Cultivation Begins From The Desert

Chapter 384 The Seed Project

When the family grows, all kinds of shit can happen.

Zhou Yang never imagined that the monks of the Zhou family could be an exception.

He was a little surprised and annoyed when he first heard about Zhou Tongming's matter this time, but after recovering and thinking about it carefully, he gained a new understanding.

This matter is not new. After the population of every big family reaches a certain level, this kind of thing is unavoidable.

What's more, there is no saying in this world that people with the same surname are not allowed to intermarry. Intermarriage and unions are common among secular mortals of the Zhou family. Even the concubinage rooms of many monks of the Zhou family are mostly mortal women of the Zhou family who flow the blood of the Zhou family.

So in terms of customs, the intermarriage of monks of the same family and surname is not unacceptable in this world, and it even exists widely.

The current patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Guangxiang's own parents, belong to the same clan and surname, so it stands to reason that he should not hold an objection in this regard.

But now he is clearly opposed to the combination of Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin with righteous words.

Zhou Yang analyzed what he said just now, and soon discovered that what he objected to was not actually the matter of intermarriage of the same family with the same surname, but the matter of "uncle and nephew falling in love".

Zhou Guangyin is Zhou Tongming's aunt in terms of seniority, even though she is actually only one year older than Zhou Tongming.

But in the Cultivation family, which emphasizes the order of the elders and the younger, and advocates respect and respect, this kind of disorderly generation and human relations is undoubtedly a taboo.

If Zhou Guangyin and Zhou Tongming were allowed to marry, would their future children be counted as "Tong" generation or "Fu" generation?

Will they continue to be called aunt and nephew in the future? Or as a couple? How should other clansmen call them?

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why Zhou Guangxiang and others firmly opposed the combination of Zhou Guangyin and Zhou Tongming.

But to be clear, Zhou Yang looked at Zhou Tongming, who was bleeding out on the ground, but he knew in his heart that if he insisted on Zhou Guangxiang's judgment, this junior who was deeply in love between men and women would very likely end up with his family. They turned against each other, and even made the two of them elope and leave home.

Zhou Yang knows more about the power of love than anyone else in the Zhou family. The information he has come into contact with is far beyond that of the monks of the Zhou family who have been stuck in the family all their lives.

And this thing can never be banned, as long as there are men and women in this world, this thing will never disappear, and it can never be killed.

So Zhou Yang actually has a headache about how to deal with this matter.

Of course, he could make a special case for Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin. Given his prestige in the Zhou family, no one would dare to accuse him of it.

But if this special case is made, what should he do if someone begs him for the same thing in the future?

Moreover, he also needs to consider the opinions of Zhou Guangxiang and others. These people are all managers he has elected. If he directly denies the actions of these people, it will be a major blow to the prestige of these people.

After thinking this way, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed and he made a decision.

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Tongming was stunned by a soft mana. Then he looked at the law enforcement elder Zhou Guangkun and asked, "Are there many cases like this in the clan?"

Hearing Zhou Yang's question, Zhou Guangkun quickly replied in a respectful voice: "It happened a few times before, but after our advice and the correction of isolation measures, those tribesmen calmed down and figured it out, and they didn't pester each other any more. "

After finishing speaking, he paused, looked at Zhou Yang sincerely and said, "Elder Taishang, please forgive me for speaking bluntly, in your capacity, there is absolutely no need to pay attention to such trivial matters, don't think that the two of them are in love now It's life and death, life and death, but as long as they can't see each other for five or ten years, when the impulse dissipates, they will naturally stop thinking about accepting the reality."

Hearing this, Zhou Yang nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Your method may be good. The passage of time can dilute many things, but if they still have not forgotten each other after five or ten years, what will you do? Continue Let them not see each other for ten or twenty years?"

"This..." Zhou Guangkun was stunned, and looked at Zhou Yang with his lips pursed, unable to answer.

"I understand what you mean. This kind of chaos in seniority and human relations really cannot be allowed to develop normally."

"However, I don't want any of the Zhou family's children to have grievances with the family because of this kind of thing, and thus do things that harm the interests of the family."

"I have an idea here, you all have to listen to it, if you think it is acceptable, we will do it like this in the future, if you still think it is not good, let's discuss it again!"

Zhou Yang looked at the elders who were all focused on him, as well as the Zhou family members in the hall, and said his thoughts in a deep voice.

"My idea is very simple. The formation master will arrange a special phantom formation, and then let Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin enter the formation to undergo the test. If the two face various difficulties and obstacles in the phantom formation, they can still not forget each other and stick to each other until the end , then those of us who are elders, of course there is no need to do evil things like beating mandarin ducks."

"But if the two of them can't stick to the phantom array until the end to pass the test, it proves that the love between the two of them is not as strong as they imagined. If they are still unwilling to end this relationship by then, we It's never too late for an elder to beat a mandarin duck!"

After Zhou Yang finished speaking, he glanced at everyone in the hall, waved his big hand and said, "Now you can show your attitude."

"The younger generation agrees with the proposal of the Supreme Elder, but at the same time, the younger generation also has a small suggestion, that is, if the two of them really pass the test, one of them must change his name, automatically give up his family monk status, and serve the family as a foreign relative!"

As the patriarch, Zhou Guangxiang was the first to express his support for Zhou Yang's proposal after Zhou Yang made the decision, and made a concession.

However, although he made concessions, he also expressed his bottom line.

Hearing his suggestion, Zhou Yang pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"All follow the orders of the Supreme Elder."

"The juniors seconded."


The Supreme Elder and the patriarch with the highest status in the clan have reached an agreement, and it is difficult for other Zhou family members to dare to raise different opinions.

What's more, they are all of the same family. In the matter of Zhou Tongming and Zhou Guangyin, no one is really willing to have a lifelong enmity with the two.

After reaching an agreement in this way, Zhou Tongming, who was in a coma, was healed and reawakened soon.

When he woke up and heard Zhou Yang's decision, he was so excited that regardless of the fact that the wound on his forehead had just healed, he quickly knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to thank Zhou Yang: "Thank you, the elder, for fulfilling, thank you, the elder, for fulfilling... "

With Zhou Tongming's example first, some Zhou family members stepped forward to tell Zhou Yang about the injustice they encountered in the family, and wanted to ask Zhou Yang to make decisions for themselves.

However, after listening to each incident, Zhou Yang found that more than half of the so-called injustices encountered by these people were not really unfair treatment, but that they were subjectively dissatisfied with the handling of the family deacons, elders and patriarchs. Only after seeing Zhou Tongming successfully overthrowing the patriarch and law enforcement elders, he wanted to follow suit.

After Zhou Yang found out the truth about these clansmen with crooked ideas, he naturally reprimanded and reprimanded them mercilessly, and imposed a three-year salary penalty on each of them.

However, for some clansmen who did encounter unfair treatment, he did not choose to cover up those family managers, and directly imposed fines on the spot or dismissed or demoted those managers who made mistakes.

After such a fair handling and rectification, Zhou Yang's prestige in the hearts of those clansmen once again rose to a new level.

After the news of this meeting spread, the new generation of Zhou family members and those relatives who were not familiar with him at first, their sense of identification with him, the Supreme Elder, also increased a lot.

This is the same as Shengdou Xiaomin always looking forward to the Lord Qingtian to uphold justice for him. When such a master Qingtian really appears, the people will soon worship him like a fairy god and worship him.

"Okay, now that the requests of all the clansmen have been dealt with, it's up to me to announce something."

In the meeting hall, after dealing with the requests of all the clansmen present, Zhou Yang suddenly stood up, looked at the crowds of clansmen in the hall, and said something that he had prepared to say a long time ago.

"There are three things I want to say. One is that the conditions for the family's self-produced Foundation Establishment Pills are fully met. From now on, every twenty years, the family will refine one or two furnaces of Foundation Establishment Pills. Start a [Seed Project] within."

"The purpose of the [Seed Project] is to support those Zhou family members who are expected to build a foundation. Those who want to sign up for the [Seed Project] must meet one of the following conditions."

"The first is people who have outstanding talents in the four areas of refining tools, alchemy, talismans, and formations; the second is clansmen with super fighting talents and perseverance; the third is people who are quick-witted and intelligent. "

"As long as the clansmen who meet the above conditions and are successfully selected into the [Seed Project] through the family assessment, they can exchange the Foundation Establishment Pill from the family at half price for their own foundation building, and the number of times is unlimited!"

"As for the second thing I want to say, the family will build a ninth hall, called the Battle Hall, which is dedicated to combat and warfare. As long as there is no particularly important event in the future, the family will only send The monks in the battle hall participate, and all the monks selected into the battle hall will receive a full set of standard equipment from the family for free, and practice special secret techniques for free!"

"Finally, there is the third thing I want to say, which is to fully liberalize the family's guest recruitment system, and recruit special talents who are beneficial to the development of the family from the Quanxiu Immortal World. For the outstanding ones, they can even help them build a foundation after passing the test." !"

The first update has been delivered, and the second update is estimated to be finished after eleven o'clock. I will try to write two more chapters in the next two days, and bring the update time back to two chapters in the morning!

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