house.

But now seventeen years have passed, and there are as many as 250,000 spirit stones stored in the Zhou family's treasury. This ability to make money and save money is the only one in the Zhou family's world of cultivating immortals in the boundless sand sea.

However, the Zhou family's financial income is huge, and it is not without hidden worries.

This hidden worry is very simple to say, that is, with the dozens of monks who have practiced the hundred arts of the Zhou family's Baiyitang, they produce various magic tools, magic charms, and elixirs year after year, and sell them with small profits but quick turnover. Going out has already made the market in the Chihushan Oasis Cultivation World and the surrounding Cultivation World nearly saturated.

If it weren't for the habit of hoarding magic tools and talismans as spare resources by some small Xiuxian families and many monks, many things might not be sold now.

Generally speaking, the market is about to reach oversupply.

The finance staff of the Zhou family have been given many lectures and explanations by Zhou Yang, plus all kinds of intelligence and information they have come into contact with when they are in charge of finance. After hearing and seeing, they already have very good macroeconomic knowledge.

Zhou Guangyun talked about the hidden worries of the Zhou family's finances, and also gave many financial halls the solutions they discussed.

For example, temporarily reduce the supply of low-level instruments, elixirs, and talismans, hoard them and put them in the warehouse, and wait for the market demand to pick up before slowly selling them.

Another example is to expand the long-distance trading caravan, allowing the caravan to take these accumulated things to further places for sale.

Although these practices will temporarily reduce the Zhou family's income, in the long run, it is totally worth it.

The market shrinkage is not terrible, but the market is afraid of collapse. Once the market collapses, it will cost a lot to establish a stable market again.

"I know the basic situation, and I have a solution in my mind, but this plan does not conflict with Guangyun's plan, so you can do things like hoarding goods, and you can also do things like expanding long-distance trading caravans. But the task of the trade caravan is not to sell goods, but to buy large quantities of goods such as talismans, bigu pills, and healing pills!"

In the meeting hall, Zhou Yang listened to the financial elder Zhou Guangyun's report on the Zhou family's finances, thought for a while, and then nodded and announced his own arrangement.

Hearing his words, not only the laymen of the Zhou family in the palace were surprised, but even Zhou Guangyun, who was in charge of the finances, frowned and couldn't help but looked at him and asked, "Elder Supreme, can you tell me why?" ? Our Zhou family has thousands of acres of spiritual fields, and we also domesticate thousands of red turkeys and velvet rabbits, so there is absolutely no need to buy bigu pills!"

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yang, who has always been very open-minded, shook his head this time and said: "I can't say the reason for now, anyway, just do as I said, I will let Guangxiang take out one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones from the inner treasury Buy these things for you!"

One hundred thousand spirit stones!

Hearing Zhou Yang utter such a huge number without blinking his eyes, everyone in the Zhou family sitting in the hall, except for a few Foundation Establishment monks and Zhou Guangyun, the financial elder, was stunned for a while.

These people know that the Zhou family is rich. After all, the Zhou family has spent a lot of money in these years. These people have also heard the annual income reported by Zhou Guangyun.

But now that Zhou Yang said so easily that he would take out 100,000 spirit stones to buy some unremarkable Bigu Pills and low-level spirit talismans, these people were still surprised.

While many people were shocked, their mouths moved slightly, wanting to say something.

But before these people said anything, Zhou Guangyun, the person involved, had already responded: "My niece understands, and I will obey the orders of the Supreme Elder!"

Immediately, those who wanted to speak immediately bit their lips and held back their words.

In the Zhou family, Zhou Yang's orders are the rules of the sky, Zhou Guangyun, the financial elder, has already said that he will obey the orders, if they dare to sing against the tune, do they want to rebel?

"Then, does anyone have any suggestions to say? Everyone speak freely, as long as you think it can benefit the family, as long as you find flaws in the family system or other deficiencies, you can take this opportunity to speak out. We just took this opportunity to make corrections!"

Zhou Yang looked at those clansmen who hesitated to speak, smiled slightly, and asked everyone's opinions with a smile.

To speak out widely and accept opinions widely, this is the policy Zhou Yang set when he held the first family meeting.

He knew very well that with his own eyes, he would definitely not be able to see all kinds of things that happened up and down in the family, and the family managers he appointed might also deceive him for various reasons.

And at the family meeting, those who deceived him, those who deliberately concealed things from him, and those injustices in the family could all be exposed by an ordinary clansman.

He used this method to give those monks at the bottom of the family a chance to "listen to heaven", the most effective channel for complaints.

However, in the previous Zhou family, the number of clansmen was relatively small, and the clan was in a period of rapid growth. Related nasty things rarely happened. No one would openly confront a clansman at a clan meeting.

But this time, after Zhou Yang said what he could speak freely, some members of the Zhou family immediately stood up.

I saw a young Zhou family boy in yellow standing in the back row in the hall, stood up directly from the ground, looked at Zhou Yang respectfully and expectantly, and said loudly: "Elder Taishang Mingjian, junior Zhou Tongming wants to ask the elder Taishang to preside over something. justice!"

Seeing this, Zhou Yang's face flickered, and he couldn't help looking at the young clansman who only had the fourth level of Qi training and asked: "It's the job of the law enforcement elders to uphold justice for the tribe, why don't you go to the law enforcement elders and come to me?" ?”

Being watched by a cultivator of the Zifu period like him, even though his eyes did not contain any oppressive power, the young monk Zhou Tongming's face tightened, and he quickly replied: "Responding to the words of the elder Taishang, this junior has consulted the elder law enforcement. However, the younger generation does not agree with the handling of the law-enforcing elders, so today I dared to ask the Supreme Elders to uphold justice!"

Zhou Yang heard the words, but continued to ask: "Even so, according to the family rules, you can also appeal to the patriarch. Could it be that the patriarch's disposition can not satisfy you?"

"Yes, the younger generation still disagrees with the patriarch's treatment!"

Zhou Tongming raised his head and took a deep breath, ignoring the strange eyes of other clansmen, and answered Zhou Yang's question loudly.

Zhou Yang's curiosity was also aroused at this time, and he smiled slightly on his face and said: "Then tell me, what do you have to let me uphold justice for you!"

"The younger generation was born as a monk in [Fengyue Tower]. Although it is also of the Zhou family blood, but the blood relationship with other monks is not known for how many generations!"

"Although Guang Yin is a monk of the Guang character generation, she is only one year older than the younger generation, and both came from [Feng Yue Lou]. The two of us grew up together and studied together. We can be described as childhood sweethearts. I have already made a lifelong agreement in private!"

"But after the law enforcement elders and patriarchs learned about the younger generation and Guangyin, they forcibly separated the younger generation and Guangyin on the grounds of violating human relations, and sent Guangyin to the remote Haoyang Cave spiritual vein to take care of the mountain. Lingtian, let the two of us fail to meet each other for several years, and even strictly forbid other clansmen to hand over letters for me!"

"The younger generation knows that the family has always disapproved of intermarriage between monks within the family, but there seems to be no relevant rules strictly prohibiting it in the family's family rules."

"What's more, the love between men and women is human nature. We cultivators pay attention to obeying nature and responding to others. Why do we have to be bound by those common rituals and not act according to our own will?"

"So this junior speaks boldly here, and wants to ask the Supreme Elder to speak out and set up a family rule for this matter, allowing clansmen whose blood relationship exceeds five generations to intermarry with each other, so as to fulfill the relationship between this junior and Guangyin!"

In the meeting hall, Zhou Tongming completely ignored the strange eyes of other clansmen in the hall, looked directly at Zhou Yang with excitement, and said loudly what he had asked for.

After he finished speaking, he immediately knelt down on the ground with a "plop", kowtowed heavily to Zhou Yang and shouted: "I beg the elder Taishang to show mercy and help this junior and Guang Yin!"

Kowtows and shouts echoed in the meeting hall one after another.

Zhou Tongming seemed to have made up his mind, and if Zhou Yang didn't agree, he wouldn't stop.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang frowned, feeling quite displeased with Zhou Tongming's behavior.

Even though he also knew that the other party's fundamental purpose in doing this was to grab his last straw.

The change in his face naturally did not escape the observation of Zhou Guangxiang and the other two rows of monks who were closest to him.

Seeing his frown, Zhou Guangkun, the law enforcement elder who had looked a little ugly after Zhou Tongming came out, immediately got up and looked at Zhou Tongming and shouted heavily: "Enough! Zhou Tongming, what do you want to do? Do you want to die?" To threaten the Supreme Elder to make an exception for you? Do you still have family rules and family laws in your eyes? Do you want to rebel?"

As soon as Zhou Guangkun's shout fell, the patriarch Zhou Guangxiang also followed up and said: "Aunt and nephew falling in love is against human relations. My Zhou family has always followed the order of seniority. You and Guangyin grew up together in the school. , how can you not know this? Knowing this and knowingly committing a crime, what face do you have to ask the Supreme Elder to make an exception for you?"

As soon as their two heavyweights opened their mouths, Zhou Guangtai, the elder of the Zhou family, immediately agreed: "What the patriarch said is very true. If our Zhou family monks don't even abide by the most basic human dignity, wouldn't we call others The members of the family laughed so hard? Zhou Tongming, hurry up and get up, don’t use the sympathy of the Supreme Elder to mess around!"

However, in the face of the scolding of these heavyweights of the Zhou family, Zhou Tongming, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to have never heard of it. He just kowtowed and shouted: "I beg the elders to be merciful, and help the younger generation and Guangyin!"

Because he knocked too hard and didn't use magic power to protect him, his forehead was already a bloody mess, and his rather handsome face was completely stained red by his own blood.

Many clansmen around his age saw this scene with expressions of unbearable expression on their faces, but due to their status, no one dared to stand up and intercede for him.

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